
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, June 11


The Loopy-O
It's here!!
The party has started!! dance4

@AK_Tracy cracked me up to no end:
Oh my gosh the new birthday fun has begun and the avatars are killing me. I had NO idea who Cheryl was when I saw the avatar. Then I laughed when I saw the dog. This is gonna be a fun week. I was contemplating changing my avatar anyway but this wasn't what I was thinking :floorlaugh:
I go through this with every party. Every last one. I don't even know who *I* am based on our avatars. By the time I recognize everyone, the party is over and then the avatars switch again :rotfl:

How was everyone's Monday? I got a lot done - 99% of it for the shower and I am feeling a lot better about it. It's mostly just loose ends from now until the actual setup. *wipes sweat from brow* This has been hard work. I need some of Tracy's organizational skills. I have papers and notes and stuff shoved everywhere but I tossed a bunch of them last night. Catering and cake are ordered, liquor store run is done. (Faery--do *not* climb under the bed where you put all of the bottles and drink the party liquor at the end of the day. Don't do it)

Gary's LLMD appt went as expected. She has been seeing him since 2007 and the abx don't make him better, but off of them, he gets worse. She really wants him back on IV but he does not want to go that route again. It's too bad, I swear that was the only way that I got better, I had a PICC/IV for two years and thankfully, I am feeling great, esp compared to where I was. She gets frustrated when he does this, and sheesh-- I understand that. Me too :/

I texted my boss to ask about the hike with the Trustee and she understood my anxiety but told me to not worry about any of it. The trustee likes to spend a day with the kids every field trip season. I am adjusting my attitude and telling myself to not feel like I need to impress her but that I can learn a lot from her. Did that stop me from reviewing all of my tree ID notes? :no: But it is all good. I love learning, I love trees-- win-win!

Wishing everyone a fun day ahead and can't wait to see your new avatars. Whomever you may be under them LOL!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out.
Getting ready to go for my walk.
I'm so out of touch with what is going on I didn't realize it was time for the party!
I've got grocery pickup after while.
May be going to lunch with Mark.
My tummy is better today.....so far.
Going to change Mark's FB page to include me so I can start selling some of my paper scrapbooking "hoard". Wish me the best!
Hopefully I will find some mojo to participate in the party! Someone PLEASE send me some!!!!
Have a great day!


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN I imagine you are feeling emotionally wrung out. No wonder you needed to sleep in. Hope your energy is back to normal and that your lady slippers stay open for some good photos! I am impatiently waiting for my hydrangeas to bloom, They didn't bloom the last two or three years and they have the buds on them. Several weeks later I am *still* peering at them and waiting. :waiting: I bet the lilies will look amazing in the pond ♥

@BrightEyes What are you doing here? Don't make me send you to your room to rest before the party. :whip3:
Glad that the temps have dropped at least for a few days. Hope you can walk about and enjoy the daylilies, mine are blooming too.

I pray Gary will feel well for Caitlyn's wedding!
me too.....
*gentle hugs to you* I wonder if all of the activity of last week is catching up with you and that's why your stomach is feeling crummy for no real reason. Feel better!! Hope you and Mark had a nice time with your preacher

@taxed4ever Oh noooo, your IL situation sounds awful, what is going through FIL's head?? You, your Gary, and Linda are in a tough spot. Where is the line between letting FIL do what he wants and mucks it up and where to step in to make sure he doesn't muck it up beyond repair?
All good thoughts to FIL that once the move is done and settled, his mental state stabilizes too. Maybe the stress is aggravating it and he'll be ok in a while. One can hope, right???
Never apologize about long posts- you need to get it out and you know we all are here to listen and support you :grouphugyay: Love you,T!

@AK_Tracy You are so sweet, thanks for talking me off the ledge about the hike (The ledge is made of granite and gneiss, the main bedrock in the Highlands region of NJ LOL!!) That's my goal, show the woman how I love nature and it will all fall into place.
Hope that you are feeling ok today. Did you ask for help? If you did, I am soooo proud of you! :cheer: And if you didn't but you considered it, I'm also proud, that is a big step as well.

@Cherylndesigns should I call you Theryl for the rest of the month? :giggle4:
blergh about the nursery not being open to the public, But at least you got to see what you wanted in person. Have fun when you pick them up today! So nice that you and Aly got to spend the day together too.

@mimes1 bet the walk and talk with your neighbor was awesome! How often do you walk together?
hahah! Love that you thought of Tracy when you vacuumed the couch. I vacuum the ceilings and Cait laughs at me when I do that it works!

Gotta run!


I was sleeping soundly when the phone rang at 5AM!!! Only rang once but it was enough to wake me up. No caller ID showing as the call was too short to get it! Needless to say, I can think of only a few people who would call that early. :crying1: :killer::angry3:
Sure hope it wasn't DD#2 calling about her hubby!!! I will give her a call in awhile to check on him.

@faerywings It is me - BRIGHT EYES!! I hear you about not knowing who is who since the Birthday avatar/meme had gone up!! Glad your siggy is the same so I know who you are! :cool::rotfl::floorlaugh: I promise I was being good yesterday... okay... you caught me doing a little bit of scrapping and commenting on the Recipe Challenge I am hosting yesterday. But I did take a PJ Day and rested most of the day. It rained off and on all day so I snuggled in my recliner and vegged the day away. Our brief cool spell is over and temps heading back into the high 80's and into the 90's tomorrow! Plan on staying in most of the week. Rx at the base won't be ready until Friday so no need to get out in the heat until then.

@taxed4ever So sorry that FiL is having such a hard time and messing around with stuff since the move. Hope he will settle down soon and you can take a break from all the drama. Yes, you need time away to relax as you all have been on the go helping them make the move. :grouphugyay:

@Cherylndesigns What a bummer it was to discover you need to order on-line then pick up the plants. Wisteria sounds like the right plant for the arch... love the blooms on it.

Need more :coffeedrinker:then get my :showering:and dressed for the day. HAGD


Love my O Family!
@JeanneMN I imagine you are feeling emotionally wrung out. No wonder you needed to sleep in. Hope your energy is back to normal and that your lady slippers stay open for some good photos! I am impatiently waiting for my hydrangeas to bloom, They didn't bloom the last two or three years and they have the buds on them. Several weeks later I am *still* peering at them and waiting. :waiting: I bet the lilies will look amazing in the pond ♥

@BrightEyes What are you doing here? Don't make me send you to your room to rest before the party. :whip3:
Glad that the temps have dropped at least for a few days. Hope you can walk about and enjoy the daylilies, mine are blooming too.


me too.....
*gentle hugs to you* I wonder if all of the activity of last week is catching up with you and that's why your stomach is feeling crummy for no real reason. Feel better!! Hope you and Mark had a nice time with your preacher

@taxed4ever Oh noooo, your IL situation sounds awful, what is going through FIL's head?? You, your Gary, and Linda are in a tough spot. Where is the line between letting FIL do what he wants and mucks it up and where to step in to make sure he doesn't muck it up beyond repair?
All good thoughts to FIL that once the move is done and settled, his mental state stabilizes too. Maybe the stress is aggravating it and he'll be ok in a while. One can hope, right???
Never apologize about long posts- you need to get it out and you know we all are here to listen and support you :grouphugyay: Love you,T!

@AK_Tracy You are so sweet, thanks for talking me off the ledge about the hike (The ledge is made of granite and gneiss, the main bedrock in the Highlands region of NJ LOL!!) That's my goal, show the woman how I love nature and it will all fall into place.
Hope that you are feeling ok today. Did you ask for help? If you did, I am soooo proud of you! :cheer: And if you didn't but you considered it, I'm also proud, that is a big step as well.

@Cherylndesigns should I call you Theryl for the rest of the month? :giggle4:
blergh about the nursery not being open to the public, But at least you got to see what you wanted in person. Have fun when you pick them up today! So nice that you and Aly got to spend the day together too.

@mimes1 bet the walk and talk with your neighbor was awesome! How often do you walk together?
hahah! Love that you thought of Tracy when you vacuumed the couch. I vacuum the ceilings and Cait laughs at me when I do that it works!

Gotta run!
I think it is just the typical IBS' never-can-tell symptoms. It's a nuisance, for sure!
Mark and I had a great time with the preacher friends yesterday! At least I got to enjoy supper with everyone after the services!


Well-Known Member
Quick hello to say HI!!!! Gonna take my laptop to work so I can read and catch up and not miss all the fun of the meme-atars. So far they are a hoot!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've been busy the last few days with family and dogs. The workers are here every day now, working on the back deck. I've had to take the dogs out more b/c it's too disruptive to bring them out into the yard for bathroom breaks so have been doing walks along the back path with them every couple of hours. D and I went to the local seniors center and got a membership so can pop over there to play cards when we feel like it. It's nice that its only 5 min away. This afternoon we'll go play euchre for a few hours. The weather has been lovely, sunny and warm. I've been having fun, ordering summer clothes from Temu and just ordered a t shirt clip (never used one before) which will enable me to wear my bigger tees with the bottom cinched.

Only 2 more episodes to be caught up on season 1 of House of the Dragon. So glad we re-watched it b/c I had forgotten so much of it. Now the storyline will be fresh in our minds as season 2 starts this wkend.

Got a charcuterie board yesterday, to go with my other serving bowls/trays. It'll be fun to put some foods together on it for entertaining. We'll be hosting another card game night in a few weeks. Did I mention that we got a playing card shuffler? It works great. So useful when shuffling for canasta (6 decks).

I'll be heading out to the dog park soon with Remi before we go to play cards this afternoon. I seem to hardly have any time to scrapbook anymore. I'll never give it up completely, I don't think, but I sure invest much less time on it than I used to.

@faerywings I love to hear about your job. It is a perfect match for you, teaching and outdoors. I'm spending the afternoon tomorrow with the new friend I told you about after she finishes her morning instruction for the Pedagogy class. She's going to show me where she teaches and we'll wander the downtown Calgary area. I'll tell you about it, I know you'll find it interesting.

@taxed4ever Sure sounds like a stressful time for everyone. Hope things settle down soon. At least they are closer now.

I'm going to go check on the party before heading out. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

Yes, Chris @faerywings just call me Theryl until the party is over. Isn't Tuna a riot? I HAD to use him. I'm loving all of the avi's - they're all so unique and creative. Yes, that was a bummer yesterday, but Aly and I had a nice lunch and had fun together. After I checked the prices on their website, I about croaked. SO ridiculously expensive. I think we're back to square one, but Ava wants to go to the other nursery, Lowe's and Walmart. I'm doubting I'll get Wisteria this late, but I might be surprised. Walmart has it listed on their site, but it says delivery only. After ordering the last plant and having it arrive dead, I'm a little hesitant.

Kay @BrightEyes I wish I'd planted Wisteria to begin with, but there are a few others listed on Walmart's site. I just want something that's a perennial in this zone. I saw some Jasmine that looked great but need to check on it's perennial/annual status. I would have thought that Black Eyed Susan vines would have been perennials, but they weren't. If you plant them in the ground, they are. Go figure. I used to grow them in Michigan, and they came back up every year.

Vicky @vickyday glad your tummies feeling better.

Went to dinner at Adrienne and Roger's again last night. Our friend, Kenney brought filet mignons and Braden grilled them for us. I'm not a huge meat eater, but these were so good. He's quite a chef and whatever he marinated them in was delicious. He also puts rubs on them and uses other herbs.

Hugs to everybody.



Love my O Family!
Good morning all,

Yes, Chris @faerywings just call me Theryl until the party is over. Isn't Tuna a riot? I HAD to use him. I'm loving all of the avi's - they're all so unique and creative. Yes, that was a bummer yesterday, but Aly and I had a nice lunch and had fun together. After I checked the prices on their website, I about croaked. SO ridiculously expensive. I think we're back to square one, but Ava wants to go to the other nursery, Lowe's and Walmart. I'm doubting I'll get Wisteria this late, but I might be surprised. Walmart has it listed on their site, but it says delivery only. After ordering the last plant and having it arrive dead, I'm a little hesitant.

Kay @BrightEyes I wish I'd planted Wisteria to begin with, but there are a few others listed on Walmart's site. I just want something that's a perennial in this zone. I saw some Jasmine that looked great but need to check on it's perennial/annual status. I would have thought that Black Eyed Susan vines would have been perennials, but they weren't. If you plant them in the ground, they are. Go figure. I used to grow them in Michigan, and they came back up every year.

Vicky @vickyday glad your tummies feeling better.

Went to dinner at Adrienne and Roger's again last night. Our friend, Kenney brought filet mignons and Braden grilled them for us. I'm not a huge meat eater, but these were so good. He's quite a chef and whatever he marinated them in was delicious. He also puts rubs on them and uses other herbs.

Hugs to everybody.

Every time I see you put Adrienne and Roger in the same sentence I think about the preacher, Adrian Rogers, who died in 2005. They still play his sermons on Christian radio.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Every time I see you put Adrienne and Roger in the same sentence I think about the preacher, Adrian Rogers, who died in 2005. They still play his sermons on Christian radio.
That would make you think about him. How interesting; I've never heard of him.


Well-Known Member
Well, work. Yeah, actually had to work. This isn't weekend work LOL But its fun and going fast. Thankfully a desk job so that helps.
@AK_Tracy cracked me up to no end:
I go through this with every party. Every last one. I don't even know who *I* am based on our avatars. By the time I recognize everyone, the party is over and then the avatars switch again :rotfl:
Yep, I am easy to confuse. Even my own I look at and think who is that! DUH me. :floorlaugh:
Did you ask for help? If you did, I am soooo proud of you! :cheer: And if you didn't but you considered it, I'm also proud, that is a big step as well.
Well, I did both. I asked for help and they did the dishes. Three loads through the dishwasher. I did the rest. So it was a good mix of help and do it myself.
Glad your siggy is the same so I know who you are! :cool::rotfl::floorlaugh:
Oh my gosh, if they change the siggy too I am in TROUBLE! :lol23:
just call me Theryl until the party is over
Oh look Theryls here!! Let the party start!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We went to visit friends for the weekend. We will be taking a cruise with them in the Mediterranean and it's 120 days out so the window opened up to make reservations for dining and excursions. We had a great weekend. My mom will be able to move into her new apartment in Independent Living starting tomorrow. My sister and brother-in-law are with her now getting her packed up and her house ready to go on the market. Mom doesn't think I need to go to Florida to help her unpack, so instead of a plane ticket I'm paying her mover. I hope she's right. One of my brothers lives just a couple miles away so hopefully he won't mind helping with the unpacking.

I am working on trying to catch up on my bike trip pages and challenges -- and now there's birthday challenges, too! I can't think how I have time for all this! Oh well, I can always sacrifice laundry and vacuuming I suppose.

O Birthday Fairy

Because I'm happy
We went to visit friends for the weekend. We will be taking a cruise with them in the Mediterranean and it's 120 days out so the window opened up to make reservations for dining and excursions. We had a great weekend. My mom will be able to move into her new apartment in Independent Living starting tomorrow. My sister and brother-in-law are with her now getting her packed up and her house ready to go on the market. Mom doesn't think I need to go to Florida to help her unpack, so instead of a plane ticket I'm paying her mover. I hope she's right. One of my brothers lives just a couple miles away so hopefully he won't mind helping with the unpacking.

I am working on trying to catch up on my bike trip pages and challenges -- and now there's birthday challenges, too! I can't think how I have time for all this! Oh well, I can always sacrifice laundry and vacuuming I suppose.
Have fun on your cruise. Fairies don't take cruises but I wish they did. :crying1: I'd be he first one in line. :fairy2::dancingbfly:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, work. Yeah, actually had to work. This isn't weekend work LOL But its fun and going fast. Thankfully a desk job so that helps.

Yep, I am easy to confuse. Even my own I look at and think who is that! DUH me. :floorlaugh:

Well, I did both. I asked for help and they did the dishes. Three loads through the dishwasher. I did the rest. So it was a good mix of help and do it myself.

Oh my gosh, if they change the siggy too I am in TROUBLE! :lol23:

Oh look Theryls here!! Let the party start!
Theryl is in the house!! Lets party like it's 1999!! :girldance::banana4::upsidedownbanana:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@Cherylndesigns quick in before I forget. Here are some things from my friend Google I didn't know about wisteria before I planted it, but mine is on the back edge of the landscaping on a very study pergola that hubs built, it's cracked some of the lattice but no big deal, the honeysuckle has done that too. I also don't mind that it reseeds itself.

Wisteria vines can be invasive and difficult to remove, so you should consider the following before planting them:
  • Foundations
    Wisteria's strong roots can force their way through weak or damaged foundations, which can cause subsidence.
  • Clay soil
    Wisteria can damage houses built on clay soil because it draws moisture from the soil, causing it to shrink and subside.
  • Other structures
    Wisteria vines can grow into cracks and crevices, so you should be careful planting them near or on your home. They can also climb onto and kill trees and other plants.
  • Support
    Wisteria is an aggressive climber that needs sturdy supports to grow without collapsing a trellis or pergola.
  • Maintenance
    Wisteria needs regular pruning to keep it under control. Once established, it can be difficult to eradicate and can persist for years.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns quick in before I forget. Here are some things from my friend Google I didn't know about wisteria before I planted it, but mine is on the back edge of the landscaping on a very study pergola that hubs built, it's cracked some of the lattice but no big deal, the honeysuckle has done that too. I also don't mind that it reseeds itself.

Wisteria vines can be invasive and difficult to remove, so you should consider the following before planting them:
  • Foundations
    Wisteria's strong roots can force their way through weak or damaged foundations, which can cause subsidence.
  • Clay soil
    Wisteria can damage houses built on clay soil because it draws moisture from the soil, causing it to shrink and subside.
  • Other structures
    Wisteria vines can grow into cracks and crevices, so you should be careful planting them near or on your home. They can also climb onto and kill trees and other plants.
  • Support
    Wisteria is an aggressive climber that needs sturdy supports to grow without collapsing a trellis or pergola.
  • Maintenance
    Wisteria needs regular pruning to keep it under control. Once established, it can be difficult to eradicate and can persist for years.
OMGosh, Jeanne. Good to know. I'm just desperate to find something to climb up and over my arch, but it isn't very sturdy. Maybe this isn't what I need. I love my black eyed Susan climbing plants, but they have to be planted every year. I have a few invasive plants that drive me crazy I don't need to add one more.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I felt like wrung out dishrag yesterday, but the garden had gotten away from me while I was away from it so I spent a couple hours out there, dead heading & feeding. One of the waterlilies has a bud about ready to open. The water in the pond is really clear, all the better to see the million tadpoles swimming around in there. If anyone had told me I'd have one of the Egyptian plagues in the backyard I never would have believed them. Funny thing is the progeny of the early spring partyers just disappear without so much as a goodbye or a tip. Well, I don't exactly know what I was expecting, it's not a toy it's an eco-system. I scrapped today longer than I'd planned, I really have to figure out how to balance my time, guess I've always been off-balance. Met my new dentist today, ours retired and I chose this one of the 2 new ones because she specializes in people who are afraid of the dentist, can someone say terrified? My mother & dentist teamed up to terrify me as a kid & I have never gotten over it. I thought they were going to have to reschedule me because my blood pressure was too high, and I typically have low blood pressure. They took it a second time after I'd calmed down a little LOL and it had come down to 160 over something. Anyway, she & I are two peas from the same pod, her pod is not quite as seasoned as mine. she's been to Key West once & LOVED it, so we.hit it off right from the start. I haven't looked at any of the birthday stuff yet, I'm so far behind I've lapped myself twice. The hurrieder I go the behinder I get. I need to get to the gallery.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
OMGosh, Jeanne. Good to know. I'm just desperate to find something to climb up and over my arch, but it isn't very sturdy. Maybe this isn't what I need. I love my black eyed Susan climbing plants, but they have to be planted every year. I have a few invasive plants that drive me crazy I don't need to add one more.
How about a trumpet vine or a Jackmanii clematis, the clematis would definitely do up and over, maybe in a season.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
How about a trumpet vine or a Jackmanii clematis, the clematis would definitely do up and over, maybe in a season.
I was actually looking at a clematis - I also saw a Night Jasmine but I don't want it blooming only at night. I LOVE the smell of Jasmine, though.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Jeanne @JeanneMN here are some pictures from late last summer. My arch was spectacular. This year, nada. I put lights on it and at least it's pretty at night. LOL

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GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Jeanne @JeanneMN here are some pictures from late last summer. My arch was spectacular. This year, nada. I put lights on it and at least it's pretty at night. LOL

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That's absolutely beautiful, besides hydrangeas which have been very pi'th'y the last couple years about blooming, 1st bud in September????? seriously??, in Minnesota???clematis are my faves. I think I have 11 now and we have a plan for at least 4 more. The lights are pretty too, you'd have daytime and nighttime beauty.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
That's absolutely beautiful, besides hydrangeas which have been very pi'th'y the last couple years about blooming, 1st bud in September????? seriously??, in Minnesota???clematis are my faves. I think I have 11 now and we have a plan for at least 4 more. The lights are pretty too, you'd have daytime and nighttime beauty.
Hydrangeas are "pithy" and mine are being PITA's this year. They have bloomed for the last two years, but refuse to bloom this year. Little buggers.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Hydrangeas are "pithy" and mine are being PITA's this year. They have bloomed for the last two years, but refuse to bloom this year. Little buggers.
The one that started one bud in September, has one bud now, I guess that's improvement ? Endless Summers have had endless non-blooming the last 2 years.

O Birthday Fairy

Because I'm happy
Well, work. Yeah, actually had to work. This isn't weekend work LOL But its fun and going fast. Thankfully a desk job so that helps.

Yep, I am easy to confuse. Even my own I look at and think who is that! DUH me. :floorlaugh:

Well, I did both. I asked for help and they did the dishes. Three loads through the dishwasher. I did the rest. So it was a good mix of help and do it myself.

Oh my gosh, if they change the siggy too I am in TROUBLE! :lol23:

Oh look Theryls here!! Let the party start!

Well, I'm willing to give them some time. I'm not extremely patient, though. My DD swears the deer are eating hers, but mine haven't bloomed enough to blame them. :floorlaugh:
Sorry, Theryl, I just zoomed by and saw that you aren't very patient. Santa, I mean "Fairy" is watching you, Girl. Get your patience on. :lol23: :lol23: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :fairy2: