
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, July 9


The Loopy-O
You know you are desperate for fresh air when it is 75* with 94% humidity and you have to open the windows anyway.

Did any of you get a break from the kooky weather at all? I guess one good thing about the non-stop HHH is I am pretty much not able to go out and garden because of it. I took a short break in the morning and looked at my neglected flowers, the poor things. Kneeling is not an option at this point. Sweating to death is also not something I want to deal with ;)

Training was -- training-- mostly group management techniques and discipline. In some ways, it is the same as what I did with the PreK kids. In other ways, it's more of a conversation with the child acting out rather than old-school discipline. It should be an interesting balance.

I don't have any big plans today. I am really trying to baby my knee. Walking to the field yesterday wasn't all that great for it. If I struggle with that, I am not going to be able to work at all if it's not better by next week. Yeah, I am worrying.

Who needs more coffee before I sign off?
Everyone?? You got it.
:coffeedrinker: :coffeedrinker::coffeedrinker:



Love my O Family!
You know you are desperate for fresh air when it is 75* with 94% humidity and you have to open the windows anyway.

Did any of you get a break from the kooky weather at all? I guess one good thing about the non-stop HHH is I am pretty much not able to go out and garden because of it. I took a short break in the morning and looked at my neglected flowers, the poor things. Kneeling is not an option at this point. Sweating to death is also not something I want to deal with ;)

Training was -- training-- mostly group management techniques and discipline. In some ways, it is the same as what I did with the PreK kids. In other ways, it's more of a conversation with the child acting out rather than old-school discipline. It should be an interesting balance.

I don't have any big plans today. I am really trying to baby my knee. Walking to the field yesterday wasn't all that great for it. If I struggle with that, I am not going to be able to work at all if it's not better by next week. Yeah, I am worrying.

Who needs more coffee before I sign off?
Everyone?? You got it.
:coffeedrinker: :coffeedrinker::coffeedrinker:

No break in this heat and humidity for us! I forced myself to walk 2 miles in it yesterday morning!
So sorry you knee is not doing well, probably the best thing you can do is stay off of it and keep it elevated!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Going to be an interesting day for me as I try to go all day without eating! Why do they (the hospital) do that to people? My appt. was this morning and not eating for 6 hours prior was no problem. Then the appt got changed to 3 p.m.! No food OR drink for 8 hours prior! Normally it would not be a big deal. Except today I am hungry already! Doesn't it figure?!
So my plan is to just keep myself busy working on the FB marketplace stuff, go get groceries (not sure that is a good idea, lol) and maybe run to the bank. Definitely won't be hanging out with Ilene (who loves to eat) and won't be going to lunch with Mark. So, I'm on my own today! Maybe try to get another challenge done and maybe some of Mark's laundry. We shall see!
Have a good day to all!


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN Smart butt! Haha! It's not as smart as it used to be since all I do is sit on my butt. Or is that just me at this point, not so smart?:waving2:

@vickyday love the new avatar! I hope that all of the newly listed scrap stuff sells quickly.
Any rain???

@taxed4ever Yay Trudy's here! It must have been wonderful to have an entire day to yourself. I'm really sorry that the family drama has been so difficult-- hang in there and good thoughts to SIL Linda.

@BrightEyes that is what we are doing too- opening up the house for an hour or so. What would it be like if we all didn't have to deal with aches and pains? Hope that your shoulder loosens up for you.

@AK_Tracy You are a stronger person than I am, I couldn't fast more than a few hours for blood work/surgery. I *have* to cut down on the sugar and cabs I am eating. I think I have been living on cake since May and I am pretty sure that is part of the reason why I am still very achy.
LOL at you waiting until I fell asleep before you and the Minions acted up

@Terri M I always worry about droughts since we have well water. Do you have a well or municipal water? I've done that too with the AC drips but as of right now, we aren't in drought conditions. I usually only water the tomato plants anyway.
(PS: Got my first tomato yesterday!)
Do you have any Instant Pot recipes to share? I got one for Christmas but a lot of the recipes I have collected are soups. If you have any that are vegetarian or vegan, that gets bonus points! TIA!
I remember playing with jacks as a kid but only b/c my cousin stepped on one barefoot and she got a puncture wound from it. Yikes.

Kay-- Tylenol and cookies sounds like a plan but I am going to switch to Aleve and cookies. :chocchipcookie: And I know that @bitzee agrees :D

@Cherylndesigns I was wondering if anyone was going to get affected by Beryl, I am glad that it wasn't too terrible by the time it hit you.
I bet the solar lights look very pretty, glad the the kids noticed they were working!
Happy scrapping vibes coming to you, sometimes I put a LO aside for a day and come back to it with fresh eyes. I hope that you get that vision the way you want it.

@mimes1 Wooohoo!! Fantastic first day at work! 10 hours is a looooong day but it sounds like the people are fantastic and that's *big.* How many days a week will you be working? Pop in a catch us up when you can, but remember--no pressure!



GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
belly-button day for right now: thank you to whomever is sharing their heat and humidity, with all of the rainy day and cloudy days, we've had very little of each and a week into July it hasn't felt like summer has started, just sputtering like a lawn mower that won't start, I HAVE TO do financial stuff FIRST today, we are less than 2 weeks out from vacay at the lake, with the tree and vacay, the checkbook has really, really bad diarrhea and I know I'm going to have a mouthful of dental work coming up. I'll be back later.


Love my O Family!
belly-button day for right now: thank you to whomever is sharing their heat and humidity, with all of the rainy day and cloudy days, we've had very little of each and a week into July it hasn't felt like summer has started, just sputtering like a lawn mower that won't start, I HAVE TO do financial stuff FIRST today, we are less than 2 weeks out from vacay at the lake, with the tree and vacay, the checkbook has really, really bad diarrhea and I know I'm going to have a mouthful of dental work coming up. I'll be back later.
No rain since the decent shower on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Quick Morning all!
Its way to early. My mind went blank. Had lots of comments in my head as I was reading and poof they're gone. Pass the coffee Chris, gonna need it. Had to get up 2 hours early and I didn't sleep well. Hope to be back later to actually type intelligently :giggle4:
@faerywings Not brave, just determined. I had to fast to break my carb/sugar cycle. But my family doesn't like me to go over 18 hours as I get crabby!!! @vickyday dont grocery shop while you are fasting. That's just pure torture. And it will be almost impossible to do and you'll make hangery purchases and then blow the budget and then oh my yeah dont do it :giggle4: Hope it gets easier for you today and your fast was worth the work.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... another day to myself Hooray!! No plans except to keep cool, its going to be another scorching hot day! Even too warm already to be out in the kayak. The lake is already green, so the huge algae bloom will happen soon, we need lots of rain for that not to happen. I need to change my AVI today, but OMG this one does make me laugh! I managed to get a layout done for a pre-release yesterday and hope to scrap another page today. Tomorrow is hiking day and it will be a beautiful one in the shade and not difficult, it will be great to see my fellow hikers again. It is near where my brother and sister-in-law live so I might pop over there after and go for a swim to cool off before heading home. I need to get in the shower and get dressed before Heather and boys call, so I will pop in later to try to catch up with all of you! :waving1
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Well-Known Member
Good morning. I am heading out in a minute for a doggie playdate at a friend's home. It has been hot this week, high 80's, going into the 90's. Went out for a coffee get-together with some new ladies yesterday who are all interested in photography so we'll have fun getting out together soon.

Finished Tracker, enjoyed the show. The deck is ongoing, we can sit out there this week but will have to move furniture next week as they'll probably start the deck roof. My dill is flourishing so will have to start using that up.

Luckily the clubhouse has A/C, we'll be playing euchre this afternoon, then home to relax in the house.

@faerywings Hope your knee is ok.

@AK_Tracy I do a dirty fast (include almond milk in my coffee in the morning) but I fast for 12-16 hrs most days. I feel better when I don't eat in the morning, it makes me feel sluggish. I agree about not grocery shopping when fasting or hungry. I eat lots of carbs but not refined sugar/wheat.

@JeanneMN no belly button day for me :) I keep mine hidden!

Gotta go, the dogs are ready to head out. HAGD everyone.


Woke up twice last night then early - 5:30AM - and gave up and got out of bed. Decided to scrap Challenge #3 - 52 inspirations LO. Fell in love with FoxeySquirrel's No 28 Remember Me. Then had to find 2 other 52 Insps kits to use with it. Started out with an idea in mind... but it ended up much differently that I had in mind. But... loved the way it turned out. Feeling that I am finally get back into the scrapping mode for the month. :banana3: I have a couple of LOs waiting for the release date so my monthly check-off page doesn't look so empty now... :lol23: I have looked at the Art Journaling challenges but the brain just sits and spins when I try to think of what I want to do this month.

The humidity is high (for here) and old arthritis is kicking my b...t right now. Chris, I would like to take Aleve but I was on high doses of INSAIDs for several months when in Corpus Christi... the doctors don't want me to take any more of them. Tylenol doesn't work as well as the INSAIDs. Going to hop in a hot shower and then on the chair massager in just a little while.

But I did remember to pull some pork chops out of the freezer last evening. Will grill them (George Forman grill), cube some potatoes, and have a veggie salad for supper. BBL



Love my O Family!
Woke up twice last night then early - 5:30AM - and gave up and got out of bed. Decided to scrap Challenge #3 - 52 inspirations LO. Fell in love with FoxeySquirrel's No 28 Remember Me. Then had to find 2 other 52 Insps kits to use with it. Started out with an idea in mind... but it ended up much differently that I had in mind. But... loved the way it turned out. Feeling that I am finally get back into the scrapping mode for the month. :banana3: I have a couple of LOs waiting for the release date so my monthly check-off page doesn't look so empty now... :lol23: I have looked at the Art Journaling challenges but the brain just sits and spins when I try to think of what I want to do this month.

The humidity is high (for here) and old arthritis is kicking my b...t right now. Chris, I would like to take Aleve but I was on high doses of INSAIDs for several months when in Corpus Christi... the doctors don't want me to take any more of them. Tylenol doesn't work as well as the INSAIDs. Going to hop in a hot shower and then on the chair massager in just a little while.

But I did remember to pull some pork chops out of the freezer last evening. Will grill them (George Forman grill), cube some potatoes, and have a veggie salad for supper. BBL

You amaze me with cooking for yourself! I don't even have the mojo to cook for the 2 of us!


Love my O Family!
Quick Morning all!
Its way to early. My mind went blank. Had lots of comments in my head as I was reading and poof they're gone. Pass the coffee Chris, gonna need it. Had to get up 2 hours early and I didn't sleep well. Hope to be back later to actually type intelligently :giggle4:
@faerywings Not brave, just determined. I had to fast to break my carb/sugar cycle. But my family doesn't like me to go over 18 hours as I get crabby!!! @vickyday dont grocery shop while you are fasting. That's just pure torture. And it will be almost impossible to do and you'll make hangery purchases and then blow the budget and then oh my yeah dont do it :giggle4: Hope it gets easier for you today and your fast was worth the work.
Well most everything I needed at the grocery store was for Mark and what I needed wasn't edible... laundry stuff, lol. So I did good. I did buy bottled water for myself however.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy I do a dirty fast (include almond milk in my coffee in the morning) but I fast for 12-16 hrs most days. I feel better when I don't eat in the morning, it makes me feel sluggish. I agree about not grocery shopping when fasting or hungry. I eat lots of carbs but not refined sugar/wheat.
HEHE Never heard of dirty fast, sounds ..... well...... dirty! :floorlaugh: I dont eat breakfast either. My body doesn't do well with morning food but I do add heavy cream and collagen to my coffee usually so I have protein. I miss it when I fast fast


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I just came in from being outside for about an hour. I've been messing with my solar string light - I'm afraid I've made a "mess" - another short person problem. I got the sides of the arch done but can't get them across the top. UGH. I think I'm going to have to take them all off and break down and ask one of my tall family members to help me. :banghead::banghead: I haven't had real good luck with solar lights, but I looked out last night and my whole front walk was beautifully lit up! I was SO excited and proud of myself - I actually ordered something that WORKED!! A small victory - Chuck always did all of that. I did a video, and the crickets were singing so beautifully - I had to share it on FB. Right after I uploaded it, I heard the coyotes start howling. Bummer. I also put a video of that storm that blew through here - it was pretty intense for a little while.

SO, while I'm out there, the backs of my hands start burning like fire - apparently, I got into something I was allergic to. I've never had that happen before - but they were burning so bad. I came in, washed them and held them under cold water and put some medicine on them. I've never had poison ivy before, but there's no evidence of anything except the burning. I DO have a bumper crop of weeds, so it's hard to tell. I was working in them, trying to figure out where to put the solar reflectors.

@Cherylndesigns I was wondering if anyone was going to get affected by Beryl, I am glad that it wasn't too terrible by the time it hit you.
I bet the solar lights look very pretty, glad the the kids noticed they were working!
Happy scrapping vibes coming to you, sometimes I put a LO aside for a day and come back to it with fresh eyes. I hope that you get that vision the way you want it.

It was definitely the outer bands of Beryl - it showed it headed right for us. It was intense and when stuff starts flying through the air, it gets concerning. Yes, I'm so thrilled with my lights. I'm actually going to order some more now that I see how well the work. Chuck had put some out a couple of years ago, but there aren't too many of left - the winds/ weather, etc. So, I'm going to replace them. I really like that these are low to the ground, too. i was constantly tripping over the lights that stuck up so high. Of course, I'm extremely clumsy. :floorlaugh:
I never did get that layout to cooperate. I changed it so many times, and finally said "that's it". I think it looked pretty good - I just hate to have such a strong vision then can't get there. It was for Karen Schulz. Then I decided to make another one about my new "meditation room" but was running into the same problems. I don't know why. I might add that later on.

It's Karen's new collection and I was deep diving which isn't always a good thing. That's when I set myself up for failure. Both "
spaces" were highly personal, so that's my issue. I know my problem with the meditation room was that I took the picture yesterday when there was no sun and had to work with it and never did like it. That reminds me - I'm going to go retake it - it's bright and sunny today.

I'll try to stop back in later - I am going to go take more pictures of my room.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I put some gloves on and went out took ALL of the string lights OFF the arch. That wasn't easy - of course, they were all tangled up like crazy. I was determined to get those suckers off and was so patient I even shocked myself. Now, I'm extremely hot - it's not hot here today - low 80's but I was working in the sun the whole time. :fan:

I'm drinking a big 'ole water bottle full of my homemade iced tea.


Well-Known Member
Well, I put some gloves on and went out took ALL of the string lights OFF the arch. That wasn't easy - of course, they were all tangled up like crazy. I was determined to get those suckers off and was so patient I even shocked myself. Now, I'm extremely hot - it's not hot here today - low 80's but I was working in the sun the whole time. :fan:

I'm drinking a big 'ole water bottle full of my homemade iced tea.
Low 80's isn't hot? :beach1: Are you crazy??? Oh wait, we already answered that days ago when talking ketchup. You are crazy. I would die in those temps, and working like you were.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Low 80's isn't hot? :beach1: Are you crazy??? Oh wait, we already answered that days ago when talking ketchup. You are crazy. I would die in those temps, and working like you were.
Well, you already know I'm crazy!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Low 80's no humidity isn't hot - I know, I know, it's hard for you to believe. :floorlaugh: Girl, I lived in SW Florida for too many years - that's hot + the humidity in the summer is off the chart. It's in triple digits in some states. No, thank you. That humidity is what gets to me. I have to admit that I got REALLY hot today - I haven't recovered yet.

Back to the crazy part - you know the answer to that. :rotfl::lol23::coffeescreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, you already know I'm crazy!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Low 80's no humidity isn't hot - I know, I know, it's hard for you to believe. :floorlaugh: Girl, I lived in SW Florida for too many years - that's hot + the humidity in the summer is off the chart. It's in triple digits in some states. No, thank you. That humidity is what gets to me. I have to admit that I got REALLY hot today - I haven't recovered yet.

Back to the crazy part - you know the answer to that. :rotfl::lol23::coffeescreen:
Nope, no triple digits!!! BTDT and wasn't amused! Almost had heat stroke. Humid, no thanks. Best time to visit hot places is winter when temps are lower LOL AZ in January is great, might get up to high 70's.

I heard a quote today, song lyric, I bought a ticket on Ozzy's train. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Yep, were on the crazy train. Not sure who's driving it but we are all on it.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Nope, no triple digits!!! BTDT and wasn't amused! Almost had heat stroke. Humid, no thanks. Best time to visit hot places is winter when temps are lower LOL AZ in January is great, might get up to high 70's.

I heard a quote today, song lyric, I bought a ticket on Ozzy's train. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Yep, were on the crazy train. Not sure who's driving it but we are all on it.
Oh, I LOVE that!!! Even better than being on the crazy train - the Ozzy train. :rotfl: :floorlaugh: :lol23:


Well-Known Member
And I am just ignoring the mess that Cheryl and Tracy made. My goodness, leave the two of you alone for a minute.
At least you used to wait until I left before you acted up! Sheesh!
You all are tooo funny.
If I struggle with that, I am not going to be able to work at all if it's not better by next week. Yeah, I am worrying.
Rest up!! Take it easy!! I hope your knee starts feeling better real soon.
@vickyday we've had HHH here too - day before yesterday we got almost 2 inches of rain in an afternoon. Since then scattered storms, which is better than nothing!

2nd day of work was successful - not quite so busy as yesterday!

Have a good rest of the evening everyone!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
You all are tooo funny.

Rest up!! Take it easy!! I hope your knee starts feeling better real soon.
@vickyday we've had HHH here too - day before yesterday we got almost 2 inches of rain in an afternoon. Since then scattered storms, which is better than nothing!

2nd day of work was successful - not quite so busy as yesterday!

Have a good rest of the evening everyone!
Glad Day 2 wasn't as stressful, Amy. Here's my mantra for new jobs - "if they can do it, so can I - they're not any smarter than me they've just been here longer". HTH