
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, July 8


The Loopy-O
Hi there, everyone!
I had such an awesome day with Caitlyn yesterday, but I need a day home (by myself, preferably) to get stuff *done.* Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen.;)

So yesterday, it was another one of those days where every time I thought I had something settled, it changed, and then changed again. My IL's said they were coming up and bringing dinner. That was awesome, since I had no idea what to cook. But that meant Cait and I couldn't do the walk/yoga after dinner.
I work a bit in the house, trying to get it sort of tidied, and I started my shopping list to do online shopping. Shop Rite does these specials occasionally that if you spend $150 (which I can do in a blink of an eye, ugh) you get $20 off you order. The Shop from Home costs $13, so I still end up saving $7. But it is so hard to shop online. Prob takes me just as long, but it is not as physically tiring. Gary will pick the order up this morning while I am off to work at my MIL's.

When I get home from work, my IL's call to say they can't come up. Good news on that is that Cait and I get to go to the walk/yoga. Bad news is that now have no idea of what to do about dinner.

Cait had asked if we could go to Pennings to see the chickens and goats. They have fresh produce there so I picked up some veggies to make wraps. We checked out the chickens and had ice cream together. How awesome that I can sit with my 15 yo DD and do that? Love it!!!
We get home and Gary doesn't really want wraps, but wants to try a lettuce stir fry. So ok, not sure if I will like that but I'll try it. At 5pm, I ask how long it will take to cook and he said that he thought *I* was making wraps. I dig through my condiment-only-cluttered fridge, and there is nothing to put in the wraps besides veggies and I don't have the time to prep/grill them. I had made tomato salad earlier to make panzarella so I boiled up some pasta and through the tomatoes and mozz. in that.

The walk and yoga was wonderful! It was a mile around the Botanical Gardens and they are just so pretty. The yoga on the lawn was even better. I always forget how good yoga makes me feel. I have got to get into a better practice of it again. After that, we got massages. All of this is done through the towns for free. Cait and I can't wait to go back next week.

Today Scott and I are heading down to MIL's to help with some yard work.
Still no idea of what I am doing about dinner tonight :madgrin:

Tip on Tuesday:
Get rich and hire a personal chef hahahah!!


The Loopy-O
Hi nancy! I heard that the weather this past weekend was just perfect! Lots of fireworks photos on my FB feed.
If you have any non-meat grilling recipes, can you hook me up? We have done very little grilling since no one eats steaks or burgers any more.

Sara- I haven't used a roomba (looove the idea of it) but since we have so many pets, it wouldn't be worth it.
Grills- we have a -- damn, why can't I think of the name-
Anyway it is the more expensive brand, but worth it. We were going through grills every other years and now this one has lasted way longer.
How did Ben do at CSI camp? Sounds like something I would love too.

Trudy-- is today your tea leaf reading? Have a great time!!!

Phyllis- how did the tile go? I am sure you did great picking some out. You'll have to share a pic with us, would love to see how the kitchen is coming along.
Hiking/walking-- I am stiff and sore anyway, so at least if I am active and I hurt, it feels more worthwhile LOL

Sara!!!!!!!!!! look at how cute that puppy is!! getitgetitgetit!!!!
And good for you getting so much done!!


Off to do my IV -- yay! *snort*


Well-Known Member
good morning! Yesterday was hot and humid but there was a nice breeze all day so that made the temp very comfortable! Then around midnight or a little after we had a huge lightning and thunderstorm with some rain! I have a bookshelf in my living room that holds all my photo books and scrapbooks. I have routinely asked my husband not to open the one window right by this book shelf as we have the storms and I don't want everything ruined. Well of course he opens the window last night but luckily I woke up in time to make sure I got it closed before any damage. There is no way opening this window is in anyway going to effect the temp of our house as there is a window right next to it that is open. I don't understand why he cannot do this for me. Is it some power play? Oh well got in a good walk already this am and now am watch the Tour de France.

Chris we are true carnivores in our house and so sorry so no recipes. Hope today goes better with what to eat for dinner!

Sara we just bought a Weber gas grill. I has 3 burners and a side burner for cooking like a pot of something like corn. Hope Ben had fun at camp and that you had a great time cleaning!

Phylis hope the tiling went well! Glad you will not starve!

Trudy have fun a your tea leaf readings!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
here's me in the dining room again. except today i can walk into the kitchen because the cement board is done. but Tile Guy is working in there, so i can't hang out in there. we're making progress, though. this floor should be finished on Monday. i'm still refinishing the kitchen cabinets, which i still think will take me about 5 more years. sigh. i want to be a RENTER!!!!!

Chris, it is SO nice that you have that relationship with your daughter! too bad about the inlaws cancelling for dinner, but the yoga thing sounds WONderful!! i had to laugh about Gary and the wrap thing. why are men such....MEN??!!

Nancy, i doubt it's a power play. it's just a man being a man. ( see above ^.) every day is NEW to them. it doesn't matter if you said the same thing yesterday. they think the counter goes back to ZERO for every day, and so you have to repeat AGAIN what you told them yesterday. they won't remember from one minute to the next what you said to them. Hubby was driving me nuts with that kind of thing all last week.

well, going to try to squeeze past Tile Guy and at least get a little laundry done today.

hope everyone has a Super Tuesday. :becky: