
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, July 22


The Loopy-O
Me, yesterday:

As long as I kept moving, I was ok. So I really did not stop moving, except to sit down for meds and to eat. All day. I think I got a lot accomplished. Maybe.
Laundry, stripped beds, food shopping, work, blood draw, cleaned stuff inside, pulled weeds outside, walk and yoga at night.

Today, I would love to say I am going to relax, but my dad is coming up to paint cait's ceiling and then we are going to try and get as much of her walls painted too. I am shuddering to think about it. Her walls are so bright ATM, and its going to take *many* coats of either paint and/or primer to cover. But it will be fun, I love spending time with my girl!

My fingers are crossed and my heart is hoping for good news from my BFF, re: her dog. She found out last week that Mackenzie has renal failure. She is not eating now at all and if she doesn't eat, she will only have a few days left. Tough decisions all around :(
Jenn has been texting my updates and I wish I could help somehow.

Guess that it is from me. Hope that you are having a wonderful time!!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- yup, eggs and bread crumbs to hold it together, and chili paste for some zing. I am not sure about it myself so we'll have to see.
Caitlyn made the zucc and potato pancakes last night and they were very good too.
That is a crazy sleep cycle, hope that you got a good chunk of solid sleep last night.
I am with you on the loss of hope for humanity. I waver between wanting to be hopeful and positive and seeing that maybe the world isn't all bad, then I flip 180* and feel like we are doomed.

Cemeteries: I have such mixed emotions about them. I am not religious and feel no "comfort" in them as a place where family "is." When I want to feel close to my grandma, I talk to her in my head and heart, or think of the fun stuff we did. But my mom visits her gravesite often and has certain rituals ( for ex. she brings her a piece of Italian Easter Pie every year) that have meaning to her. My kids think I am crazy b/c my big plan is to donate whatever they can use of my body Lyme research, then cremate the rest of me and then scatter my ashes at Disney World while they reminisce about the great times we ha there. The kids were saying how there was no way they could bring ashes into Disney so I told them that a pepper shaker would work fine. LOL As you can see, I stand on no ceremony with death. My dad's parents are buried in a cemetery in Newark, NJ and it is a not a place you go and visit which is sad.
Too funny about your dad haunting you. My dad always threatens to haunt my mom. (Or was it the other way around? Or both of them?? ;))

Hi Nancy! Nice to hear from you! How in the world can you even get pics of hummingbirds? Guess a very fast shutter speed. Although if you can get awesome pics of hockey players in motion, birds must be a breeze. So scary about the hail!

laurie! Love those pics!! How fin! I think Sara did a color run? Or was it a mud run? Wish I had a brain and memory...

Love and hugs and happy paint!


Well-Known Member
phew! it's HOT out there already. we're experiencing some very typical summer weather here. the 3 Hs: hazy, hot and humid. i was just out in the flower beds trying to make some headway against the weeds, and i am soaking wet! yuk! looks like indoor work for me for the rest of the day. i actually got a fairly good night's sleep last night. didn't even wake up when Hubby was banging around the kitchen at 5:15 a.m., which is unusual.

Chris, cemeteries aren't comforting to me. just sad. for me, it's just a sign of respect to people who lived, who had a life and people who loved them. for example, i'm DETERMiNED to figure out a way to upright that vandalized tombstone of the one-year-old baby girl. i don't know her or her family, but it seems the right thing to do. and the photography. that's also a sign of respect for lives that were and to try to help people who are searching for friends or family who have died. with these small, independent cemeteries, it's just a matter of time before they completely disappear. with cyberspace available, it's possible to keep information alive that before would be totally lost. this sort of stuff either matters to a person or it doesn't. it's like liking green beans. something just speaks and appeals to you or it doesn't. i'm getting cremated, too. strangely, cemeteries as a final resting place just aren't for me!

i made zucchini and potato pancakes once for our Christmas Eve supper. they are good! good luck with the painting. what a job!

Nancy, what a trip you've had. i'll bet the photos are gorgeous! so crazy about the hail storm!

Laurie, loved the pix!! looks like you had a great time.

ok. off to the shower, then some housework. woot.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my friends, a quick stop in here before everyone wakes up. Then we are off to the hairdresser's for a hair cut for DD and Mason. I will of course take pictures!! Not Mason's first haircut, but his third I think and he is in dire need before the reunion and the camera's start to click. A gorgeous day here today, temps have dropped a bit and no humidity to speak of, but possible rain on Wed, Thurs, much needed and hopefully enough to suspend the fire ban until after reunion weekend. Jonah arrives Saturday night, so that means time is drawing near for DD and Mason to head back to Ontario :hurt: what will we do without them here again. Heather is still trying to find some kind of funding so that she can have a nanny come in to help her, but so far nothing. Guess we might have to pool our money together with Jonah's parents to help out if they are willing. we will see.

Chris - Sending out loving thoughts to your friend and her dear fur baby, so hard to lose a pet!! No more for me, it hurts too much to say good bye! Have fun painting with your Dad, so great that he is willing to do that for Cait! I am not a fan of painting ceilings, Ouch!! my poor neck!!

Phylis - I think its great that you are taking the time to document your cemeteries, so good for those who are trying to find loved ones who have passed, I know how hard it can be to find that kind of information!! I find Cemetaries sad also, we have been given a plot from Gary's parents, but not sure we will ever use it, perhaps one day we will sell it. Although I would never tell hubby's parents that!! I really hope to be cremated and my ashes scattered over the Cowichan Valley or the Lake, the place I love to be the most! Mixed feelings about it as perhaps my kids will want a place to come and visit after we are gone, but I doubt it. Hope the heat and humidity cool off for you a bit soon! Glad to hear that you got a good nights sleep last night, keeping my fingers crossed that it happens again tonight!!

Ok gotta run and get a few things done before heading out the door with our little man. Miss you all and hope to be back full time sometime after reunion weekend, looking at August 15th hopefully! Will try to pop in again soon. :wave: