
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, January 9


The Loopy-O
It's another morning of calm-before-the-storm. The East Coast has a doozy coming this way. If you look at the wind maps, the entire Mid-Atlantic coast will get hammered. I'm more concerned about this storm than the one last weekend. One thing for sure is that if I need anything out of the basement, I am grabbing it this morning because there is no telling when it will be dry again. I caught up on laundry yesterday and will run the dishwasher this morning if it's full or close to it.

I had another rough day yesterday. All stress-related. Gary restarted his Lyme meds and has been feeling awful. Jaida must have tweaked her knee on the snow and wasn't putting any weight at all on her leg. And I had an anxiety attack over all of it. I did a yoga meditation session for anxiety and it made me feel worse because I couldn't settle myself down. I ended up going out earlier to shop and took my time. I went to the smaller market and got some tomatoes and avocados for salads. TJ Maxx didn't have anything that caught my eye. My last hope was the pharmacy and I went through twice before I found what I wanted. It's a little plaque that has a saying about moms. It was on the bottom shelf shoved to the back so I am happy that I found it at all.
Coloring Crew was nice-- the woman who irritated me with her gum chewing taught me a lesson that I shouldn't judge. Her dog didn't like certain treats so she had a ziplock of them for me. I was so touched and I needed that mental pick-me-up so desperately.

I made mac and cheese in the IP and I thought it was good but too much cheddar. I usually make mine with Velveeta so has a smoother texture so next time I'll try it with that. I love how fast it all cooks though. I think I am going to really like usually it, especially on days that I am working.
I am supposed to be working tomorrow - but who knows what will happen if the weather is bad.

No big plans today. I hope is a better one than yesterday.

Be safe and stay warm and dry.


Love my O Family!
It's another morning of calm-before-the-storm. The East Coast has a doozy coming this way. If you look at the wind maps, the entire Mid-Atlantic coast will get hammered. I'm more concerned about this storm than the one last weekend. One thing for sure is that if I need anything out of the basement, I am grabbing it this morning because there is no telling when it will be dry again. I caught up on laundry yesterday and will run the dishwasher this morning if it's full or close to it.

I had another rough day yesterday. All stress-related. Gary restarted his Lyme meds and has been feeling awful. Jaida must have tweaked her knee on the snow and wasn't putting any weight at all on her leg. And I had an anxiety attack over all of it. I did a yoga meditation session for anxiety and it made me feel worse because I couldn't settle myself down. I ended up going out earlier to shop and took my time. I went to the smaller market and got some tomatoes and avocados for salads. TJ Maxx didn't have anything that caught my eye. My last hope was the pharmacy and I went through twice before I found what I wanted. It's a little plaque that has a saying about moms. It was on the bottom shelf shoved to the back so I am happy that I found it at all.
Coloring Crew was nice-- the woman who irritated me with her gum chewing taught me a lesson that I shouldn't judge. Her dog didn't like certain treats so she had a ziplock of them for me. I was so touched and I needed that mental pick-me-up so desperately.

I made mac and cheese in the IP and I thought it was good but too much cheddar. I usually make mine with Velveeta so has a smoother texture so next time I'll try it with that. I love how fast it all cooks though. I think I am going to really like usually it, especially on days that I am working.
I am supposed to be working tomorrow - but who knows what will happen if the weather is bad.

No big plans today. I hope is a better one than yesterday.

Be safe and stay warm and dry.
Hate to hear your DH isn't feeling well. Are the meds making him sick or have they just not kicked in yet?
Poor Jaida! She's her own worst enemy!
Stay safe in the storm! :hug4:


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I hope you had a peaceful day reminiscing. ♥

@Cherylndesigns I did see that Ava took the photo of the cabin, so picturesque!
I was disappointed that the suncatcher didn't freeze although I bet it is frozen right now (24*). I have no idea when it will be above freezing, I hope before the rain comes. I'd rather have rain than sleet. I mostly prefer being on a sunny and warm beach somewhere but that ain't gonna happen LOL!

@bcgal00 do you have a remote start for your car? Cait has one for hers and I am jealous. :greengrin:
Be careful on the snow and ice with Remi-- for yourself---the last thing in the world you need is to throw your back out again.
Your food descriptions are making me drooooool. Everything sounds so good!
How are your eyes doing? Does your BP make that worse?
Gary got me a good pair of winter hiking boots and I was thrilled that I had them for that muddy hike on New Year's Day. My regular snow boots are ok but not great for ice.
So glad that you are feeling better, I'll pass the message along to my parents :D

@taxed4ever That's fantastic news that your Gary is healing well and behaving! How long before the staples come out?
I have not had any reaction at all so far from the Lyme meds. I take the heavy-duty Rx (Tindamax AKA abx from hell LOL) the last week of January so I'll see what happens then. My messy head is low-level PTSD from Gary's mood. Whenever he is in this state, it brings me back to when he was in very bad shape. I can tell myself again and again that we'll get through it but all of my instincts and adrenaline get out of control. At least I know what its happening and why.

@vickyday The little pharmacy in my town always comes through for last-minute gifts. That place has saved my butt more than once LOL!!!
I hope that the weather isn't too bad for you.
Whoa, that's one full shopping cart!
Wonderful news about Ilene's G-grandson. That must have been terrifying for the family for a few days.
Hoping that your stomach calms down soon



Love my O Family!
Good morning,
The wind is blowing. The rain is here. Mark tested the generator last night and now the furnace isn't working so I'm all bundled up to stay warm. My IBS has kicked in this week of all weeks. I think the devil is working OT on me! The kids are due to arrive in 3 days and I have no mojo to do anything but retreat to my warm bed.
Momma said there'd be days like this! :rotfl: I just wish it wasn't this week!
Guess I will at least send out my gift coupons for the 12 days event.


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes I hope you had a peaceful day reminiscing. ♥

@Cherylndesigns I did see that Ava took the photo of the cabin, so picturesque!
I was disappointed that the suncatcher didn't freeze although I bet it is frozen right now (24*). I have no idea when it will be above freezing, I hope before the rain comes. I'd rather have rain than sleet. I mostly prefer being on a sunny and warm beach somewhere but that ain't gonna happen LOL!

@bcgal00 do you have a remote start for your car? Cait has one for hers and I am jealous. :greengrin:
Be careful on the snow and ice with Remi-- for yourself---the last thing in the world you need is to throw your back out again.
Your food descriptions are making me drooooool. Everything sounds so good!
How are your eyes doing? Does your BP make that worse?
Gary got me a good pair of winter hiking boots and I was thrilled that I had them for that muddy hike on New Year's Day. My regular snow boots are ok but not great for ice.
So glad that you are feeling better, I'll pass the message along to my parents :D

@taxed4ever That's fantastic news that your Gary is healing well and behaving! How long before the staples come out?
I have not had any reaction at all so far from the Lyme meds. I take the heavy-duty Rx (Tindamax AKA abx from hell LOL) the last week of January so I'll see what happens then. My messy head is low-level PTSD from Gary's mood. Whenever he is in this state, it brings me back to when he was in very bad shape. I can tell myself again and again that we'll get through it but all of my instincts and adrenaline get out of control. At least I know what its happening and why.

@vickyday The little pharmacy in my town always comes through for last-minute gifts. That place has saved my butt more than once LOL!!!
I hope that the weather isn't too bad for you.
Whoa, that's one full shopping cart!
Wonderful news about Ilene's G-grandson. That must have been terrifying for the family for a few days.
Hoping that your stomach calms down soon

The ladies who participated in the Secret Sister game and needed a gift, that pharmacy was our go-to place.
I hope your weather isn't too bad, too! I hope it fizzles out for both of us! Our basement was just beginning to dry out again!


Morning, all. Awake at 3:30AM then dozed off and on until 4:45. Gave it up and got up then as I was half-awake the whole time. Ugh!!! Have a brown-bag lunch with the gals today and have no idea of what to make for it. Will do a couple of errands while I am out today. Won't be in tomorrow as I have my endoscopy at 9AM.

Yesterday my emotions were up and down. Couldn't seem to concentrate on anything for very long. Worked on some scrapping - got my later to Bill done and made a LO with DH and I but didn't have the energy to change paper to cardstock in the printer so will need to remember to print it and my letter to Bill out for his album.
Most of the snow is melted but the roads are very icy ..... it is only 17*F and not expected to get above freezing today. :brrr: :brrr: Time to dig out the long-john leggings plus heavy pants and layer turtle-neck tee and wool sweater! Just looked in the coat closet and I still have my ankle-length extra heavy coat/hood that I got when we were living on Long Island. I swore I was going to get rid of it a few years ago as it was too small. Now that I have lost weight... it fits again! :giggle4::rotfl::lol23:

@faerywings Sure hope you don't get flooded... that storms sounds so bad! Rain on top of all that snow can't be good. Sorry that you had a 'melt-down' but glad that you were doing your best to get through it. What a shame that Gary's Lyme meds are affecting him badly. And poor J... sorry she did something to her healing leg.

@bcgal00 Oh, I was LOL when I saw your photos of the shopping cart!!! What a nice man that was to help you move things from the cart to the car! Yes, I have occasionally spent almost $300 on groceries - but that was when DH was still here. I agree it is shocking how much food prices have gone up! Hope your BP gets under control as that can affect the eye problem.

@vickyday So sorry that you have been having another bad spell... hope you are better before the family arrives.

Just finished getting the coupons sent out for the 12 days of Christmas event. Now I need to put on the thinking cap and get busy on the challenge for February. Now I need to get breakfast and figure out what to make for my BB lunch.


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Awake at 3:30AM then dozed off and on until 4:45. Gave it up and got up then as I was half-awake the whole time. Ugh!!! Have a brown-bag lunch with the gals today and have no idea of what to make for it. Will do a couple of errands while I am out today. Won't be in tomorrow as I have my endoscopy at 9AM.

Yesterday my emotions were up and down. Couldn't seem to concentrate on anything for very long. Worked on some scrapping - got my later to Bill done and made a LO with DH and I but didn't have the energy to change paper to cardstock in the printer so will need to remember to print it and my letter to Bill out for his album.
Most of the snow is melted but the roads are very icy ..... it is only 17*F and not expected to get above freezing today. :brrr: :brrr: Time to dig out the long-john leggings plus heavy pants and layer turtle-neck tee and wool sweater! Just looked in the coat closet and I still have my ankle-length extra heavy coat/hood that I got when we were living on Long Island. I swore I was going to get rid of it a few years ago as it was too small. Now that I have lost weight... it fits again! :giggle4::rotfl::lol23:

@faerywings Sure hope you don't get flooded... that storms sounds so bad! Rain on top of all that snow can't be good. Sorry that you had a 'melt-down' but glad that you were doing your best to get through it. What a shame that Gary's Lyme meds are affecting him badly. And poor J... sorry she did something to her healing leg.

@bcgal00 Oh, I was LOL when I saw your photos of the shopping cart!!! What a nice man that was to help you move things from the cart to the car! Yes, I have occasionally spent almost $300 on groceries - but that was when DH was still here. I agree it is shocking how much food prices have gone up! Hope your BP gets under control as that can affect the eye problem.

@vickyday So sorry that you have been having another bad spell... hope you are better before the family arrives.

Just finished getting the coupons sent out for the 12 days of Christmas event. Now I need to put on the thinking cap and get busy on the challenge for February. Now I need to get breakfast and figure out what to make for my BB lunch.
Yes, that shopping trip about did my poor back in, too! The heating pad sure felt good last night! I hated that I didn't have any cash on me to offer the young man! He was of a foreign nationality but I couldn't tell what. I agree! The prices of groceries is outrageous! But, what do you do? You have to eat! And with the kids putting out the price of gas to travel, I like to make sure all of the food is basically taken care of since they are coming to us! But I've been saving for it, so its all good!

(I think the BP portion belonged to @bcgal00 ) ;)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It’s another very wet and chilly day here and apparently we had a 4.7 earthquake last night. We never felt a thing LOL. I managed to get the bathrooms cleaned and did day 4 of an exercise app I got for wall Pilates. I am enjoying it very much! I need to do something in the way of exercise as I doubt I will be returning to the pool for a while, it’s just too busy for me. It is going to be very windy today and then tomorrow the sun is supposed to come out and the temps will drop. It will be a good day to be stuck in the house and I hope to be a bit more productive and get some scrapping done. I did get the card I started for my sister finished yesterday, but no scrapping. I also got broccoli cheddar soup made and made stuffed peppers for supper last night. My DH is getting better each day and his staples will be removed next Wednesday, he will be happy to have all this behind him! He does have to go into work on Friday as the woman that he works with will be in Vegas at a tournament of some kind that her daughter is in. No one else is trained for the job, so my Gary has to go with strict instructions that he is not to lift anything!!! I am taking my sister for brunch tomorrow morning and picking her up at 10:30, it will be nice to get out of the house and have a good visit with her!

@faerywings - I am so sorry that your Gary is not feeling well! Also sad that you are feeling so stressed about it! Yes, it seems that you are in for a big storm, hope that your basement does not flood too much, thank goodness you have the sump pump! Will keep my fingers crossed that the storm is not as bad as it sounds and that your power stays on through it! Yes you will love your Instant Pot when you are working, I keep thinking I should get more recipes out to you, but then I know that we have different diets and perhaps you would not like any of the ones that I use.

@Cherylndesigns - Glad that you will have help with your DH and I hope that Steph can stay with you for a few days at least. That is too bad that Asher is not with her though! Hope that your Chuck is doing better every day!

@BrightEyes - I hate those nights when the sleep just does not come and you feel like you have been awake for most of the night! Sounds like you are in for some very cold weather, but how nice that the coat you were going to get rid of fits you again!!

@vickyday - Sorry that the IBS is back and bothering you so much! Hopefully you will feel well again before everyone arrives ! Yes that was a huge load in your shopping cart! So nice that you had someone to help you lift the heavy item in your car! I hope that you will try the bone broth for your poor tummy, even just if its good quality store bought broth, just make sure it has no added ingredients. Sorry I will get off of my soapbox now :soapbox: LOL.

Better get my DH some breakfast and then hop in the shower before DD calls. Have a lovely day everyone! Stay warm and dry! :waving3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

We have snow and ice on the ground. It's 31 degrees, but we have a Severe Weather Warning - Winter Advisory. Steph and I are going to the store today in case we can't get out tomorrow. The cat needs food - I finished off his bag of food this am. Amazon has been auto delivering his food, but somehow that got messed up and it won't be here until Saturday. I also have a prescription that I need to pick up. I think I'm okay on everything else. We worry about getting up and down the hill to get to our houses.

Chris @faerywings I'm so sorry about Gary and your PTSD. I can totally understand how that triggers your emotions. I'm sending cyber hugs that he'll be getting better, soon. Poor Jaida, I hope her leg gets better. I saw on the national weather that you are going to get a lot of bad weather. Ugh - let's go to Florida - I'll make a detour up to NJ and pick you up. Ahhhhhhh, if only we could, right? :hammock:

Trudy @taxed4ever I think Steph will be here for the rest of the week, at least. I wish Asher could have come, but he's back in school. I love having her here because she's an MA (Medical Assistant) and she knows pulmonology like the back of her hand.

Glad your Gary is well enough for you to have brunch with your sister. It's good to get out. Taking care of them is a full time job.

Vicky @vickyday so thankful about the new baby.

Hugs to everybody.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It’s another very wet and chilly day here and apparently we had a 4.7 earthquake last night. We never felt a thing LOL. I managed to get the bathrooms cleaned and did day 4 of an exercise app I got for wall Pilates. I am enjoying it very much! I need to do something in the way of exercise as I doubt I will be returning to the pool for a while, it’s just too busy for me. It is going to be very windy today and then tomorrow the sun is supposed to come out and the temps will drop. It will be a good day to be stuck in the house and I hope to be a bit more productive and get some scrapping done. I did get the card I started for my sister finished yesterday, but no scrapping. I also got broccoli cheddar soup made and made stuffed peppers for supper last night. My DH is getting better each day and his staples will be removed next Wednesday, he will be happy to have all this behind him! He does have to go into work on Friday as the woman that he works with will be in Vegas at a tournament of some kind that her daughter is in. No one else is trained for the job, so my Gary has to go with strict instructions that he is not to lift anything!!! I am taking my sister for brunch tomorrow morning and picking her up at 10:30, it will be nice to get out of the house and have a good visit with her!

@faerywings - I am so sorry that your Gary is not feeling well! Also sad that you are feeling so stressed about it! Yes, it seems that you are in for a big storm, hope that your basement does not flood too much, thank goodness you have the sump pump! Will keep my fingers crossed that the storm is not as bad as it sounds and that your power stays on through it! Yes you will love your Instant Pot when you are working, I keep thinking I should get more recipes out to you, but then I know that we have different diets and perhaps you would not like any of the ones that I use.

@Cherylndesigns - Glad that you will have help with your DH and I hope that Steph can stay with you for a few days at least. That is too bad that Asher is not with her though! Hope that your Chuck is doing better every day!

@BrightEyes - I hate those nights when the sleep just does not come and you feel like you have been awake for most of the night! Sounds like you are in for some very cold weather, but how nice that the coat you were going to get rid of fits you again!!

@vickyday - Sorry that the IBS is back and bothering you so much! Hopefully you will feel well again before everyone arrives ! Yes that was a huge load in your shopping cart! So nice that you had someone to help you lift the heavy item in your car! I hope that you will try the bone broth for your poor tummy, even just if its good quality store bought broth, just make sure it has no added ingredients. Sorry I will get off of my soapbox now :soapbox: LOL.

Better get my DH some breakfast and then hop in the shower before DD calls. Have a lovely day everyone! Stay warm and dry! :waving3:
Yes! I definitely want to try the bone broth.....after this crazy week is over! I found this at the store yesterday to use in my soup for this weekend. What do you think? However, I didn't see any beef, only chicken.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am heading over to a local vet office to check out the vibes of the place and if I want to take the dogs there. If I am not sure about the vibe, there are a few others to check.

I had a buddah bowl with tzatziki and whole wheat pita for dinner and it was so good. Today's dinner will be a big salad with avocado, eggs, nut/seed mix, tomatoes, green pepper and a fig balsamic vinegar dressing. I'll toast up a whole wheat tortilla in the air fryer with oil and spices.

We are still waiting for the cut glass to be delivered for the two tables. Until then, I have plastic and a tablecloth overtop of the kitchen nook table to protect it. I put away the red (for Xmas) and put on a sage green tablecloth I found in one of the boxes I unpacked yesterday (don't even know where I got that or when b/c I haven't ever used it that I remember). I like the vibe of the decor with the light green, it has a very earthy organic feel to it. I told D I was going to get some pillows and a few decor pieces with that color for the main area. It'll be fun looking around to see what I find. My go-to store has always been Winners but who knows what Calgary has.

Jen cleaned up a huge pile of deer poop in the yard yesterday. They are staying away during the day, probably b/c of the dogs, but at night they are obviously here. I don't know how my herbs will do in the spring with them around. Might have to see if there is some kind of cover I can put on them overnight. I have lots of time to figure that out.

Tomorrow is my bird course hike so I won't be here in the morning. Today I will get out my thermal shirt, get the cleats out for my boots and make sure all my clothes are ready to put on as I'll be out of here by 8. The temps will be around 0 so not as cold as the rest of the week (-13 to -22). It'll be lightly snowing out and icy so will just bring the small camera to snap a few pics and use the zoom to spot birds as they are pointed out. I'm ok with not getting many pics, the best thing will be learning about areas to go to and what wildlife is around. We are going to the park I was at a few wks ago but I'm sure we'll go thru areas I didn't explore b/c I didn't venture far into the park, not wanting to get lost.

@faerywings Glad you found something for your mom. I hope G is soon feeling better and your anxiety quiets down. As for my car, no, no remote start on the SUV. D has one on his truck.

@vickyday Stay warm. Hope it is fixed quickly.

@BrightEyes Glad you kept the big heavy coat. I am going to check mine and see what the warmest one will be for me tomorrow for my cold weather hike.

@taxed4ever Good for you for doing the wall pilates. I wonder if that would work for me. I need to see a physio sometime soon to figure out what exercises I can do that won't mess up my back. I'll check into that.

I need to get on with my day. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Chris @faerywings I want to thank you for the recipe for Cheesy Enchilada Rice Skillet. I finally made it tonight and we really enjoyed it. :lovey3:

And about calling people magpies, years ago we used to see a group of women from a department store at dinner in the mall and that's what my DH called them.