
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, January 6


The Loopy-O
Eep! I am running really late. Way later than usual. So no big blabbering from me today. (Did I just hear sighs of relief from all of you?? LOL)

I guess that is also good since I had not much going on yesterday nor today. yesterday was cleaning/blood work/bills/IV. Same old same old! heh. Today is food shopping, ugh. Gary is coming with me today, to help me with the heavy stuff. This is a good thing, right?

We are getting a really cold arctic blast -- teens and 20*'s until next week. Going to need to be bundled up! Nancy, if you head out walking, I am going to think you are :loco:

I never did get to look for that photo of Scott at Disney, maybe today?

Tip on Tuesday:
If you use Firefox, there is a cool add-on called Speed Dial. When you open a new tab, you can have the sites you visit most listed there. You can group them by subject. For ex. I have Cooking, Health, News, and Favorites. If you go to a site that you want to add to a Dial, right click and a dialogue box comes up to do that.
I find it way easier than to use bookmarks. My bookmark folders are so huge and disorganized and I have sites from angelfire.com-- do any of you even remember angelfire sites?

QOTD Since I am going grocery shopping, how about a question re: food. Favorite food? Something that you have to have on hand at all times?
For me and my family-- it has to be cheese, esp.mozzarella and colby jack is a second.
It's convenient- grilled cheese, cheese and crackers, just a chuck on its own, as well as in recipes like Caitlyn's Cheddar Tortilla soup.

Now I am getting hungry!!! :hungry:

Have a wonderful day and to those of in the East, stay warm!


The Loopy-O
*pounce* Yay, Phyllis is BACK!!

Sorry if I hurt you with that pounce, I think I hurt myself! I had a feeling that you were just busy with your hubby, and i bet that you enjoyed the peace and quiet of your house yesterday.
How much snow did you/are you going to get? Damn white stuff!!!

Nancy- whoo hoo to you tooooo! At home, alone...
(Yes! I am jealous of you all!!!! I love Gary so much, but there are times, I wish I had the house to myself. Even when we are not in the same room, you feel the other presence, if that makes sense)

Trudy- how did the pool go? I hope that it wasn't too crowded for you.
I do have to admit, my mon is an awesome cook. However, she can't bake to save her life. But your MIL and my mom might be a good duo.

Shar- oh how much that hurts my heart that your mom didn't care. My mom cares too much sometimes, but I will take that any day.
You and Trudy are too funny with your cross-posting :D

Late late for a very important date (with the bus stop)



Well-Known Member
blerg.:faint2: 14 degrees, snowing and wrecks all over the place out there. i did just hear trom Hubby and DD, and they made it into work. this week is going to absolutely STINK!! :smow: on days like this i am SOOOO glad i don't have to go out.

Chris, do you LIkE having DH go shopping with you? honestly. one of the things i did while DH was home was make him come grocery shopping with me so that i could teach him some stuff, in case i fall off the twig and leave him wondering how to buy food. it was like dragging a moose around with me. but at least he knows how to scan groceries now. are you guys going to get any snow?? the combination of this Arctic Blast and and snow have made the roads unbelievable. good luck. hope you get no snow!!

Nancy, congrats on your retirement solo time. i have loved it for years. i'm one of those deluded individuals who actually LIKES her own company, and that seems to be key to having fun while The Cat's Away. i think you'll love the autonomy.

Trudy, this made me laugh out loud!
Oh well most of them will be gone within a week or so !
i hope you had the pool almost to yourself, though.

Shar, i'm with you. i hate lines, crowds, all the things that go with popular venues. will you travel to Utah to see the Grands?

Hi, Jean! i'm with you. losing 25 pounds would be the greatest! hope you're staying warm. looks like you guys are also participating in the cold/snow event.

QOTD: i guess cheese, salami and ground meat.

today. :hurt: yep. it's "Take Everything Out Of Your Closet to Get At the Cubbyhole So You Can Put Away the Christmas Decos" ...day. well, at least i don't have to drive there.

enjoy Tuesday in any way available to you! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Good morning - I did my grocery shopping and paid some bills. Today I have to do more bills and laundry. I did go for a walk yesterday. I was a fast walker with the wind blowing me home. It has now started to snow though they say just a light dusting to maybe 1 inch. Of course I have a game tonight. It is against the Buffalo Sabers. I am hoping for a win. Watched the Canadiens win the World Jr hockey championship. It was exciting. I love to watch the prospects who might be in the NHL soon.

Chris if I do walk today I will be bundled up. I used to walk to work in Wisconsin when it was in the below zero's. You just have to know how to dress for it. I take cold seriously!
Glad you are having calm days.

Phylis forgot to ask. Did your package arrive at its destination containing all that you sent?

Trudy my husband says the same thing you say which is that the gym is crowded with the New Year's resolution crowd. He too is waiting for them to stop LOL.

Shar it is amazing me up to see how often you and Trudy are posting at the same time.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Nancy, thanks for reminding me to do an update about my Package Saga. i found out a bit before Christmas that it had arrived overseas. so, i heaved a sigh of relief, though my son hadn't gotten it yet. THEN, a few days ago, i decided to check again to see what the holdup was. so i went onto the USPS website, only to find that the oackage was in SAN FRANCISCO AGAIN!! supposedly it's on its way back to me. i called the customer service line at the USPS, and they can't figure out WHY the thing is now on its way back to me. so, it'll probably take a month for it to get to me, if it ever does. i am pissed. :rant:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is so foggy out this morning I can't even see the neighbours house!! I sure hope that means that the sun will be out later on today and we are done with the downpour for a couple of days!

Chris - Hope you made it to the Bus Stop on time!! Good luck taking your hubby shopping with you! Mine wanders the aisles and finds things to buy that we don't need and then complains about the cost of groceries LOL! Most of the time I make him put things back on the shelf, honestly its like dragging my grandkids around the store with me
, He does not come with me too often and I must admit that it is nice to have someone to pack and unpack the groceries from the car!

Phylis - I can't believe that your package is on its way back to you!!!
I would be fuming mad!! So now what? If it comes back to you are you expected to pay the astronomical cost of sending it again???? Will you send it again??? WTH is the matter with postal service these days... ok I will shut up,:tape: its just getting me all worked up and its not even my parcel :becky: Wish you could have been with me at the pool yesterday, I had a nice lane all to myself for about 10 mins then 3 older gents came to swim and not one of them were doing the lane traffic properly, according to the sign at the end of each lane, when it is a double swim lane (which it was) then you swim up the outside and down middle. Well they all thought that they should stay in the middle!! I explained to one guy the rules and showed him the sign, but he just grunted at me and totally ignored me. So I ran over him a few times because he was also not a fast enough swimmer to be in that lane in the first place. He soon got the message, but next time I am getting the lifeguards to kick these old guys out if they don't listen. I have decided that I do not like old men!!!! :becky: Oh well there goes my New Year Resolution to be nicer to people LOL. Opps!! BTW if you still want to see my calendars, I finally got them uploaded to my dropbox and will send you the link of you like?

Nancy - We watched the Canadian Team beat Russia last night too, what a great game!! Some very talented young men out there! When I lived in Saskatchewan a friend and I used to go for a walk almost every day, when it was minus 20 or more we would just cover up really well and walked anyway, you just have to dress properly like you say. I do not miss that cold though.

Shar - My heart hurts for you also, my mother was a wonderful loving person and she had 7 of us that she had to share her love with! We all were treated equally and she was just the sweetest kindest person ever, I miss her terribly!! I can't imagine having to play the grown up! We also have a sister who has cut herself off from the rest of the family, still not really sure why, except that her and another sister had a falling out. Oh well you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family!!

A bit of
today and I am calling my travel agent (high school friend) to get our vacation booked!! Woo!!!! Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Nancy, for all the good I have to say about retirement, I too LOVE having the house to myself. DH usually plays golf at least one day a week during the winter. I won't play in cold or wet, so I get about 5 hours to myself when he does that. AND I give HIM the gift of the house to himself occasionally. All the years he was working and the kids were young, that essentially never happened for him. He admits to enjoying it too.

Re. grocery shopping: Dave gradually took it over when he retired. He never purposed to do so as far as I know, but one day I realized I hadn't been to the store for over a month. He does a great job most of the time and is even an expert knowing where to park in the lot (close to a cart return, etc.) He's also less impulsive than I am, and always has his cell phone to call me if there's a question. He brings it all in, and before I get out to the kitchen, he has most of it put away! Please don't hate me!!!! LOL

Phylis, yes. Traveling in Feb. to see the munchkins. I snagged a $141 ROUND TRIP (!!!) plane ticket. And it's only 1.5 hours in the air--SO easy compared to getting to PGH from here. Dave doesn't like visiting the kids in the winter (being cooped up indoors), so he's staying home (house to himself!!!) and planning his SPAM meals already. (I don't eat SPAM, so he takes advantage of my absence by doing it big when I'm away.)

Your Package Saga is unbelievable. Sure hope it eventually shows up. Although, I don't blame it for wanting to return to San Francisco. ;)

Another cozy-in day for me...more laundry and digital art. Hope you gals in the cold zones stay warm.

If I had to live on just one food for the rest of my life, it would be crab (especially Alaska king crab). But the "must" to have on hand at all times: ground beef and boneless chicken breasts and thighs. There are infinite possibilities with those as starters.

I'm sure I will now click "Post Quick Reply," and find a post from Trudy!

Go gently!


So, Trudy, all I can offer about the old men is that they probably couldn't HEAR you because they had to take their hearing aids off and they couldn't read the sign because they had to take their glasses off!

Don't feel too bad for me. EVERYONE has SOMETHING! They help us become who we are. We can respond one of two ways. It has made me be the kind of mom to my kids that I wish I had had...and the kind of grandmother I wish my children had had--Dave's mom & dad were no better than mine, so our kids got robbed of having wonderful grandparents. But I know our kids so appreciate what kind of grandparents we are to their children. They are not sitting around waiting for us to die! LOL

NOW! There will probably be another post from you, Trudy! ROTF


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ha, Ha, Shar, what a pair we are!! I was surprised that I did not find a post from you when I hit quick reply, but it must have happened shortly thereafter!! You are probably right about the old guys and their hearing aids and glasses, but my goodness the sign is so huge that I don't see how they could not see it LOL. Lucky you for getting to see your grandkids and what a good price for a flight! I have to pay an arm and a leg to get to Ontario and although Cold Lake Alberta is not that far away by Air, I can't fly into the Military base there and so must take a shuttle or rent a car and do a three hour drive from the airport. How crazy is that??


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Oh forgot the QOTD - Avocados I simply must have them in the fridge or ripening on the counter, love it in everything!!


We have good friends in Pt. Moody, BC. Their flight destinations are Quebec for one set of parents, and Florida for grandchildren. Flights out of BC are so expensive, they usually come down to Seattle and fly out from here.

I feel blessed to be so close with such good prices. It was way harder when they lived in Pittsburgh. Now I fly direct into Salt Lake City, then take the commuter rail south to near their home. So EASY! Airports are still not my favorite place to be, but we are used to it, sort of "geared up" for it, and feel like it's the best money we spend. MY poor DSIL. His parents have never even met their 5 grandchildren, although they have been invited several times. Instead, they go to various gambling venues on their travels. They have no idea of the joy they are CHOOSING to miss out on! =:O What we do is what GRANDPARENTS should do, IMHO. And instead of throwing money away gambling, give it to the kids to help pay off student loans and medical bills! Okay. Off my pedestal. sorry.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Don't ever be sorry Shar!! You must be amazing grandparents!! You are right it is better money spent to have that time with your kids and grandkids!! We are keeping our fingers crossed that DS's next posting will be here on the Island. I have flown a few times from Victoria to Seattle and then off to other destinations from Seattle, you are right the prices are better. I will have to check it out for my next trip to Ontario, although we have been lucky the last few times and got to use our airmiles for the trip. My Mr. Gorgeous and myself are not big gamblers ourselves, we did do a trip to Vegas once and felt so out of place there, like fish out of water!! We had no idea how to use the slots, so we just spent our time going to the shows and then to the Grand Canyon. We will never return to Vegas, I totally don't get why people want to spend their hard earned dollars gambling it all away. Ok so now I will step down from pedestal also LOL. :tape: