
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, January 21


The Loopy-O
Guess what? Its gonna snow here today. How much? Who the heck knows? 3-6, 4-8? Maybe even 6-10. When is it going to start? Again, no one seems to have a clue- 9am by some reports, mid-afternoon by others.
This is getting very tiresome. I have an eye dr appt at 10.45. I have to go or I will run out of contact lenses. Hopefully it will hold off until I get back up my mountain.

I am so ready to run away!!!!

I got "good news" if you want to call it that re: surgeons. Both whom were recommended to me are in my insurance plan. I made an appt with the one who was recommended as the first choice for Thursday. But the best part of this is what happened when I called my GP for a referral. As soon as a said the Dr's name, the receptionist taking my info said, Oh she is wonderful! Credentials and sweet. That was such a weight off of my shoulders.

You know what is really weird? Most lyme drs and support groups don't want you to mention the dr's full name. You need to either use only the dr's initial or just say my llmd (lyme literate MD). This is to protect them from insurance companies and state medical boards from trying to sue them or take their licenses. (How pathetic is that?) Anyway-- no such worries with oncology surgeons. How weird/awesome is that?

So that is about it. Hunkering down and staying far away from the shop rite today.

Hoping that you all have a sunny and warm day today, if only in your dreams!

I wish it was summer
I wish it was summer
I wish it was summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love to all!
Oh Laurie, *wrapping you in hugs* Everyone needs a day to get it all out. The client at was at yesterday is the one with breast cancer and MS. She is always so damn funny, but even she was saying how once in a while she needs a day to lie in bed and cry. This time of year is so hard to begin with and add in the illness and house crap you have had to deal with, it is no wonder you are at the end of your rope.

Nancy-- thank you! That is such a sweet offer!!
That sounds like an awesome and perfect vacation for you!!! Family, fun, birds, sunshine and hockey- could not get better!!

Sandra-- good strong vibes coming to you for the busy week-- all moving forward!

OMG Trudy, so much sunshine for you! I am so jealous! Although I hear you about the lack of snow. We went though that 2 years ago and it really messes thing up in the summer months when everything got so dry.
I love how your g-niece opened her gifts, I wish that they could bottle that energy!

Phyllis- is there room in that closet for me?????
Feel better, wish there was something I could for you.
Wait. Have I recommended papaya extract? Chewable tablets, good for stomach issues, digestion, nausea. Can't hurt to try them?

Hi Sally!!!!!!!!! You are a quilting queen!

Andrea-- hope you day was great-- how is your knee holding up? Any better? Hope so!

Good morning my O fam- finally a morning without weeping. My husband has returned to work, I am not allowed until Thursday which is my day off. We too have snow- just enough to make it miserable for drivers- not me- I am staying home. We got the furnace fixed- no idea what the bill is, perhaps that is a good thing. My personal goal for the next three days- work on cleaning up and sorting from the craft room, which is now spread in living room, hubby's office, spare bedroom and said craft room. Oh and eat right, take breaks, scrap, exercise, and make a card for the wedding couple whose wedding we missed.
howdy. guess what. it's snowing here already. sorry, Chris. sending this mess over to YOU in a few hours. for some reason, we're only supposed to get 1-3". however. HOWEVER. the temps are in the teens and will be below zero overnight. looks like the creepy temps will persist for days. everyone on the East Coast: INTO THE CLOSET WITH ME IMMEDIATELY!!!!! :hurt:

sigh. so here's another day of winter in the Northeast. I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! :rant:

whew. OK. i'm done with the Weather Bitching for now.

Chris, i love that your surgeon is a woman. i've become a total "give me a girl" doctor person. it's so great to have confidence in your doctor, so it sounds like everything is coming together for you. the insurance, the surgeon, everything. good. very good.

Laurie, hang in there. i may join you in a cry today. couldn't you just have had the furnace guy do all the repairs and get your heat going immediately? i don't envy you your electric bill. i just can't believe (though Obama promised that our electric bills would "necessarily skyrocket") that our electric bill EVERY MONTH is about what our winter gas bill is. hope you're starting to at least feel a bit better, health-wise.

Trudy. please do me a favor and post a photo either here or Facebook of something from your sunny walk. i just need to look at something BEAUTIFUL!!! hope the sun is still shining for you over there. with all the mountains and the blue sky and the water and the forests and...and...and.... :hurt:

Hi, Nancy. what a hoot that Devils Fan Trip must have been! are you from Colorado originally, or did family move out there? good decision to leave the Northeast.... The Pens blew their 13-game home sinning streak. BADLY! that's apparently what happens when your team has almost a week OFF!

Hi, Sally!

Hi, Sandra!

Hi, Andrea!

i'm supposedly going for a haircut later this morning. i haven't heard what the roads are like yet. if it seems crazy out there, i'm going to cancel. i need some excitement, but not THAT slippery, snow-covered, crazy drivers kind of excitement. i've got a brisket cooking slowly in the oven. the wood stove is fired up. the dishwasher is running. just another day in Paradise....:becky:

be well, O-zies. SUN!! think SUN!!!! :flame:
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"Laurie, hang in there. i may join you in a cry today. couldn't you just have had the furnace guy do all the repairs and get your heat going immediately? i don't envy you your electric bill. i just can't believe (though Obama promised that our electric bills would "necessarily skyrocket") that our electric bill EVERY MONTH is about what our winter gas bill is. hope you're starting to at least feel a bit better, health-wise."

Phylis, we saved money I think, by picking the part up, otherwise it would have been shipped to the repairman, saved time as well. We like this guy- he is honest and has repaired/replaced water heater, furnace, AC, well pump- yeah he is our guy. Seems like we are always putting money into the bones of the home rather than the beauty dressing up part. It is surely cold here today with temperatures dropping throughout the day, we are already in single digits.
good morning - well it has been snowing here since I woke up. Looks like I am in the band for 6-10 inches. I have a game tonight so glad I can go on my NJ transit train. Of course that is if there are no problems on the tracks LOL. Yesterday was just a catch up from vacation. It was also a fun day of watching hockey.

Chris so glad you have found a great surgeon. I had calcifications removed and it was the nicest woman surgeon. And yes it seems like summer is a long way away.

Laurie so glad today has dawned brighter. We have a furnace man too. It is so nice when you finally find a great repair man.

Phylis hope you make it to the haircut appointment. And yes we too are going to have the Polar vortex #2. Yes born in Colorado and raised in Arizona. I consider myself a western girl though I have lived in NJ longer than I ever lived out west. Saw that the Pens lost at home was surprised at is was to the Florida Panthers.

Trudy your grandniece sounds adorable. You sound like my sister. She is complaining that the sun and temps are so above normal so that means her summer is going to be way too hot. But for me visiting AZ the above normal temps were enjoyable.

Hi Andrea, Sally and Sandra!

Have a great day all!
Morning friends... Another foggy morning but the clouds are burning off and it looks like we are in for another sunny day! It was quite cool last night though and I will be waiting until later today to take my walk, when the temps rise a bit.

Chris - Sorry to heat that more snow is on the way for you! But good news that you found a great female dr. to care for you! Keep on wishing for sunny warm weather, its bound to happen sooner or later :becky: Wish I could send some of this sun out your way!!

Laurie - Glad that you are in a happier place today! Don't be in any hurry to get back to work, you don't want to have a relapse!! Stay nice and cozy indoors and get that sorting and putting away done! Happy that you are able to have a warm house again!

Phylis - I will try to get a photo for you today, I wish you could just join me on my walk and we could enjoy the scenery together and solve all the worlds problems!! :becky: Hope you get to have your haircut today and that the roads aren't an icky, slushy, icy, snowy mess!! I got to face time with Mason this morning and you should have seen him, acting like a little ham bone, making faces and laughing, sticking out his tongue at me and giggling. Such a funny little man!! :love:

Nancy - No real complaining going on here, I am so blessed to not have to put up with horrid cold temps and tons of snow!! Just a little frightened as to what the water conditions will be if we don't get any moisture!! Forest Fires are not something we need to deal with this summer!! Have fun at your game tonight!! Hopefully the train is trouble free and you get there and back on time!!

Trying to get a page finished for this morning and then off to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items I forgot the other day. Seems that even with a list, I still manage to miss getting a few things :loco: Oh well a good excuse to leave the house today! Have a great day everyone, do something you love!! :wave:
Hey kids!!! Bunches of hugs from Texas. Yep, I'm driving around with the top down in the sun (yep, I've got sunscreen in my makeup!!) with quilts on and the heat on and the windows up! Emma took a pic...I'll have to upload it soon! :) I'm not looking forward to Friday when the Canadian Noreaster (is that what it's called???) actually hits us! yuck!!! No snow, but rain and temps in the mid 30s. Houston basically stops when it gets cold and wet. Seriously!! We just can't handle it! :)

I'm putting together linens for our table for my mom's church's annual friendship brunch. This year, our theme is blue and white. It should be super interesting! Next year, I'd like to do something hipster, but my mom probably will veto it! LOL!!

hugs to all!!! ♥♥♥
nope. didn't make it for my haircut. i chickened out. everyone was crashing into each other about that time and i thought, "nope. not gonna do it." so i cancelled. and then an hour later the snow stopped, and now the sun is shining. figures....

Nancy, how much snow is falling at your house? it may not be as bad as they're saying it will be. we only got a slippery INCH! have fun at the game.

Trudy, you have NO idea how much i'd love to go on that walk. sigh :pout: and aren't Facetime and Skype GREAT!!!! i swear, my Grandmen wouldn't even know me if it weren't for Skype. and my GD will only get to know me via Skype, since they'll all be leaving the country when she's only 8 months old and not getting back here for several years after that.

Sally, i have to see the photo of you doing the convertible with quilts and the windows up!! :rofl: IS there such a thing as a Canadian Noreaster in Texas? i thought all the noreasters were off the Atlantic coast. i'll have to look into that. i actually have been blaming Texas for all our bad weather over the last few years. we usually get stuff dipping down from Canada. then we started getting these storms, summer and winter, that shoot up in a line from Texas. i always know when that happens that we're in for a LOT of various sorts of moisture. so STOP sending that stuff up here! :becky:
I guess I better not mention the temperatures in California, eh? Let me just say it's beautiful here, although worrisome at the same time, the governor declared the draught emergency and some counties are already implementing mandatory water conservancy measures. We are up for a very bad year. No more almonds from Cali, so stock up now. :-)

Chris, I keep my fingers crossed that your sailing through referrals and procedures will be an easy one, the system is so screwed up :-(