
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, January 2


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-fam, how is everybody today? Fully recovered after the holidays? I am surprisingly well this morning. Not from too much food or wine. That was not an issue. It was the hike that could have done me in. :eek:
It was supposed to be a 5 1/2-mile loop around a lake. Easy to moderate terrain. The weather was chilly but not terrible, especially once we got moving. The kink in the plans: Some of the trails were washed out and underwater from the heavy rains. We got to one spot where we should have only had a short trip back to the parking lot. Completely underwater. We had to turn back and take a different connector trail. That added on another 2 miles. I met a really nice lady (she is also 4'11" LOL) and we talked the entire time. She told me about a ladies-only NJ Hiking group on FB so I joined up.

That was how I spent most of my day which balanced out the emails I was getting from my brother and father. My mom is all angry at everything again (still). *sighs* I don't; know what else to do-- I feel like I have tried everything in my power. It's just not enough. :(

No plans out of the house today so I am going to start sorting through the filing cabinets. I should go into the attic and find some of the boxes of paperwork saved from years ago. If I haven't needed it in the past 10 years, I guess it is garbage.

Have a happy day!


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord I sincerely am so proud of you for taking that break and putting yourself first. For some reason, I thought TAVR was on the 10th but hey, at least I was close ;) Will Syd still be home?
You have a goal of 52 books in 2024??? :thud:
My BFF encouraged me to get back on GoodReads and I set a goal for 15 books. I usually only read before bed so it takes me a while to get through them. I miss the days when I could read and read and not feel like I was being lazy. :/ (That's such a Me Problem.)
Have fun scrapping the cruise pictures!

@vickyday I love the review pages, and was so excited to see them in the HAPS! Hope that your head isn't too achy today.

@AnaSantos Congrats on making it to midnight!

@BrightEyes That is a Labor of Love... what a meaningful way to spend your New Year's with Bill. I obviously can't tell how you are feeling inside, but you have really come a long way in your grief since we first met you. :hug3: IMO, he'd be proud of you too.
(I hope I am not overstepping)
The massager must have felt wonderful. I shoved my feet into a foot warmer after the hike which was simply divine!

@Cherylndesigns Glad you got to see the "real" Ball Drop. NYC is the only one that counts Bwuahahah!
Asher is adorable in that photo, I can see why you are using it. I am LMBO over the 'things that magically appear." Spot on!
Roger must have a body double or something. He works FT/travels/spends his downtime building a cabin by hand. AND he puts up with all you ladies and your shenanigans. I bow down!

@bcgal00 I am so happy for you and the family- a fresh start. I bet the house is already feeling more like your own and good for you getting rid of the stuff you don't want or need.

@melscrap :waving1 So wonderful to see you here! Your New Year's Eve and Day sounds relaxing and comforting with the fam. I hope that this year isn't as crazy-busy as usual. We can hope, right?

Love to you all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! Back to work...for a week. I didn't get a layout done yesterday but I did remember how to find my post counts and get my threads set up for January for my Cheery-O work. Small victories!

@faerywings that hike would have killed me! But I have goals for after the TAVR...going to get myself into shape so that I can travel and enjoy it!

Got a lot of organizing done yesterday...took a nap and read. The book that I am reading right now is fantastic---Calling Me Home. I had to force myself to put it down. The only thing that kept me from reading until the end was having Sydney home and not wanting to miss any of my time with her.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

I'm up and waiting for Chuck to wake up. I was going to lay back down, but nah - I stayed up. Could I possibly be turning into a morning person??? Probably not - it's just temporary, I'm sure. I have to brag on myself. I fixed real food that he loved yesterday evening. He ate two bowls of it!! We had some of those big fat Amish noodles, so I fixed about half of them, with lots of butter. I had some pre-cooked Tyson frozen chicken pieces, which I sauteed in olive oil and put some of my favorite spices onit while it was cooking, and I made some "gravy" out of cream of chicken soup with some milk added. He likes the "moisture" of a sauce. I must say, it was very good. Soul food. I haven't seen him enjoy "real food" since he got home. Like Linda @LSlycord said "small victories".

Adrienne wasn't feeling good New Year's Eve, but had a couple of drinks and felt better. She has the flu now. She was really sick yesterday, so I'm praying I didn't get exposed. I've tried to get a flu shot 3 times and I'm on a mission to get one somewhere today. I'm very nervous about her having it. This is the first time I haven't gotten a flu shot as soon as they came out. They were out of them the other evening when I tried to get one. They're supposed to have them in today. Walgreen's makes you have an appointment, so I might have to break down and get an appointment. I have walked in two other places and had no luck. Chuck got one in the rehab facility so at least I don't have to worry about him.

Chris @faerywings I swear, Roger is a machine. He sits down about 8 at night and likes to watch TV for a couple of hours (same as us). Other than that, he never stops. I think he dreams all night about what all he has to do the next day. Ava is going to go to the cabin and take some really good pictures as soon as it's near completion. I told her you wanted pictures. She's up there every day at some point and Roger would rather have her help than the boys. She helps him do a lot of things (of course she does; she's Ava.)

That stinks that the trails were washed out, but you met a nice woman and found out about a FB women's hiking group. I love those - you get some valuable information in those groups. I told you I joined an Oklahome Snakes Group well before we moved, didn't I? I have always been deathly afraid of snakes and I figured that would be a good way to de-sensitize myself. Guess what? I saw way more snakes in Florida. I have only seen one snake skin in one of the sheds, Ava found one and held it by the tail and B took a picture, that's it. The kids have seen a few in a pile of railroad ties when they went to move them. (Of course, Roger does spray around all of our houses with snake repellent - so that probably has helped.)

Yes, I got to see "the real" ball drop. Every other one is anti-climactic or pre ball drop (the peole ahead of us). :lol23:I have lived in the Eastern Time Zone my whole life and it's weird not living in the EST. I keep forgetting. I love Asher's little picture, so much. I never cared about going out on New Year's Eve, so he (and the other gk's) always stayed with me. I always got them non-alcoholic champagne and they thought they were big stuff drinking that out of a plastic champagne flute. I saw all of the non-alcoholic bottles at Walmart the other night and it brought back those memories.

It's about time for Chuck to start stirring, so I'm going to get off of here. I'll try to pop back in and do some more personals as I see them come in, like I did a couple of days ago.

HAGD and let's get 2024 party started!!:partyhorn:

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Love my O Family!
Hey there, O-fam, how is everybody today? Fully recovered after the holidays? I am surprisingly well this morning. Not from too much food or wine. That was not an issue. It was the hike that could have done me in. :eek:
It was supposed to be a 5 1/2-mile loop around a lake. Easy to moderate terrain. The weather was chilly but not terrible, especially once we got moving. The kink in the plans: Some of the trails were washed out and underwater from the heavy rains. We got to one spot where we should have only had a short trip back to the parking lot. Completely underwater. We had to turn back and take a different connector trail. That added on another 2 miles. I met a really nice lady (she is also 4'11" LOL) and we talked the entire time. She told me about a ladies-only NJ Hiking group on FB so I joined up.

That was how I spent most of my day which balanced out the emails I was getting from my brother and father. My mom is all angry at everything again (still). *sighs* I don't; know what else to do-- I feel like I have tried everything in my power. It's just not enough. :(

No plans out of the house today so I am going to start sorting through the filing cabinets. I should go into the attic and find some of the boxes of paperwork saved from years ago. If I haven't needed it in the past 10 years, I guess it is garbage.

Have a happy day!
Yes, to the 10 year old files.....unless they are tax papers. Just be sure you keep the number of years suggested.....7? Not sure. And I don't know if each state is different??
I'm glad you found someone on the hike to take your mind off of the detours you had to make! Do you have a map that you take along for instances like that, or do you just know the trails well enough?
Is your mom having health issues that make her angry? Dementia or Alzheimer episodes? Just tell yourself, this is not my fault.....love her the best she will let you.....that's probably all you can do! Makes me sad. Mom had mean streaks after she got Alzheimer's. :hug4: :heartpumpred:


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord I sincerely am so proud of you for taking that break and putting yourself first. For some reason, I thought TAVR was on the 10th but hey, at least I was close ;) Will Syd still be home?
You have a goal of 52 books in 2024??? :thud:
My BFF encouraged me to get back on GoodReads and I set a goal for 15 books. I usually only read before bed so it takes me a while to get through them. I miss the days when I could read and read and not feel like I was being lazy. :/ (That's such a Me Problem.)
Have fun scrapping the cruise pictures!

@vickyday I love the review pages, and was so excited to see them in the HAPS! Hope that your head isn't too achy today.

@AnaSantos Congrats on making it to midnight!

@BrightEyes That is a Labor of Love... what a meaningful way to spend your New Year's with Bill. I obviously can't tell how you are feeling inside, but you have really come a long way in your grief since we first met you. :hug3: IMO, he'd be proud of you too.
(I hope I am not overstepping)
The massager must have felt wonderful. I shoved my feet into a foot warmer after the hike which was simply divine!

@Cherylndesigns Glad you got to see the "real" Ball Drop. NYC is the only one that counts Bwuahahah!
Asher is adorable in that photo, I can see why you are using it. I am LMBO over the 'things that magically appear." Spot on!
Roger must have a body double or something. He works FT/travels/spends his downtime building a cabin by hand. AND he puts up with all you ladies and your shenanigans. I bow down!

@bcgal00 I am so happy for you and the family- a fresh start. I bet the house is already feeling more like your own and good for you getting rid of the stuff you don't want or need.

@melscrap :waving1 So wonderful to see you here! Your New Year's Eve and Day sounds relaxing and comforting with the fam. I hope that this year isn't as crazy-busy as usual. We can hope, right?

Love to you all!
Thank you! I just loved all of the festive decorations I found to put on the spread! I love looking and reviewing every little nook and cranny!
The head is better today, thanks the Lord!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out. I'm on the way to PT. I'll give an update when I get back and do some personals!
Hugs to all!


Had a broken-night's sleep. Feel asleep at 10PM then the phone rang once at midnight and woke me up. Then woke up off and on the rest of the night. UGH!!! At least the back is not as sore today... love my massager as it help loosen up the lower back.
@BrightEyes That is a Labor of Love... what a meaningful way to spend your New Year's with Bill. I obviously can't tell how you are feeling inside, but you have really come a long way in your grief since we first met you. :hug3: IMO, he'd be proud of you too.
(I hope I am not overstepping)
The massager must have felt wonderful. I shoved my feet into a foot warmer after the hike which was simply divine!
No, Chris... you are not overstepping at all - I have come a long way. And the letters to Bill and Yearly reflection LOs let me see how far I have come in the 6 years since he has passed. I will be working on the Anniversary of his Death letter next week (Jan 8th). So glad that I finally found the kit I always use for those letters (I Wanna Hold Your Hand by Lara's Digi World) along with the photo of our hands holding each other that DD#1 took on that last day. That kit was released just after Bill passed so it was like it was meant to be!!! He could hear but couldn't see after the last stroke so he would take my hand and feel my wedding ring so he knew it was me. As you can see - his thumb is on my ring...such a wonderful and precious memory.

Gosh, Chris... that was a long detour on you hike!!! So glad you met another 'shorty' and made a new friend. I can't imagine hiking 7+ miles!!! So sorry about your Mom causing you grief ... yes, it does sound like she might have some form of dementia that is altering her moods. :hug4:I agree with Vicky Day... hang on to tax files for at least 10 years and all the files on to the purchase/etc of your house. I need to consolidate some of my tax files - put 2-3 years together into 1 bin... they are in single year bins right now. Running out of storage space!!!

@LSlycord It is so good to have you back posting again. Chris was right... you did need to take time for yourself and family. Great news that the work contract was extended for another year - and wonderful that they understand about the TAVR coming up. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing vibes your way.

@Cherylndesigns Great to see you joining us "early morning" gals! :pillowtalk: So happy to hear that Chuck enjoyed eating "real food" that you cooked!!! Sounds delicious!!! Looking forward to seeing some of the photos that Ava will take of the cabin. Wow, Roger is a 'worker' for sure!! UGH on Snakes... I can't stand them, either. I've had a few close calls with rattlesnakes and don't care to ever see any snakes again.

The house is finally warmed up so time to take my shower :showering:and get dressed. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! I was MIA from here yesterday, but had a full day in the kitchen. I made a huge pot of Pasta E Fagioli Soup (minus the pasta). My DH loves this soup! I used up the last of my homemade bone broth in that soup, so I also did another batch of chicken bone broth in my instapot. (yes @faerywings I will get those recipes to you soon!) The freezer is full of broth again. I also made some Keto blueberry muffins and egg bites. The kitchen smelled wonderful! Supper was easy as we did a Rotisserie chicken and had an Asian Salad that needed to be eaten up. DH is back to work for two days then hopefully we will hear from the surgeon today as to what time his surgery will be on Thursday. He is getting anxious to finally get this over with! The house is clean and the Christmas decorations are all put away. I miss the lovely glow of the Christmas Tree, but its nice to have the house back to normal again.

@faerywings - Yes the New Year is a good time to purge all those old papers etc. I need to go through some things too and get rid of what I don't need anymore. Your hike sounds like some of ours that we have done down by the rivers, most of the time the hike leader pre-hikes the hike just in case there is flooding or downed trees, but sometimes Mother Nature just does things when she feels like it and we have had to back track to other trails to get back to our cars. Just think of it as a lot more exercise and fresh air! Its all good!! Tomorrow's hike is a 10km (just over 6 miles) one and I bet I will be sore, but in a good way. I really need to get some more exercise! Sorry that your Mom is angry at the world, sure hope that it is not a sign of dementia! My mother had dementia, but never really was angry, but then she was never angry at anything her whole life, wish I had her attitude!! So nice that you met a friend on the hike too, thats the best part of hiking with a group!

@LSlycord - so happy to see your smiling face here again! What a lovely trip you must have had on your cruise! So happy that you took the time to just relax and get away from the stress of life!! Your goals for this New Year all sound fabulous and I hope you are able to achieve them all!

@vickyday - Hope your PT goes well today! I was wondering if you have ever tried giving your DH Bone Broth to help out with his tummy issues and yours?? It really is fabulous for the gut!! One cup every morning its delicious and so good for you!

@Cherylndesigns - Yikes you are up early again!! Maybe you are becoming a morning person after all?? So nice that you can join us in the morning chat!! :groupchat:. I don't care for snakes either, they don't really scare me like spiders do, but I am startled when I do see one and don't want to bring one home in a box like I used to when I was a little girl :giggle4:. Looking forward to seeing the photos of the cabin! Sure hope you get your flu shot and that you did not get exposed to it from Adrienne!! You certainly don't want your DH to have to deal with the flu right now either! Glad that he enjoyed your home cooking, sounds like it was just what he needed!!

@BrightEyes - Oh that photo of you and your DH brought tears to my eyes!! You really have come a long way since your husband has passed!! You seem like you were so much in love!! :lovey3: A rare and beautiful thing these days!! I hope that the reflection of the anniversary will be healing for you!! So glad that you found that kit you were looking for, yes I think that the design of that kit was meant to be!! Hope that your morning shower warms you up and that you have a lovely day!!

Ok I am in desperate need of another cup of coffee and then I am sure that Heather and the boys will be calling soon. I do hope to get a page done for one of the January challenges today, wish me luck, seems there is always something that takes me away from creating a layout. :bye2:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I have the car full of stuff to drop off for charity. I am looking for a few little things for the house today while I am out. Need to grab a few groceries and D's prescription on the way back. Then this afternoon after lunch I'll take Remi to the park. My banana bread turned out ok. Next time I'll bake it a few minutes less though.

@faerywings Sorry to hear about your mom's temperament, her mood seems to change a lot doesn't it? Glad you enjoyed your hike and got to chat with someone during it. Joining the ladies hiking group sounds like a great idea. I'm so excited about my first birding hike next week.

@taxed4ever Sounds like a busy day in the kitchen. I am just starting to get back into the kitchen (got enough unpacked to function in there again). I was getting so sick of take out/delivery, glad to be eating homemade meals again.

I need to get a few things done and then head out to run errands. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh, Kay, @BrightEyes that picture is priceless. It's bringing tears to my eyes. How long was it after that picture was taken that Bill passed? You know how much I truly enjoy seeing pictures of the two of you and reading your journaling and your yearly letters. You two are the epitome of endless love. I didn't know you after Bill passed, but I adore how you're carrying your love for each other on. WOW! What a couple you must have been. I'll bet you owned the room when you walked in. :hug4::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:

I'm no longer watching for a snake with every step I take, but if I really saw one, I don't know what I'd do. :hiding1::hiding2::wallpeek:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Trudy @taxed4ever your kitchen must have smelled delightful. There's nothing ike the smell of food cooking. Good luck to your Gary getting through the next two days. It's so wonderful that he finally broke down and scheduled his surgery. How long do they expect him to be down?

Yes, Chuck really enjoyed the dinner I fixed him last night. He started smelling it while I was cooking and couldn't wait to eat.


Oh, Kay, @BrightEyes that picture is priceless. It's bringing tears to my eyes. How long was it after that picture was taken that Bill passed? You know how much I truly enjoy seeing pictures of the two of you and reading your journaling and your yearly letters. You two are the epitome of endless love. I didn't know you after Bill passed, but I adore how you're carrying your love for each other on. WOW! What a couple you must have been. I'll bet you owned the room when you walked in. :hug4::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:

I'm no longer watching for a snake with every step I take, but if I really saw one, I don't know what I'd do. :hiding1::hiding2::wallpeek:
The photo was taken in the early afternoon and he passed at 6PM. I didn't even notice that DD had taken it. She showed it to me the next day. I was so glad that she captured it as he was holding my hand off and on all that day.
I have to LOL as we got married so young and they said it wouldn't last 5 years - and we had 62+ years together. :dancing6::love::love::heartpumpred:
Looking back at our photos together there are so many when we were holding each other, kissing and laughing.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
The photo was taken in the early afternoon and he passed at 6PM. I didn't even notice that DD had taken it. She showed it to me the next day. I was so glad that she captured it as he was holding my hand off and on all that day.
I have to LOL as we got married so young and they said it wouldn't last 5 years - and we had 62+ years together. :dancing6::love::love::heartpumpred:
Looking back at our photos together there are so many when we were holding each other, kissing and laughing.
You just gave me goosebumps all over, Kay. I can relate - Chuck and I weren't so young - we had both been married previously, but people didn't give us a year. We hadn't been dating too long when he proposed to me, so lots of people thought we were "jumping the gun". We've been married 44 years on December 1st. Same with us - we were (still are) very much in love. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! I was MIA from here yesterday, but had a full day in the kitchen. I made a huge pot of Pasta E Fagioli Soup (minus the pasta). My DH loves this soup! I used up the last of my homemade bone broth in that soup, so I also did another batch of chicken bone broth in my instapot. (yes @faerywings I will get those recipes to you soon!) The freezer is full of broth again. I also made some Keto blueberry muffins and egg bites. The kitchen smelled wonderful! Supper was easy as we did a Rotisserie chicken and had an Asian Salad that needed to be eaten up. DH is back to work for two days then hopefully we will hear from the surgeon today as to what time his surgery will be on Thursday. He is getting anxious to finally get this over with! The house is clean and the Christmas decorations are all put away. I miss the lovely glow of the Christmas Tree, but its nice to have the house back to normal again.

@faerywings - Yes the New Year is a good time to purge all those old papers etc. I need to go through some things too and get rid of what I don't need anymore. Your hike sounds like some of ours that we have done down by the rivers, most of the time the hike leader pre-hikes the hike just in case there is flooding or downed trees, but sometimes Mother Nature just does things when she feels like it and we have had to back track to other trails to get back to our cars. Just think of it as a lot more exercise and fresh air! Its all good!! Tomorrow's hike is a 10km (just over 6 miles) one and I bet I will be sore, but in a good way. I really need to get some more exercise! Sorry that your Mom is angry at the world, sure hope that it is not a sign of dementia! My mother had dementia, but never really was angry, but then she was never angry at anything her whole life, wish I had her attitude!! So nice that you met a friend on the hike too, thats the best part of hiking with a group!

@LSlycord - so happy to see your smiling face here again! What a lovely trip you must have had on your cruise! So happy that you took the time to just relax and get away from the stress of life!! Your goals for this New Year all sound fabulous and I hope you are able to achieve them all!

@vickyday - Hope your PT goes well today! I was wondering if you have ever tried giving your DH Bone Broth to help out with his tummy issues and yours?? It really is fabulous for the gut!! One cup every morning its delicious and so good for you!

@Cherylndesigns - Yikes you are up early again!! Maybe you are becoming a morning person after all?? So nice that you can join us in the morning chat!! :groupchat:. I don't care for snakes either, they don't really scare me like spiders do, but I am startled when I do see one and don't want to bring one home in a box like I used to when I was a little girl :giggle4:. Looking forward to seeing the photos of the cabin! Sure hope you get your flu shot and that you did not get exposed to it from Adrienne!! You certainly don't want your DH to have to deal with the flu right now either! Glad that he enjoyed your home cooking, sounds like it was just what he needed!!

@BrightEyes - Oh that photo of you and your DH brought tears to my eyes!! You really have come a long way since your husband has passed!! You seem like you were so much in love!! :lovey3: A rare and beautiful thing these days!! I hope that the reflection of the anniversary will be healing for you!! So glad that you found that kit you were looking for, yes I think that the design of that kit was meant to be!! Hope that your morning shower warms you up and that you have a lovely day!!

Ok I am in desperate need of another cup of coffee and then I am sure that Heather and the boys will be calling soon. I do hope to get a page done for one of the January challenges today, wish me luck, seems there is always something that takes me away from creating a layout. :bye2:
HMMM! Interesting about the bone broth! Do you make and drink your own? I know you make it for your freezer for cooking, but do you make batches for drinking as you suggested? In other words, recipe, please?! ;)


Love my O Family!
Had a broken-night's sleep. Feel asleep at 10PM then the phone rang once at midnight and woke me up. Then woke up off and on the rest of the night. UGH!!! At least the back is not as sore today... love my massager as it help loosen up the lower back.

No, Chris... you are not overstepping at all - I have come a long way. And the letters to Bill and Yearly reflection LOs let me see how far I have come in the 6 years since he has passed. I will be working on the Anniversary of his Death letter next week (Jan 8th). So glad that I finally found the kit I always use for those letters (I Wanna Hold Your Hand by Lara's Digi World) along with the photo of our hands holding each other that DD#1 took on that last day. That kit was released just after Bill passed so it was like it was meant to be!!! He could hear but couldn't see after the last stroke so he would take my hand and feel my wedding ring so he knew it was me. As you can see - his thumb is on my ring...such a wonderful and precious memory.
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Gosh, Chris... that was a long detour on you hike!!! So glad you met another 'shorty' and made a new friend. I can't imagine hiking 7+ miles!!! So sorry about your Mom causing you grief ... yes, it does sound like she might have some form of dementia that is altering her moods. :hug4:I agree with Vicky Day... hang on to tax files for at least 10 years and all the files on to the purchase/etc of your house. I need to consolidate some of my tax files - put 2-3 years together into 1 bin... they are in single year bins right now. Running out of storage space!!!

@LSlycord It is so good to have you back posting again. Chris was right... you did need to take time for yourself and family. Great news that the work contract was extended for another year - and wonderful that they understand about the TAVR coming up. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing vibes your way.

@Cherylndesigns Great to see you joining us "early morning" gals! :pillowtalk: So happy to hear that Chuck enjoyed eating "real food" that you cooked!!! Sounds delicious!!! Looking forward to seeing some of the photos that Ava will take of the cabin. Wow, Roger is a 'worker' for sure!! UGH on Snakes... I can't stand them, either. I've had a few close calls with rattlesnakes and don't care to ever see any snakes again.

The house is finally warmed up so time to take my shower :showering:and get dressed. HAGD
So your DH died in Jan 2018? What a precious photo! I have never scrapped any of the last photos of Tim and myself. But I am married again, so that might not be a good idea, LOL! Although, Mark has no problem with talking about Tim since he was Mark's pastor and he loved him, too! I actually have a great photo of Tim and Mark before he passed. Let me see if I can find it.....this was probably in April, right before he had his brain surgery on our 41st anniversary on May 8, 2017, to remove a golfball sized tumor that was causing his double vision. That's why he has the eye patch on. Three months to the day after his surgery he died.....8/8/2017.


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon,
I had a good PT session. She added some exercises and switched out the 2 that hurt my broken hand with a couple of others that felt much better on the hand. I go back next week for probably the last time. She said she would give me a few more exercises next week and then I would be on my own. Keep me accountable, OK, my sweet O friends! :heartpumpred:

Other than that, I called Ilene back. Her call came while I was in PT. She is feeling much better. I sent Carolyn a text but haven't heard back from her. I also sent @Betty Jo an email to see how she is doing. Nothing back yet. She has a lot of health issues and I hadn't heard from her in awhile. She lives in the same state as me, further west. We have met and had lunch together before! Love her to death!

I've been a mom for 44 years today! My beautiful daughter was born 1/2/80. She weighted 10 lb. 7 1/2 oz. and was 21" long!
She was 6 1/2 months old here. I couldn't find her hospital picture. I think I gave them to her and I only have a few scanned. And here she is today.
She is a lovely, sweet woman. I'm proud of the woman she is!

OK, enough braggadocio! We are getting ready to do our nightly devotions and then I think I will do some scrapping!
OK, one more of one of my PT exercises. I asked my instructor to take a picture because I'm a scrapper. She obliged me because she used to be a paper scrapper before she had a baby a year ago, LOL! We know what that's like, don't we?! I wish I had one of these tables here at home!


Have a great evening!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
HMMM! Interesting about the bone broth! Do you make and drink your own? I know you make it for your freezer for cooking, but do you make batches for drinking as you suggested? In other words, recipe, please?! ;)
Yes my bone broth is for drinking also and I try to have a hot cup every morning, sometimes the coffee wins over though LOL. I have had gut problems for years and finally gave up grains/gluten but the bone broth has really helped me a lot!!! I highly recommend it! Here is the recipe that I use for my instapot. 3lbs of bones (chicken, beef, turkey) which ever you have on hand. I save the bones from any of our turkey dinners or rotisserie chickens. The beef bones I usually buy at the grocery store or the butcher. Chop up a couple of onions, leave the pieces large and throw in three bay leaves and celery chopped large also three or four of those and they can have the leaves left on. Throw all of this in the instapot and pour about a two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar over the bones, it is supposed to leach the marrow out of the bones. If you can try to use coconut vinegar its much better but very expensive, so I usually use apple cider vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste and fill the pot to the max limit line. Set the instapot to high pressure for 2 hours and then let it naturally release the steam. Remove the bones and strain your broth into what ever you are going to store it in. I use large Mason Jars, some go in the freezer and some go in the fridge to be drank in the mornings. You can add more salt if you think it needs it. Yummmy!! This can be done in a crock pot also, but takes almost two days before its ready.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
So your DH died in Jan 2018? What a precious photo! I have never scrapped any of the last photos of Tim and myself. But I am married again, so that might not be a good idea, LOL! Although, Mark has no problem with talking about Tim since he was Mark's pastor and he loved him, too! I actually have a great photo of Tim and Mark before he passed. Let me see if I can find it.....this was probably in April, right before he had his brain surgery on our 41st anniversary on May 8, 2017, to remove a golfball sized tumor that was causing his double vision. That's why he has the eye patch on. Three months to the day after his surgery he died.....8/8/2017.
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Awwwww, Vicky that is a priceless, precious picture, too. Hugs


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes my bone broth is for drinking also and I try to have a hot cup every morning, sometimes the coffee wins over though LOL. I have had gut problems for years and finally gave up grains/gluten but the bone broth has really helped me a lot!!! I highly recommend it! Here is the recipe that I use for my instapot. 3lbs of bones (chicken, beef, turkey) which ever you have on hand. I save the bones from any of our turkey dinners or rotisserie chickens. The beef bones I usually buy at the grocery store or the butcher. Chop up a couple of onions, leave the pieces large and throw in three bay leaves and celery chopped large also three or four of those and they can have the leaves left on. Throw all of this in the instapot and pour about a two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar over the bones, it is supposed to leach the marrow out of the bones. If you can try to use coconut vinegar its much better but very expensive, so I usually use apple cider vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste and fill the pot to the max limit line. Set the instapot to high pressure for 2 hours and then let it naturally release the steam. Remove the bones and strain your broth into what ever you are going to store it in. I use large Mason Jars, some go in the freezer and some go in the fridge to be drank in the mornings. You can add more salt if you think it needs it. Yummmy!! This can be done in a crock pot also, but takes almost two days before its ready.
That actually sounds good, Trudy. I think I need an Instapot. I was telling Ava yesterday that back in the olden days, they didn't throw anything away. They always kept bones - especially ones that had a little meat on them. They used them as the base for stews, pots of beans, anything.


Love my O Family!
Yes my bone broth is for drinking also and I try to have a hot cup every morning, sometimes the coffee wins over though LOL. I have had gut problems for years and finally gave up grains/gluten but the bone broth has really helped me a lot!!! I highly recommend it! Here is the recipe that I use for my instapot. 3lbs of bones (chicken, beef, turkey) which ever you have on hand. I save the bones from any of our turkey dinners or rotisserie chickens. The beef bones I usually buy at the grocery store or the butcher. Chop up a couple of onions, leave the pieces large and throw in three bay leaves and celery chopped large also three or four of those and they can have the leaves left on. Throw all of this in the instapot and pour about a two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar over the bones, it is supposed to leach the marrow out of the bones. If you can try to use coconut vinegar its much better but very expensive, so I usually use apple cider vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste and fill the pot to the max limit line. Set the instapot to high pressure for 2 hours and then let it naturally release the steam. Remove the bones and strain your broth into what ever you are going to store it in. I use large Mason Jars, some go in the freezer and some go in the fridge to be drank in the mornings. You can add more salt if you think it needs it. Yummmy!! This can be done in a crock pot also, but takes almost two days before its ready.
Thanks, Trudy!