
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, January 16


The Loopy-O
Hello, O-Fam!
It's snowing again. Bleck! Thankfully, not a lot at this point but it had stopped and now it started again. :/ It was a mess trying to walk around with J at 5.30 am. She wanted to be in the street- that was good because it was salted and mostly clear. But--it was salted, so not good for her paws. Then she wanted to go to where she normally poops on our walk but that would mean she had to climb through the pile of snow left by the plows. Next, we tried the backyad which was pitch dark other than the small light from the kitchen window. After 15 minutes of that, it seemed that she only wanted to sniff the air. Meanwhile, I was tired of standing in the snow! :rolleyes1:

I had such a nice visit with BFF. Panera's OTOH, was a mess. I ordered a tea (there was no milk or creamer at the coffee kiosk) and an untoasted bagel w/ butter. Got the cup for my tea, was told that they'd call my name when my bagel was ready. A few minutes later, I thought I heard my name, went to the counter. The guy doesn't even have my order yet. Wait a little longer, think I hear my name. Still no bagel, still no order. (It's an untoasted BAGEL!) Went to the front- the poor cashier was the only one up there, the line was to the door. She ran a bagel over to the pickup station. I am still waiting for them to put the darn bagel on a plate. 5 more minutes, still waiting. :waiting:
I went back to the counter and apologized for bothering them *again* but asked if they could just give me the bagel, a knife, and the butter packs, I can do the rest on my own! :rotfl:

BFF and I talked over some ideas for Caitlyn's bridal shower which was funny because I am going to my mom's on Friday to talk that over. Sam messaged me on FB yesterday morning asking about it. I guess we all were waiting for the holidays (and illnesses) to be done with and now everyone is mentally on the same page. It's exciting! I am asking my Sis-IL to be in charge of games. She is the one who has us laughing non-stop every Christmas Eve with the games she comes up with.

Today is a day at home. I have to finish food shopping and clean my office (yes, again!). I started two LOs the other day and they need to be finished and uploaded. I guess I am going to have to shovel snow too. meh.

Hope you all have easy days ahead!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I've been up since 5:15...I guess kind of like a kid with their first day of school. So happy to be heading back to work...of course, I haven't opened emails yet so that could all change rapidly.

We had a pretty nice day here yesterday! Brian and I had lunch at a restaurant overlooking the ocean...then we went and did a 10 minute walk on the beach. I don't want to overdo but I sure feel good right now.

Work is really the only thing that I have in store...but that's probably enough. I may be a little bit tired. And I did get my layout sized and loaded to the gallery...so lots of progress this week!


The Loopy-O
Reading over my post, it seems like the last few days have been "hurry up and wait"
Ever had days like that? Of course, you have.:floorlaugh:

@LSlycord Good luck back to work! I hope that you get right back into the swing of things but don't forget to take breaks if your body is telling you to do so. You know I'm gonna ask you tomorrow if you did ;)
It must have been super hard for Syd to not be home when you had your surgery. She is such a sweetheart. I bet you can't wait to find the time to head to Gainesville soon. Did you get to the beach? I sure hope so, I know that will rejuvenate your soul :)
Glad to hear that the family is dong ok in the storm. OMG, you are going to be so happy to visit everyone and to have all that energy too!

@vickyday The Windex Mishap was so par for the course. :lol23: I couldn't even get upset that I wasted an entire can on Windex because I was laughing so hard at the mess it was making!
What a beautiful family photo. And to think you had a bunch of people missing. I love that all of the girls are in their socks/slippers and I see Asher too! LOL
I read your comment that you were at Liz's house. I guess that's not Asher? He is more brown, IIRC?

@taxed4ever It's bizarre that 21*F feels "warm" in comparison to the day before but every degree warmer this time of year counts. How did your Gary do at work? He must have been pooped out by the time he got home.
Sure hope that your mojo comes back soon. Did you try a template? Sometimes that helps me.

@bcgal00 Like I said to Trudy, every degree in the right direction counts. You'd better watch it, if you are above 0*F you might think it's warm enough to go swimming ;) I love hearing about the progress of the house.
Enjoy the bread machine! I love mine, I use it mostly for making dough too. I've never done anything GF but I bet there's a lot of ideas and recipes online for that.

@Cherylndesigns Sending you warmish weather-- we are at 21* here, does that help? I can't believe what you have been going through with everything freezing up. :( I hope that it gets warmer soon. The pictures look cold. I can't say they look nice because pictures of snow, by definition, are not nice LOL!!!!!!!!!

@BrightEyes I love that feeling when you see a challenge and everything falls into place :love: I saw the one you did for yourself on FB, is that the one for Anna's challenge? It's nice to have all of your computer folders and files all up to date too. I am way behind that, maybe I'll have time today.
Hahahah!! I am so sorry that I made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt. That was how my stomach felt when the foam was spraying everywhere. I was *crying* LOL Please remember my tale of caution when you use the cleaners DD gave you. *G*


The Loopy-O
Sorry, I had to post and run. Caitlyn wanted to show me the spreadsheets she is working on, that girl loves her spreadsheets, charts, and graphs LOL

@taxed4ever I posted the recipe yesterday afternoon, I see you noticed. Hope you like it!

@Cherylndesigns It was actually hilarious especially how every time I tried to move the can somewhere, it spewed out more and more foam. Washing dishes and draining in the shower, isn't funny when it's because of the cold. :brrr:

I redid my Bitmoji the other day - I needed a hat *G*- but I need to crop some of it before I can upload it as my avatar. I'll make sure I am not wearing sunglasses :D



Up early again this morning... woke up before 6AM. Temp was 21F but has fallen to 18F now! But good news is that it should make it up into the low 50's!!! :cucumber::banana::dancinglock::cheer: Just over on the east side of the mountain it is 6F!!! So glad the polar freeze didn't make it over the mountain to us. I need to call my sister as it has been below 0F where she lives.

I am on my 2nd refill of :coffeedrinker:already. I forgot to turn the heat down last night so it is warm enough for my :showering:
Then I need to sort clothes and :laundry: This afternoon I will run over to the library to return 1 book and may be able to get a few books that I put on hold last week. I worked on 2 LOs for Karen Schultz - 1 yesterday and 1 this morning.


Reading over my post, it seems like the last few days have been "hurry up and wait"
Ever had days like that? Of course, you have.:floorlaugh:

@BrightEyes I love that feeling when you see a challenge and everything falls into place :love: I saw the one you did for yourself on FB, is that the one for Anna's challenge? It's nice to have all of your computer folders and files all up to date too. I am way behind that, maybe I'll have time today.
Hahahah!! I am so sorry that I made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt. That was how my stomach felt when the foam was spraying everywhere. I was *crying* LOL Please remember my tale of caution when you use the cleaners DD gave you. *G*
Yes, Chris... I have had many days like that - hurry up and wait! Seems like my mojo is in full swing lately... I see a kit and immediately have things fall right into place when I start working on it. :wow::yesss: And, yes, the FB was one I did for Anna's Color Challenge. I will be careful when I use the spray cleaner cans. Can't wait to tell the DDs about your episode with it...:pillowtalk:



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Sorry, I had to post and run. Caitlyn wanted to show me the spreadsheets she is working on, that girl loves her spreadsheets, charts, and graphs LOL

@taxed4ever I posted the recipe yesterday afternoon, I see you noticed. Hope you like it!

@Cherylndesigns It was actually hilarious especially how every time I tried to move the can somewhere, it spewed out more and more foam. Washing dishes and draining in the shower, isn't funny when it's because of the cold. :brrr:

I redid my Bitmoji the other day - I needed a hat *G*- but I need to crop some of it before I can upload it as my avatar. I'll make sure I am not wearing sunglasses :D

I redid mine - with the messy bun - yeah, just don't put on sunglasses. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I can just see you chasing that foaming container around. No, it's not fun at all to be doing dishes in the bathroom sink and draining them in the shower. UGH. I'm fast losing my pioneer spirit. We have nothing but a trickle of water out of the two bathroom sings today. I'm catching as much of it as I can in any containers I have. We have to have water. Steph just read that the whole area has frozen water pipes and to boil it when it thaws. I wonder if we have to boil well water? Did you see what I said to Kay @BrightEyes about spreadsheets? My eyes roll back in my head when I even think about them. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Up early again this morning... woke up before 6AM. Temp was 21F but has fallen to 18F now! But good news is that it should make it up into the low 50's!!! :cucumber::banana::dancinglock::cheer: Just over on the east side of the mountain it is 6F!!! So glad the polar freeze didn't make it over the mountain to us. I need to call my sister as it has been below 0F where she lives.

I am on my 2nd refill of :coffeedrinker:already. I forgot to turn the heat down last night so it is warm enough for my :showering:
Then I need to sort clothes and :laundry: This afternoon I will run over to the library to return 1 book and may be able to get a few books that I put on hold last week. I worked on 2 LOs for Karen Schultz - 1 yesterday and 1 this morning.
yay for the 50's! We have only a trickle coming out of the bathroom facets. NONE in the kitchen yet. My pioneer spirit is wearing thin. I'm kicking myself that I didn't do laundry yesterday when I had water.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Reading over my post, it seems like the last few days have been "hurry up and wait"
Ever had days like that? Of course, you have.:floorlaugh:

@LSlycord Good luck back to work! I hope that you get right back into the swing of things but don't forget to take breaks if your body is telling you to do so. You know I'm gonna ask you tomorrow if you did ;)
It must have been super hard for Syd to not be home when you had your surgery. She is such a sweetheart. I bet you can't wait to find the time to head to Gainesville soon. Did you get to the beach? I sure hope so, I know that will rejuvenate your soul :)
Glad to hear that the family is dong ok in the storm. OMG, you are going to be so happy to visit everyone and to have all that energy too!

@vickyday The Windex Mishap was so par for the course. :lol23: I couldn't even get upset that I wasted an entire can on Windex because I was laughing so hard at the mess it was making!
What a beautiful family photo. And to think you had a bunch of people missing. I love that all of the girls are in their socks/slippers and I see Asher too! LOL
I read your comment that you were at Liz's house. I guess that's not Asher? He is more brown, IIRC?

@taxed4ever It's bizarre that 21*F feels "warm" in comparison to the day before but every degree warmer this time of year counts. How did your Gary do at work? He must have been pooped out by the time he got home.
Sure hope that your mojo comes back soon. Did you try a template? Sometimes that helps me.

@bcgal00 Like I said to Trudy, every degree in the right direction counts. You'd better watch it, if you are above 0*F you might think it's warm enough to go swimming ;) I love hearing about the progress of the house.
Enjoy the bread machine! I love mine, I use it mostly for making dough too. I've never done anything GF but I bet there's a lot of ideas and recipes online for that.

@Cherylndesigns Sending you warmish weather-- we are at 21* here, does that help? I can't believe what you have been going through with everything freezing up. :( I hope that it gets warmer soon. The pictures look cold. I can't say they look nice because pictures of snow, by definition, are not nice LOL!!!!!!!!!

@BrightEyes I love that feeling when you see a challenge and everything falls into place :love: I saw the one you did for yourself on FB, is that the one for Anna's challenge? It's nice to have all of your computer folders and files all up to date too. I am way behind that, maybe I'll have time today.
Hahahah!! I am so sorry that I made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt. That was how my stomach felt when the foam was spraying everywhere. I was *crying* LOL Please remember my tale of caution when you use the cleaners DD gave you. *G*
It's still fun and games here, Chris. Only a trickle out of the two bathroom sinks. Kitchen sink still frozen solid even though we've had a space heater on all yesterday and last night. UGH. Still doing dishes in the bathroom, but now have no hot water. Oh well, you do what you have to do. It's 7 here, but a high of 21, so maybe something will thaw soon. Tomorrow is 39 and Wednesday is 41 highs. There's light at the end of the tunnel. I thought you'd enjoy the pictures - now the snow can go away, thank you. I'm over it. :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Hello, O-Fam!
It's snowing again. Bleck! Thankfully, not a lot at this point but it had stopped and now it started again. :/ It was a mess trying to walk around with J at 5.30 am. She wanted to be in the street- that was good because it was salted and mostly clear. But--it was salted, so not good for her paws. Then she wanted to go to where she normally poops on our walk but that would mean she had to climb through the pile of snow left by the plows. Next, we tried the backyad which was pitch dark other than the small light from the kitchen window. After 15 minutes of that, it seemed that she only wanted to sniff the air. Meanwhile, I was tired of standing in the snow! :rolleyes1:

I had such a nice visit with BFF. Panera's OTOH, was a mess. I ordered a tea (there was no milk or creamer at the coffee kiosk) and an untoasted bagel w/ butter. Got the cup for my tea, was told that they'd call my name when my bagel was ready. A few minutes later, I thought I heard my name, went to the counter. The guy doesn't even have my order yet. Wait a little longer, think I hear my name. Still no bagel, still no order. (It's an untoasted BAGEL!) Went to the front- the poor cashier was the only one up there, the line was to the door. She ran a bagel over to the pickup station. I am still waiting for them to put the darn bagel on a plate. 5 more minutes, still waiting. :waiting:
I went back to the counter and apologized for bothering them *again* but asked if they could just give me the bagel, a knife, and the butter packs, I can do the rest on my own! :rotfl:

BFF and I talked over some ideas for Caitlyn's bridal shower which was funny because I am going to my mom's on Friday to talk that over. Sam messaged me on FB yesterday morning asking about it. I guess we all were waiting for the holidays (and illnesses) to be done with and now everyone is mentally on the same page. It's exciting! I am asking my Sis-IL to be in charge of games. She is the one who has us laughing non-stop every Christmas Eve with the games she comes up with.

Today is a day at home. I have to finish food shopping and clean my office (yes, again!). I started two LOs the other day and they need to be finished and uploaded. I guess I am going to have to shovel snow too. meh.

Hope you all have easy days ahead!
How exciting that Caitlyn's bridal shower is getting so close!
Panera is not the only place with poor customer service anymore!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I've been up since 5:15...I guess kind of like a kid with their first day of school. So happy to be heading back to work...of course, I haven't opened emails yet so that could all change rapidly.

We had a pretty nice day here yesterday! Brian and I had lunch at a restaurant overlooking the ocean...then we went and did a 10 minute walk on the beach. I don't want to overdo but I sure feel good right now.

Work is really the only thing that I have in store...but that's probably enough. I may be a little bit tired. And I did get my layout sized and loaded to the gallery...so lots of progress this week!
I'm so happy you are finally feeling good! :hug2:


Love my O Family!
Reading over my post, it seems like the last few days have been "hurry up and wait"
Ever had days like that? Of course, you have.:floorlaugh:

@LSlycord Good luck back to work! I hope that you get right back into the swing of things but don't forget to take breaks if your body is telling you to do so. You know I'm gonna ask you tomorrow if you did ;)
It must have been super hard for Syd to not be home when you had your surgery. She is such a sweetheart. I bet you can't wait to find the time to head to Gainesville soon. Did you get to the beach? I sure hope so, I know that will rejuvenate your soul :)
Glad to hear that the family is dong ok in the storm. OMG, you are going to be so happy to visit everyone and to have all that energy too!

@vickyday The Windex Mishap was so par for the course. :lol23: I couldn't even get upset that I wasted an entire can on Windex because I was laughing so hard at the mess it was making!
What a beautiful family photo. And to think you had a bunch of people missing. I love that all of the girls are in their socks/slippers and I see Asher too! LOL
I read your comment that you were at Liz's house. I guess that's not Asher? He is more brown, IIRC?

@taxed4ever It's bizarre that 21*F feels "warm" in comparison to the day before but every degree warmer this time of year counts. How did your Gary do at work? He must have been pooped out by the time he got home.
Sure hope that your mojo comes back soon. Did you try a template? Sometimes that helps me.

@bcgal00 Like I said to Trudy, every degree in the right direction counts. You'd better watch it, if you are above 0*F you might think it's warm enough to go swimming ;) I love hearing about the progress of the house.
Enjoy the bread machine! I love mine, I use it mostly for making dough too. I've never done anything GF but I bet there's a lot of ideas and recipes online for that.

@Cherylndesigns Sending you warmish weather-- we are at 21* here, does that help? I can't believe what you have been going through with everything freezing up. :( I hope that it gets warmer soon. The pictures look cold. I can't say they look nice because pictures of snow, by definition, are not nice LOL!!!!!!!!!

@BrightEyes I love that feeling when you see a challenge and everything falls into place :love: I saw the one you did for yourself on FB, is that the one for Anna's challenge? It's nice to have all of your computer folders and files all up to date too. I am way behind that, maybe I'll have time today.
Hahahah!! I am so sorry that I made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt. That was how my stomach felt when the foam was spraying everywhere. I was *crying* LOL Please remember my tale of caution when you use the cleaners DD gave you. *G*
Nope! That's their little dog, Toby. They dress him and I'm surprised he doesn't have an elf costume on, LOL! I think Elisabeth is missing her baby days! She doesn't want another baby, but she sure treats Toby like one! Holds and cuddles with him while he is napping, LOL!
Yes, Asher is black.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning. I've totally "worked the board" backwards. I think I'll have a backwards day.

7 degrees going up to 21 - please keep going up. Still no water in kitchen, trickles in both bathrooms, going through my saved water like crazy. I'm catching the trickles in all of the containers I can.

Linda @LSlycord I don't think I've officially welcomed you back. Glad tyou had a good cruise and that you're starting your job again and you got through your test and you're going to start feeling better and like your old self again.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... another degree warmer this morning, we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave LOL. Now I will have that old song in my head all day!! I can hear my Mother's voice singing it:lovey3:. I good way to start the day I think! Well I am still in the middle of scrapping and spent half the day working on the one page, its almost done, so maybe I will get it posted to the gallery sometime this morning. We are forecasted to have a big snow storm this evening and into tomorrow, so I am not sure if I will be able to go on my hike or not. We will have to see just how much snow we actually get. The majority of the hikers have to come over the worst part of the mountain pass to get here, so they might not be able to make it. DH is supposed to have his staples removed tomorrow also, so I hope that will still happen, he says they are very ready to come out! I should put in an order to the grocery store and maybe go and get some eggs from Hope Farm before the bad weather comes our way. That will have to wait until after lunch though as DH has my CRV again today. So I will have to drop him back at work and pick him up at the end of the day. Sure wish that man would have put on his winter tires when he was supposed too :rollingpin1:. Ha,Ha I just love the rolling pin lady!! Had a nice chat with Heather and boys yesterday, they were home for a snow day, they got so much snow that the buses could not go out to pick anyone up. Very cold for them also -27C/-4F. :brrr::brrr::brrr:. They were showing me the new fridge that they had to get over the weekend and its very nice, with a water dispenser and ice maker too the boys are loving it! Its already decorated with lots magnets and art work all over it :heartpumplove:.

@faerywings - Thanks for posting the French Onion Soup recipe, it should be delicious! I will have to substitute the brown sugar with a Stevia Brown Sugar, but thats ok and no toast for the topping. I will have to remember to put Gruyere Cheese on my grocery list today! My Gary did very well at work, he behaved and did not lift anything he shouldn't, but then he works alongside a lot of women, so they were probably all taking good care of him LOL. Nothing like a bunch of Mother Hens hovering over you all day long :giggle4:. So exciting that plans are starting to go ahead for Caitlyn's wedding, you must be over the Moon Happy!!

@LSlycord - Did you ever think that you would be so excited to get back to work???? I hope that you take it easy and take a break when needed! How lovely to have lunch overlooking the beach and to go for a 10 minute walk is wonderful!! It must feel so good, to feel so good again!

@Cherylndesigns - Uggh on washing the dishes in the bathroom sink!! I sure hope the pipes thaw and that you have water and hot water again soon! I bet you really are done with the snowy cold weather!! Bring on the heat!!!

@BrightEyes - Wow I sure wish I had your scrapping mojo!!

@vickyday - We are cross posting today, but I hope that you are recovered from your family gathering and are feeling well today!

Ok I will go get the bed made, jump in the shower and get dressed before Heather calls. Have a great Tuesday everyone!! Stay warm!!


Love my O Family!
Up early again this morning... woke up before 6AM. Temp was 21F but has fallen to 18F now! But good news is that it should make it up into the low 50's!!! :cucumber::banana::dancinglock::cheer: Just over on the east side of the mountain it is 6F!!! So glad the polar freeze didn't make it over the mountain to us. I need to call my sister as it has been below 0F where she lives.

I am on my 2nd refill of :coffeedrinker:already. I forgot to turn the heat down last night so it is warm enough for my :showering:
Then I need to sort clothes and :laundry: This afternoon I will run over to the library to return 1 book and may be able to get a few books that I put on hold last week. I worked on 2 LOs for Karen Schultz - 1 yesterday and 1 this morning.
YIKES! You just reminded me that I need to do laundry, too!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning ladies... another degree warmer this morning, we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave LOL. Now I will have that old song in my head all day!! I can hear my Mother's voice singing it:lovey3:. I good way to start the day I think! Well I am still in the middle of scrapping and spent half the day working on the one page, its almost done, so maybe I will get it posted to the gallery sometime this morning. We are forecasted to have a big snow storm this evening and into tomorrow, so I am not sure if I will be able to go on my hike or not. We will have to see just how much snow we actually get. The majority of the hikers have to come over the worst part of the mountain pass to get here, so they might not be able to make it. DH is supposed to have his staples removed tomorrow also, so I hope that will still happen, he says they are very ready to come out! I should put in an order to the grocery store and maybe go and get some eggs from Hope Farm before the bad weather comes our way. That will have to wait until after lunch though as DH has my CRV again today. So I will have to drop him back at work and pick him up at the end of the day. Sure wish that man would have put on his winter tires when he was supposed too :rollingpin1:. Ha,Ha I just love the rolling pin lady!! Had a nice chat with Heather and boys yesterday, they were home for a snow day, they got so much snow that the buses could not go out to pick anyone up. Very cold for them also -27C/-4F. :brrr::brrr::brrr:. They were showing me the new fridge that they had to get over the weekend and its very nice, with a water dispenser and ice maker too the boys are loving it! Its already decorated with lots magnets and art work all over it :heartpumplove:.

@faerywings - Thanks for posting the French Onion Soup recipe, it should be delicious! I will have to substitute the brown sugar with a Stevia Brown Sugar, but thats ok and no toast for the topping. I will have to remember to put Gruyere Cheese on my grocery list today! My Gary did very well at work, he behaved and did not lift anything he shouldn't, but then he works alongside a lot of women, so they were probably all taking good care of him LOL. Nothing like a bunch of Mother Hens hovering over you all day long :giggle4:. So exciting that plans are starting to go ahead for Caitlyn's wedding, you must be over the Moon Happy!!

@LSlycord - Did you ever think that you would be so excited to get back to work???? I hope that you take it easy and take a break when needed! How lovely to have lunch overlooking the beach and to go for a 10 minute walk is wonderful!! It must feel so good, to feel so good again!

@Cherylndesigns - Uggh on washing the dishes in the bathroom sink!! I sure hope the pipes thaw and that you have water and hot water again soon! I bet you really are done with the snowy cold weather!! Bring on the heat!!!

@BrightEyes - Wow I sure wish I had your scrapping mojo!!

@vickyday - We are cross posting today, but I hope that you are recovered from your family gathering and are feeling well today!

Ok I will go get the bed made, jump in the shower and get dressed before Heather calls. Have a great Tuesday everyone!! Stay warm!!
Yes, ma'am - I'm so over this - ready to move back to Florida. It seemed like a good idea at the time to move out here. :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
It's still fun and games here, Chris. Only a trickle out of the two bathroom sinks. Kitchen sink still frozen solid even though we've had a space heater on all yesterday and last night. UGH. Still doing dishes in the bathroom, but now have no hot water. Oh well, you do what you have to do. It's 7 here, but a high of 21, so maybe something will thaw soon. Tomorrow is 39 and Wednesday is 41 highs. There's light at the end of the tunnel. I thought you'd enjoy the pictures - now the snow can go away, thank you. I'm over it. :floorlaugh:
You DO know TODAY is Wednesday, right? ;)


Love my O Family!
It's still fun and games here, Chris. Only a trickle out of the two bathroom sinks. Kitchen sink still frozen solid even though we've had a space heater on all yesterday and last night. UGH. Still doing dishes in the bathroom, but now have no hot water. Oh well, you do what you have to do. It's 7 here, but a high of 21, so maybe something will thaw soon. Tomorrow is 39 and Wednesday is 41 highs. There's light at the end of the tunnel. I thought you'd enjoy the pictures - now the snow can go away, thank you. I'm over it. :floorlaugh:
OH, MY! I just realized TODAY is TUESDAY.....not Wednesday! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OH, MY! I just realized TODAY is TUESDAY.....not Wednesday! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I had to stop and think about it and I got it wrong too. I said tomorrow then Wednesday. Tomorrow IS Wednesday. These holidays always throw everybody off. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: We all get so confused around here, don't we? TODAY IS TUESDAY.................TODAY IS TUESDAY. :lol23::lol23::lol23:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... another degree warmer this morning, we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave LOL. Now I will have that old song in my head all day!! I can hear my Mother's voice singing it:lovey3:. I good way to start the day I think! Well I am still in the middle of scrapping and spent half the day working on the one page, its almost done, so maybe I will get it posted to the gallery sometime this morning. We are forecasted to have a big snow storm this evening and into tomorrow, so I am not sure if I will be able to go on my hike or not. We will have to see just how much snow we actually get. The majority of the hikers have to come over the worst part of the mountain pass to get here, so they might not be able to make it. DH is supposed to have his staples removed tomorrow also, so I hope that will still happen, he says they are very ready to come out! I should put in an order to the grocery store and maybe go and get some eggs from Hope Farm before the bad weather comes our way. That will have to wait until after lunch though as DH has my CRV again today. So I will have to drop him back at work and pick him up at the end of the day. Sure wish that man would have put on his winter tires when he was supposed too :rollingpin1:. Ha,Ha I just love the rolling pin lady!! Had a nice chat with Heather and boys yesterday, they were home for a snow day, they got so much snow that the buses could not go out to pick anyone up. Very cold for them also -27C/-4F. :brrr::brrr::brrr:. They were showing me the new fridge that they had to get over the weekend and its very nice, with a water dispenser and ice maker too the boys are loving it! Its already decorated with lots magnets and art work all over it :heartpumplove:.

@faerywings - Thanks for posting the French Onion Soup recipe, it should be delicious! I will have to substitute the brown sugar with a Stevia Brown Sugar, but thats ok and no toast for the topping. I will have to remember to put Gruyere Cheese on my grocery list today! My Gary did very well at work, he behaved and did not lift anything he shouldn't, but then he works alongside a lot of women, so they were probably all taking good care of him LOL. Nothing like a bunch of Mother Hens hovering over you all day long :giggle4:. So exciting that plans are starting to go ahead for Caitlyn's wedding, you must be over the Moon Happy!!

@LSlycord - Did you ever think that you would be so excited to get back to work???? I hope that you take it easy and take a break when needed! How lovely to have lunch overlooking the beach and to go for a 10 minute walk is wonderful!! It must feel so good, to feel so good again!

@Cherylndesigns - Uggh on washing the dishes in the bathroom sink!! I sure hope the pipes thaw and that you have water and hot water again soon! I bet you really are done with the snowy cold weather!! Bring on the heat!!!

@BrightEyes - Wow I sure wish I had your scrapping mojo!!

@vickyday - We are cross posting today, but I hope that you are recovered from your family gathering and are feeling well today!

Ok I will go get the bed made, jump in the shower and get dressed before Heather calls. Have a great Tuesday everyone!! Stay warm!!
I must not be over the weekend as much as I thought I was.....I thought for sure this was Wednesday! How did I do that?!
HA! I love that your Gary has a bunch of Mother Hens to keep him in line after his surgery, LOL! :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Happy TUESDAY to Everyone!
I guess I'm still in "come down off of the holiday weekend" mode as I thought for sure this was Wednesday!

I finished a page for @bcgal00 's challenge, Through the Lens, yesterday. Tried to "save for web" and got an operating system error! Weird! Adobe has not given me a fix or solution yet, so I will probably move to my other laptop and use my PSE15 to finish the process! Bummer! I hope it doesn't mean I'm going to have to upgrade to PSE2024!

It is rainy and chilly here again today! Ilene called to tell me she and her daughter were going out so she would not be home for me to come over, which was OK because I wasn't planning on going over today. I've got something going on with my throat today and I am praying I didn't pick up something this weekend from someone! We shall see! I didn't want to chance taking anything to her because she has been sick for a month!

Other than doing some more PT today, I need to do some of my laundry and that is about it. I got all of the crockpots (3) cleaned up yesterday, so I'm done with the weekend pots and pans I used. I have chicken out for supper tonight for a change. I want to have it ready for when Mark gets home so he eats a decent meal instead of grabbing lunch meat right after work and then not really eating anything decent the rest of the evening. I cannot believe how the Ozempic (Mounjaro now) has changed his eating! He has dropped 20 lbs. and his A1C dropped a whole point, from 7.1 to 6.1! I hope he can stay on one or the other, but doctors are prescribing them to patients for weight management and the diabetics who really need it can't get it! That should not be!

Anyway, that's about it for me. I need to put something in the toaster oven to heat up for my lunch. Have a great day, everyone!


Well-Known Member
@vickyday, @Cherylndesigns if it makes you all feel better, it's Wednesday night for me rn. Not confusing at all :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

It's been raining almost non-stop since Saturday night. I feel like I need to start building an ark soon if it doesn't let up! It's supposed to be sunny summer :bawling:

This weekend I helped Michael with his latest pet project - converting the ugly fountain in the back yard to a koi pond. He's been tinkering and adding plants and fresh water mussels and some teeny tiny ramshorn snails. It's such a finicky hobby, having to get the ecosystem just right for everything in the pond to be happy and survive! Man, I am so much more cat person than fish person! :giggle4: But I have to learn, cause he'll be off to Adelaide at the end of the month, so it will be up to me to keep things alive.

On Saturday night we headed into the city for a Candlelight Concert with a string quartet playing a whole bunch of Taylor Swift songs. It was such a different and fun night out.

Jess is still on her organising spree. Which means I am have the thankless task of posting her too-good-to-chuck clothes and toys on Freecycle groups. It is fascinating to see how one teen's trash is another little girl's treasure, though.

Kay, if you could send some of your mojo over this way I'd be so grateful! I was on such a huge kick at the beginning of the month, but the mojo is dwindling fast :crying1:

Almost midnight here so I probably need to get to bed.

HAGD everyone!