
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, January 13


The Loopy-O

well, my day is not off to a good start. I think I am herxing from the new meds. Woke up at 4, couldn't get back to sleep. Coffee pot shut itself off after only brewing half a pot. Went upstairs, Cait is sleeping on the floor with a garbage can next to her head. I don't react very well:boom: and then here we are. She came downstairs a few minutes ago, then asked me if I had anything else to yell at her about which of course made me :rant: some more. Gary got in on it, and now the three of us are angry. Yay rah.

I have to work today (looking fwd to my Jamie and Claire time!!), but I want to get out of there before 11.30 when the ex-dh is coming over to clean out some stuff in the garage. That will be hard since I might have to go and pick Cait up from school. She has no choice but to go to her 2nd Period class or she will lose credit as well as her college credits for it.

I still have a To-Do list up the wazoo before Thursday.

Who wants to run away with me??????


Well-Known Member
Chris, i'll run away with you. not permanently, though. just until winter is over. jeez. what a way to start the day. i want your family to act on the fact that you are going into the hospital in a few days and you should be treated like gold. not just today, but EVERY day. but me yapping about it isn't going to make anything better, so i'll stop. just sending you some love.
enjoy your Claire and Jaime time. i always did. except during "The Fiery Cross." i could NOT get into that book. one of the things i wrote in my lost post yesterday was about audio books. there's an audio of Gaskell's "North and South" read by Diana Quick that's over 6 hours long (still an abridgement) for $4.95 that is SO good. i think you would like it. Industrial revolution, rich/poor, one of my favorite love stories. you should get it. the reader is awesome!! hang in there, kiddo.
and love yourself.

Nancy, glad you got to go to your event, even though you were thrown a curve! it must be so much fun to be so passionate about something! and hockey is fun all on its own.

Jean, how much snow did you end up getting? we started out with ice, then we got some gloppy snow, then everything just cleared up. it was still gray, but, hey. it's Pittsburgh....

Shar, it is so...unusual...(from where i sit) hearing someone talking about their DH going golfing in January. must be nice. that's right up there with me reading about the lemons growing in one of my friend's yards in Arizona. incomprehensible. hahaaa! i just saw this smiley:

trudy, when are you leaving for the beach? i forget. well, hope you don't get fogged in and have to delay our departure. it must be nice to have that to look forward to during the Dog Days of winter,
even though you mostly have rain. you know, i would consider going to where YOU live in winter for a vacation. it could rain all it wanted to, but at least it wouldn't be snow, and at least it would be GORGEOUS!! i loved that smiley of the person lounging in front of the fireplace with wine, etc. NOT what goes on here with Mr. Woodstove. BTW, when you're up at 4 a.m., think of me. i will have done the same thing, only in the Eastern Time Zone. annoying, isn't it? why can't we SLEEP???

Adryane, that post office thing was UNBELIEVABLE!! she actually looked 8 people in the eye and said, "Sorry. I'm going on my break???" holy cow.
well, my box STILL hasn't shown up on the USPS site as being anywhere else but SF. this so-called "scanning" that is supposed to be done at EVERY POINT is a sham. so, right now, i have NO idea where the damned thing IS! :rant:

for yesterday's QOTD: i usually clean as i go if i'm making a big feast. but on a daily basis, i just clean up afterwards. my only Big Rule is that there NEVER should be dirty dishes in the sink overnight.

i'm thinking about going to walk around the Mall today. i'm not feeling determined to do it, however. i may just look outside in a few hours and say. "Naaah...." i don't have any REASON to go over there. except maybe a bunless 5 Guys burger. i will weigh the pros and cons and come to a decision at some point. or not. during winter, i appear to become a stone that does NOT roll and therfore gathers a LOT of moss.

happy Tuesday. roll on! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
good morning - I actually got in a walk yesterday as the rain turned to a drizzle in the afternoon. It felt really good to be outside. Got a lot of laundry done too. I made dinner and it was so good. One of my favorites so far. My son and DH ate and the first thing they notice is that there were walnuts. Neither was thrilled but I loved them. More for me for dinner tonight. Got a lot of scrapping done so that is good. My DH thought he would be funny and he was a bit irritated that his son was still in the bathroom so held down the after shave a bit too long. Whew I could smell them both before they ever walked into the kitchen. I feel bad for their workmates. My eyes are still watering LOL.

Chris I am wondering if your family is just worrying about you and trying not to let you know and so are making it much worse. I am sure everyone is a bit on edge. Hang in there I think it will be somewhat easier once this is done.

Phylis and Chris saw this weekend that Outlander the TV show was a People Choice Award winner for favorite new show. I hope after they get the first season done it will be available for others to view. It really is very close to the book. And Jaime is really easy to watch.

Phylis I too have thought about walking at a Mall but most of the time just not worth the effort to get in my car and drive there LOL. I do sometimes enjoy the people watching.

Shar how fun to be with your grandkids. I can see from that photo your granddaughter is a real charmer!

Jean hope the weather improves.

Adryane your post office story is mind boggling. You must have a small office - we have at least two people working so if one has to take a break there is always someone there. Shameful.

Have a great day all!


Well, guess I still haven't figured it out. I see the link doesn't work (it was to Drop Box).

Chris, I'm with Nancy. I think your family is bottling up their fears about your coming surgery. I'm sure you could cut the tension with a knife if it were visible. Remind yourself that by this time next week, the unknown will be behind you. And

Re. golf in January in the PNW: it is foreign to me too. Way too cold. Way too wet. Balls muddy after every hit. NOT FOR ME. Way too many clothing layers...if you use a power cart, it is cart-path only (which involves more walking than if you just walk the course). DH is expecting a new device to be delivered this week. You attach these sort of oven-mitt-looking things to your push cart, and put "hand warmers" inside. NOT FOR ME. On the other hand, once in awhile we get a spring-like day in Feb. DH's birthday one year, on 2/8, we spent playing golf in shirt-sleeves. A week later it was snowing!

Love the SPAM smiley. :D

Don't know what to say about your post office experience, Adryane. Bizarre, but if that poor gal doesn't have a back-up, she might need to visit the small room at some point! ...although 15 minutes seems a long time. Sounds more like coffee and/or cigarette than small room break.

Romy, I went shopping at your store yesterday and felt like I'd stumbled into a gold mine. Why had I not gone there before? I'm agog (love that word) at all the beauty. You and Anna Aspnes have shoved me right over the comfort-zone-cliff! I'm lovin' the free-fall! (I'm having a senior moment. Did I write that yesterday? You know I'm not going to go back and look, because if I do, I'll probably lose this whole post!)

Go gently.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! :rain: again today, but mostly a drizzle, so hoping I can get out for a walk today, I will just dress for the wet weather. Yesterday at the pool was great, no one else at all in my swim lane, I was in heaven! At first I did not think I would go at all, then guilt took over and even though I was insanely tired from lack of sleep, I stayed the entire hour and just swam and thought of a million different things. I do some of my best thinking while I swim.

Chris - Uggh what a morning you have had!! Hope your Jamie and Claire time puts you in a better frame of mind! Hope Cait feels better and does not have to call you to come and get her!! :hug: to you my friend, the worst will be over soon!!

Phylis - Wow, you are smiley crazy today!! Love it!! DH and I are not leaving until the end of this month. I had to rebook our hotel reservation in Vancouver near the airport this morning. My DH booked the wrong one
There are a couple of them close to the airport, but only one offers free parking for your vehicle while you are away on your holiday and gives free shuttle service to and from the airport. Well he booked the wrong one!!! So I had to call and beg and plead with them to cancel and refund our first booking. Normally they do not give refunds on a pay first and save$$ booking.
I could have killed him!!!!
He is no longer allowed to book anything online again!!

Nancy - So what was your recipe for supper last night? I love walnuts too, perhaps you could share?? So nice that you are getting a lot of scrapping done! I have seen a few pages and always love your hockey and travel pages!!

Shar - If you are trying to share a photo here, I always use photo bucket and then just copy the image link for the picture and all you have to do is paste it in your thread. You don't have to use that little button that looks like a mountain to insert your image. Glad you are loving Romy's products!! She has some beautiful artsy papers doesn't she!! Keep those great pages coming!! They look amazing!

:wave: to all those who pop in here today!! Hope your day is creative!! Off to help DD with a computer problem AGAIN!!! :wave:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/tlrmlbs6ycok9et/2015-01-11 08.23.38-1.jpg?dl=0

experimenting with Trudy's instructions. I'm pretty dense about this, however, so if it doesn't work, it's not Trudy's fault, but mine.

okay, the link worked this time. Now let me see what happens if I use the link or mountain icons above.https://www.dropbox.com/s/tlrmlbs6ycok9et/2015-01-11%2008.23.38-1.jpg?dl=0


Okay, the link worked, but I still couldn't make the photo itself just appear here. Too much thinking.

Anyway, Trudy, glad you had such a good swim, and thanks for the help.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar - it looks like you are using dropbox?? Do you have photobucket if not try it here is a link for it. http://s766.photobucket.com Its free its easy to use and once you download your photo or layout to it, you just click on the image and it gives you a bunch of different links to use, you just click on the "Direct" link box and it will turn yellow and say copied, then you just come back here and paste it to the forum. Easy, Peasy, lemon squeezy!!


Thanks Trudy. I think I read one thing and did the other.

One more try. I did not see a "direct" choice, but eventually, after clicking several different places, and ways (right click/left click), I found the URL option. Let's see if that works:

Well, waddya know. I don't really think that was worth all that effort, but I do love my Seattle coffee mug, so you can at least see that. ;)

Thanks again for your help.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hooray!! so glad you got it to work for you!! I love your Seattle Coffee Mug too! I am always on the look out for a really nice mug for myself, but sadly have not found just the right one yet. Still looking!!


Believe it or not, I found this at Wal-Mart for about $6. I went back later to get one for my DD (who got married at the Space Needle), but couldn't find one in any store near us. Oh duh. The Space Needle does not show up in this view, but it IS on the other side of the mug.