
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, February 3


The Loopy-O
I heard Gary get up at 6am this morning and I was so confused. I thought it was the weekend and WTH was he up so early? Then I realized it was Tuesday. It is Tuesday, right? Between not having a schedule of any sort, and then all of the snow days, it has been super-confusing to me. Today, Cait has a delayed opening since the roads are still very icy. As you all know, I am date challenged to begin with- but this is plain nuts!

Yesterday we got a foot of snow and ice. This crud is never going to go away.:violin:

Today, I really have to get organized. Small stuff, but stuff that needs to be done, like pay a few bills, get blood work done, catch up on emails. Queit stuff, but necessary. I go back to my Gyn in one week, and then my Lyme dr the following week, so I hope they will tell me I am on my way to being up and about more.

I also want to make a list of things that I can do, to make myself feel useful if for no other reason. And before Phyllis and Sharon get up in arms :fencing: all I mean is scanning pictures, cleaning up old emails, stuff like that :D

I finished the two seasons of Reign that were on Netflix and now I am going slightly back in time to watch the Tudors. I had started on that series a couple of years ago, but I am watching from the beginning. It is hard to keep track of all of the people as it is, and then add in all of the plots and intrigue and I have no choice to resteart it all over again. Reign was nice because it was more eye candy than intellectual.
Phyllis- you watch the Tudors right?

Another boring day for me. Happy that I don't have to be outside except to get my blood drawn.
And that is all from here.

QOTD If you could go back and visit one period in time, what would it be? can't think of one right now. I used to think that The Renaissance would be pretty cool. Maybe the Roaring 20's. Or could you also see me as a Suffragette?:rofl:

Have a great day and hope everyone is warm and cozy!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- it was miserable here yesterday too, snow and ice. "Thankfully" up here we stayed colder and didn't get as much ice accumulation and those south of us. Scott's school ended up closing, which made me very relieved that he didn't have to be on the roads. I heard that all of them were very bad.
How many days until spring??????

I told Gary how awesome the O-zies have been encouraging me to rest and what to expect. It was easier when I felt really bad, then I knew I had no choice but to rest. Now i feel just good enough to want to explore the possibilities of what I can do. But I really do hear your voices in my head telling me to take it easy.

Cats- I love kitties (except when they pee where they shouldn't) and Big Cats- they are all so majestic and powerful.

Yes, Trudy on the beach... *jealous sigh* LOL

Nancy- hope that the rest of the day you didn't get caught in the bad icing. I kept hearing warnings about areas that were raining and then flash freezing.
That is way too cool, that your niece won those tix!! Wow!!! Good for her on winning things. She sounds like me, and winning the Tassimo and Keurig coffee nakers. We would never be able to afford them on our own, so the Universe found a different way to get them to us.
That is so sweet that your son got another puppy!! We are starting to think about another dog too. Ray really needs a sister. It has been 3+ years since we lost our other fur-baby. Cait is addicted to Petfinder, but I think it has to be one that is local so we can set up a play date to see how Ray reacts to a new pup. Yeah, if you are not used to seeing dogs play, it does look pretty brutal.

I am not surprised that you said you love birds and I am sure that Jean would say the same:)


The Loopy-O
Sorry-- I had to post that, Cait texted me and I had to put her coffee in the fridge before I forgot.

woo hoo, Nancy on the GSO!!!!!

Shar- ugh about the Seahawks.Must have been shocking in your house!
So happy that your CPU is running so well! That is really cute about your DGD and the Giraffe Adventures.
Scott's friends "kidnapped" a cactus statue that he had in his room. It was about 3 feet tall so "kid size." They took it around town and took pictures of it doing stuff like on the swings, etc. Of course, this was last year when they were all still in HS, not little ones. ha!!!

OK, lovelies, I have to get some b-fast and think about what else I need to do.



Well-Known Member
'morning. maybe a good one, since it isn't snowing. although my driveway is still a sheet of ice.

Chris, you apparently got hit with BOTH. we never got more than about 5". the sun is shining now! yeah, i've been watching The Tudors from the beginning. i actually own the series. digi version. i'm on the last season, and the end is not as interesting as the beginning, i think. i'm on the next to the last Queen, who is a ridiculous kid. it think it's a very good piece of TV. i watched one episode of Reign and decided not to continue. glad you're hearing our voices in your head when you are trying to decide whether to clean out the garage, wash all the windows and shovel your driveway! :rofl: keep doing those little jobs you won't have time to do when you're 100%. even SuperFaery needs time to heal.

Nancy, congrats on the GSO! hmmmm. TWO puppies. an activity best suited for the Young!

Shar, the Superbowl was awful for you guys!! i didn't watch, but it did seem to have been one of the best games in recent Superbowl history. except the end....

gotta get out to go grocery shopping today. hopefully i won't slide right out of my driveway and through the fence across the street. the general roads seem to be ok, and no more snow until tonight. does anyone have any experience with monthly rentals someplace warm in the USA during the Misery Months? with DH going to retire soon-ish, i'm hoping to get out of here for part of the winter next year. i'm hoping and HOPING!!,

hmmm. what historical period would i like to have lived? if i could live in the 1940s after the war and the 1950s perpetually, that would make me happy. weird, i know. :becky:

have a fun day doing something. then tell me about it!! i need some vicarious fun!!


Chris! You are being so good...and creative to think of quiet things you can do to get back into The Game. I know that feeling of being so far off on what day it is. Happens to me more since DH has been retired (10 years!). One of our geezer conversations on, say, a Monday:
"Sure feels like a Thursday today."
"REALLY? That's what I was thinking!"

So often we BOTH feel like it's the same wrong day! LOL

Superbowl. Yes, well put, Phylis...to other football fans it was one of the best Superbowls in a long time. But as you said, for us..."except the end." I prefer watching our team blow out the other team as they did LAST year.

Big Tuesday for us. DH is at breakfast with the ROMEOs. I'm meeting with the other three Artsy Gals to celebrate a birthday...a Vietnamese restaurant. The birthday girl's actual day isn't until next week, but today is her anniversary. She asked us to all bring our wedding albums. Instead, I'm going to take pictures of each page (back in 1969 wedding albums only had a dozen or so pages!), and put them on my tablet. Way less bulk! Then this afternoon we finally get to see our grandchildren who have all been sick for the last 2 or 3 weeks, and the 10-year-old boy is going to cook us chicken curry for dinner. Then off to prayer meeting.

I found out that my Computer Dude, Paul, hates clutter. So one of my gifts to him will be a (relatively) uncluttered computer room next time he comes. I really cleared out a lot of piles yesterday. It benefits me mostly, of course, as I KNOW I am more creative when I'm working in a neat space. I LOVE it. Hope it lasts. ....right.

Right now I'm working under several handicaps (no Organizer or Bridge to help me find my elements is the worst), so I'm anxious to get Paul over here to work on that. Hope he can come tomorrow night, as I leave for UT Thursday, and we're at a place where I have to give some input. I can't just leave it to him and Dave to do the rest. Darn that pesky day job of his. ;)

Phylis, I hope you can work out a bit of Snow-Birding. My dream would be to live in Arizona November thru March, but DH says it's not in the budget. So we settle for flying down once or twice a year. We don't have housing expenses since we stay with our golfing buddy, Greg. He lives in Alaska, but owns a home in Surprise (near Phoenix), and escapes the winter doldrums by popping down to AZ once a month all winter. We occasionally join him for 7 or 8 days in a row of golf...and cool beverages on the patio...then dinner out.... ahhhh...can't wait...............

The 1950s...forever...YES.

Hope you all get a nice high pressure system and all that snow and ice goes away SOON!


Well-Known Member
Oh, Yikes! The 50s never should have been, let alone have to relive them!!!! :bounce:
Thank goodness for the 60s. But I can't imagine enduring the terrible conditions before modern medicine in any time or place. Now to be a virtual fly on the wall would be another matter, maybe to see the Mayan hey days?

We didn't get ice, but lots of snow and I'm still waiting for the driveway to be plowed in the next 45 minutes so I can get to a meeting. Should have been done yesterday!! grumble... Promised over two hours ago to send someone...

Chris, so glad you feel better but are NOT overdoing. And you're right I'd think birds. The most amazing bird I've ever seen was in a zoo in Mexico - a Harpy Eagle. They are enormous!! and elegant ... and fierce.

Nancy, congrats on GSO. You do lovely things with hockey.

Phylis, sunshine does make things look better (I think).

Why aren't we with Trudy?

Shar, super the computer is coming back!!

Hope it goes well for everyone.