
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday February 23


The Loopy-O
Another day- another day of snow. Ugh.
Messy stuff this time. Sleet and snow mixed. And I am surprised- school is on full day. Usually a day like today would be at least a delayed opening.

Scott had a ok day yesterday. When we picked him up, he was pretty crabby. Said the day wasn't what he expected.I am thinking that he realized that school can be just as tiring and frustrating as home instruction.

Hi Laurie and Linda S!

Nana Linda- hugs to you! How are ya? How sweet is your boy?
Any chance you want to send some warm air here????
Hope that your piles of snow are melting fast.

Clara!!! How awesome! Its getting really close now!!! So happy for you!

AndreaNyx- busy day, girl! Hope today is a bit calmer!



Well-Known Member
Chris, sorry that you got the snow gunk! And sorry that Scott was disappointed...although, it sounds as if reality may have hit so that might not be all bad (crossing my fingers on that one).

Shaun re-took his spelling test yesterday. Spelling is tough for Shaun. But last week his spelling list consisted mainly of words with "ea" and he was consistently spelling 11 of 12 correct. On Friday, his paper came home and the only word that he had right was "sign" which was one of his two high frequency words. He had transposed the "ea" to "ae" on each word. He was so sad. But here's where we have a happy ending. The teacher said that he could take it again on Monday. He only missed 3 words total. We needed that victory because we've now got test anxiety going on. I was pretty excited!

Tonight is Sydney's first night back at gymnastics and she's very excited (and a little nervous) about that! So never a dull moment at our house!

Hope everyone has a great day.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well today!!

It was cold and rainy here yesterday...and looks like more cold today and very overcast...WHERE IS SPRING?? I wish it would come early!!

Sorry about the snow Chris...wish I could send you some warm air...it was very short lived here!! Well, sounds like Scott did have the reality check...but, at least he did not come home hating it!! That's a good sign!!

LindaS..WOOT for Shaun!!! sounds like he worked through his "ea" transposing!! Good luck to Syd too on her first day back to gymnastics!!

Clara...I am so excited for you and your cruise!!! I am ready to live vicariously through you for a week!! LOTS OF PICS PLEASE!!!

AndreaNyx....better take a breather today!!! BUSY!!

Laurie...Good morning...hope you have a great day!!!


Well-Known Member
quick stop in before we run off.

got a SLEEP IN til 8am today... hurray for that!!!

hugs all, back a little later.


lOve the O!
evening all - work went well, went for 2nd fitting of my dress and can pick it up tomorrow to wear to practice tomorrow night- and we have a spotlight dance that I can wear it to on Saturday- our big competition is March 14th- not that we will be the winners, but we will get graded on our dancing by professionals based on our age & # of hours dancing. So tonight I am baking choc chip cookies for the office girls that still cannot schedule my kids for march because the boss has not "built" the rooms in the schedule program- she is using FMLA as her father is very ill and not expected to live much longer- so I told the girls if they quit grumping I would make them cookies for all the trouble I cause them- I will have to taste test- I'll throw some out to you all!