
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, February 18


The Loopy-O
Goooood morning!
*not gonna complain about the cold, not gonna complain about the cold*
The sun is rising and it's not as windy as it was yesterday. It was *brutal*- the gusts were blowing our car when we were on the highway so much that Gary got into the far left lane as we passed a tractor-trailer. Not taking any chance of getting pushed into that. :no:

LLMD appt went pretty much as I expected. Staying on the same course of Rxs and see her in 3 months. She wants me to see a chiropractor. My hip pain is not the hip joint but the sacroiliac joint. She figured that out when she pressed on my back and I practically hit the ceiling. That pain/inflammation is causing my back to spasm. I've had muscle spasms for as long as I can remember. I went to a chiro years ago but my insurance only covered a few sessions. I need to see what the plan I have now will cover. She also mentioned TENS treatment so I am going to see if I have enough Amazon GCs to get one.

I got home and worked on a bunch of things for Weis. I think I am ready for the session!
I'm excited!

Send everyone big hugs and sunshine. I'm sorry if the cold temps follow the sun.

We got a contract signed to sell mom’s condo!dance4
Fantastic news!!! *all fingers and toes are crossed for smooth sailing!*
It looks like Thursday's Big One TM is all bust here too. Thank goodness. It's been forecast for an inch- people were going crazy that we would be getting 12" and up. I hope it stays that way for you so you can get your trail work done.

Here's hoping the abx is done for you!
Speaking of birds, my birds have all but vanished this past week. I hope the bird flu has not attacked them! But I'm hoping its the mockingbird that has driven them away! It's time for him to go, if that is the case! I've only seen a wren, a chickadee and saw a cardinal this morning but not at the feeders. The cardinals rarely go to the feeders. They pick up the leftovers on the deck.
My bet is that the mockingbird is being a brat :tongueout1: I am so lucky that I have a pair of Cardinals that come to the feeder. I love watching the interactions between them. The male comes to the feeder more often while the female hangs out on my rhododendron. He'll call to her and then they switch places. Fascinating!!

@bcgal00 :waiting: still waiting for my hot chocolate to arrive :D It sounds soooo good and I'm with you, good to only have it available for a short period of time.
I would not be able to leave my house if it were that cold. I am dreading the 20* temps this afternoon. One more month until spring!
(Meteorological Spring begins March 1 so should really count down to that instead of astronomical spring.) Stay warm as best you can!
Yes, I love our titmice! They are definitely cute! And the Carolina wrens are feisty! Your 52 inspirations page was beautiful!
Looks like our weather is going to hold off until Wednesday at last look! I'm to the point of getting this meeting done so we can move on! I'm tired of holding onto the devotion I have prepared, LOL! I want to work on another one! ;)
Titmice are Scott's favorite bird and I think they are my second fave. The hummingbirds are my #1 ♥
yay for the weather behaving so you can do your devotion, have a wonderful time with the women today.
You have daffodils ready????????? (jealous, sooo very jealous!! LOL)

Tracy has been on my mind too- but she mentioned she was going away before the surgery. I think the surgery was set fo the last week of Feb, IIRC. Either way, I hope she is doping well! We miss you, Lady!! ♥

Good afternoon! Today is my last day of staycation. In preparation of bad weather, the State of Missouri has issued a travel advisory for employees. I work for the state so this affects me. I can either work from home, attempt to travel in or take PTO. Since I didn't bring my laptop home with me, it looks like I will be attempting to travel in. This may change depending on how much snow we get. My son and his fiance may come by for dinner tonight which will be a treat since I don't get to see them very often. Hope everyone has a great day!
Please be careful if you have to travel today. Can you go in, grab your work laptop, and then head back home? Hope you had a fun visit with DS and his fiance. We are going to my son and his GF's tomorrow for dinner and I am already excited for that too .

Quick in and out this morning. Getting ready to leave for the widows'fellowship. I'll be back later today to catch up with you all.
Morning everyone! I have been away these past few days!! We had a long weekend (family day) so we spent some time with family of course! Not our kids, but we did have a great facetime with Heather for her 43rd Birthday. How the heck did that happen?? No way my baby can be 43 already! Mostly my DH and I just hung out together and got some things done in the house. Soon we hope to get some things done in the yards, the snow is pretty much gone and the temps are rising. We have a fence to stain soon and lots of clean up of broken branches etc. The snow was heavy and probably did some damage to my bushes and other plants :sad2: . Today I am starting the re-do of our on-suite vanity, so I will be sanding and priming and painting. Not sure how much I will get done as I am supposed to have lunch with a couple of school chums and we could be a few hours. Tomorrow I might be going to see my sister-in-law Veronica, her and her daughter flew home and had good flights and got good sleep, so she said she will let me know how she feels tomorrow. I am a bit nervous to see her, afraid that we will both fall apart when we see each other, it will be so sad to not have my brother greet me at the door and give me a big hug!! :crying1: Anyway I better get my work clothes on and get started on the sanding!

LLMD appt went pretty much as I expected. Staying on the same course of Rxs and see her in 3 months. She wants me to see a chiropractor. My hip pain is not the hip joint but the sacroiliac joint. She figured that out when she pressed on my back and I practically hit the ceiling. That pain/inflammation is causing my back to spasm. I've had muscle spasms for as long as I can remember. I went to a chiro years ago but my insurance only covered a few sessions. I need to see what the plan I have now will cover. She also mentioned TENS treatment so I am going to see if I have enough Amazon GCs to get one.

I got home and worked on a bunch of things for Weis. I think I am ready for the session!
I'm excited!
Ouch on the pain in your back!! Hope that your new insurance covers lots of Chiropractic visits and that the TENS treatment helps you a lot also! Nice to know just what the pain is I guess, and that you should be feeling better with the right treatment! It brings my heart joy to hear how much you love your new job!! So happy that you are excited for your next session with Weis!! :lovey3:
Quick in and out this morning. Getting ready to leave for the widows'fellowship. I'll be back later today to catch up with you all.
Enjoy your time with the widow's fellowship today! Hope the roads and the weather are cooperating for your drive!

Ok off I go to make the bed and get into my painting clothes, have a great Tuesday everyone! :waving3:
Good morning ladies. I have been busy this morning with family chats and organizing jewelry stuff. I got a new magnifier lamp and it is soooo much better than the other one I had. I created another jewelry piece yesterday and have been practicing with loop wrapping and finishing pieces. I want to perfect that and speed up the process before I start selling in the store. Every designer has different favorites for "findings' i.e. jump rings, clasps, etc and I'm trying different ones to see what I like the most and then I'll be working on perfecting my finishing on pieces. I can close up a wire bracelet with about 1/4 cm showing but I want to tighten that up to 1/8 cm, so practice...practice...practice.

I'll be getting my camera and dog stuff ready later (after we get back from our afternoon euchre games) b/c tomorrow morning at 7 we leave for Abraham Lake to see the ice bubbles. It'll be an all day thing and don't expect we'll be home before 7 or 8 in the evening. Just depends on how many times I want to stop along the way for photos. It's a route I've not driven before so no idea how picturesque it might be (or not). The dogs will enjoy the outing for the day. I'll bring their winter booties to wear which they won't like but they will enjoy the adventure.

We are now in season 2 of Snow Piercer and loving it.

@faerywings Hope something will help the SI joint pain now that they know its that.

@taxed4ever As sad as it will be to see your SIL, it will hopefully be healing for you both to share memories and time together.

I need to shower and get out with Remi before heading out for our afternoon games. HAGD everyone.
Hubby left to go pick up tile in Clearwater for our dear friends. I did some cleaning then to the club to teach a basket weaving class to 10 ladies...it was fun but I rather be teaching sewing again. Funny how every basket is different even though they are using the same supplies. Stitches tighter or looser or bigger or smaller. Everyone is doing great next week we will finish up.
Yesterday I released 12 monarchs today only one. I only have a few left in chrysalis but I found 5 caterpillars on my plants outside so I will bring them in to safety.
I go to PT hopefully I finish this week. Then a stop at Walmart to pick up a few things..
Yesterday I talked to my birthday boy grandson who is 19 now...last year of teenhood. He said the yard/farm supply place had 6 trucks waiting to get in yesterday at 5 when he went in. They have rock salt to melt the ice and no one else in the area has any. They were slamming busy so I was thinking on all you that have been having snow and ice. I sure hope the weather turns good for you.

@bcgal00 That is going to be be a fun photo trip, I look forward to seeing those photos.

@faerywings I hope the tens machine helps you as much as it has me. I wear the patches with the cord most of the day and plug in the machine several times a day. I walk around with it and just do regular life as I have it going. TENS 7000 from amazon less that 40$ and worth every penny!!!
Please be careful if you have to travel today. Can you go in, grab your work laptop, and then head back home? Hope you had a fun visit with DS and his fiance. We are going to my son and his GF's tomorrow for dinner and I am already excited for that too .

I went in and grabbed my laptop! No unsafe travel for me today or even tomorrow if it gets worse. I hope you had a wonderful time with your son and his girlfriend!
Our little town just outside Charlottesville, VA, had a terrible day yesterday. A man came to the grocery store parking lot with an AR15 and started shooting people. One man coming out of the store and one woman who was sitting in her car were killed. An off duty law enforcement officer (they won't be more specific than that) was coming out of the store and killed the shooter with their personal weapon, otherwise police think more people would have been shot. We are all in a kind of shock -- it's pretty much the only place in town where everyone goes for groceries. I could have been in that parking lot. All of a sudden I don't feel safe anywhere.

Well, that's an awful Daily Ooos. I apologize!
Good Evening!
Had a wonderful day today. Excellent meeting with the widows. There were 13 widows in attendance. One was there for the first time. She enjoyed being there and said she will be back. She saw the benefit in joining in with other widows who share like grief! And it helped that her sister attends the meetings, too.

After the meeting I took Louise and Ruth home and brought Ilene back to the house with me. We played 3 games of Qwirkle and then I took her home around 5.

Mark says depending on the weather tomorrow he may even be coming home early from work. If that happens I'm pretty sure we will not be having church tomorrow night, either!

We are watching The Hunting Party. Have any of you seen it. It looks like it is going to be pretty good.

Have a great evening!
I have a pair of Cardinals that come to the feeder
I know! I love watching them!
the mockingbird is being a brat
I have to agree! We are getting very tired of his shenanigans, too!
The hummingbirds are my #1
The hummingbirds are a favorite as they amaze me, but, I have to say, I really love watching all of them!
You have daffodils ready?
YEP! But, I suspect the weather moving in will do a number on them!
Enjoy your time with the widow's fellowship today! Hope the roads and the weather are cooperating for your drive!
Thank you! We had a great meeting and the weather was absolutely beautiful today!
No way my baby can be 43 already!
I know! My baby turned 45 this year! My youngest will turn 40 this year! I just can't believe it!
@taxed4ever As sad as it will be to see your SIL, it will hopefully be healing for you both to share memories and time together.
I agree, Rae! Trudy, you and your SIL will be a comfort to one another as you share your grief together! It will help you both to heal!
I could have been in that parking lot. All of a sudden I don't feel safe anywhere.
You cannot let it paralyze you, however! Just be as cautious as you can!