
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, February 17: The Faery is DONE with Snow Edition


The Loopy-O
And to think, we didn't even get all that much but STOP!! make it stop!!!!! I am tired of seeing it. It's still coming down, but thankfully, it is very light. I guess when it is 10* it is even too cold/dry for the snow to form. Ugh.
How is everyone south of here doing? I think Delaware and South Jersey were supposed to get the worst of this one.

I am feeling cranky today. I am so done with drs and today is yet another dr appt. I am so darn conflicted about my IV. I want it done, I want it pulled. But am I stable enough to stop? Am I tired and cranky and achy b/c of the weather and time of year? I don't know and I want answers dammit!! Where's the rolling pin smilie when you need it?????

I have to make this quick since I still need to get b-fast, brush my teeth, and decide whether I want to put make-up on.
(Lucky you-- you don't have to listen to me :blah: too much!!hahahaha!!)

QOTD I have to think "warm thoughts" or i think I will go crazy. What is your favorite summer memory?
When I was a kid we went to a small beach/lake called Pigeon Hill. It was almost the same, as best as I can remember, to Bubbling Springs where I brought my kids, and I still go and park my butt.


Well-Known Member
good morning - It is still snowing and I have a dental appt at 11 am. Not happy but it is close so I am hoping things get cleaned up a lot by then. We got about 4 inches so far. Yesterday turned out so much better than I expected. The Devils held an open practice but Chaz had to go in early, my DIL was busy and my DH went to work as did Zach so I was not going alone. Well Chaz got done early and we made it to the practice. It is really fun to see the drills. The rest of the day was spent scrapping and hockey. What more could I ask for. Turns out that the temperature rose into the mid 20s so I even got in a good walk. It was so good to me outside. Tonight my Devils play the Buffalo Sabres and my team surely could should win. I will see

Chris good luck at the doctors today. I am sure you both will figure it out!

Shar seems so strange to know you are playing golf and we are seeing only that white stuff. Hope your library get back online soon. The Outlander series is good - I like the story but I really like the two stars they have as the lead. Sam Hueghan is eye candy. LOL.

Trudy those photos are beautiful! Glad that you like their improvements. Enjoy the weather. My sister says it is so warm now in Arizona that they are scared for the summer heat.

Jean how sweet your DH brought you flowers. Glad the new version of your scrapping program is working.

Phylis hope all is well!

QOTD I grew up in the desert of Arizona so all my summers were hot and dry and then super hot. But the nights were awesome when it cool down and the sunset so late. You could be outside really late. What I remember most is the smell of the citrus groves in bloom and the cantalopes as they rotted in the summer.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies... I slept better last night, but oh my I dreamed and dreamed all night long. Not sure what most of them were about, wish I could remember them all! No swimming today, so I will try to get in a nice walk instead. Yesterday the pool was like a zoo, I tried to go earlier than I usually do, in hopes that it would not be so busy. Ya that did not work. Not sure what the answer is to Monday at the pool, perhaps I need to go much later in the day? :noidea: I did manage to stick to it for an hour though and everyone was well behaved and didn't run me over or I didn't run over anyone :becky:

Chris - So :sorry: that you are feeling so cranky today!! I don't blame you though, enough with the snow and cold weather!! I hope that Mother Nature will give you all a break and start her Spring thaw very soon!! Good luck at the Doctor, hopefully he/she will tell you that you can have your IV removed!! Sending you loving hugs :hug: and hope you feel better later on today!!

Nancy - Glad you got to go the open practise with Chaz!! Sounds like you had the perfect day! Last night our Bruins blew it again and perhaps it would be better if they did not make the playoffs and spared everyone further embarrassment!! Hope your Devils beat the Sabres! Good luck at the Dentist! I alway dread going to the Dentist, not sure why? I don't ever have cavities anymore and she is a great Dentist, just bad childhood memories I guess when I used to have a mouth full of cavities

Phylis - Hope everything is ok with you! We miss you!!

Shar - Glad to hear that you are getting better and hopefully enjoying the beautiful weather here on the West Coast!

Jean - :sorry: I don't mean to rub it in about our nice climate this winter, it is very unusual that we are having this kind of weather! Hope you are enjoying the new Photoshop! and your DH is very thoughtful to bring that spring colour home to you to brighten your day!

QOTD - My favourite memories are walking the railroad tracks to swimming lessons in the summer. DH's Aunty taught at the beach where his parents now live and it was not too far from where I grew up. I loved the smell of the kresol on the tracks mixed with the smell of the ripened blackberries along the sides of the track. Funny how scents bring back great memories! My sisters and I would eat the blackberries and laugh all the way to swimming. When we got to the beach we were so hot that we all dove right into the lake. Ahhhh!!!

Well I need another cup of coffee, so glad that I can get Tim Horton's coffee for my Tassimo machine!! Love Timmys!!
Waiting to Skype with DD and Mason and hear all about their family day outing . Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave:


Chris, Ahm Wid Ya. Feeling like my cold got worse again over night. Then tried doing a tutorial (not an Oscraps one) that is not clear and not turning out at all the way I want. Makes me cranky to spend so much time on a project then just trash it. Guess I need to go switch laundry and have another cup of coffee. Coffee IS the answer, isn't it?

Yay! I'm back to a good Kindle Place. Library is back online. I'm trying a new-to-me cozy mystery writer: Lynn Cahoon. We'll see. Much of the cozy mystery writing is too fluffy. Agatha is The Benchmark, and few come close.

I don't like the dentist anymore either. Didn't mind so much when I had little kids at home because it was sort of a vacation (and before cell phones). No one could reach me. They didn't weigh me. And sometimes I got to go to LaLaLand with nitrous (sp?) oxide! But modern dental offices seem to want to police us more and more. Sheesh. I'm in my 60s. Do I really need a lecture every time I go in about flossing better around the back teeth???? SERIOUSLY!!! Do they think I don't KNOW that? LOL

In my utterly dysfunctional family, I have some good summer memories. When I was 11 or 12, I discovered Gone With the Wind, and spent as many hours in a chaise lounge on the patio as my mother would allow, drooling over Rhett Butler. I dreaded Mom hollering at me to come set the table for dinner. I also loved walking to the beach for swimming lessons, and baking in the sun. The walk home wasn't as pleasant...up steep hills for 1.5 miles. But my all-time best memories are of being at my aunt's ranch in Montana. I got to go with my grandfather...first time going to another state...awesome to get away from my immediate family for a few weeks...horses...wide open prairie...horses...learning to bake bread...horses...the wonderful smells of hay and barns, and of course, horses! I think my aunt saved my life! I hate the way summer vacation has been eroded away...kids still in school 3/4 of the way into June, and starting back the middle of August!!!! You need THREE MONTHS to be a kid!

ooops. Here I go again. You can see why I was a newspaper columnist for awhile! LOL


The Loopy-O
Hey all! I am back, and no big surprises from the dr in spite of my wishes otherwise. PICC still in, lots of blood taken. But the "good news" is that a lot of the weird symptoms that I have been having over the last year are clicking together and she thinks that I am very depleted in vitamins and minerals, and some other supp's. That and the stress on my body are most likely causing me to have autonomic neuropathy where my body cannot process "orders" to regulate heart rate and blood pressure- which could be causing the high and low blood pressures and tremors etc.
She is re-running my WBC count and if it is ok, then I am to start up the IV abx again.urgh.... I didn't even *bother* asking her about when she thinks that I can get back to work, I think she would have thrown something at me if I did! :brick:
One other thing of note: My lumpectomy scar had been hurting really bad after this surgery so I asked her if there was any connection. Apparently, the spirochetes will wrap themselves around scar tissue and she has had a lot of patients say that they have scar pain when they flare/herx. I had assumed it because of inflammation but the actual bacteria are doing. These bacteria are freaking smart (*not* a compliment!)

Let me see how much I can catch up with here, hope everyone is doing great!


The Loopy-O

Shar- hope that you aren't pushing yourself too much, but keep on feeling better! I use overdrive for library audiobooks too and I had ordered the 3rd book in a series when I wanted the 2nd- and there was no way to return it. I wish there was an easier way of it. Hope you are able to get lots more scrapping and knitting done.

Nancy- you are one brave woman to head out in the cold for dinner, but it sounds like it was so worth it. WTG to your DS!!!! Good man!

*razz* Trudy! You are killing me-- look at that stunning photos, sun, wine and water- cannot get better than that!

Yes, how cool to take a blending class from Anna- I can't imagine how it would to be inside her mind as she designs and scraps!

Jean- Come and stick your tongue out at Trudy with me!!! *pppppfffffbbbbbtttttzzzzz* :p
Is your weather any warmer today? We got up to 13*! It's a start!

Sharon- my mom keeps telling me about all of these "good books" that she read and wants me tyo read but they are all romance ones too- but like "straight romance" no adventure themes, the kind that you can skip whole chapters and still know how it will end. I like a bit more surprise. Have fun scrapping now that you found your stash!


Well-Known Member
here's meeeeee! i have NO good excuse for my absence, except that DH was home all day for three days in a row, and i kept getting sidestracked by DH things. i finally got out of the house yesterday and got a much-needed haircut. then today i finally got to the dentist. (it must be Dentist day!!) the SUN is shining, though we're supposed to be getting more snow overnight and tomorrow. not much. a few inches. that storm yesterday was so WEIRD! we were right on the NORTH end of it, and it pretty much missed us, but Virginia and DC and Kentucky and Tennessee got smacked. then it moved over to Chris and Nancy Land!!

Chris, what are you going to take for the vitamin deficiency? what has she suggested? supposedly, if you're low on the B's, it can really mess you up. i was hoping that you could get off the IV stuff for a long while.

Trudy, i'm with you with a weird night's sleep. i'm a bit of a zombie today after a short and fitful night last night. i am so impressed with your commitment to swimming! i loved your description of your inlaw's remodel and all the BIG stuff, except for their bed. :pound:

Nancy, you're SO right about Outlander, and especially about Sam Hueghan. i think he's PERFECT for the part. and adorable. i'm not that sold on Claire yet. I think she's going to have to grow on me. I bought the DVDs, then Outlander appeared on iTunes sooner, so i bought that, too. in fact, i've got it going as i type this. very enjoyable. boy, did they ever get Dougal right!

Sharon, getting sick again? ick! is this a cold, or did you get the flu? well, at least your weather isn't terrible. there's THAT!

Jean, i imagine you've got the cold weather, too, right? great time to just stay INDOORS!

QOTD: my good summer memories involve walking around the city where i grew up. we walked to town, to each other's houses, to the swimming pool, to the evening softball games. see and be seen. i once made a scrapbook page about something like that. dunno if it's still in my gallery or not. nothing like summer in the city.

hope everyone is having a fine old day! :becky


Phylis...glad you're back. DH "things" do tend to distract. Nice miss on that storm.

No...not sick again. Just a little step backwards, it seemed this morning. By afternoon, it's cleared up a lot...and just a cold. No flu, thank goodness. No fever or body aches.

It is so gorgeous here, I'm going to take a short walk in the neighborhood. I'd be embarrassed, but this is the reward we webbed-footed PNWs get for putting up with so much rain and moss! LOL

Don't know if you all are aware of a new iPhone app. I just heard about it today: Darkroom. It's free!


Well-Known Member
For one day our weather was fine, high maybe 20, no new snow, even brief sun. Sister needed to mail some things but can't get to her mailbox, so we went and got several day's worth out and took her stuff and mailed at PO. Did a little cleanup of her walk and so on. Tomorrow it snows again and gets cold when I go to the dentist. Chris, thanks so much for joining in razzing Trudy. Maybe when she's well we can include Sharon. I joined a county genealogy group in Kentucky this year and my first email from them yesterday was notice that Saturday's meeting in Frankfurt was cancelled! They aren't used to what they got down there.

QOTD: I don't seem to have specific summer memories of an ongoing nature. When I was nine I spent the summer with various relatives and it was fabulous, so that is probably mine.

Phylis, glad you got out and maybe DH not home? Weather bitching is getting really repetitive, eh?

Chris, sorry not getting IV out, but if you're getting some answers, maybe that will help. I know you'll keep on keeping on! Stay home and stay warm.

Trudy, don't want you do feel picked on! We love your photos, let us see there really is a world still out there not covered in snow and ice.

Shar, I can see you're feeling well enough to do some good scrapping. Hope you're all better soon. Then we can pick on you too for your weather. ;)

Nancy, your day indoors sounds good. Hope the snow quit and it isn't too cold.

Hope your Tuesday will be fine!