
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, February 10


The Loopy-O
It's another Ugh it's Winter day here. Seriously done with it. There is so much ice and snow mixed in, it is going to take a miracle to get it chiseled off of the cars.
The good news was that I didn't have a heart attack waiting for Scott to let us know he got to his school ok yesterday. I went with the mantra of no news is good news..;)
Today I am of to the gyn for my check-up. I just said to Gary that I know she is going to tell me that I am good to go, to start easing back into regular activities. I don't feel like I am there yet and the psychological warfare in my brain is going to begin. It won't be the "should haves" but instead it will be the "Should Bes."

I have to make this quick. I am not used to having to be out of the house at 8am anymore.

warm and happy thoughts!!


Well-Known Member
good luck at the appointment, Chris. "EASING back into regular activity." EASING!!

wow, crappy weather all over the place, but not here! i'm listening to WTOP, a DC news station, and they had an ice storm that's making their already crazy traffic probs even CRAZIER! we're not expecting any "weather" until tomorrow night.

not doing much today. more errands. gotta get some pita bread for dinner tonight, go to the bank, maybe take some time out for cruising the junk aisles at TJ Maxx. then back home for some major vacuuming. pretty thrilling.

have a good one! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - Yesterday and today the weather is the pits. Went to the hockey game and when we came out the roads and cars were covered with ice. Well the game was the worst from my team all year. The lost to the Edmunton Oilers 2-1. Really! My poor son was hit in the face (on accident) with a pry bar at work. The inside of his mouth was cut up. He wanted to go to the game as they were honoring Patrick Elias for his 1000 points and he ended up sleeping a lot. So we left midway through the 3rd period. He really needed to go home and go to bed. I had cramps all night and I think a slight fever. This morning I have not gotten out of my pjs which for me is a total never happens. But I took advil and I feel much better.

Chris good luck at the appointment - and as Phylis says ease back!

Phylis last night on the NJ turnpike there was a 20+ pile up and one fatality. Lots of trucks and a bus. The speed limit had been reduce to 35 but I am sure they were going faster and with the ice. Weather sucks. It is easier to drive in snow I think that ice.

Have a great day everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hola, Buenos Dias ! Como Estas? I'm Baacckkk!! That is almost the extent of my Spanish, except for ordering drinks and food LOL!! We had a wonderful time on our holiday and except for a tropical storm on the first day we arrived, the weather was hot and sunny! I missed all of you here at the "O" and now I have so much to catch up on!! Sounds like everyone is having really crappy weather and I wish we could all go back to Mexico and party together!!

Chris - I am sure that you are doing very well, it seems that you have been a great patient!! Yes just easing back into your regular schedule, baby steps my friend!! Hope your weather improves soon, ice is just the worst!!

Phylis - Your day sounds about as much fun as mine will be, after spending the first day back yesterday, doing a ton of laundry and grocery shopping, today will be about as thrilling!! Ugh real life sucks!! I want to go back to being waited on and spoiled just lying around in warmth of the sun!! But that is not real life is it!! I am not rich and famous and I don't think that I could stand being that lazy all of the time! But pretending to be for a little while is pretty fun!! :becky:

Nancy - Yikes your poor Devils!! Losing to the Edmonton Oilers??? I always feel sorry for my nephew in Australia, he is a huge Oilers fan and they do not get much hockey coverage, but maybe that is a good thing with the Oilers being as bad as they have been! Don't feel too bad about your team, our Bruins just can't seem to win against the Montreal Canadians and it really bugs us ! We met a guy on our holiday who is such a big Bruins fan that he has the logo tattooed on his arm and his kids are named after a couple of the players!! Now thats devotion or just a little crazy :loco: not sure which. Your poor son!! Hope that he will be ok and his mouth heals quickly!!

Ok I have a ton of folding and ironing to get done and lots to catch up on here at the O!! Tomorrow back to swimming, but I will be dreaming of laying on the beach in Mexico again! Have a great day everyone and try to stay warm and safe!! :wave: Adios!!