
Daily Ooo's Tuesday Feb 2nd


Well-Known Member
That D@#* groundhog saw his shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously.....I am sick of winter....I need some of your gratitude Sally........ HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really had no doubt he would see it....we have snow sleet and freezing rain today!!! more snow this weekend!!! the roads are in horrible shape...they have not even put chemicals down in our neighborhood...SLICK!!

So I don't think I will have babies today! Sharon just called and said she was taking the day off...she did not want to be out in the weather coming..and Ayden wasn't here yesterday, they all are sick...so I doubt he comes today....Soooooooooo....cleaning and scrapping for Nana Linda!!! I am behind on the cleaning for sure, with all the sickness!!

Okay...going to get coffee....be back in a few...anyone else need a cup??


Well-Known Member
Chris....I think we need to kidnap that Phil and train him!!!!!!!!!!!

Yam...sweetie I hope you are feeling better today for your birthday!!! I understand the "blues"...so I know it's not easy. Get your grats journal out and write what you are grateful for and you will be feeling better in a jiffy!!! ((HUGS))

Trudy...I am loving your lip avi!! glad to see you here in the daily O's!!

Kat......(((((HUGS))))) very tightly!! I have missed you!!!!!!!!!! so sorry you have been sick again!!! What ever all this mess is, it's hard to shake it!!! I am a lot better than I was, but still have some of it...so I can see how it is easy to relapse!!! I hope you are ALL better now!!!

Zoe....that is totally awesome!!! and how sweet to send to Yam!! this is why I love this place so much!!

Laurie....loving your lips too!!! and woot for the dress...bummer it has to be altered, but that is always the way!! can't wait to see photos of the big night!! and not that I am for replacing Phil, but the Robo Phil could be trained (programmed)...hmmmmm.....

LINDA S!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) sweetie..............I hope you are okay....such a rough time of it...how are you feeling today??? I am banning you from going outdoors for a while!!!! I am glad no one was serioiusly hurt, but goodness how scary!!!!!!!!

AndreaNyx...hi sweetie....hope you find some motivation today!!! we all have those BLAH days sometimes!!!

Okay....more coffee!!! I hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Grrrrr! Linda, I swear, I decided on the chocolate/vodka combo on him (it would have worked for me) and he wanted nothing to do with it.
Maybe he needs a girlie-groundhog to entice him to stay out next year.

It is weird- at this time of year, anything that is school related has built in snow days- I think we have only used one snow day and that was in Nov. That's kind of crazy for here- we usually get tons of snow. (Not that I am complaining) But you guys have gotten more amounts and more often than us.

Happy Birthday Yam!!!!!!!!

I'll be back in a bit, Gary let me sleep in this morning since I couldn't sleep last night. I need to hit the shower before the tutor gets here and I scare here away.



Well-Known Member
hugs ladies, I'm here for a quick hello :)

Yam... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA!!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day, you are very special *hug*

LindaS... how you doing today?

LindaW... we're having a mild winter here so I really don't mind another 6 weeks. wish I could share with you...

Clara... you back at work then since you already convicted yesturday?

hugs to all... will be back later for more personals :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you my O' family! I do feel better today!!! I appreciate all your wishes so much! Thank you girls!
Have all a wonderful day!!!


...loves her some "O"
Morning, my darlings!! I'm sooo sorry I've been MIA here at the O lately!! Seems I'm always apologize for skipping out. BUT I'm here and here to encourage all of you!! yipeeeee!!!

LindaS, I'm sooooo glad that no one was hurt yesterday in your accident...Praying that the fallout (insurance, tailbone pain, etc) is easier than ever to deal with!! HUgs, babe!!!

Chris, I'd have given you summer if you had given me chocolate/vodka! LOL!!! I'm glad Gary let you sleep in a bit this morning!!! Hugs to you, too, hun!!

NanaLinda, ohhhh my darling...a day to yourself!! You scrap more than clean, okay??? Can't wait to see what you create today!!

Yam, ohhh I did wish you happy day in your other thread, but I just want to wish you blessing upon blessing here. I read your post yesterday, and you know what???? I felt EXACTLY the same way yesterday!! (I was blaming female hormones!!) So I just went to the local Buc-ees (truck stop/convenience store) and bought a load of candy and a coke and I felt SOOOO much better after I had some chocolate! LOL!!! It was worth it yesterday!! Today, I'm not so sure...LOL!!!!Hugs to you today!!! love you, girlie!!!

Ohhh and I am loving the lips avatars!! can't wait to figure a clever one out!!!

Soooooo, I'm here working on the computer all day today!! yipeeeeee!! (i have a bunch of school to do with the kiddos, too, but that works hand in hand with digital designing!! yipeee!!)

okay...i need to get this seven year old back to her long division...she is soooo easily distracted, she gets lost in the middle of the problem and it takes her a million years to do three problems!! yikes!! :)



always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!! back at work today. yesterday was sooooo cool!! The guy on trial was an idiot drunk driver who thought he could get off on a technicality that he created. he didn't take the breathalizer test saying that he wanted to talk to HIS lawyer...not a lawyer, but his lawyer after 10:30 at night and since they couldn't get ahold of him and he didn't want to talk to any other lawyer he thought he could get off. Haha...not so much, with 2 witnesses, bad driving, refusal to take a test that would prove your innocence, a zero tolerance state, etc. We sat and discussed it for quite awhile though. My black and white thinking self didn't really see any gray area personally but some other people weren't so sure and wanted to do some good discussion first, which was fine...especially since they came around to my way of thinking. LOL!! So we sent to guy to jail. I was actually really mad at first because he was this shady looking punk kid who wore jeans to court and had his hair all slicked back looking mobsterish, sitting in his chair with a stupid smirk on his face. I thought they wouldn't have enough stuff to convict him but in the end they did and it made me happy. Yay for due process. It was just so cool to be a part of the process, ya know? I mean voting is cool and all but you actually get to see the effects of what you do in Jury duty. Then afterward we got to talk to the prosecuting attorney and ask whatever we wanted. We found out some extra case stuff that wasn't allowed to be brought up in court. We found out that the prosecuting attourney has a lot of respect for that defense attorney and she thinks he is a great lawyer, which I thought was really cool. The whole thing was just really cool and I learned a lot. Of course I forgot my paperwork so that I can get paid at work...that is another thing I found out. In Washington State, and I am sure in many other states, legally your employer has to give you the time off but does not have to pay you. BUT my employer does pay me for the day off minus the money I get from the court, which I was going to waive. I don't need to get paid that $10 from the government to do what I am supposed to as a citizen, ya know? But it was very cool.

So, that is very lame about the groundhog. What does a groundhog know anyway? i think he should go in his hole and not bother us with his silliness. If he is scared of his shadow, why do we need to set our weather systems on his crazy fears. Silly groundhogs.


LindaW - I'm glad you get a day off today. I hope you get everything done you need to get done and have some time to spend on you whether scrapping or whatever.

Chris - Yay for no snow days for you. We have had a pretty mild winter too, which I am so grateful for. I know how much you hate the cold so I hope it stays mildish and then warms up quick for you. Yay for a little extra sleep.

Hi AndreaNyx!!

Yam - I am so glad you are feeling better. The sad yuckies are the worst. Sending good happy thoughts to you.

LindaS - what happened? I have to go back and check it out. Stop having bad things happen lady!! Off to see what's going on in your world.

Okay, after I check on Linda I am off to finish up my taxes. Yay!! Should be getting a nice check which makes me so happy.


always chatty at the O!!
Sally - did you say a 7 year old and long division in the same sentence? Okay, it is official. You need to open up the Keller school for my kids. I am shipping them to you in September, or maybe you can just keep them in October. I really really think we will be moving in the next couple of years and when that happends I think I am going to try really hard to decrease our living costs so that I can stay home at least part time to school my kids. I am officially motivated.


Well-Known Member
Myles is 5 and just starting multiplication and is reading at a grade 1 level :) he started reading around 2.5 yrs old!


...loves her some "O"
Andrea, isn't it fun to start them early??? My Cora could read at 3 and it was sooo fun when she was five (cause she looked like she was three, poor shorty!), she was reading big ole words and speaking like that, too!! People would always do a double take!! LOL!!! I love giving the kids a head start! I also love to be able to let them go at their own pace if they don't want to have anything to do with reading and stuff..like my son...*whew* it was a task to get him to read. He learned how just fine, but to get him to do it was murder on me...so i decided to let him go at his own pace! The fun thing is that a couple of years ago, we found the Percy Jackson series and he's been hooked on reading ever since!! yay for Percy!! (we all can't wait to see the movie now!!)

happy day!! :)


Well-Known Member
Good evening ladies! Still a little sore but not bad! I'm going to try to do a workout with the trainer tomorrow night...we'll see how that goes! Mainly I think I'm just tired now! Thanks for all of the well wishes.

Clara, I'm so glad that you enjoyed jury duty! I have never been called for jury duty. Unbelieveable. I vote in all of the elections, I have a drivers' license, and I'd be like you...I'd love to serve. Oh well, maybe someday!

Nana Linda, I hope you really did get your day to yourself to scrap. Loving your avi!

And Sally, I sure wish you could help Shaun with his spelling words. What a trial that is! He gets so upset that it's hard to get him to work on them. Well, one of these days, we'll find the key and then we'll be on our way!

Now I'm off on a quick gallery run...going for 18000 this month so need to get in gear!


Well-Known Member
oh ya Sally, it's SO fantastic. he just loves to read and math too :)

course then there is Kylie... just barely knowing to sing her ABCs now and at this age Myles had read his 1st word... eeks. She's just on time tho... he was SUPER early lol

Myles actually *asks* to do math homework. we homeschool him grade 1 stuff b/c he's at that level & Jk is just fun for him lol... I think he's learning the social stuff... but the rest is just funny. he even laughs sometimes... "Mommy, we counted to 20 today, I wanted to count to 200" lol


Well-Known Member
just popping in for a quick second before I head off to bed.

I was just in an online board meeting for a Non-Profit. I always feel so pumped after a meeting... too bad I'm SO tired lol.

nite all...