
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, December 9


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Tuesday!!

Can i just bitch for a minute? :rant: (Like any of you can stop me bwuahahahah!!!!)
It is not even winter and I am DONE with winter weather. We have sleet/icing here this morning, and a delayed opening. Switching at some point to snow this afternoon/evening. Urgh!!!!!

I hate my uterus. HATE it!!! And I swear, it *knows* that it is going to be thrown out in the trash next month. One big ol' Bio-hazard bag of it. I am getting my period now every 3 weeks. It wants to keep me in pain as much as it can before I say Good Freaking Riddance!!

My family (mom/dad/brother) are insane. I told my SIL and my mom to go ahead and tell my brother and father about the hysterectomy. My mom calls yesterday morning to ask me to tell my dad because he is cranky with her. But he is out ATM, and then I am off to work and seriously? Tell him to sit down, shut up, that you have something to say. Because we can't tell my brother until my dad knows b/c what if he slips and says something to my dad and he gets all bent b/c he was the last to know about surgery for his daughter. Didja get all that? Because I sure as heck didn't.

I basically shot back at my mom to not tell anyone and it will be a BIG surprise!! whoo hoo!!!

But my dad called in the afternoon and now he knows, and my SIL texted me last night and said that my brother knows and wanted to call me. 7pm... not a chance do I want to talk to anyone, let along a worried brother. I told her to have him call me today. Maybe I will email him this morning and we can do it that way. That gives me a chance to breathe it out before I have to reply.

Remember this little dude? :frusty: I think he needs a name as he is my constant sidekick. What should I name him?

And to top it all off today, I have my mammo/ultrasound and while my Rational Brain is not worried, my Emotional/Irrational Brain is starting to freak out a bit. And guess which one is dominating at the moment? C'mon, take a guess, it should not be too difficult. :pound:

As I said to my SIL yesterday, Some days there is just not enough wine in the world...

Should Faery be committed? Please say yes, a quiet room and some good drugs sounds amazing!
(BTW, I am totally saying this tongue in cheek. When Gary first got very sick, he had to be committed for several days and it was not fun for anyone)


The Loopy-O
Laurie- you are really doing an amazing job with your house! I am so tempted to get a ton of back garbage bags and toss *everything* I can't say that I blame you for wanting to scrap Val's Challenge. The advent threads are awesome, aren't they?

Nancy- how neat to get your photos taken at center ice! I bet that puppy is getting big too. As you can see from my rant up there, my day didn't get much better yesterday. Maybe today??? *hopeful*

Phyllis- any news on the lost package?
"Something else" Yup, that would be me. :rofl: I really do have to keep my sense of humor or things would get ugly, eh?
Yes, it's an electric stove. I really don't get any of it. And that is crazy about your turkey-- and kind of dangerous too!
I cannot believe that you are still itching. I hope it goes away soon.

Trudy- MEN!! And that is all I need to say about that!! LOL
I think that your ghost that terrorizes your family once in a while was with you yesterday!
Cait and I were laughing about the cookies- We used the last of the flour from Charleigh the Flour Baby for them. We said that Charleigh was the one messing with the cookies, did not want to be eaten. But the ghost- would not surprise me at all if s/he was messing with the rest of everything.

Jean- I am with you on overwhelmed. Hope it is getting better for you!


Well-Known Member
Can i just bitch for a minute? (Like any of you can stop me bwuahahahah!!!!)

hahaaa! loved that!

Chris, maybe we could share a room after we're committed. perhaps the little guy banging his head against the wall could be called "Bonkers." that covers both the insanity and the head-banging. tell your family that you love them, you appreciate their concern, but to chill out and let you alone. they're just adding to your stress.

yep. i'm still itching. apparently my nerve endings "remember" more than they should. hoping they decide to FORGET soon. in the meantime, the battle with incompetent and rude government workers continues. i called our post office yesterday at 5 p.m., because we still hadn't gotten our mail, and when i asked the guy who answered the phone if there was some prob with the mail, because we hadn;t gotten it yet, he YELLED at me: "Yeah, there's something WRONG!! It's Christmas and we're BUSY!!!" i didn't say anything for about 10 seconds, then i said, "Excuse me. did i talk to YOU like that??" so today i'm going on down there and speak to his supervisor and ask her what is up with the rude guy. ALSO, this morning i opened a letter from what was supposed to be the "INVESTIGATION" of what happened to one of my Christmas gift packages i sent to son and fam overseas. it was a form letter, telling me nothing, and referencing a tracking number on a box that my son actually GOT. no info. none. what sort of "investigation" happened is unclear to me. it looks like none. some service. so, i'll probably be on the phone for hours with more rude people, trying to get them to explain this whole thing to me and what they actually DID to try to track down this package. honestly. i've about had it with rude, incompetent people.

OK. on to face this *&^^%$#*! day. sorry no personals. hope everyone has a good one.
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning grumpy ladies!! LOL Just kidding you both have good reason to be grumpy today! The wind is howling here today and it makes me fearful :fear:that the large trees around us will come crashing down onto our house. But I suppose they are pretty well rooted into the ground (I hope!!)

Chris - Sorry your family is giving you a hard time over your decision to have a hysterectomy! You have to do what is good for you, not what they think is good for you!! Tell them to take a pill and chill out!!! As for your QOTD?? Just think when you finally get your operation, you will have some time then to just recuperate and let everyone else take care of you for a change!! Please promise me that you will do that!! Hope your ghost gives you a break for a bit and lets you get that baking all finished without any more mishaps!!

Phylis - OMG what is the matter with that postal worker?? He should have his A@# kicked!!!
No one needs to be talked to like that!! Hope you finally get to the bottom of your missing package!! What a worry for you!! Sure hope it turns out positive for you in the end! Hope your #&^^%$#* day gets better!!! :becky:

Ok I am off to see if I can find a certain ribbon for decorating my railing with today, along with sore throat medicine for DH, yup he has another cold. He is much to close to the people he works with LOL. Try and have a better day ladies!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
So sorry for the misbehaving days you're having! Sure hope they get better. This morning DH had wisdom tooth extracted so I was there to bring him home. Went for his prescription where our HMO pharmacy isn't much different from before it was bought out, but a little less efficient and over 30 minute wait. I had an extraction early this year but conveniently forgot all the minor inconvenience. Yesterday I did wrap, pack and ship our out of town gifts and my Oscraps cards are in the mail too, so that much is good.

I was told the other night when really dragging outside the grocery (by the intrepid bell-ringer) that it would be easy to smile. Of course I did and that did make things easier. So wishing you all smiles however hard to achieve.