
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, December 21


The Loopy-O
Happy winter Solstice! We had a super clear sky to see the eclipse last night. Too bad I was fast asleep and I missed it. Gary stayed up and according to their FB pages, the kids got up with him. That might explain why they are both cranky this morning. I wish I could have seen it. But no- I had to dose up with NyQuil and get to bed. My cold came back even worse than before. I woke up feeling pretty good yesterday, then by dinner time, it was like I was hit over the head with germs. Billions of them. And they all looked like that Mucinex dude.

Here, this dude:

I wish I could take it easy today but I have to get food shopping, then meeting my brother for lunch, then some errands/last min stuff on the way home. Since we weren't able to do our annual C-mas shopping/lunch trip this year, we thought we would still try to meet for lunch. First time we haven't shopped together in over 14 years. :(
maybe next year we can, and there will be a baby to shop for......

Tip for Tues: Do not take Zippy Pills (Provigil), drink lots of coffee and expect to get anything done, unless your idea of getting things done is walking quickly from room to room, do one thing,then get distracted, and move on to the next room.


lOve the O!
morning all - mr mucus is visiting me now- but no fever and not coughing or constantly blowing my nose, so off to work I go. I was set to mail my sister gifts today and realized- umm don't have them wrapped or ready to go aka- two little gifts each- so looks like after Christmas gifts for them. Good thing they love me- off to get ready for work.


The Loopy-O
personal for my lOvlies!

Linda S- How did Syd do at the dentist? Hope she is easy there. Caitlyn loves to go to the dentist, odd child LOL

nana Linda- good to hear that you are feeling better. The cold air is so bad for the cough, isn't it? Try not to stress, your babies are going to love you no matter what- that inlcudes young and old babies. I think I appreciate my mom and dad even more at the holidays as an adult than I did years ago.

Give Mike a hug from me and tell him thanks for thinking of us. Yes, the Tri-State NJ/NY/CT area is probably the highest percentage of Lyme. Our town did a study a few years back- over 60% of deer ticks are infected w/ Lyme bacteria.
PSA announcement-- no matter what you read, Lyme and other tick borne illness are *worldwide.* Yes, some places have higher cases, but every state has it, EU has it, AU has it.... Many times, cases are undiagnosed for years. Or the tests they use to "diagnose" are based ona certainstrain of the bacteria and there are thousands of different strains.
Anyway- my point is, don't ever let a dr tell you that you can't have Lyme b/c it is not in your area.

*packs away soapbox*
I am so glad that thing is collapsible :pound:

ME- I do an "open house" type day for C-mas. Just picky stuff I can throw in the oven or prep the night before. Fress mozz/roasted red pepper tray, Swedish Meatballs inthe crockpot, cheese and crackers, my mom is bringing a baked brie- that kind of stuff.

I used to do a sit down dinner- the year that sticks out the most- I did a butternut squash soup, beef wellington (MIL bought the meat- I had *no idea it was that expensive!!!), rice pilaf, and some veggie, asparagus maybe?
Same as I said to Nana- I am sure that whatever you do will be nice.
Ohh, I have a recipe somewhere for a pork tenderloin with a mustard sauce- that was really good and easy to make! if you are interested, let me know and I'll dig it up. I still have to dig up a couple of more soup recipes for Trudy.

Linda S- Syd sounds like Cait! LOL
I wish we lived closer, I'd be waiting outside your front door any time you sat down for dinner- Yummy!!!!

Laurie- sending germ-free hugs!

Clara- don't be so hard on yourself- you are doing such a great job with your 3 kids. (LOL). Have fun painting.
And GMTA- we have already been adopted by nana Linda- think we can do the same with Linda S?????

Meg- that sounds delish!!!!

Oh trudy, that is *horrible* I don't blame you for wanting to cry. ((((hugs)))) I went through that with my braces a few years back. Apparently my mouth is very small (news to my family who thing I have the biggest mouth Ev-ar!!) and I had to get my molds redone several times. But that is not as bad as having to go in, be all psyched up to get started on this, and have to wait another month. I'd say that bites, but that might be too painful to hear.
Just a couple of thoughts- FWIW- can you ask the dr for a muscle relaxer you could take at night? Pain meds will help the pain while they are in your system but they won't do anything for the spasms. Maybe a real lose dose of Flexeril will calm the muscle down.
If not- can you get a "disposable" night guard from the drug store that might help you from clenching so tight? BTDT (clenching) and Iknow the pain you are in and the headaches....

Gotta go for now- ::grouphug and :tea:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Sweet "O" ladies.... feeling better today, thanks Chris and Meg for your kind words!! Off to work this morning, but just had to stop in here quickly to see how everyone is this morning.

Chris - Oh don't you just hate that Mr. Mucus guy!! Hope he leaves you very soon!! Loved your potatoe soup reciepe and so does hubby!! Have a great lunch with your brother!! Too bad you did not get to shop with him this year, but perhaps like you say, you will next year and hopefully for a baby too!! I do have some mild muscle relaxers to take, but they really seem to upset my stomach :puke: and I don't really like to take pills of any sort. I will just have to grin and bear it!! And I will try to stop whinning too :tape2:.

Laurie - Hope you feel better soon and that your nose doesn't get all sore and red from blowing it.

Meg, Me, Linda (sister), Linda S and all those that I have missed :sorry: but I have to run to work...so hope your day is great!!!


...loves her some "O"
Morning chicas!!

I'm sporting a "rich food" hangover this morning!! Once a year we go out with Mr Gorgeous' business partner and his wife to a steak house and last night, we ate our weight in very good tasting food...but I'm soooo paying for it today!! But we did have fun!! LOL!!!

I've got this mile long list, and my Christmas cards are the first on it. I was supposed to finish those Sunday night, but our fam came over and sat around the fire outside and roasted marshmallows and talked and laughed and it wore me out where i went to bed right after!! :)

So...Hugs to everyone, extra garlic pills for those that are needing them...(I've been pushing them here, Chris...you'd be soooooo proud of me!)

and don't forget that awesome "I'm loving every minute of this Christmas season" spirit!! :) (If you're not there, you can borrow some of mine!!)

love you all!!


Well-Known Member
So tired. Meeting this morning 25 minutes across town. Got next to nothing for sleep thanks to Jeff. So many emails I need to reply to. I need a personal assistant.

Send help.


always chatty at the O!!

Today has been a good day. I met up with a friend from Washington that I knew from my church. She got stationed here with her husband a few months before we did and we have just never gotten it together to meet up until now. I always think of sending her a message until I am in the car, shopping, getting in the shower or whatever. She is so sweet. Her husband is in the Air Force and a pilot but gets stationed at Army bases for some reason. She lives on the other side of the Army post as me but we can meet in the middle and it is no big deal. We have not much in common except the kids and church stuff but we are both talkers and can sit and gab for hours. So we went to one of those kid places with the blow up bouncy slides and then to Chick-fil-a. It was fun except for all the craziness of the crowds. Derek had the day off so he stayed home and cleaned up the house. It was great. I loved it. Ethan is at Yvonne's house getting all crazied up. He'll make me insane when he gets home, but he'll tone down pretty quick.

Tomorrow Derek is going to get the waiver to get us set up with the doctor we want at the Army hospital. Hopefully it goes easily. Everyone pray and cross everything possible it goes like clockwork. I have pretty much decided that Ethan will hopefully start school by February. I'm going to hopefully get everything set up while he is in Washington and get him pumped up about it by then. I have a group of people to help me get him excited about it. The neighbors across the street go to the same school he'll go to so maybe they can help with that too.

Now, I have to go play with paint. My neighbor is going to come and help me. Wish me luck that is comes out great. I'm nervous that it will look silly. If it looks great I'll take pics and show you.

Okay some personals before my paint attempts...

Chris - Happy Winter Solstice to you. Yay for days getting longer again. Woot!! This means spring will be getting closer. I missed the eclipse too. I heard what time it was and said too bad. I could have probably seen it though since I was working on Addie's present...which I should actually upload to FB. I'm pretty stoked about. Ewwww...get rid of that mucinex guy quick. Neti pot mixed with nasal spray is how i get rid of him. Blech!! Oh, and how can LindaS turn us away if we show up on her door step? You up for a road trip??

Laurie - After Christmas gifts are just as cool as Christmas gifts, maybe even cooler. Makes Christmas last a bit longer. :)

Trudy - I didn't read what happened but I am assuming you got put off for treatment. My sister had really bad teeth when she was little and got made fun of really bad. The orthodontist told her she had to wait a year and she started sobbing in his office. He worked it out to put braces on much sooner even though it didn't finish treatment sooner. It stopped the teasing though. Anyway, I understand the frustration of not getting care. I saw her go through it. It sucks. As far as the muscle relaxers making you tummy hurt...are you making sure to eat something substantial when you take them? I know it is hard with your jaw but maybe putting some bread in some soup and just making it as substantial as possible will help. That stuff is just really hard on your stomach. I know pain killers always make me really sick. No need to stop whining. We just want you to feel better. You are in major pain. Whining is seriously allowed.

Sally - I want a rich-food hangover. I am jealous. I want to go out for a fancy dinner tomorrow for my 10-year anniversary but we have no money at this point. :( That would be fun though. I agree extra garlic pills for all, or maybe just some roasted garlic for dinner? Mmmmmm!!! Hugs for you. Did you talk to your SIL??

Meg - have fun at your meeting.

Okay - off to paint. Eeeek!!