
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, December 19


The Loopy-O
Good morning, my lOves! Hope that the sun is shining wherever you are. Thank goodness it is here, the entire state of NJ needs time to dry out. The roads are all still a mess, highways are shut down in a lot of areas. And the sump pump here is still going off every minute. We got about 3-4" of water in the basement. Not the worst we have had but it will still pour in over the next day or so. The forecast says no precipitation until next week, please let it stay that way.

I had a slow but productive day yesterday and I feel like I am breathing a little easier. I wrapped the kids' gifts and stockings while listening to Rent, the ultimate Christmas Soundtrack. :). Just about everyone else's presents get stuffed into bags. Crap! I still never got anything for the dogs. TJ MAXX usually has a decent, inexpensive selection although they might be picked over by now. If not, there is a feed store right around the corner that has some toys and "barkery" items. I didn't shop local at all this year which I usually try to do.

I finished all of the copy and pasting of the recipes and now I will make sure that the fonts/spacing/etc is all lined up on the templates. I am thrilled that I had them in my stash. They saved me enormous amounts of time and stress. If I can finish the wrapping and recipes and ingredient cards this morning, I might have time to scrap something just for fun this afternoon. I have laundry to catch up on but I don't want to put any more moisture in the backyard.

The best part of my day... I have a couple of work days scheduled for January! Scott's friend Lauren- aka my boss :D- texted to check in and sent me the invites to 2 of her homeschool sessions. That's how the scheduling works- They send out Google invites and you can either accept or not. I have one SKill Share/Training day and two work days. I can't tell you how excited I am! I told Lauren that I have a Pinterest board already and that I am a dork about this which she knows and appreciates LOL!

Whisky is looking at me with deep love in her eyes.
Nope, I think it is hunger. Let me go feed them and I'll be back soon



The Loopy-O
Guess she wasn't starving after all. She is lying down by Gary getting some nice pets in. :dancingdog:

@BrightEyes Makes my heart happy for you that you had two of your girls with you. Hope that everything went smoothly for you at the bank. Poor SiL -- the garage door sounds like a complicated and frustrating project. Hope that gets fixed and that you all have a wonderful visit again today.

@vickyday It was a good choice to not go to CC. My hair is due for washing (I only wash 2-3 times a week in the winter) and I was able to push it off until today since Gary wouldn't care or even notice if it was a little grubby LOL!
Oh yes, I hear you with the septic issues. Another reason I opted to wait to wash my hair, less time in the shower. *nods*
That's awesome that Abby came home with you! You sound like my mom with Scott, he does the thanks, but no thanks grin too!

Just now, Gary asked if I had seen a post from a local Police FB Page about one of the highway closures:

I am soooooo glad that Scott isn't working today, that is how he gets to his office. Cait is remote today - also good news. Our school district has a delayed opening but I wonder if they will close at some point.
And you know how I have been saying thank goodness it wasn't snow? My town got 5" of rain and someone on FB converted that to 4' of snow. 45-50"

Nah--- nothing is happening with the climate... :exitroom:

@Cherylndesigns Have you tried the Cheerio Oat Crunch variety? That is the best cereal, hands down. It goes on sale pretty often at ShopRite and I'll stock up on it. I am so proud of you for not putting milk in his cereal too :D
It sounds like his appetite is slowly coming back, that's great!
You aren't imagining that it is hard to find low-sodium food. My mom asked one of the store managers why things she used to buy are not carried by the store anymore. He said that the manufacturers don't see a profit in low-sodium but they do with gluten-free. They aren't making as much anymore.

Time to flyyyyyyyy:


Love my O Family!
Good morning, my lOves! Hope that the sun is shining wherever you are. Thank goodness it is here, the entire state of NJ needs time to dry out. The roads are all still a mess, highways are shut down in a lot of areas. And the sump pump here is still going off every minute. We got about 3-4" of water in the basement. Not the worst we have had but it will still pour in over the next day or so. The forecast says no precipitation until next week, please let it stay that way.

I had a slow but productive day yesterday and I feel like I am breathing a little easier. I wrapped the kids' gifts and stockings while listening to Rent, the ultimate Christmas Soundtrack. :). Just about everyone else's presents get stuffed into bags. Crap! I still never got anything for the dogs. TJ MAXX usually has a decent, inexpensive selection although they might be picked over by now. If not, there is a feed store right around the corner that has some toys and "barkery" items. I didn't shop local at all this year which I usually try to do.

I finished all of the copy and pasting of the recipes and now I will make sure that the fonts/spacing/etc is all lined up on the templates. I am thrilled that I had them in my stash. They saved me enormous amounts of time and stress. If I can finish the wrapping and recipes and ingredient cards this morning, I might have time to scrap something just for fun this afternoon. I have laundry to catch up on but I don't want to put any more moisture in the backyard.

The best part of my day... I have a couple of work days scheduled for January! Scott's friend Lauren- aka my boss :D- texted to check in and sent me the invites to 2 of her homeschool sessions. That's how the scheduling works- They send out Google invites and you can either accept or not. I have one SKill Share/Training day and two work days. I can't tell you how excited I am! I told Lauren that I have a Pinterest board already and that I am a dork about this which she knows and appreciates LOL!

Whisky is looking at me with deep love in her eyes.
Nope, I think it is hunger. Let me go feed them and I'll be back soon

Slow and steady gets the job done every time! ;)


Love my O Family!
Guess she wasn't starving after all. She is lying down by Gary getting some nice pets in. :dancingdog:

@BrightEyes Makes my heart happy for you that you had two of your girls with you. Hope that everything went smoothly for you at the bank. Poor SiL -- the garage door sounds like a complicated and frustrating project. Hope that gets fixed and that you all have a wonderful visit again today.

@vickyday It was a good choice to not go to CC. My hair is due for washing (I only wash 2-3 times a week in the winter) and I was able to push it off until today since Gary wouldn't care or even notice if it was a little grubby LOL!
Oh yes, I hear you with the septic issues. Another reason I opted to wait to wash my hair, less time in the shower. *nods*
That's awesome that Abby came home with you! You sound like my mom with Scott, he does the thanks, but no thanks grin too!

Just now, Gary asked if I had seen a post from a local Police FB Page about one of the highway closures:
View attachment 409389

I am soooooo glad that Scott isn't working today, that is how he gets to his office. Cait is remote today - also good news. Our school district has a delayed opening but I wonder if they will close at some point.
And you know how I have been saying thank goodness it wasn't snow? My town got 5" of rain and someone on FB converted that to 4' of snow. 45-50"

Nah--- nothing is happening with the climate... :exitroom:

@Cherylndesigns Have you tried the Cheerio Oat Crunch variety? That is the best cereal, hands down. It goes on sale pretty often at ShopRite and I'll stock up on it. I am so proud of you for not putting milk in his cereal too :D
It sounds like his appetite is slowly coming back, that's great!
You aren't imagining that it is hard to find low-sodium food. My mom asked one of the store managers why things she used to buy are not carried by the store anymore. He said that the manufacturers don't see a profit in low-sodium but they do with gluten-free. They aren't making as much anymore.

Time to flyyyyyyyy:
HA! I like the snarky suggestion by the police to invest in a good Britannica Encyclopedia audiobook, LOL!
I've always heard that 1" of rain converts to 10" of snow! Glad Scott didn't have to work!
I only wash my hair 1-2 times a week, too.....because it is very dry!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out. I am heading to my daughter's in a bit. Abby ended up going with them last night to a surprise supper for Ryan's birthday, so she went back home with them. I was planning on going over there today, anyway, so it worked out OK. Abby left most of her things she brought here since she is coming back.

I had to change the birdbath again this morning. Frozen solid! And for a few seconds the water looked like a sauna when I poured in the hot tap water! Highs are only going to get into the low 40s today!

Abby and I downloaded a couple of game apps yesterday and played Uno and Connect 4. And we had to play Candyland, the board game, of course! And we played the online Rummikub, too.

I have my yearly Medicare appointment set up for tomorrow so I'll be glad to get that over with. I'm happy that Medicare and the Gap insurance has paid for everything so far from my pickle ball mishap! Thank You, Lord!
Still haven't heard about the ambulance, however! That one might bite me!

OK, gotta run!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I was MIA from here yesterday, I am dealing with some kind of stomach bug and did not leave the bedroom or bathroom much yesterday (sorry TMI?). Anyway I am feeling much better today and so now I have lost a day of things I should have gotten done yesterday!! So I will be quick in and out of here today.

@faerywings - It sure sounds like you have been very productive with your Christmas wrapping etc. I saw that you had a thread started for some appetizer recipies I have a few to contribute if you are still looking for some, they are quick and easy! Hope you find some nice gifts for the dogs today! It makes me feel like I should have gotten something for Mason's dog Poochie. I might have to hit the Amazon website again today. Glad that the kids are both not on the highway today, wouldn't it be awful to be stuck in all that traffic!! It would be horrible if all that rain was snow :eek2:.

@vickyday - How nice to spend time with your GD!! I am missing Sadie this Christmas as we usually make sugar cookies together. I miss all of my grandkids and kids of course, but Sadie was the only one interested in making cookies with me. The others just like to eat them all :giggle4:. Sounds like the two of you had a great day of playing games together! Hope it warms up for you soon so you don't have to keep changing out the birdbath!

waving :wavinghello:to @BrightEyes, @Cherylndesigns, @bcgal00 and anyone else who pops in here today I have to get busy and play catch up with things I should have done yesterday!!


Quick in and out again today. Yesterday was a busy day all day. The girls and I went to both bank and credit union only to discover that we had already added DD#3 to the signature cards for Safety Deposit boxes. None of us remembered we had it done already. It was just after DH passed away so no wonder we forgot. But the visits were needed as I had to deposit a check in one and pay a CC bill at the other. DD#3 had not slept well the night before she came down so had decided to sleep on the LR couch instead of sharing my bed. As the morning went on, she was feeling worse. So decided to pack up and head home before noon. Good thing as she was hit by the stomach flu right after she arrived back at her house. Her grandson had had it for a couple days before she came down to visit with DD#1. We were busy cleaning/spraying disinfectant on all she had touched. Hoping none of us get sick from it.

DD#1 son came over and had supper with us last evening. They are going over to take him out for lunch in just a little while. I am going to do a run over to Sam's while they are gone. I have several things I need to get there. We have weather heading our way so need to get it done before it turns bad. Yes, Son-in-law was a life saver and finally got the garage door opener fixed. Glad he was here when it went wonky. They will be heading home tomorrow morning. I will miss having them here but so glad they came.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.
It's only 45 right now, but going up to 52. Please don't get much colder - speaking to the weather right now. The visiting nurse called last night and said she'd be here about 1:30 so we have that going on today. I need to go to the store, too. I want to get some things that I'm almost out of - then I won't have to go back to any store until after Christmas. We're running low on the essentials - bread, milk, eggs, and such.

Chris @faerywings Chuck likes that cereal you mentioned (he likes just about any cereal). He also likes the Cheerios "mix" of 3 different flavors. I haven't had any since the day of my spaciness. I just drank an Atkins shake. They're my go to when I'm too lazy to fix something or I've forgotten to fix my overnight oats. I didn't fix my oats last night, so it's Atkins today. That's interesting about the lack of sales on low sodium foods. I know they have lots of gluten free stuff. Walmart has a whole aisle on both sides of gluten free stuff. They have a section of keto, too. Most of it is way overpriced, so I get that they want that big profit margin. Grrrrrrr

Kay @BrightEyes yikes on DD having the flu. I would have my Lysol cleaner and spray out, too. I hope she didn't leave any flu bugs behind. Glad you got stocked up at Costco.

Vicky @vickyday good luck with your Medicare appointment. Is that what they call "the wellness checkup"? We're right there with you on hoping we don't get a bill for the ambulance! So far, our insurance has paid for everything for Chuck. We're still hoping no bill for that, though. I'm sure we'll get one, but we haven't yet.

Waving to everybody @taxed4ever @Su_Sanne @bcgal00 and anybody else who might pop in.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. I am feeling a bit better but I'd say only 25% of my normal. I am still congested, tired, achy and shivering a lot. The cough doesn't come as often but when it does it sounds like I will cough up a lung, it is nasty and leaves me exhausted for a few minutes. I am going to pick up a steroid inhaler in a bit. The first inhaler didn't work at all. The doc thinks I should feel much better over the next few wks.

For Xmas, we have decided not to decorate (too exhausting in my current state), I won't cook, so we are going to have a non-traditional Xmas dinner that we'll pick up from Big Sky Smokehouse that was highly recommended. It'll be ribs, brisket, chicken, bacon cheddar scalloped potatoes and a few appies with peach cobbler for dessert. They will prepare it all, package it up and we'll refrigerate it for a few days until the 25th. I can't wait!

We aren't going to get gifts for each other, I don't have the energy yet to wander around a mall. It'll be the cheapest Xmas ever LOL.

I still haven't been online much, resting lots and getting bits of unpacking done. I am trying to get a few LOs done for here and a few other stores I CT for. I am happy to be back to scrapping a bit but will enjoy it more when the energy increases.

I'm going to go check the CT forum and see if I can get a page done before heading to the pharmacy. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... I was MIA from here yesterday, I am dealing with some kind of stomach bug and did not leave the bedroom or bathroom much yesterday (sorry TMI?). Anyway I am feeling much better today and so now I have lost a day of things I should have gotten done yesterday!! So I will be quick in and out of here today.

@faerywings - It sure sounds like you have been very productive with your Christmas wrapping etc. I saw that you had a thread started for some appetizer recipies I have a few to contribute if you are still looking for some, they are quick and easy! Hope you find some nice gifts for the dogs today! It makes me feel like I should have gotten something for Mason's dog Poochie. I might have to hit the Amazon website again today. Glad that the kids are both not on the highway today, wouldn't it be awful to be stuck in all that traffic!! It would be horrible if all that rain was snow :eek2:.

@vickyday - How nice to spend time with your GD!! I am missing Sadie this Christmas as we usually make sugar cookies together. I miss all of my grandkids and kids of course, but Sadie was the only one interested in making cookies with me. The others just like to eat them all :giggle4:. Sounds like the two of you had a great day of playing games together! Hope it warms up for you soon so you don't have to keep changing out the birdbath!

waving :wavinghello:to @BrightEyes, @Cherylndesigns, @bcgal00 and anyone else who pops in here today I have to get busy and play catch up with things I should have done yesterday!!
I'm glad you are feeling better today!
I know exactly what you mean by the grandkids willing to eat the baked goods rather than helping in the making. However my 17 year old grandson is probably the only one who would want to help me. He has always loved being in the kitchen. He prepares all of the hunting finds he gets and eats it.


Love my O Family!
Good morning all.
It's only 45 right now, but going up to 52. Please don't get much colder - speaking to the weather right now. The visiting nurse called last night and said she'd be here about 1:30 so we have that going on today. I need to go to the store, too. I want to get some things that I'm almost out of - then I won't have to go back to any store until after Christmas. We're running low on the essentials - bread, milk, eggs, and such.

Chris @faerywings Chuck likes that cereal you mentioned (he likes just about any cereal). He also likes the Cheerios "mix" of 3 different flavors. I haven't had any since the day of my spaciness. I just drank an Atkins shake. They're my go to when I'm too lazy to fix something or I've forgotten to fix my overnight oats. I didn't fix my oats last night, so it's Atkins today. That's interesting about the lack of sales on low sodium foods. I know they have lots of gluten free stuff. Walmart has a whole aisle on both sides of gluten free stuff. They have a section of keto, too. Most of it is way overpriced, so I get that they want that big profit margin. Grrrrrrr

Kay @BrightEyes yikes on DD having the flu. I would have my Lysol cleaner and spray out, too. I hope she didn't leave any flu bugs behind. Glad you got stocked up at Costco.

Vicky @vickyday good luck with your Medicare appointment. Is that what they call "the wellness checkup"? We're right there with you on hoping we don't get a bill for the ambulance! So far, our insurance has paid for everything for Chuck. We're still hoping no bill for that, though. I'm sure we'll get one, but we haven't yet.

Waving to everybody @taxed4ever @Su_Sanne @bcgal00 and anybody else who might pop in.
Yes, it's the wellness check. She said they were going to do blood work probably.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes, it's the wellness check. She said they were going to do blood work probably.
We quit going to those. We were seeing our doctors regularly and it was just a repeat of what we'd already gone over. some states are worse than others - Florida about drove us nuts to go and we only went once. Nobody has said a word to us out here. They're ok if you don't see a doctor(s) on a regular basis, I guess. At that time, I was seeing an endrocronologist once a month, as well as my personal doctor every three months. I was about "doctored out". :lol23: