
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, December 16


The Loopy-O
Why, oh why I have I thought that last two mornings, as I was waking up, that it was the weekend?

I guess for the same reasons why I am so tired. I am too busy!
Phyllis I was totally mind-melded with you yesterday, i hate people!! Bwuahahahah!
I left my house at 8.45 and got home around 1.30. I hit 6 stores in that time and that includes a drive time of 30 minutes each way. But I got a lot done. The kids' stocking are finished. Two of the 4 baskets are pretty much done (I just need to get baskets!), I finished my niece and I got frames for my BFF and my other niece's gifts.
So I feel like I can breathe a bit. *little gasp* OK, that was it.

I also was able to look online and found that the Swarovski (Would you believe that the spell check for that word comes up as "Khabarovsk"... really?? Who writes these Spell Check Dictionaries????) ornament I need to get for another basket *should* be available at a store in my town so I am going to get that after work today.

Today is work and I am actually glad that I can spend 3 hours with Jamie and Claire.:D
(Outlander audio book if anyone is wondering who the heck are Jamie and Claire and why are they at work with me?)
Then I guess I should come home and shower before I go out to do the shopping in town.

Tip on Tuesday:
Drink your :tea:

What is your favorite animal?
(Sorry, the brain is not very competent)
Pets, I love dogs as you know, and cats too. Wild animals are wolves. And dolphins.


The Loopy-O
Oh Phyllis, I clicked that link, got a bit faint, and closed it out. I can see why you spent time getting your info off, but I swear, it is like a losing battle. No not "like" a losing battle, it *is* a losing battle.
Speaking softly-- :rofl: I can see that. And 2 very good quotes.

Nancy- what an awesome weekend getaway!! How cool! I have never been to Dallas, but I would imagine that it carries a lot of "weight" (like when we were at the WTC, after 9-11, you can feel the anguish still there).

Trudy- ahhh yes, the madness of the Christmas season. I can't wait until I have grandkids (Actually, I *can* wait!!) to get some of the wonder of the season back. It's tough right now that it just seems like more work than anything else.
I guess that is normal.

But i hope that all of you take time to breathe! Me, included!



Well-Known Member
Chris!! :rofl:
i know there are lovely people out there. many more than unlovely ones. but i seem to attract the unlovlies. and you know, believing that makes it SO!! so i limit my exposure!

It's tough right now that it just seems like more work than anything else.
too true. are you asking for HELP? please, do that. i am in great shape this year. for the first time in 20 years, SOMeONE ELSE in Hubby's family is doing the dinner. i still have to make bread, etc., but that's a cinch compared to having 16 over for a feast!

i am so intrigued with your baskets. you'll have to post a picture of one. if i weren't such an allergic mess, i'd buy one so i could have a good soak one day! i laughed at your Grinch show experience. sorry! the little one falling asleep was too funny!

Trudy, do you get to talk to your DD and GS every day? i would love to see your entire calendar. how big are they? do you have them bound? gorgeous work!

Nancy, sounds like Dallas was fun. was your sightseeing planned by the group organizer, or were you able to just go where you wanted? we stopped in Dallas a few years ago to visit my DH's cousin, but they live a little outside the city, so i saw it in the distance only. the Penguins are getting the mumps!!

today i have to get to the local French bakery to pick up some nutrolls for Christmas. this Frenchman makes better nutrolls than my Slavic Aunts!! just fabulous. then i'll hop across one of the rivers and deliver some lamb dinner leftovers to DD's apartment. i should probably do some vacuuming, too, since my sister will be coming over for lunch tomorrow and a trip to my local winery for a little tasting. (i find it hysterical that i have a winery 2 miles from my house. these things are popping up everywhere.) the grapes aren't grown here. they're mostly from up around Lake Erie, which means everything tastes like Manischewitz.

QOTD: cats. did i mention cats? and in the wild: cats.

OK. off to face the day. it should be fun. BTW, if you haven't seen the movie that the Scrooge YouTube link i posted above is from, you should. Albert Finney is absolutely awesome in the part!

cheers! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - Got up this morning to find my son trying to get my printer to work. LOL it is one very quirky printer. I fixed the problem and got the stuff printed. yesterday was just a nice day being back home. Got in a good walk with my girlfriend. She is an excellent crafter and has been so busy that we hardly walk together anymore. So it was fun to catch up. My Devils played the Islanders last night and the game started well but they ended up losing in a shoot out. It was a great game until the end with John Taveres was checked and got up and speared my player with his stick and only got a slashing penalty.

Chris I am not in any way ready for Christmas. But as I only have 4 grown ups to by for I am just deciding what one gift to get them.

Phylis my team also has players with the mumps. It is strange how this is going around the NHL but not surprising considering how close in contact the players are with each other and how much they spit and sweat. I would love to see the CDC do a study to find out who was person 0 that started it all. I could not believe the Penguins let Crosby talk to the media with his face so swollen even if they thought it was due to an injury. They said the titer was so high they did not think he would get the mumps and I am thinking the titer of antibodies was so high because he was fight the disease. Very interesting from a scientific point of view but I do hope it stops soon.

Trudy glad to read you are back at the pool. I would think that I would be constantly buying little things to send to the grandkids if I had grandkids LOL. Must be fun.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am off to the Life Labs for some blood work etc. Been putting it off as I hate to fast and miss my morning coffee :becky: My Dr told me that there is proof now that fasting really doesn't change the results of your blood work and it just a matter of time for the labs to catch up with the concept. So she really didn't care if I fasted or not. But I was good girl and stayed away from breakfast and coffee. Hopefully for the last time!!

Chris - Glad tha Jamie and Claire are joining you at work today, how far are you into this new book? I am missing my outlander friends!! Come on Diana Gabaldon get finished your newest novel already!!! Take deep breaths my friend and try to keep calm, find your Zen Place and everything will get done, ask for help please!!!!

Phylis - OMG you are not as grumpy as old Ebenezer now are you?? This version of Scrooge really is great!! One of my Christmas favourites for sure!! Yes I talk to DD and GS pretty much everyday, its wonderful, I read stories to him while his mom gets his lunch ready and then we sing songs and play music, he loves to have music on!! Its not as good as being there in real life and I am sure when he gets older he won't want to do this as much, but I will enjoy each moment while I can :becky: I will send you a link to dropbox later today so you can see my calendars. I usually make them all 11x17 the kids like to have them on the wall and its a great size so you can write your appt etc on them. When the year is up I usually cut the toppers off and keep them just for me.

Nancy - we were keeping an eye on your Devils last night and I thought for sure this would be a win for them!! Darn!!!!! Hopefully they have better luck next game. I don't think the Bruins will even be in the playoffs this year :hurt:

Hope you all have a great day, I am also off to have my eyebrows waxed and tinted... ouch!! I will show you what I gave my eyebrow girl for a gift later on. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'm still here slowly trying to get in the spirit and get things done.

Trudy, that would be lovely news about not fasting for blood work. No mention of that from my doc yet, but I'll be hoping. Your calendar page is gorgeous and I can see why they'd be a big hit with the family.

Nancy, commiseration on the Devils! Your Dallas trip must have been great though visiting the site could be intense.

Phylis, people in general are to me sort of like dogs. I don't like them. But once I get to know certain ones it's a different story. Hope your day is a fun one.

Chris, glad you explained who those people joining you at work are. I have no idea what Outlander is, but you all seem to like it. So much preparation and you do so much. I know you'll get through it, just hope you're not too worn out.

QOTD: pets are cats but wild could be anything but especially birds.



people in general are to me sort of like dogs. I don't like them. But once I get to know certain ones it's a different story.

This is so me, I may make a journal page of this quote.

Animals tame: Cats and horses
Animals wild: Tigers and almost any other type of cat