
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, December 15


The Loopy-O
If I could sum up in one phrase what my day was like yesterday it would "Holy-Mood Swings Batman!!!"

What would your phrase be?

Started out with Cait and I having a heart to heart in the car waiting for the school bus about her eating disorder. This time of year triggers it very hard. I can relate 100% to everything she said, I feel like a fat cow ATM. I feel guilty that I seem to have passed all of the crummy things along to her- Lyme, propensity for the ED, scoliosis, and bad skin. I know I gave her a lot of good too so there is that. :love:

At the LLMDs office, she "yelled" at me about how I am pushing myself too hard about Christmas. She said that my family wants me to be healthy, not the "perfect gift," which I KNOW!! Broke down b/c I know that if my mom knew how much I was stressing over a gift for her, she would beat me over the head. (Trudy- find that rolling pin smilie for me!!:D)
She asked me why I felt that I *had* to do these things- cooking, cleaning, baking, shopping- and I felt like a little kid, sitting on the exam table, banging my feet together, all hunched over. I said "Italian-Catholic Guilt." :pound:

While we were waiting to get our blood drawn, Gary started telling me how we (me, really) need to get better diets so we can get better. I got defensive, I try my hardest just to cook simple and cheap dinners for all of us. WTH am I supposed to do now? On the budget I am on? :mad:

Got home, totally overwhelmed around 1pm. I was going to run out to a couple of stores in town, but did some shopping on Amazon, and found a couple of things for the kids and an 8x8 frame for brother and SIL and they are going to get a Christmas picture of their son that I will scrap. :ranger:

Scott made a really yummy dinner, chicken with garlic and white wine over angel hair and Cait made biscuits. I loooove those kids!!!!!

Today I have to see if I can uncover my DR table. And then recover it with a few more things I need for gift baskets. I hope that my order comes in soon. I will try to bake one batch of bar cookies, that will be easy enough.

Do you have good plans today? Hope so!!!


The Loopy-O
Katja-- hehehe!!! That is cute about a nice surprise for DH. And all done from your computer :)
I hid it in a side compartment of the car trunk ... I forgot about it until New Years night ! LOL
That is totally me!!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I put something in a "safe place that I wouldn't forget" only to have no freaking clue what I did with is minutes/hours/days later :rofl:

Nancy- sorry to hear about the Devils losing to the Islanders. Boooooo Islanders!
It was really foggy up her in the mountains too, but kind of neat to drive through the wisps of it. Hope that you had a nice time with your girlfriends, but you always do. :)
I ended up not even having a choice RE: the PICC line, which I guess is good, I would hate to backslide if it came out because I don't think I have it in me to get a new line placed in the future.

Trudy- I think that we got your wind and rain overnight here. The power must have flickered just enough to set off the fire alarm keypad which started beeping t 1 am. Then Ray who doesn't like storms was on the bed with me, shaking the whole bed!
How nice to get together with your sisters!
:whoo: for getting those calendars done!!!!! I knew you would but you are like me, stressed until they are finished.

Rae- I have to be honest with you- I thought that you didn't have kids. You look like you are 30 in your avi. You talk about Taz, but not kids so I just figured that Taz was your kid. So to hear that you have a DD out of the house, I was shocked. LOL
I bet that cabinet is coming out amazing!!

Uh-oh! I am really late!!!



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... up at 3am again!! Why oh Why can't I stay asleep for a full night?? Well actually the night before I did have an amazing sleep! I didn't even hear DH get up and get ready for work, he said I was dead to the world and I slept until almost 8am

Chris - I totally understand the mood swings, this time of year can bring out the worst in all of us and its supposed to be the happiest time of year?? I bet Cait is glad she has such a great Mom who will talk to her about anything and be there for her 24/7!! Sorry that you got a scolding from your Dr. but take your Dr's advice and let other do some of the Christmas prep for you!!! Tell your Gary if he wants to eat healthier than perhaps he can come up with a meal plan for you that will fit into your budget, it doesn't have to all be up to you!!! Scott's meal sounds yummy!! How great that he cooked! I hope your order for your baskets arrive today for you, then that will be one less thing for you to stress about!! I feel your pain, the stress of Christmas usually gets dumped on us women, but it is our own fault we have to stop being enablers and pass off some of the duties to our men!! I am just as guilty as anyone about this, but told my DH the other night that I refuse to shop for his gift to give his father, that was totally up to him and so was anything that related to his work, he did not have a problem with it, but he would have let me do it for him had I not said anything :becky:

Ok I better get back to the sack and try to get a few more zzzz's I hate this broken sleep, see you all later!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
All my presents have been delivered ... Yeah !

They'll go into the sneaky present compartment again until after my yoga class this evening and I'll sneak them in then (always going straight upstairs to get changed after that).

It's such a hard job keeping quiet; even for something like this. Silly me.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. It's getting close enough to Xmas that I need to be more organized and every day I need a plan, a chore that needs to be done. I got my cards done last night, didn't have that many to write out this year so it didn't take long. The funny part was that I sat on the LR floor at the coffee table to write them out and Taz figured I was down there to play so he kept coming over and licking my face, pawing at my arm and dropping toys in my lap so he kept me laughing and taking breaks to play. Today I am going to do chores around the house and laundry. Tonight I am going to think about meal planning as this year I'll be preparing Xmas Eve, Xmas breakfast, lunch and dinner. I haven't made Xmas dinner in over 5 yrs, usually one of the kids or my SIL does. So now it's my turn.

Chris - how funny that you thought I was so young LOL. I am 58 (I have good skin though so don't look my age...good genetics). I've got 2 girls, my hubs has 1 girl from our previous marriages (we've been married almost 20 yrs now) and they are all married. We have 4 grandkids. My one daughter lives fairly close by (1/2 hr drive away) so we see them all the time but the other two are a bit further away so we talk or FB more than actually visit). We don't see the grandkids much now b/c they are all busy doing their own teen stuff and don't come over much now. We don't see my step daughter and her family much although we all get along great, they are just busy doing their own thing. So, that's my family :)

I totally understand the stressing out about getting stuff done. Take a deep breath and only do what you can do, and let the stress go. That is what I'm trying to do. I want to enjoy Xmas and not stress about what does or doesn't get done. About the healthy food issue....at least they want to eat healthy and encourage them to help out with meal planning and cooking. My hubs fights me all the way, not caring about eating healthy. I wish he was more proactive about his eating habits.

Sweet dreams, Trudy. I woke up about 4 times last night and watched the cooking channel for awhile. That's normal for me.

Katja - you are so sneaky LOL. You'd fit right in with us. We try to be sneaky too :)

So, chores and meal planning for me today, plus my computer work (I'm a medical transcriptionist, working at home). Have a great day, everyone!