
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, December 1: The In Denial Edition!


The Loopy-O
I do NOT want to hear that "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."

No no no no nooooo!!!! it is NOT December.

What a last day of November I had. (Maybe if I say it enough, it will sink in.) I had a bunch of things that I needed to do before my mom came up, but then my BFFATS called to ask if I could pick her son up from the nurse. His school is next to Cait's so I dropped off her lesson plans that she forgot at home first, then got him and *poof*-- there went 45 minutes of my day.
My mom and I did some online shopping, which was interesting and frustrating, but semi-successful, or so I thought. Cait got home from school and my mom asked about shoes, they weren't on her list. Cait gave me three lists, updated all of them on Sunday but didn't tell me that she only sent me links to two of them. All of the shopping with did for her was off the wrong list. She was cranky, I was cranky, Gary was cranky.

My car needs a new battery- which looks it is going to be my big Xmas gift. Which puts me in a worse mood b/c i remember the days when Christmas meant fun stuff, not a car battery. Whatever. I hate money issues but that seems to be what my life is about. <~ See: CRANKY!!!!!

After all of that, I spent another 2 hours wrapping soaps. I crocheted some cute washcloths and some of the soaps are going to be wrapped in them as a gift idea. Made dinner. Started watching the Walking Dead and Cait needs my help *right now* to work on a college app. Ugh... what a day.

Today I am steam cleaning my carpets so the guys can bring down Christmas decorations on Sat so we can do the house/tree on Sunday. After the carpets are done I have to keep on wrapping soap. At least I really like the way that they smell- could you imagine if I didn't? :D

I hope that all of you have a wonderful start of the month!!!!
Ignore my crabbiness or I might need to find pics of Crab Nebula again!

Love and hugs and peace!


The Loopy-O
Kat- no wonder you didn't post much- what a busy weekend! Weekends need to have an extra day, just for errands and then two to rest! Hugs to Hallie- Halrey, my old baby now gone, she was almost 17 when she died and had lumps and bumps and three bouts of different cancers. Tough cookie she was. Ray is starting to get some too, mostly skin tag and lipoma types.
I hope that Hallie's bumps are all benign. (Too funny, that just brought back the memory of Harley's first diagnosis of cancer and I took that waaaaay harder then I head the news that *I* had cancer hahahah!!)
I do not know how people can chill by knitting . I tried teaching myself that and knitting was so much harder than crocheting. But how awesome that you can do that- it is soothing to me to just work stitches and know that I can rip out mistakes w/o losing most of my work. ha!!

Nancy- I still need to see pics of Luther!

Crud. Time to get the car warming up. My car has the remote starter which is just amazing this time of year, and Cait's car does not, which was why I was hoping to start driving mine again. (Long story short- one car always gets blocked in and never driven for long periods of time)



Well-Known Member
Haha Chris, yes it really is December. I even had to correct our big boss this morning. We were in the elavator together and he said "It's almost December" ... euh no man, it IS December !

We got our Christmas decorations down last Sunday. The tree has been assembled and the lights are in ... now we just need to get the decorations transferred from the boxes to the three so we can reclaim our living room.


The Loopy-O
hahaha!! Katja, that is too funny! Glad that I am not the only one who is struggling with the calendar LOL
I hope that you get you LR reclaimed soon.

I am giving myself a few minutes here before I start getting going with the housework.

Nancy- hope that Luther got a good night's sleep in for you again. How old is he? Can't remember if you said.
Knitting needles on a plane- good question, haven't thought of that. I hope that they do because that would be something good to occupy yourself with.

Trudy- I think that you need to add a lot more grumpy and cranky smilies to the list. :gaah: is just not cutting it today :pound:
Did you ever find out about the Black Friday orders? Cait had a bunch of stuff in her cart from Friday and when she went to order it yesterday, they were either sold out or the prices had gone up. I hope that you had much better luck.
:laser:Fine!! Rub it in that your shopping will be done early. hahah!!!!
I remember the good old days when I used to be mostly done before Thanksgiving. Now I have barely started yet my list gets big and longer and I have to think of something for Leah for Hanukkah this weekend.
Hope that your muscles are still doing great and if not, the Jacuzzi helps.

Ack, Rae! What a busy day for you, hope that you got everything done that you had to do.
Quantico is good? We hadn't taped any of those since we were so filled up with everything else. But maybe we can go back and see if they are on demand. Seems like everything is on a break until after the holidays.

Look at all of you knitters- wish that I had all of your coordination and counting abilities. I think that is why crochet is easier for me-- only one hand and if I lose count (lack of concentration is a big issue for me LOL) it is easier enough to rip out a few stitches instead of rows.

Hope that you have a FAB December day!


Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday was good. Luther and I had our first walk and he did great! I have to say shockingly that he has had no accidents. He is between 5 and 6 months. I went out to dinner with my girlfriend and so put Luther in his crate which I put together all by myself LOL. Much to the surprise of my boys! I got him in it but OMgosh did he howl and whine but I went over to him and he stopped. I don't know if I could have left him if he was still howling. I have to do it again tonight as I have a hockey game and leave before my boys get home from work. Called a fence company and they are coming today to give us an estimate but there is not much to do to finish up our backyard as our neighbors have done 3//4 of the yard already. We just have to match. We are keeping Luther downstairs as it is doggie proofed but he got upstairs while I was getting ready and Shadow was not happy. Took a while to get him down again LOL. Took Luther out in the rain and he did not seem to mind at all Yea!

Chris I can't believe it is Dec 1 either. WOW. Amazing how fast time can be used up when we least want it to fly away! Have fun wrapping your soaps!

Katja too funny!

Trudy I tried to order and my order got lost in the move to checkout. I am going to try again. Glad you woke up feeling good.

Rae you are so busy!

I am hoping this link to Facebook shows Luther.



Well-Known Member
Skating in my the skin of my teeth this morning. Well, our December started with an eventful day - at 3 friggin' a.m.!! Had to evacuate our house due to a fire three doors down (we're a row of five townhomes). So, half asleep, waking the dog to try and get her going, find the dog coat ... wait? Is it raining? I need a jacket. No, not time to dress - fire marshal said out - NOW! Robe over PJ's will have to do.

Nearly 2 hours later and were allowed back in the house - and that was only because we asked if we could go in an get another blanket for Haddie since the one we brought out with us was wet. Walk through our place and we were cleared to go in. Phew. Sleep for about another 2 hours ... and now, at 11 am ish I'm at work to run payroll ... since our payroll person had to leave town for an urgent family matter ... and you know, 'cause I'm sure employees would like to get paid on Friday.

Bill just texted me that the fire guys are still there doing cleanup. The neighbor's house is a total write-off and will likely have to be torn down to the foundation. Apparently she took off in her car ... and I don't think she's been seen since. Strange.

Any who, I've got a challenge to get posted and then I'd better get to payroll!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. Ugh...December already....that means I better get this last session edited and then this wkend I can get our Xmas photo card done and get the Xmas stuff out. I ordered a 5 T EHD yesterday so when that arrives in a few days I can start transferring over photos in case my PC craps out, which could happen at any time, its getting more and more sluggish, error messages, etc.

Chris - that sucks about the battery. Something is going on with my hubs' truck and he has had to put in 2 batteries in the last six months. That old truck is a money sucker but he loves it.
Kat - thank goodness you are okay. That's so scary about the fire.
Katja - you're ahead of me, we haven't got the tree up yet.
Nancy - Luther is a sweetie! Thx for sharing a pic of him.

I'm going to be busy editing over the next few days so won't be around quite as much but at least once it's finished, I'm all caught up except for redoing a few wedding pics that were corrupted b/c of my computer problems but the couple are fine with waiting until whenever. I showed them the solid grey band running thru a few pics and explained that it happened when I tried to save from LR to the folder. But when I reset one of the pics and then re-edited it, I was able to save it again without the band so it looks like I'll have to open up each one and redo them. Ugh. Hate computer problems. I'm just dreading having to reload everything when I get this one fixed or get a new HD in the next month or so. Anyway....enough about my computer woes....gotta get to work and get things done.

Have a good day, everyone!


Well-Known Member
hurrah it is December!!!!!! I love christmas, I am not one who has everything up way before hand our tradition is the tree goes up and decorated just before Christmas eve usually after Advent Sunday so this is the only christmas tree pic I can show you and yep it is growing in a pot outside our door-David was given it 5 years ago on his first christmas at the store he works at and he has grown it on until it is just big enough to be our christmas tree- it is probably about 2 and a half foot tall but will be fine on a table with the pot wrapped in christmas paper.
what I like about December is that the christmas season is something to look forward to, a time to be thankful for what you have, and even though real difficult and bad things can happen and do in December, I can still hang onto something good.
This year for my daily December I am going to do a 3 by 4 or 4 by 6 card for my physical pl album as many days as I can. I already have todays thanks to NBK designs freebie .


Well-Known Member
Rae, I hope your computer holds on long enough to you to get the photos saved on your new spiffy EHD - wow 5 TB?! I thought me having a 2 TB was plenty of space. LOL

Claire, so awesome that you have your own home-grown tree. Will you have room in the garden (maybe the front?) to plant it when the tree gets a little bigger?


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey ladies.... not feeling to well today, but managed to get in 28 laps in the pool. I am exhausted ! Hope to get caught up here with all the new challenges going into the forums and lots of things to do here at the "O" ! The challenges look amazing this month and so many other things happening here right through Christmas! Everyone sounds very busy and I hope to catch up with all of you tomorrow. Sorry no personals today, have a great Tuesday!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Wednesday already the week is racing past as ever.
Kat we will pot it on for a while keeping it in the back not sure if we are allowed to plant trees at the front as its got some pretty structuring covenants being open plan. I suspect when it gets bigger David will stunt it's growth bonsai style by cutting the roots back.
Trudy sorry you are not feeling too good, just level off the lengths until you feel better
Rae hope you get y out r pics transferred ok we have had two major losses of stuff in the last year , so hope you get them saved successfully.
Chris good luck with the craft fair and hope you can sort the battery with out too many problems. Cars are like computers great when they are working but a real pain when they break down.
Nancy Luther pic is cute, guess you two will be busy with walks etc.