
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday August 30


The Loopy-O
GooooOOd morning everyone.
I am going to make this a quick post. I think i am breaking the O. I am having a hard time with pages not loading and it is only here.

Have fun today!


Well-Known Member
This is not a good day for me.....it's going to be very long....say prayers for my family..things are in a very bad way now!!!

Thanks ladies...:hug:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning Ladies... Oh my what can I do to make things better for you Nana Linda??? My heart breaks that you are having such a hard time with your family!! Of course I am sending you all my love and prayers across the border to you and your family!! Hoping with all my heart that things will be better for you!!

Chris - I was having trouble with this site too, but changed to a different browser and now it seems to be better. Hope your day goes well!

I am off work today so I am going to have my blood work done for my thyroid and then some housework and scrapping. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies! I have some errands to run today... and then I'll be back to work on the final work of designer apprentice....


The Loopy-O
Hi again!
Hope that my computer doesn't spaz out on me again.

My poor state is falling to bits and pieces. Many of the main highways are flooded out, and 2 of them have collapsed. If any of you saw my FB page- our town lake/beach is closed until further notice. *cries* But what can you do? We are safe and dry, and my wish is for everyone to be that way soon.

However, the schools (HS and Middle School for sure- not sure about our 6 elem schools) are w/o power and 7th and 9th grade orientations had to be canceled. Teachers are supposed to report on Thursday, kids on Tuesday (6th). It will be interesting for sure.

Nana- you know how hard I am thinking all good thoughts.

Trudy- hope you had fun (scrapping, not blood giving LOL)

Hi terra, Sally and Clara!


Well-Known Member
nana, so sorry family issues are the worst.

Chris, my sister tells me the destruction brought by Irene is just so big. So glad you are dry and safe!

We are so far now 3 sick in the house, 2 dogs and our little girl!