
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, August 26


The Loopy-O
Ugh, I am dyin' here.
Tired and cranky and get this-- best week of weather all summer and who is having a hard time trying to get to the lake? :brick:
I find a way to get it all together.

yesterday was loooooooong and exhausting, even more than usual. I left my house at 7, and had breakfast at my mom's. We left her house around 8.30. As soon as we got onto one highway, it was stop dead traffic. I opened up the Waze app (totally recommend it for traveling/real time traffic) and saw that the mile of road we needed to travel on was blocked with a major accident. As I am reading that, three fire trucks come zooming past us so it had literally just happened. (My ability to try and look on the bright side was that we should have left my mom's a little earlier, so who knows, if we had, maybe we could have been involved- thankful for the little things, right??)
I was able to use the navigation/street map to get us to cut through a lot to a side street and back out and up the other way to the main interstate we needed.
But at this point my mom is flustered and got herself turned around and then again (and again) and wouldn't listen to me on where she needed to go -- I drove that route for 2 1/2 years commuting to college, I knew where I was going!-- and it took us an hour and a half to even get to the dr. Scott went in first and we spoke with the dr for 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours with the actual dr. He really digs deep into symptoms and meds and all of that. Scott had been feeling better and had been hating taking so many meds for soooo many years (non-stop since 2008) that he stopped taking all of them and relapsed. So the three of us came up with a new tx plan where he will take less pills but every day, no breaks like before. I am frustrated, he is frustrated and the dr is concerned and frustrated.

Cait on the other hand has been feeling pretty good and is doing more maintenance abx. We go back in November and it has to be better than this.

We got back to my mom's at 4.30 and I got back her at 5.30. I was so tired that I put my pjs on, and lay on the the sofa watching Dr Who and AfterWho.

I am working today, then I have to get to the lake for a bit or I will lose my mind. I have to squeeze in IV/bloodwork and ordering more meds all sometime before noon too if I want to get to the lake. UGHUGHUGH!!!!!

But I was nominated by a friend to do a three things grateful on FB so I am working on that-- I can do that here too, and I am going to challenge you as well! And to be extra grateful, I am going to do 3 *different* things than what I wrote on FB too.:humble:

I am grateful for:
1. That the sun is shining and that the lake is open. I *will* find a way to get there.
2. my mom who puts up with my crankiness
3. Gary who takes such good care of mixing my meds and administering the my IV (and doesn't throw in a pinch of arsenic like he might want to on some days!!)
4. One extra for good measure-- that I am working today! Work=Money:)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


lOve the O!
good Morning O fam - two days in a row! Wow Chris- excitement

So my 3 gratitudes
Today I am grateful for my son taking the garbage down
Today I am grateful to Vicki for starting Oscraps where I have met so many virtual friends
Today I am grateful for my husband who loves me unconditionally (we celebrated our 34th two weekends ago- still working on the layout)


Well-Known Member
good morning! The sun is shining and it is going to be a wonderfully warm day. Yesterday I got in a good bike ride - a little over 10 miles. Got laundry done and all the recyclables are out this morning. And two new scrap pages done. Not too sure what is on my agenda today. There is always cleaning to do LOL. I will ride bike again and scrap.

Chris get to the lake! So good that you have a doctor that will take that much time with your family. And yes I totally agree WAZE is the best! Funny though it is used by tons of people here in NJ but when driving out west there were very few that were using the app.

Laurie wonderful gratitudes.

Trudy glad the lunch went so well.

Have a great day all!
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful that I can still ride a bike (I remember my mom being too OLD at 62 to do much)
I am grateful that my vacation starts in one week!
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Well-Known Member
well, hi, there. :wave: finally have all the Interstate nonsense behind me. everything and everyone is where it's/they're supposed to be. my son gave my daughter his car, and Hubby took care of all the paperwork and running around for that. now it's in the shop, and DD should have it by the weekend. last weekend, Hubby and i drove through a monsoon to pick up the car. SO glad that's behind me. i put on my PJs at 5:30 and went to bed (recliner) that day, and stayed there for 10 hours. so, i'm looking forward to no long drives in the days ahead. HOWEVER, today's activity is guaranteed to be annoying. another visit to the local immigration office to TRY to get an official copy of DD's naturalization certificate. if you read about an old lady jumping across a desk and throttling an NCIS official, that'll be me. i HOPE to be pleasantly surprised. but i doubt it.

Chris, i hope you make it to the beach. it's supposed to ge 87 here today, so hopefully i'm sending you some heat and sunshine. the trip to the doc sounds like a nightmare. honestly, i'd rather go 100 miles out of my way than sit in traffic. remember to take care of yourself.

Nancy, forget the cleaning!! do something FUN!!

Hi, Laurie! loved your 3 things!

OK. time to get ready to do battle with a Government Agency. sigh.... :twitch:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... I am off to the Dentist nice and early this morning Uggghhh!! But at least it will be over and done with nice and early too! Just a cleaning this time, so not so bad. Supposed to be a cooker here today so I might head to the In-Law's beach and get in a last swim before the ugly weather that is supposed to be here for the long weekend. :mmph:

Chris - Wow that was a horrible day you had yesterday, but thankfully it was not you that was involved in the accident! That's my girl all look on the bright side!! :thumb: Hope you make it to the beach today!!

Laurie - Love your three thankfuls and can't wait to see your anniversary page!!

Nancy - Going to have to check out your new layouts and enjoy the bike ride today! I wish I could join you for one! Yes be thankful that you are still able to ride a bike, such a blessing!!

Phylis - Glad to hear that the highway hell is over and done with!! Now you just have to make it through immigration hell!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it goes much more smoothly than planned!!

Ok I gotta get ready to go, hope you all have a great day!!

I am grateful for my beautiful children and grandchildren!
I am grateful for my loving husband!
I am grateful that I have my health and still have all my teeth! :becky: