
Daily Ooo's Tuesday August 20th


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- I have today off and plan to be productive (and chatty!) Tonight is a full moon!! I just have to share a picture of baby Evie- who I got to meet for the first time yesterday- my friend Anna's newest girl!

Isn't she just a cutie! All of Anna's girls are- look for cute girl layouts coming your way!!
Oh Laurie, she is just *beautiful* and so is that photo!
Congrats to your friend! Enjoy your day off, I hope you get everything done that you need to and have extra time over to relax and chat. :)

And a Happy Tuesday, my O-Fam!!!
Yesterday was brutal. Just so long and exhausting and it all makes me feel so futile. Its like even when the kids are doing "good" with their illnesses, its still not *Good.* Does that makes sense? For ex. Scott's Bartonella is back. His dr went through his files and was so pleased that he has been in remission from the Bart since Feb 2012. That is a great run.... but... Now it is back.
Cait is doing good too- holding her own, minimal symptoms. But her anxiety is really high and he prescribed a very low dose of an SSRI to keep that in check. Is it Lyme related or just the way her brain chem is working? We just do not know.
It makes me wonder--Is this the way it is going to be for the rest of their lives? For all of our lives?

And to top off my "happy" (/snark) Lyme day, I see all of these news reports that the CDC is finding that Lyme cases are under-reported. (no kidding, we kind of knew that without some study). While I am really glad that Lyme is making the news, it seems that the majority of these articles are so full of misinformation. They also are not addressing the reasons why Lyme is under-reported and they mostly seem to refute that Chronic Lyme exists. One article said that the aches and pains of Chronic Lyme are due to aging. Ok-- fine. I am getting old. But my kids??? Tell that to my kids when they have trouble walking up and down the stairs, or have to take a 2 hour nap when they get home from school. It makes me so frustrated.
Some are saying that a new vaccine might be in the works. What better way to get people to vac themselves by scaring them about the disease? The last Lyme vac only covered 3 strains of the bacteria and there are over 300 strains that we know about. And that is not even addressing co-infections which IMHO-- can be worse than Lyme.

So that was my day yesterday. Left the house at 7 am, didn;t get home until 5:30 pm. Spent $725 for the office visit and come home to read that this is all in our heads.



Today I am off to take scott for his driving test. (ugh again?? LOL) I am so not sure how I feel about any of this. I want him to pass b/c I don't want to have to take him back down again. The DMV is about 50 min's from my house) but I am not sure how I feel about him driving solo. :fear:
Please, Moms that have done this already-- talk me down!!! hahahha!!!

Hugs to all!
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Thanks Laurie! Hugs back!!!!!!!!

I always hate that I sound like such a downer. But I really need a place to vent. I obviously cannot question the future of my kids health like that in front of them. I have to be as positive as I can be for them, for all of us. Not always easy either. So thank you all so much again and again for listening and sending hugs. Love you all!!!

I am sure that your cookies tasted great! I tried to alter a cookie recipe using margarine instead of butter and yeah, it just was "off." is still tasted great but not the same as when I used butter.

Phyllis- how did the chiropracter go? Cait's dr suggested that a chriro might be helpful to her for some of her back/nerve pain she has been experiencing. I have always heard that chiro's can be bad for you, and that once you start getting adjustments you need to keep going. Do you have any advice on that? The dr said to find one that is gentle and does "hands on" and not one that just does and adjustment in 10 mins and sends you on your way. But how can you tell how they treat? Its all a new area to me. Thx!

he he Trudy! At least when you are getting interrupted by Mason, its a GOOD thing!! :D How is Heather doing, getting all adjusted to being a mom? Holding up ok physically too? Hugs to you all!!!

P- off to read that news story now-- hope it is more positive than the ones I read yesterday ;)
ETA: Thank you, I really needed to read an article that spells it out better than the ones I read yesterday, even if the article gives little hope to finding a cure. But at least it doesn't make me feel crazy, all in my head, and points to the research that is being done that really does show how insanely smart this Borellia bacteria is.

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Good morning - The weather is back to summer here in NJ. The temp is back to upper 80s which is good for me. I am not ready for summer to be over. Got in a good walk but still am coughing and that is the pits. It does not feel like a cold so now not sure what is going on. Maybe an allergy to something. Was very disturbed yesterday. I went with my girlfriend to our local city tax dept. She asked for the record of her home taxes. She gave them her name and her husbands. The woman printed out the results and gave them to her. They never once asked for an ID from her to prove that she should get these records. I did not make a scene because I knew she did not bring her ID. But I am shocked that they just turned over tax records to her. Not sure now who I talk to get this changed.

Laurie that photo is precious. I cant wait to see your pages.

Chris the more I read about your Lyme's situation the more I dont want deer in my backyard. I am so glad you have found a good doctor to me that makes a huge difference. I remember with my youngest when he finally soloed driving and how scary it was. I dont think I have any real answers. He just needs to know that you trust him. Obviously keeping distractions in the car to a minimum helps.

Phylis hope your day went well.

Trudy glad you are still having fun with Mason and your daughter.

Have a great day!
Morning, fun OFam!! :)
We are fully in the first week of school, and I think it's going to be a great year. I'm going to be running around a lot until Quentin gets his license, but it's worth it!! Otherwise, just the normal "let's see how many projects I can get done in a week" week!! :)

Chris, I'm in the middle of the driving crazies, too!! Quentin wants a hardship license even though his birthday is just over two months away. He has to get to work when I'm working and Mr G is working, too. We'll see if his daddy takes him down. I did go through this with Cora and I felt fine about it all. First born thing, I think!! You know Scott, and if he's anything like you, he'll take the responsibility very seriously. Again, first born thing. (I'm a last born, and it took me a little longer to adopt that responsibility thing! LOL!!!) Super big hugs through all of your drs appts, etc. BTW, if you are reading stuff that seriously gets you down, read something else!!! LOL!! And know that I'm always here for ya!!! love ya, girlie!!!

Laurie, fun, fun pic!! There were three babies at our quilt guild meeting on Saturday, and I tried to not get baby fever!!!! They are such sweeties!!! You enjoy your day!!

Nancy, ohhhh crazy tax people!!! Otherwise, I hope your day is super fun!!!!

Waving to everyone!!! I'm off to blog while Emma finishes her piano lesson!! :)

love you all!!! ♥
Morning ladies... Getting ready for company this morning, so I think that I should make a coffee cake or something? Heather and Mason are still sleeping so I will take these few minutes to be here with all of you. I really miss my leisurely mornings, but I love being with my grandkids too!! Just wish I had some time to get a page or two done, but I guess it will have to wait until September when life gets back to normal. Until then I will try to be here to catch up on leaving love in the gallery and not much more. :sad:

Laurie - Beautiful photo of sweet baby Evie!! Congrats to your friend!! She is so sweet!!

Chris - Ouch on the Dr. visit costs!!! Pack your bags and move to Canada girl!! or better yet to France, I hear they have the best health care in the world!! I know you wish it were that easy!! :hug: to you my friend, you do an amazing job of taking care of your family! I hope that soon they will find a miracle cure for that dam Lyme's disease!! Heather is doing well at being a mommy! She wishes she could walk around with her baby, but we are trying different slings and carriers to see if that is possible. He is growing so quickly, that I wonder just how long she will be able to carry him at all? One thing at a time I guess, she will work it out!

Nancy - Yikes... scary to think that personal information like that is so readily available to just anyone!! Guess you should talk to your city councillor or the mayor's office about it?

Phylis - Hope your visit to the chiropractor went well, after all the carrying around of babies that I have done for the past few weeks, I think I could use a readjustment!!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday, I better get my butt in gear and get this coffee cake made for our company this morning. Enjoy the day everyone! :wave:
hiya. ever have one of those days where you feel like such a boring person that you really couldn't think of anything that seems worth saying?? that's MEEEEE today. canning salsa. making meatballs. chatting with the tree take-down guys. woot. :yawn: not feeling much like writing anything except: hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday! :becky: