
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, August 19


The Loopy-O
Hello my darling O-Fam! How are all of you this sunny but cold in NJ morning? My fingers are crossed for one more sunny day tomorrow so I can (finally!!!) get to the shore. I did make it to the lake yesterday and when the sun was out it was nice, but when it went behind a cloud or the wind blew-- yikes!

I was hoping to get to the last night of walking at the Gardens/photos but instead I spent an hour writhing on the floor in pain. I think I have no choice but to call the dr to get an appt for an ablation. I was hoping to wait until my next annual gyn appt in Dec, but I don't think I can do this any more. I was going to get "something" done last year then the whole breast cancer crap took precedence. And I am just feeling so damn *done* with drs and procedures. I am only 46 dammit!! What is going to happen when I am in my 70's!? :faint2:

So yeah, fun day ahead. Food shopping, calling gyn and then freezing my butt off at the lake just b/c I have to squeeze in some semblance of "summer."
Oh my goodness, I am a crank!!!! All I need to do it to yell "Get off my lawn" and I will be all set.



I probably should try to stay away from human contact for a bit, so if I disappear, I am A-OK. ha!!

Love hugs happiness to all!!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- I have been wondering about the Outlander TV series. You are liking it so far? I always have such a hard time going from Book to Movie, with the exception of Harry Potter, that I have been hesitant to watch it. It is Guy Friendly too? The only time I watch TV is with Gary at night.
I wasn't crazy about the Gravity movie itself, but he special effects were very cool. Are you watching Extant? I like that, and Halle Berry is just *gorgeous*

Phyllis- I must have missed your travel plans, WTH has been going on that you are stuck in so much traffic?? I wish we all lived closer too, and not just for zucchini bread, although that would be a benefit. Love your fresh air/teeth quote :becky:

Trudy- oh those Gardens look beautiful!!!! Here is a link to the NJ Garden website-- nowhere near as nice at that website
Since it is a state park it only costs to park at certain times and there is no tourist type stuff. If you want tours of the mansions that is extra and only certain times do they open the houses. They will do a Victorian Christmas most years.
I hope that you enjoy that hot stone massage- sounds like heaven, but i am sure it doesn't make your heart hurt any less. Sending hugs!!!

Gentle hugs to you too Sabine. Is an osteo like a chiropractor? Manipulates the spine? I hope that you feel lots better and make sure you rest!!!

Hope that all of my lOvly ladies have a fantastic day!!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Well I helped my DIL paint and we got the living room and the dining room painted. Her mom was there too. So that was good to get done! I really like the color too, a very light green. Today I am not sure as she has lots of people coming, plumber, electrician, and floor refinisher. But the house is now looking like their house. Fun to see. I left after lunch as I have my own home to try and take care of. Got home mowed the lawn and did some cleaning.

Chris it did seem a bit warmer in the afternoon as I got in a walk with my girlfriend. Outlander is guy friendly because lots of fighting. I don't usually like movies as well as books but so far so good. I did not start Extant as I knew I would be on vacation during the show.

Phylis sorry about the traffic. I totally understand. Driving out west is so easy as there really is no one on the roads. I try to stay off the interstates as much as possible which is pretty easy.

Trudy welcome back to scrapping!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

Chris - I'm sorry that you are in pain. Maybe the ablation will help without causing too much hormone imbalance.

Nancy - Sounds like you were productive. Good for you!!

Phylis - I understand about the driving! Sorry you had to do it. One of the good things about my drive is that I go opposite of the majority of the traffic. So I don't have interstate/bumper to bumper stuff. When I go somewhere on a normal day that requires me taking the interstate through town, I cringe.

Trudy - Welcome back!!! Glad to know you are getting a massage. It will be a nice treat for you.

Sabine - I hope you are feeling a bit better. When your back hurts, you just can't do anything. I'm so sorry! Hopefully all this adjustment helps.

I am a bit down. My friends at school are weird. School in general is weird this year. No one feels close or happy. My best friend is now best friends with her team partner who I have a love/hate relationship with. She is like a know-it-all, bossy, sister of mine. But now it's rubbing off on my best friend and the two are always together. I never get to see the one without the other.

Then I missed an important meeting. I have no reason for why I missed it. It was on my calendar. I just didn't look. I was preoccupied with going to the grocery store. I've fumbled several things lately for this doctoral program and I just don't feel like I'm up to par with the other gals and that I look like an idiot to my mentor in charge. I'm getting worried I might not finish. *sigh*

I have no motivation for our house. It's dirtier than it should be and I'm not eating or exercising like I should be. Throw in Ben not really being wild about school and day care and his almost two hours worth of homework he's had almost every night...

I just feel a little overwhelmed and down. Chris - Let's run away together somewhere for a bit???

After unloading all that, I've gotta go to work. :) Maybe today will be an awesome day. Have a good one gals!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... A sunny and warm day again today, our grass is brown and everything is so stressed, we need :rain: I never thought I would ever say that!! Once Autumn arrives we usually are drenched and screaming for sunshine!! Guess we are never satisfied are we??

Chris - Sorry to hear that you are still hurting!! Yes go see your gyno and just get everything removed!! Wish I would have done that, but now I am too old and my symptoms have lessened considerably, just the odd hot flash here and there. Your NJ gardens look lovely and I would love to visit the Mansion!! It looks like its a very English Style Mansion and I bet it has lots of character!! What a wonderful place to go for a stroll!

Nancy - Wow you got lots of work done yesterday!! How great that it is all coming together for your Son and DIL, I bet the house will look amazing when its all done! Sending warmer weather your way, would be nice if you and Chris could have a bit more summer before it packs it in for good this year!

Sara - Soory to hear that your friends are not acting like your friends anymore!! You need to confront your girlfriend and ask her WTH is going on!! I hope that you can get out of your sadden state and that things start to come together for you with your doctoral program, you wouldn't want to not finish it after all your time and effort!! Perhaps this is just a phase of having to be back at work and summer vacation is over, what a let down that can be!! Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes!! Please cheer up or better yet lets all run away together to a beach with lots of Margaritas!!

Well I tried to book my Hot Stone Massage for this week but they are booked solid until Wed of next week. Then I tried to book a Hair appt and my hairdresser is booked solid until Sept 2!! Yikes how did I not remember to just book an appt. after my last visit?? She called me back yesterday afternoon and told me she has put me on her cancellation list, so hopefully I can get in to see her very soon!! I look like a shaggy dog and the sun has bleached my hair right out so now I am more of a blonde with lots of grey!! Oh well guess its ok because the only place I really need to go is the grocery store and no one cares what I look like there! Hoping to get a couple more challenges done today, have a great Tuesday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
oh, Chris. blast Lady Parts! do go get something done. your age is right about the time when i got totally FED UP and told the Dr. to just get RID of the thing. i hope you're able to get some relief soon. AND some heat and sunshine. i was on the interstate because I had to take a fast trip to my son's house to oversee the movers' pack-up while he was at work. that was on a Friday, and the blasted traffic is hideous all day. i have to do it all again next week, but happily it will be on the weekend. i have that OHIO drive to do on Thurs., but i'm assuming that the traffic won't be bad. i won't have to be on I-70, which is a really hellish road for traffic, so that's good.

Trudy, LOVELY to see you here again! i am always fascinated by people whose hair lightens up in the summer. that's nowhere in my genes at all. mine just used to be dark dark brown, all the time. now mine is white. with lots of white mixed in! :pound:

Sara, your post made me sad. i can feel the disconnect you're feeling with work. and i remember well what it felt like going back to a school you're not feeling good about. really, just the return to work always made me sad. well, i hope you DO have an excellent day today and that things begin to fall into place as the weeks go by.

Nancy, come over here PLEEEEZ!!! i need a painter-helper!!! your DIL must love you. painting is such a pain.

i just got back from the Genius Bar at the Apple store. my son gave me his Apple desktop, and it needed to be wiped, the new OS installed, and a new disk drive put in. i left it there for them to do their thing. Apple mkles me feel so calm and confident in the machine. HP and Microsoft, on the other hand.... now i'm waiting for some bee-removal guys. i decided to call someone instead of allowing Hubby to attend to the hornets that have decided to set up shop in the bush at the bottom of my front steps. this should be interesting?

OK. that's it from me. hope you're all having a good one. :becky:
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Feeling at hOme!
Morning my O'fam!

Oh Chris, I am so sorry to hear about your lady's problems. You go and get have something done quickly. I can figure out that you must be bored with all the drs appointments, but take care of yourself, OK?
And I hope the sun will finally shine on you, heat and light are so important to keep mood at its highest. (hugs)

Sara, I hope you find your marks soon and have everything organized at home and school. Once you are all organized, there will be less stress on you. Maybe you should book a stone massage too...

Trudy, in France we say that 'the longer we wait, the better it will be'... I am sure your hot massage stone will bring you over the moon ;) Totally agree with you about the bad hair thing, my hairdresser is on vacation until next week and my hair needs a color, badly.

Yes Chris, Osteo is like a chiropractor. I just feel exhausted and muscles are still painful but glabally I feel better than before! Probably will need another appointment but not before next Monday since you have to wait a few days between two manipulations.

So I am trying to do nothing, which is quite a challenge for me! And since the doctor asked me not to stay too long before the computer and not to make repetitive move or carry anything, I am spending most of my time reading or watching TV, or having dinner with friends :)

Nancy, if you don't have any more painting to do, you are more than welcomed at home: the kitchen ceiling needs some fresh paint and it looks like I won't be able to do it myself before a long time!

Have a great day all :)