I did *not* want to get out of bed this morning. It was cold! it feels much more like September than August, back down to 58* ATM. Talk to me in a few months when I am crying about how I want it to be warm at 58* instead of 38* 
It's all relative.
Weird weird weather yesterday. The morning was awesome, just perfect! Gary and I took the dogs for a short hike around 11 which was wonderful. we went to the same park around the corner from us we usually do. The rain and wind last week did a number on the trails we were on. Trees knocked over from the roots and you can see how the bedrock got pulled up along with it.

It took me a few tries too figure out how to best climb over some of the longs crossing the trail. Whisky would hop over first, then want to take off while I was still on the other side. I made her wait until I was over and ready for her to jump and run. The last time, I was halfway over the log, W was waiting for me, and Gary called her to him. (really, dude???) In his defense, he didn't realize that I wasn't ready for her to go.
Anyway, she flew off to him but got caught up by the leash and did a flip. She was fine and I was fine but that was a crazy few seconds. This got me thinking about Trailbound maybe doing a course on hiking with dogs. How much food/water to pack, doggy first aid, hiking gear, that kind of stuff. One of the instructors backpacks with her dog so I thought of her. So I posted on the FB page and she said that she - and her dog- think that's a good idea!
The rest of the day was drizzly on and off so I only got a little bit of yard work done. Today looks to be beautiful again so I am going to try to get outside for a while. Not for too long, I have big plans this afternoon!!! I am going with Caitlyn and Tom to Town Hall to be a witness their marriage license!
One month from today

It's all relative.
Weird weird weather yesterday. The morning was awesome, just perfect! Gary and I took the dogs for a short hike around 11 which was wonderful. we went to the same park around the corner from us we usually do. The rain and wind last week did a number on the trails we were on. Trees knocked over from the roots and you can see how the bedrock got pulled up along with it.

It took me a few tries too figure out how to best climb over some of the longs crossing the trail. Whisky would hop over first, then want to take off while I was still on the other side. I made her wait until I was over and ready for her to jump and run. The last time, I was halfway over the log, W was waiting for me, and Gary called her to him. (really, dude???) In his defense, he didn't realize that I wasn't ready for her to go.
Anyway, she flew off to him but got caught up by the leash and did a flip. She was fine and I was fine but that was a crazy few seconds. This got me thinking about Trailbound maybe doing a course on hiking with dogs. How much food/water to pack, doggy first aid, hiking gear, that kind of stuff. One of the instructors backpacks with her dog so I thought of her. So I posted on the FB page and she said that she - and her dog- think that's a good idea!
The rest of the day was drizzly on and off so I only got a little bit of yard work done. Today looks to be beautiful again so I am going to try to get outside for a while. Not for too long, I have big plans this afternoon!!! I am going with Caitlyn and Tom to Town Hall to be a witness their marriage license!

One month from today
