
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, August 12


The Loopy-O
What a sad day.:( When I got home from yoga last night, Gary told me the news about Robin Williams. I don't typically follow celeb stuff, but wow, I admired him so much. I even watched his last sitcom, The Crazy Ones, because he makes me laugh so much. He was a true genius. So sad that depression, and I am guessing substance abuse/recovery, takes so many people.
I have no idea how old I was--7? 8? We would watch Happy Days and when he met Fonzie as Mork from Ork... hysterical stuff. Then we would watch Mork from Ork and laugh all over again. Nanoo, nanoo.
Gary actually met him many years ago. Joe Pesci's daughter went to the middle school he was at, and at a school dance, they both showed up. How cool is that?

What were you favorite Robin William's moments?

How was your day yesterday? I made it to the lake for a couple of hours, then Cait and I went to the Botanical Gardens a half hour before the walk and yoga class began. She wanted to get pictures of the flowers which are just gorgeous. I am hoping that I can snag a few of them from her computer. I got a coupon for a free canvas print from Shutterfly and I know she wants some art for her new bedroom walls. That would be so awesome to do that for her b-day.

It is sad that we live so close to the Gardens and we never really make it over there. After Labor Day you don't have to pay to park, so I would love to get back and just walk around and enjoy it all.

Today is it going to rain all day. And tomorrow too, which is a bummer b/c we were supposed to go down the shore with my mom. Hopefully we can reschedule it for next week.
I am off to food shop today and then clean my house a bit more, and keep on working on Leah's b-day album.

Tip on Tuesday:
If you are depressed, there is help out there. Please don't ever think that suicide is the only answer :(

Hugs and love and happy thoughts to you!


The Loopy-O
Trudy- so wonderful to see you again!!!! I cannot imagine how sad you must be. I miss Scott and he has only been gone since Saturday. I am really happy that our Hugs made you feel a bit better.
It is sad, but not surprising that there is no funding for help for Heather. I hope that she can find someone even for just a few hours that will be able to give her a hand.
400 photos?? You are awesome!!! I saw your new cover photo on FB and it is just precious!

Phyllis- I have to admit, I had to stop reading carefully after the part about waiting for AAA. AAACCCKKK!!! What a nightmare!!!!! And what a mess about your DD! Hope that screaming a bit helped. I find that stomping my feet and slamming doors is also a good thing.
Here is to a MUCH better day today!

Jean- we don't go back until right around Labor Day here and it feels weird hearing about back to school now (sorry Sara!). It seems to make the summer feel like it is almost over even though we have 3 more weeks.

Sara- man, you must be exhausted. I hope that you get to sit down a little bit more today.
Our district starts either right before or right after Labor Day and we have to go for 183 days IIRC. It used to be 180, then they added some on. Then we add in 7 snow days and end late in June. It feels like the school year goes on for-ev-er, but summer flies. I guess that it how everyone feels though. Hope that Ben is better today, and you too! (psssst--Take garlic pills LOL)

Hugs to everyone!


Well-Known Member
Chris - you aged him quite a bit. He was only 63! It just goes to show how deeply depression can take hold. So sad for everyone who has lost a bright light to suicide.

Ben is not better. Staying home on the second day of school and scheduling a doctor's appt. Bummer. I took a vitamin C pill, hopefully that helps me a bit. I also took my allergy medicine today, so we will see how that goes.

I loved all his stand up and since I was a drama coach, I was also partial to Dead Poet's Society.

Glad the Gardens were nice and sorry it's raining now. If you are getting what we had, then it will stop and become beautiful. So hold on to that. :)

I better go get ready. Have a good day everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is supposed to :rain: here today also, but none in sight yet. We surely could use some moisture, everyone's lawns are brown and the hanging baskets are so stressed from the intense heat that we have been having and watering restrictions have been in effect for a few weeks now. Oh well who the heck has had time to garden??? Not me, this summer, everyday has been a whirlwind of comings and goings and so much fun!

Chris - I too was so shocked to hear the news of Robin Williams passing, but he has been struggling with depression and manic behaviour all of his life. Then the substance abuse, not a good mixture for a Manic/Depressive for sure. When he committed suicide it made me think of his movie "What Dreams May Come" and I thought how could he even think of taking his own life, but depression is a horrible dark place!! I hope that you are not missing Scott too much! I was talking with Heather and Mason on Skype yesterday and Mason was crying because he could not touch me... darn the tears came again!!

Phylis - No wonder you wanted to SCREAM!!!! What a time you had!! Sorry that you got the damage to your tires and then to have to deal with Red Tape about your daughter, REALLY!! :rant: it really makes you wonder what idiots are running the country!! Hope today is a bit better for you, and it is sad that you will not see your Grandmen for so very long!! No Grandma hugs, its just not fair :hurt:

Sara - Hope that your Ben is feeling better! and that your ear is ok! Don't you know you are not supposed to stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear?? LOL! Hard to imagine that school is back in session already, we don't go back here until after Labor Day.

Jean - Sorry that you missed the Super Moon, but sounds like you have been very busy with your Genealogy project, hope it is going well!

Ok today I really must get something for Isaac and Sadie to do in the house if it is going to be rainy. We might even go bowling or something, we will see. Not sure if the other grandparents have been keeping them very busy or not, they might not want to go too far or do too much. We can have fun just colouring or painting. Another great thing about having all those kids around here was that I lost almost 15 pounds, so now I have to try to figure out a way to keep it off!! Sitting around on my computer won't work will it??? Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
The news of Robin Williams was distressing. He was so special. I was a little surprised to realize he was still so (relatively) young.

You all have so many things to do, just hope your day goes well.

Back to the genealogy stuff for me.


Well-Known Member
so so sad about Robin Williams. Trudy, i watched "What Dreams May Come" years ago and it was so sad. i think i liked him as a psychiatrist in "Good Will Hunting" and "Dead Again." almost nobody has seen that second one. Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh are in that one. good movie. wow. i am obviously wrong that there is ALWAYS something to live for for EVERYONE. for someone with that talent and with a family and friends and some money to do this. well, it's tragic.

Chris, we had a ton of rain overnight, too. I am listening to WTOP, the DC news radio station, and they're getting terrible rain. they got like 4" of rain in very little time. flash flood watches and warnings. bummer that your trip to the shore was cancelled because of this. i think tomorrow is supposed to be better. the Gardens near you sound lovely. you SHOULD get over there just to walk around and relax!

Trudy, i thought you looked even slimmer in that adorable photo you posted on Facebook!! 15 pounds?? that is AMAZING! congrats. about all the kids being gone: TG for SKYPE! that's all i can say. just have to hope that our kids continue to be reliable SKYPErs. and i KNOW what idiots are running the country. i sometimes wonder how this country even hangs together. it's been a total mess since the '60s.

Sara, what a way to start the school year! hope everyone's feeling better soon. i still can't believe how early you guys go back to school!

urg. just got back from grocery shopping in the 80% humidity. well, at least there weren't Men With Shopping Carts cluttering up the place. i also stopped to buy some Cheap Champagne. after last weekend, i think i need a dose with dinner.

ok. 'bye. :becky:
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