
Daily Ooo's Tuesday April 7


The Loopy-O
One day down only 4 more to go LOL
Actually for us, only 3 to go, we have Good Friday off. Gary and I have drs appts but it least it isn't the school bus routine!

How is everyone today? looked like we all have been having some seriously wacky weather. They are calling for snow showers here today. This has got to stop! I want SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Dr's appts yesterday went ok- we are going to give the PICC another shot with our new insurance. Other than that, same old, same old. Blood work has to be done tomorrow, we have out new Primary Care dr appt on Friday and the kids go to their Lyme Dr on Tues. 4 medical visits in a week, gah!

Today I have a meeting for Caitlyn's 504 Plan. even though she is symptom free ATM, I want to keep it in place one more year, just in case she relapses as she comes off her meds.
And I need to call Scott's school to get his renewed- he *definitely* will need it next year.

After that, I *must* sit down and scrap- I don't think I have scrapped page since the B-day Bash. Between loss of mojo, energy, and time, I just can't seem to get the groove going. I hear that the gallery is awesome, I should try some scraplifts! So that is what I have planned for my afternoon. Yay!

Hi Linda S! Hope you can stop by again today! :D

Joslyn-- ugh- that weater is baaaaad! Glad you were able to stay home and snuggle! And man, you are getting close, let the countdown commence!!! yay!

Sally- Oh man, I wish I lived closer, we could hang out and you wouldn't have to miss YMG so much. Hope the week goes fast!

Sandra ((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))) I can only imagine how hard it would be to go home- maybe you'll find some comfort around his things, to help you remember the happier times. Hang in there!

Kristin- do you ever stop going? Youa re the Energizer Bunny!LOL If the weather would ever get better- I cannot wait to do some yard sales at my mom's. Hope you can unload lots of stuff and get lots of $$

Krista--- missing you lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxo

K-Bamm- hope the custody battle eases up- that is no fun for anyone :( And good luck on the next set of testing!!!

YAY!!!! Clara I am soo soooo soooooooooooooo HAPPY that you like it!!!! Like I said, I really enjoy making them. Its fun to put something togetther that is really personal. I hope Selita likes it too.
Congrats on the Home Depot Win!!!!!!!! That is awesome esp since you are on the Home Improvement kick :)
Cailtyn has a beach towel backpack too- and she loves it- great Easter Basket ideas!

Sarah- can't see your feet? :lol: When are you due? Congrats on the hair- my appt is for next week- it has been since Sept since I got it cut and colored (yikes!)

Sara- waving back hon! Feel better!

Dawn- thanks- I was pretty pleased with it myself, and I tend to be very critical of what I make.
Great to he Davy is getting back to being a Crazy Bunny! I am glad to hear that the boob problem is just old milk ducts (who knew that could happen??)

Tip on Tuesday
A tip..... let me think........
some links for online grocery coupons:
Coupon Organizer, Grocery Coupons, Free Coupon Organizer
Coupon World

Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
I made it back. Two days in a row!

Jos, glad that winter storm didn't hit when you wanted to head to the hospital to have a baby. :)

Chris, I loved that basket that you made for Clara's SIL. Wonderful. So glad that you posted pics.

Sara...just saw your new avi...love it. Brought me a laugh first thing this morning.

Sally...link me up when you get that video up on youtube. I really want to see it.

Got to go get ready for work. Have a good Tuesday.

Tips for Tuesday...start the day off in the Daily O's!


Well-Known Member
good morning... quick hello from me... I've got a bunch of design stuff I'm working on, plus I've got to burn my O stuff to disc... it's take up MEGA amounts of space... I know at least 4 gigs... LOL...

Chris - I don't know... I just can't imagine being without him... most of his things are stored in mom's basement, but I know they're getting rid of a bunch of his stuff... yard sale and stuff...


Well-Known Member
Aaaaahhhh!!! We are back! Made it home safely last night. Our landing was really bumpy due to high winds but with some white knuckles I made it through. ;) We missed the kids so much but had a really, really fun time - but, I don't think I need to go back to Vegas. I'm glad we went once but I'd rather go somewhere with a beach. :) I'm uploading zillions of pics to Facebook.

Be back for personals. I just want a nap!


Well-Known Member
Stopping by really quickly to say hi! It's been busy, and it's only Tuesday, but it's short week with Friday and Monday off.

Tali - glad you had fun. Can't wait to see the pictures!

Hi Sandra and Linda!

Chris -- I sure hope you don't get snow! It's April - bring on spring already!

Love to you all!


...loves her some "O"
Hey kids...we're off to Galveston today to go tour a big wooden schooner...apparently it's the largest all wooden boat from Spain that trains the Spanish navy...so I'll report on that later!!

just stoppin by to say hi!! and that I updated my BLOG last night with 5 projects!! I am really proud of this post, so you have to go and leave me a comment so I feel loved!! :) ahahahahahahahah!!!

love you all and i'll be back this afternoon to play!!

(Tali, I saw you were back, girlie!! so glad you didn't crash!! :) )

sally's ponderings <---- check it out!

love you ALL!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. I need coffee. I have decided that I should not drink coffee so much and should have a regular breakfast in the mornings. I have been replacing breakfast with a mocha and I don't think that is very healthy. I will get my chai latte once a week from the drug rep but that is all. So, now I am sleepy. Addie woke up crying in the middle of the night last night so she came into bed with me and woke up so much. She woke up crying before I went to bed, then she woke up again with a little fever, then she wanted her "pretty blanket," then she fell off the bed and she thrashed all night long. I think if I bring her into my room again this week we will have to sleep sideways across the bed. She woke up awesome this morning in a great mood and silly as always. She is off to the zoo today.

Spring in Olympia has arrived. I was thinking of all of you that are stuck in winter wheer you live and it made me sad. I always forget how much I love spring until it gets here. It was sunny and a little cool but sunglasses were definately necessary. I know it will start raining again soon but until then I will enjoy the spring sunshine. I really hope spring shows up for everyone soon.

I got to talk to the boys yesterday. I had to yell at dh a little bit because he's not good about calling and I have no way to really get ahold of him because all the phones are hit and miss with reception. But I know Addie has been missing them and she can't talk to them if they don't call. Hopefully they will call today so that Addie can chat. It sounds like they are having a blast. Ethan is skiing like crazy...nothing like his little cousin who is snowboarding like a mad man at the age of 4. DH was telling me about his bro yesterday and it was funny so I'll share it with you. They (BIL & SIL) instruct special needs kids and they have all sorts of equipment. So BIL found and old snowsuit from the 80s that was turquois with huge pink and yellow stripes on it. Then he spray painted his helmet pink and went snowboarding. He's an awesome boarder so watching him go down the mountain rockin' his board and wearing this outfit was awesome. It cracked me up.

Well, that is about it. Oh...tonight I get to learn how to do some boy stuff. I'm putting in a shelf, a dimmer switch, a new door handle for Addie's room (so we can lock her in), and a few other things. PLus I might even put some moss killer in the grass so that we might have nice grass this year. We'll see. I am always so much more productive when Derek isn't home. My friend Justin and his wife are coming over tonight so that he can teach me all that fun stuff. I think I have a long list though so I'm not sure how much we'll get done. We'll see.

Chris - I hope you get some scrapping done today. I need to do some too. I got to teach my friend's husband about scrapping last night. He is really interested in it. Most guys aren't and it is kinda cool. Good luck with all your doctor stuff. I really hope the PICC stuff goes through.

Linda - It is so good to see you. We have missed you here.

Sandra - I am so sorry you are having a hard time. I wish there was something to say or do to make it better but only time will heal your wounds. Big hugs to you.

Tali - I'm glad you got home safely. No more trips to Vegas, huh?? I love Vegas. But I only go once every few years and I like just hanging out. I'm too self conscious for warm beach type vacations so Vegas works well for me. I'm glad you guys had a great time. What was your favorite thing you did in Vegas??

ME - Hi!!

Sally - Oh my!! I love that card. I may have to hire you one of these days to make me some stuff like that. I am not about to make it myself. So cool. I love it. That ship sounds so cool. I love stuff like that.

To everyone else who visits today...Have a great day.

So...a tip for Tuesday?? Buy some sunglasses so that you are ready for spring.


Well-Known Member
Ok...so today is looking like it is gonna be nutty too!! UGHHHH But darn it..I'm here...gonna catch up..of course at the rate I talk, catching up on 3 days worth of chatter...I think I better do this in Word and copy and paste it...I have a feeling I'll get timed out!! :) And fair warning…this will be long…hmm..maybe I could get the windiest award LOLOL Last night was fun…got to scrap two more of my dividers for my Weight Loss Journal…so that will be done by the end of the week! I went walking again last night..I’m gonna try and do it MWF…we are doing yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays…so that would be plenty of exercise I do believe…I’m walking 3-5 miles…depends on how wooped I am before I begin!! LOL! I took my HUGE Labrador retriever with me last night…and darned if she didn’t keep up..I was proud of her…listen to me I sound like she is one of my kids!!! Yesterday evening was probably about as relaxed as I get!! LOL Speaking of animals..HAHAHAHAHA…my little girl has a hamster…Well Savannah is a chicken and won’t get the little thing out of the cage…so it is up to me (as the hubby doesn’t like it either!). So the hamster only comes out to play when I’m at home…Well..Savannah and a few of the neighborhood girls were playing outside…I was at my mother’s down the street…All the kids know they can go in my house if they need something to drink or such if we aren’t there, as we are the only fam. In the area to have one of those huge playsets…so everyone goes to my house to play…no biggy! So..the day goes by..and the hubby comes home…I get this phone call..

Hubby panicking: “WHERE IS SAVANNAH???”
Me calmly: “Ummm..go outside and yell, she’ll answer eventually”
Hubby panicking: “The house is a DISASTER and the hamster is GONE!!!”
Me calmly: “Gone….gone as in dead, or missing?”
Note Katie is our lab that loves catching the ground moles in our yard and devouring them…
Me calmly: “Sucks to be the hamster I guess”
Hubby exasperated “UGGHH NEVERMIND….dial tone…”

So in about 10 min. here comes Hubby, Savannah, and the two girls that she was playing with… Savannah as I said won’t get the hamster out so it had to be one of the other girls..needless to say it was Savannah’s idea and the other girls just executed it! Unfortunately they executed it by playing with the little thing and when they got bored instead of putting the hamster BACK in its CAGE! They find a box and stick it in there!!! I’d love to know what goes through a kids mind sometimes…CAGE easy to find…BOX took work…lets do this the hard way WHY!!!

Anyway..that was our near catastrophe as far as the hubby is concerned and my oh well that’s life! 

Today is busy at work but not anything I can’t take breaks from…as you see by the jibber jabber you are getting here!!!

Ohh…I made a dessert over the weekend (note I’m NOT A COOK!!) That was not only wonderful but pretty easy! It is a splurge for once in a while since it isn’t the cheapest to make but it was delightful…Just in case anyone would like to try it…here ya go…and fair warning it isn’t for the faint of heart..

It is Tiramisu with a Twist…(NO COFFEE!) as I don’t like coffee..Let me know if you can’t see it with the link, I’ll copy and past the info here if you can’t…or for that matter if you even WANT IT!! LOL Instead of coffee the substitute is a chocolate liqueur.


Off to Catch up!!


Sara: oh yum..fat-free chocolate donuts! Now that sounds yummy!! And ouch…that close to graduating and just missing that much!!! Is she NUTS!!!! Although I did close to it…my second year I totally goofed off and learned my lesson…at the time my Parents were paying for school…by the end of that year…I WAS PAYING FOR MY CLASSES!! Gives you a totally different view that way!! 

Chris: Oh it would have been cool to see everything the kids made!! I LOVE it when kids create stuff, as they have all the imagination I WISH I had!! I guess it is kinda like lifting a layout…I see something they make and then I try and “lift it”  I have to ask…may be a stupid question…but what is Cuddler? Hmmm…you are making me want hummus..might just have to make some ASAP! And yippie on the order you got!! It is hard work promoting your own business isn’t it!!

Merk: Girl I sooo hope you back is feeling better!!!! That can soooo ruin a day!

Linda: I sooo wish I had a routine for my weekends!!!

Hope your little one is doing better! My entire neighborhood is fighting the virus bit!  So I know what you are going through! And don’t ya just feel sooo bad when there isn’t anything you can do to help!

Sally: Hope that long haul with the kids was bearable!!!

Steph: Don’t ya just love it then the compatibility issues pop up RIGHT when you need to get something done ASAP!!

ME: Boy does that sound like you had a fun relaxing weekend…I’m jealous girl!!

Lia: Yippie!! The repairs are almost done!! That is wonderful news!!

Sarah: Ohhh…How far along are ya?? I just had my baby boy and he is gonna be 3 months on the 19th of April!!  Hope you have a smooth pregnancy!


Bamm: Hate to hear about the custody battle…I’ll be thinking about ya!!!

Clara: I agree on the Easter Basket hate!! And I LOVE the sound of the towel backpacks!! AWESOME alternative!!! We have the last 5 years worth of baskets!! LOL And girl…my organization is usually born out of sheer frustration!!! I just couldn’t stand it anymore!! LOL

LOL!!! Loved the note:

petey111 is waving.
petey111 is exhausted from a busy day.
petey111 loves the O and wishes she had the energy to type more. =)

My little girl wanted a bunny…we went for the hamster instead and as you can tell if you ready any of my blubbering above, fragile bunnies I don’t think could handle the madness!! 

Chris: Our weather has been fabulous…beautiful enough I got my first rose bloom…of course tonight it is supposed to freeze so gotta cover everything up!! And those baskets are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda: Congrats on the Gallery Standouts!!!

Snow and ICE!!! I’m soooo sorry!!!

Ok Ladies…imagine that I’m tired of chatting!! I’ll be back later to at least read the rest but I’m done on the talking…at least for a while! 


Well-Known Member
Hey girls....

Hope everyone is well. Just got the baby in for a nap, I've got laundry to finish and bills to write out. Yay! MY friend and her son came over for lunch and that was fun. My husband is off all weekend and I have a cheesecake to bake and some cookies to make for Easter. BTW......I have a FABULOUSLY EASY cheesecake recipe that is TDF if anyone is interested...its my go to recipe...love it! Anyway, I have to run tomorrow to the store to get what I need....etc. so.....

Chris- Glad your appts went okay and hope you can get some scrapping in! prob the best therapy right now! Its chilly up here but no snow showers...supposed to poor though later......yuck!!!

Linda - Good to see you!! Hope you had a great day!

Sandra..I hear ya about the space...tons of Gigs of space used up over here! LOL!! Hope you are having a good day today.

Tali - So glad you are back! Missed ya! Hope you had a fab time and would love to see your pics!! Laughing about the white knuckle comment - girl I hear ya!! planes are soo not my friend lol

Hey ME! Hope you had a good day! BTW...... My BFF (lol) says you are about an hour away from her.....she is in Anne Arundel County.......so if we do get down there this year we will def meet up !!!!!!!!;)

Hey Sally - Hope you guys had a good time at the schooner - Im heading to you blog next babe!!! ;)

Clara - You are so funny! I hope your projects go well!! Id love to know how to put in a dimmer switch! Maybe you can post a tutorial lol lol!!!!! My husband is good with some inside stuff but not all - he makes our yard look like a million bucks but he hates to hang pictures...lol Hope you are having a nice time with Addie and get to talk to the boys tonite!!

Kristen - You are hilarious...seriously where do get your energy?? are you on something? lol lol im sooo j/k!!!! you are so always go go go I wish I had it in me!!! funny story about the hamster...lol and good for you with the exercise...we have been trying to walk whenever we can and we do 1-2 miles but its been so rainy...anyway have a good day!!

Hope everyone has a great day!:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Hey girls....

Kristen - You are hilarious...seriously where do get your energy?? are you on something? lol lol im sooo j/k!!!! you are so always go go go I wish I had it in me!!! funny story about the hamster...lol and good for you with the exercise...we have been trying to walk whenever we can and we do 1-2 miles but its been so rainy...anyway have a good day!!

LOL...believe it or not I actually have a very lazy streak!!! I just don't get much chance to use it!! LOL!!! If I actually get a free day, I'm the complete opposite, and veg out in the pjs all day usually doing nothing but scrapping or reading!! :):) And girl KUDOS to you for even READING that monstrosity of a story!!! I'm surprised I don't get hate mail from you all for my chattiness!! LOL

And double kudos for the walking! ANY is better than none right!! And yeah I missed out on a few days here thanks to the rain!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!!

I just wanted to stop by for a second and say hello....hello ;)

We had a great weekend and Jeff and I actually got to go out and have a kid free night on Saturday...and what's even more crazy is that my mom is taking them Thursday-Saturday this week. YAY! (side note I have 3 children all under the age of 4) so this is a blessing when people are willing to take all of them for even a little while :)

Hopefully I can come back later and do some personals....until then LUV U ALL!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Short one for me today as it is extremely difficult to post on DH's phone.

My life lately = DRAMA! I'm seriously thinking of moving to a remote island where there is only access to oscraps.com lol

I miss being able to post layouts on here. I've been experimenting lately and I'd love to show it off. SOON!

Anywho, I have to keep this short, touch screen typing is rancid.



Well-Known Member
Hi girlies!

You've been chatterboxes today. =) Work has been busy and exhausting. I think that's just spring in schools. The weather is going to be nice tomorrow and we have Friday and Monday off. I think that all was getting to the kids today because they were just crazy.

Chris - I understand the scrapping mojo issue. I think being busy and having drama sucks it from us. And you've certainly had both. =)

Hi Linda!! - Glad you like the new avi...I searched high and low for that picture and finally found it. I'm hoping it will be motivation. I hope the cold and snow are changing for you too.

Sandra - big hugs. Just keep taking it little by little honey. We *heart* you.

Tali!!! - I'm so glad you had fun. Love the pics on FB!

Hi ME!!!!

Sally - I swear you are SuperWoman. I don't know how on earth you have the energy to do everything you do! Hope the trip was fun!

Clara - I empathize with the whole coffee thing. I'm trying to avoid it because it is sooo many empty calories.

Kristen - First off...wow...your exercise is awesome. Secondly, the hamster story was hysterical. Lastly....what do you mean tiramisu without coffee??? That's just insane.

Kelly - mmmmmmmmmmm cheesecake. mmmmmmmmmmmmm cheesecake.

Hi Jen!!

Hi Kaleigh - Touch typing is horrible. I can barely do it on my ipod yet.

O.k. Off to watch more American Idol. =) Have a great day tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Quick hi. I've been SOOOO tired today, work kicked my butt last night!!! I did get 4 more meals premade and in the freezer though :). Its my goal to not cook for at least a month after little man is born and I am almost there. I have 15 meals made up, add in some pizza and left overs and I think we are all good. Hopefully I'll be able to pop in tomorrow after a nice night of SLEEP!!!


Well-Known Member
hellooO my lovely Os :)

Just a quickie, I'm way late getting in bed and feel like..well less than wonderful!
Remember I had the boob issue? Well, my 'normal' diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound turned out to be not so normal. It's only BIRAD 3 category which is 'probable benign' so 'probably' not cancer which I am thrilled about, BUT the actual report is s-c-a-r-y looking cause the radiologist uses a pen to color the areas of concern and he colored the whole front of my left breast and his little chart at the bottom of the page explaining what his markings mean said it is a "mass". Wants a repeat in 3 months...when just yesterday he checked a box on a piece of paper that said N-O-R-M-A-L.

Of course, my head says not to panic, but it's kind of hard. My doctor is out of the office with most of our docs for Spring break this week. I soooo wish I hadn't looked at the report LOL, but I just had to see for myself. I'm hoping my doc will send me for a surgical opinion or at least a needle biopsy.

I hope everyone is ok as you can be, I'm sorry to be selfish tonight, I'm just so tired with worry. I really, really will do personals tomorrow, promise :), barring extremely unusual circumstances of course ;). HUGS!


always chatty at the O!!
Kristen - First off...wow...your exercise is awesome. Secondly, the hamster story was hysterical. Lastly....what do you mean tiramisu without coffee??? That's just insane.



always chatty at the O!!
Of course, my head says not to panic, but it's kind of hard. My doctor is out of the office with most of our docs for Spring break this week. I soooo wish I hadn't looked at the report , but I just had to see for myself. I'm hoping my doc will send me for a surgical opinion or at least a needle biopsy.

Dawn - Radiologist reports always sound ominous...even when they say "unremarkable exam." Like I tell my patients when they have a repeat chest x-ray because they may or may not have seen something. Don't worry until someone gives you something real to worry about. What-ifs only make you crazy. Easier said than done...but try. In case you don't know...they will probably order a biopsy to make sure of what it is and may take it out no matter what it is, sometimes they do this at the same time as the biopsy to make your life easier. Oh, and if the Rad says to recheck in 3 months and not get something else done your concern level should go down. Radiologists love to recommend further testing so that they can make more money (personal commentary) for another exam. If no further tests at this time were recommended then you can feel better about that. Big hugs to you.
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Well-Known Member
Dawn - Radiologist reports always sound ominous...even when they say "unremarkable exam." Like I tell my patients when they have a repeat chest x-ray because they may or may not have seen something. Don't worry until someone gives you something real to worry about. What-ifs only make you crazy. Easier said than done...but try. In case you don't know...they will probably order a biopsy to make sure of what it is and may take it out no matter what it is, sometimes they do this at the same time as the biopsy to make your life easier. Oh, and if the Rad says to recheck in 3 months and not get something else done your concern level should go down. Radiologists love to recommend further testing so that they can make more money (personal commentary) for another exam. If no further tests at this time were recommended then you can feel better about that. Big hugs to you.

Thank you, Clara! Common sense tells me this, but it's hard! We've got a pt right now we had ordered Hospice care for, (the doctor I work with is also the local Hospice director so we get all the calls for the Hospice pts), this one is 35 and actively dying with breast ca. So, of course, that doesn't help. I wasn't so much of a worrier until I started working Internal Med.

LOL, this will sound really crazy....but my maternal grandma died of metastatic lung ca at 52, my mom at 42 (same exact thing, doctors say the particular type is inherited, I don't smoke thank goodness and CXRs are fine), then my MIL died of lung ca at 62. Well, when I was 28 or so I started getting very nervous and anxious all the time, I just knew I would die when I turned 32. Of course, I didn't :rolleyes:, but see the 10 yr difference and all the 2's....well I turn 42 this month, the age my mom was so I'm worried again. Yeah, I'm a little nuts ::::insert crazy laughing fit here:::: ;), my life plan, Lord willing, is to live to at least 100, I have sooooo much to do!!!

Oh my, I can't believe the stuff I'm putting out here, but it feels tremendous to get it out!

So now you know one of my biggest quirks :).