
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, April 30


The Loopy-O
Well, the hot weather was nice while it lasted. It was 83* yesterday and maybe we'll get near 70* today. I'll tell you, my house wasn't ready for the heat. Most of the windows are still covered in weatherproofing plastic from the winter. No point in taking it off just yet since I know it will get colder again at night.

My day was random bits of this and that. Lots of looking out the windows for birds. I was standing on the step ladder looking for something in the linen cabinet and got completely distracted by a downy woodpecker. What a cutie! So far this season I've seen downy, hairy, and pileated woodpeckers. So fascinating to watch them! I've also been staring at the hummingbird feeder. I haven't seen them, but I know they are back. Gary saw one flying up to it, called to me, and the sound scared him off. He was gone by the time I ran to the window. You know that scene in A Christmas Story where all of the kids have their faces smooshed against the toy store window-- that's me and the hummingbird feeder. :p

I have another one of those random days today. I have to pick up my groceries this morning and work a little more on the ATC gift cards, I never got around to that yesterday. All Gary wants for his b-day is another batch of his shortbreads since he finished his Christmas ones yesterday. At least, this time I don't feel the need to surprise him hahaha! (I make Gary homemade shortbreads every year for Christmas and I *try* to make it a surprise. He is disabled and doesn't leave the house for long periods. Most years, this adventure involves me softening the butter in random desk drawers and cooling them in the mold in my closet.) I'll try to make them today. One good thing is that it will be faster to soften the butter than it is in December.
I'd like to run out to TJ Maxx today. Caitlyn ordered a dress for her shower and now I have a bug in my brain that I need one too. I have plenty of time, but 1. I hate shopping. 2. I especially hate shopping for clothes. 3. I extremely-especially-superduperly despise hate shopping for dressy clothes. I know myself, I'll procrastinate until the day before and then I'll flip out.

So that's it, nothing super exciting but as long as I keep chugging along, it should be a good day.
Hope yours is fabulous and fun!


The Loopy-O
Let's see if I can get this posted without losing it today. Losing the post, not "losing it" as in my mind :crazy: Maybe I can do both!

@vickyday Were you able to get all of the duplicate photos deleted? Good luck at the lab today

@BrightEyes When is DSD? I feel so out of the loop and keep missing things. Is it this weekend?
I enjoyed the Kay Hooper books but my library doesn't have all of them in order and that is how I have to read things. Glad that you are resting and reading!
Are robins unusual in your area? They are like the squirrels of the bird world here- they are *everywhere* all day, every day. :D
Meanwhile, I would love to see a roadrunner. ... would I be able to resist yelling "meep meep?" Doubtful. :giggle4:

@bcgal00 Would you believe I have never had curry and have no clue what it tastes like? I am intrigued so I might need to give it a shot.

@AK_Tracy I had to google CMT- is that a neuropathy disorder? When my Lyme was bad, I would overdo it often and then need to rest because I couldn't;t function. I feel your frustration with that.

here's another dip you can try:
Its similar to hummus- but the roasted garlic is just amazing!

@Terri M :waving3: Hope to see you pop in!

@JeanneMN Oh the concert must have been so emotional and amazing. How touching to have the alums all join with the choir. I would have been sobbing...
My DH watches a lot of those old TV shows and falls asleep on the sofa while I am cooking dinner. I love my headphones and podcasts so much too.

@Cherylndesigns Good for you for throwing on a hat! Why wash your hair if a hat will work just as well? :rotfl: We have terrible water pressure and yesterday it seemed worse than usual while I was trying to rinse the shampoo out. I had a small twig stuck in there from the day before. I also found a lost bobby pin. It's so much easier blowing it out straight but in this humidity? No point in that. As you know!
I don't think I would like to see snakes in a pool. Nope. My job gives me access to a natural, stream-fed pool and on the far side, there are snakes and frogs. I have no problem seeing them on dry land, but I sure as heck don't want one swimming near me! LOL
I hope that Sam doesn't bring any more presents like that inside of the house again. Ewww!

@LauraD It has to be the surprise factor with snakes and spiders. We get some really cool orb spiders on the patio and I love to watch them, but if one crawls on my arm unexpectedly, I'll jump!
What do you do for work, if you don't mind me asking?

@mimes1 You are doing good- passing those things along to people who need them. xo

The 8 am bell is ringing, (figuratively!), better post and go!



Well-Known Member
I took your advice @faerywings and took that layout back to the drawing board and am much happier with it now. I'm putting the brakes on and not trying to do everything at once including buying everything in the store. I am just really enjoying the whole scrapping thing now and look forward to working on it, just my short time here has given me the recharge I needed. You are my dreamcatchers!! Beautiful sunny day today, temps are supposed to get into the70s. The grass is just an electric green and I can almost hear leaves and buds popping out of the plants. About the time it hits 70 there is a big chance of severe storms, of course it would be an afternoon when dgd has a track meet. I think I'll take a stroll through the garden and stick my nose in the plants business while avoiding raccoon, deer, possum and stray cat business Then I have an idea for my next page as I keep repeating, "you really need to get back to your quilting". Maybe my twin @AK_Tracy could set up a schedule for me? My job for 35 years had every minute of my day scheduled for me and the last few years, if I didn't go to the bathroom during my 10 minute break, I didn't go at all. The seat of my pants has a severe allergy to schedules, but I do need to find some balance and it's time to do laundry today. That concert, I don't even have words to describe the feelings and to see those kids that we went to Europe with as adults with families was just crazy. I always cried at the drop of a hat when that group opened their mouths to sing, I cried my through Europe with them. It creates such an amazing euphoria. I got to see one of my "daughters" from that trip and she was excited to see me, it's 'only' been 26 years. It was special beyond words.

@vickyday Oh honey, I feel your pain, I feel like I take 50 shots of everything and then don't want to weed them out. There are advantages and disadvantages to the digital photography era, that's for sure LOL. When we went to Europe in 1998 I think I took 38 rolls of film with me. Used them all of course, but had to be more selective.

@Terri M Welcome! You will feel like you are coffee klatching with your neighbors in no time. Everyone here is just wonderful!

I was so happy that the server transfer seemed to go really well, I only had one time when I couldn't get in. Yay for the O.

@mimes1 Yay for you, you've paid it forward for so many people who are taking the same journey you were on. Your mom would be so proud of you, you've honored her in a very special way.

So, I've had to get a little better in the squeamy bug 'thang', but haven't made a whole lotta progress. About 15 years ago we did some major landscaping in our backyard, and our good friends talked us into digging a big hole in our backyard and filling it with water and a waterfall. They told us it would take care of itself, yah, that was a big fat lie, it's a lot of work, and can be a money pit, but when it starts coming alive and hits it's stride it is my favorite place to sit and read a book, not in the pond, in the pergola. It is my spiritual place. I always tell people it's not a toy,it's an eco-system. Hubs pulled the water lilies up from the 3 foot depth where they winter and put them on the 2-foot shelf a couple of weeks ago and most of them have leaves to the surface already. We heard a little bit of frog 'chorus' clearing their throats last week, but the choir will be revving up before too long, they get really REALLY loud when they party hardy. They kind of drive our next door neighbor guy guy a little nuts, but it's not like we planted them there and they don't have a mute button. There's a big open area behind our houses that is a retention area for high rains. If the frogs weren't singing in our backyard there are plenty more out there. It's what they are doing everywhere else in daylight hours that occasionally "makes my eyes bleed." It wouldn't be so bad if they limited it to the pond, but they come out on the pathway and 'play' leapfrog out there. Enough babbling about the pond, I need to get something accomplished. Have a lovely day ladies.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your welcomes! I am trying to figure out how to adapt to a new place, while holding myself in check to not buy everything in the store just because I've never seen it before.

My dad passed away last month and somehow, despite not even being in the same state, all the arrangements for his memorial service fell on me. Which is, in a sense, OK, since I was a Director of Liturgy back in my productive years, and can write up a service with no trouble, but it's different when it's your own family. Plus, my dad's good friend, a retired pastor, was going to be the presider; but on the day when he got to the chapel he told me he is having trouble with his eyes and couldn't read anything, so I ended up being the presider as well. Thank goodness he could preach extemporaneously -- he at least did that. But all in all, it was a lot of stress. We then followed that immediately with a short week at Disney World with the grandkids. It had been planned months ago, and just coincidentally happened at the same time. My dad lived in the Orlando area, so it was probably a super-good coincidence. However, I am so very tired from those two weeks and all the travel.

I am going to try to catch up a couple weeks of pages in my "Project 52" book before I go on a bike tour next week.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning ladies... I am popping in to say :wavinghello: and to let you know that the huge garage sale went ok. They got a lot of stuff sold, but still a lot of stuff went for donation to the Salvation Army and other charities. Some went to the dump it was a bitter sweet day for all of us! The big shop where we had the sale is now empty, don't think i have ever seen it that way. I have sold more furniture over the past few days so that is good too. We are down to the final month of them being on the property and they have both done so very well with purging! It was a huge undertaking!! We are taking a break for a couple of weeks and then will get the last things packed and ready for the move during the last week of May. They are going to be spending a few nights at SIL Linda's and then hopefully the move into the new house will go smoothly! Our weather has been crazy, some days beautiful and sunny but most days rainy and cold. The weather was horrible for the garage sale, it poured all day and it was terribly windy too. It was nice that we could be in the huge shop during the two days of selling. My fingers did not want to warm up (dam raynauds!!). I know you feel my pain @faerywings! I know that all of the new ladies here at the O don't know me, but I hope to get to know you better soon! I have been here at the O since the beginning of time, not quite as long as @faerywings, but almost :giggle4:. I might even get a chance to post a few layouts over the next couple of weeks, then I will be MIA again until sometime in June when we get the In-Laws settled into their new home across the street from us! Seems I have lost my siggie, so I hope to get a new one done today. I am off to shop here at the O for something pretty!! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will try to catch up with all of you over the next few days! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your welcomes! I am trying to figure out how to adapt to a new place, while holding myself in check to not buy everything in the store just because I've never seen it before.

My dad passed away last month and somehow, despite not even being in the same state, all the arrangements for his memorial service fell on me. Which is, in a sense, OK, since I was a Director of Liturgy back in my productive years, and can write up a service with no trouble, but it's different when it's your own family. Plus, my dad's good friend, a retired pastor, was going to be the presider; but on the day when he got to the chapel he told me he is having trouble with his eyes and couldn't read anything, so I ended up being the presider as well. Thank goodness he could preach extemporaneously -- he at least did that. But all in all, it was a lot of stress. We then followed that immediately with a short week at Disney World with the grandkids. It had been planned months ago, and just coincidentally happened at the same time. My dad lived in the Orlando area, so it was probably a super-good coincidence. However, I am so very tired from those two weeks and all the travel.

I am going to try to catch up a couple weeks of pages in my "Project 52" book before I go on a bike tour next week.
@Terri M Terri I am so very sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you. Everyone is super supportive here and this is a safe place to be to share your feelings and thoughts as you heal. :heartpumpred:


Morning, gals. I had plans to respray weed killer in the backyard this morning but the winds were already blowing when I woke up at 8AM!! Yes, I slept in again... guess my body needs it right now. Just as well as it will be windy for the next several days... and going up into the 80's!!! I will be using my left hand when I do the spraying. No point in aggravating the right hand/arm again.

Glad I put the camera near the patio window yesterday... a couple of birds were on the side yard fence doing their billing and cooing. This was a different pair from the ones I photographed early this month. I was able to get several photos of their courtship. I also saw 4 hummingbirds flitting around the fruit trees... think they may be building a nest in the large plum tree. Last year they had built a nest in one of the trees in the front yard.

@faerywings Digital Scrapbooking Day is this week - May 2 - 3. So glad that the change over to the new server went so well. Kudos to all the hard work that the gals did to make it happen. I was LOL over the different places you use to soften the butter for DH's treats. I remember when you had Cait stick them in her waistband one year!! :rotfl:

DD#3 just called and she will be here in just a few.... back later,


Well-Known Member
Let's see if I can get this posted without losing it today. Losing the post, not "losing it" as in my mind :crazy: Maybe I can do both!
Ya did good!! I didn't see you loose your mind at all :floorlaugh:

@AK_Tracy I had to google CMT- is that a neuropathy disorder? When my Lyme was bad, I would overdo it often and then need to rest because I couldn't;t function. I feel your frustration with that.
Yes, CMT is an inherited neuropathy. Mine is linked to the x-chromosome. The myelin sheath is what nerves travel along. The X chromosome is responsible for lubricating the sheath so the nerves can travel with ease and speed. When the myelin sheath isn't lubricated properly, it starts to die off. The nerves then can not travel where they're needed and you cant control muscles. Then the muscles atrophy do to lack of use. Hands and feet are the first thing to be effected. My boys have it worse than I do as they only have one x and its dysfunctional. My 3rd son at age 16 had total reconstruction of both feet. Stairs for me are the worst. Foot drop is a lithe more than it use to be and adding in Lipidema where the fat turns fibrous and weights three times more then normal fat, stairs kill me. So yeah, it was a rough moment. Today my thighs are killing me still but the rest of me is doing better. I'm alive and well and that makes it a great day.


Well-Known Member
Maybe my twin @AK_Tracy could set up a schedule for me?
I think you missed the memo that said I am a control freak. Dont ask, you might be sorry! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:dance4dance4:floorlaugh:
It all starts with days. I dont do strict times unless its outside appointments. For me I do laundry Monday and Friday. Kids each have a day Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I dont care when in the day you do it, just do it that day. First Monday of Month, deep clean appliances. Vacuum crumbs from oven, clean dishwasher screens, wipe down back of tv, vacuum dry vents/screens, throw a tablet in (special washing tablet not laundry soap) and wash the washing machine. Vacuum under fridge/freezers. Move couches and vacuum. Wipe down window ledges. Other Mondays of the month are surface clean. Tuesdays is recovery day. I dont do much. I am an all or nothing girl LOL I cant do a little all the time. Body doesn't work that way.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your welcomes! I am trying to figure out how to adapt to a new place, while holding myself in check to not buy everything in the store just because I've never seen it before.

My dad passed away last month and somehow, despite not even being in the same state, all the arrangements for his memorial service fell on me. Which is, in a sense, OK, since I was a Director of Liturgy back in my productive years, and can write up a service with no trouble, but it's different when it's your own family. Plus, my dad's good friend, a retired pastor, was going to be the presider; but on the day when he got to the chapel he told me he is having trouble with his eyes and couldn't read anything, so I ended up being the presider as well. Thank goodness he could preach extemporaneously -- he at least did that. But all in all, it was a lot of stress. We then followed that immediately with a short week at Disney World with the grandkids. It had been planned months ago, and just coincidentally happened at the same time. My dad lived in the Orlando area, so it was probably a super-good coincidence. However, I am so very tired from those two weeks and all the travel.

I am going to try to catch up a couple weeks of pages in my "Project 52" book before I go on a bike tour next week.
Dont do it!!! LOL I have a HUGE wishlist already for the very reason you stated. Its all new and unseen before. :love: I made myself a deal and one kit per month. I already bought two for April :floorlaugh: So I am doing good.

I cant imagine all the work and then having to perform most of the service. I planned my dads too and it was so hard. I didn't have the background you had but at least I could pass off the written eulogy to someone else. I couldn't read it that day. So glad to see you here and jumping in. Hope youre able to relax today.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning ladies... I am popping in to say :wavinghello: and to let you know that the huge garage sale went ok. They got a lot of stuff sold, but still a lot of stuff went for donation to the Salvation Army and other charities. Some went to the dump it was a bitter sweet day for all of us! The big shop where we had the sale is now empty, don't think i have ever seen it that way. I have sold more furniture over the past few days so that is good too. We are down to the final month of them being on the property and they have both done so very well with purging! It was a huge undertaking!! We are taking a break for a couple of weeks and then will get the last things packed and ready for the move during the last week of May. They are going to be spending a few nights at SIL Linda's and then hopefully the move into the new house will go smoothly! Our weather has been crazy, some days beautiful and sunny but most days rainy and cold. The weather was horrible for the garage sale, it poured all day and it was terribly windy too. It was nice that we could be in the huge shop during the two days of selling. My fingers did not want to warm up (dam raynauds!!). I know you feel my pain @faerywings! I know that all of the new ladies here at the O don't know me, but I hope to get to know you better soon! I have been here at the O since the beginning of time, not quite as long as @faerywings, but almost :giggle4:. I might even get a chance to post a few layouts over the next couple of weeks, then I will be MIA again until sometime in June when we get the In-Laws settled into their new home across the street from us! Seems I have lost my siggie, so I hope to get a new one done today. I am off to shop here at the O for something pretty!! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will try to catch up with all of you over the next few days! :waving3:
I look forward to getting to know you when life settles down. This is an awesome group of ladies and I am so please you all let me join in the fun.


Well-Known Member
Morning, gals. I had plans to respray weed killer in the backyard this morning but the winds were already blowing when I woke up at 8AM!! Yes, I slept in again... guess my body needs it right now. Just as well as it will be windy for the next several days... and going up into the 80's!!! I will be using my left hand when I do the spraying. No point in aggravating the right hand/arm again.
The wind is on your side. Its telling you to keep resting. The weeds will wait. Good plan though to use the other hand for spraying. Dont want to over do it twice.


Well-Known Member
Whew, I feel post happy. I just went on a roll. Guess the coffee kicked in and my fingers went wild with all the chatty thoughts in my mind. The best part of chatting here is no sound :floorlaugh: I dont like sound while I am drinking coffee. I dont like talking first thing in the morning but yeah know chatting here isn't the same as someone talking at me. I get my quiet coffee time and I get to catch up with my friends. Ugh my fingers aren't working either. I feel like I have hit the delete/backspace key more than anything today. Heavy fingers and sensitive keyboard dont go together. So if you see double letters that aren't meant to be that is why. Can I just say that video watching at loud volume is a pet-peeve and if youre going to do so dont do it before 9 a.m. :floorlaugh: Nothing like walking out of the bedroom and the livingroom is already full of bee video noises. Oh I love hubs but shhhhhhhh its not time for noise.


Well-Known Member
Morning, gals. I had plans to respray weed killer in the backyard this morning but the winds were already blowing when I woke up at 8AM!! Yes, I slept in again... guess my body needs it right now. Just as well as it will be windy for the next several days... and going up into the 80's!!! I will be using my left hand when I do the spraying. No point in aggravating the right hand/arm again.
@BrightEyes now I can appreciate better the wind factor knowing where you live! My sister tells us all the time about the extreme wind conditions! Taking another few days of rest sounds like a good idea.


Love my O Family!
Let's see if I can get this posted without losing it today. Losing the post, not "losing it" as in my mind :crazy: Maybe I can do both!

@vickyday Were you able to get all of the duplicate photos deleted? Good luck at the lab today

@BrightEyes When is DSD? I feel so out of the loop and keep missing things. Is it this weekend?
I enjoyed the Kay Hooper books but my library doesn't have all of them in order and that is how I have to read things. Glad that you are resting and reading!
Are robins unusual in your area? They are like the squirrels of the bird world here- they are *everywhere* all day, every day. :D
Meanwhile, I would love to see a roadrunner. ... would I be able to resist yelling "meep meep?" Doubtful. :giggle4:

@bcgal00 Would you believe I have never had curry and have no clue what it tastes like? I am intrigued so I might need to give it a shot.

@AK_Tracy I had to google CMT- is that a neuropathy disorder? When my Lyme was bad, I would overdo it often and then need to rest because I couldn't;t function. I feel your frustration with that.

here's another dip you can try:
Its similar to hummus- but the roasted garlic is just amazing!

@Terri M :waving3: Hope to see you pop in!

@JeanneMN Oh the concert must have been so emotional and amazing. How touching to have the alums all join with the choir. I would have been sobbing...
My DH watches a lot of those old TV shows and falls asleep on the sofa while I am cooking dinner. I love my headphones and podcasts so much too.

@Cherylndesigns Good for you for throwing on a hat! Why wash your hair if a hat will work just as well? :rotfl: We have terrible water pressure and yesterday it seemed worse than usual while I was trying to rinse the shampoo out. I had a small twig stuck in there from the day before. I also found a lost bobby pin. It's so much easier blowing it out straight but in this humidity? No point in that. As you know!
I don't think I would like to see snakes in a pool. Nope. My job gives me access to a natural, stream-fed pool and on the far side, there are snakes and frogs. I have no problem seeing them on dry land, but I sure as heck don't want one swimming near me! LOL
I hope that Sam doesn't bring any more presents like that inside of the house again. Ewww!

@LauraD It has to be the surprise factor with snakes and spiders. We get some really cool orb spiders on the patio and I love to watch them, but if one crawls on my arm unexpectedly, I'll jump!
What do you do for work, if you don't mind me asking?

@mimes1 You are doing good- passing those things along to people who need them. xo

The 8 am bell is ringing, (figuratively!), better post and go!

Nope. Didn't get to delete the duplicates yesterday. Maybe today.


Well-Known Member
I am stalking. Yep, stalking. The May challenge thread :floorlaugh: The tracker has been added. And its not May 1 yet so I know they wont be posted but I keep looking anyway! No I dont want to hurry up and be in May....... oh yeah I do.... life slows down and summer comes so maybe I do wanna hurry it along a touch. dance3 But I love a good challenge to stretch my abilities and skills. How many times can I check the site and still know it wont be posted yet as its not May? well, so far we are at 5 and its only been three hours :giggle4:


Love my O Family!
I took your advice @faerywings and took that layout back to the drawing board and am much happier with it now. I'm putting the brakes on and not trying to do everything at once including buying everything in the store. I am just really enjoying the whole scrapping thing now and look forward to working on it, just my short time here has given me the recharge I needed. You are my dreamcatchers!! Beautiful sunny day today, temps are supposed to get into the70s. The grass is just an electric green and I can almost hear leaves and buds popping out of the plants. About the time it hits 70 there is a big chance of severe storms, of course it would be an afternoon when dgd has a track meet. I think I'll take a stroll through the garden and stick my nose in the plants business while avoiding raccoon, deer, possum and stray cat business Then I have an idea for my next page as I keep repeating, "you really need to get back to your quilting". Maybe my twin @AK_Tracy could set up a schedule for me? My job for 35 years had every minute of my day scheduled for me and the last few years, if I didn't go to the bathroom during my 10 minute break, I didn't go at all. The seat of my pants has a severe allergy to schedules, but I do need to find some balance and it's time to do laundry today. That concert, I don't even have words to describe the feelings and to see those kids that we went to Europe with as adults with families was just crazy. I always cried at the drop of a hat when that group opened their mouths to sing, I cried my through Europe with them. It creates such an amazing euphoria. I got to see one of my "daughters" from that trip and she was excited to see me, it's 'only' been 26 years. It was special beyond words.

@vickyday Oh honey, I feel your pain, I feel like I take 50 shots of everything and then don't want to weed them out. There are advantages and disadvantages to the digital photography era, that's for sure LOL. When we went to Europe in 1998 I think I took 38 rolls of film with me. Used them all of course, but had to be more selective.

@Terri M Welcome! You will feel like you are coffee klatching with your neighbors in no time. Everyone here is just wonderful!

I was so happy that the server transfer seemed to go really well, I only had one time when I couldn't get in. Yay for the O.

@mimes1 Yay for you, you've paid it forward for so many people who are taking the same journey you were on. Your mom would be so proud of you, you've honored her in a very special way.

So, I've had to get a little better in the squeamy bug 'thang', but haven't made a whole lotta progress. About 15 years ago we did some major landscaping in our backyard, and our good friends talked us into digging a big hole in our backyard and filling it with water and a waterfall. They told us it would take care of itself, yah, that was a big fat lie, it's a lot of work, and can be a money pit, but when it starts coming alive and hits it's stride it is my favorite place to sit and read a book, not in the pond, in the pergola. It is my spiritual place. I always tell people it's not a toy,it's an eco-system. Hubs pulled the water lilies up from the 3 foot depth where they winter and put them on the 2-foot shelf a couple of weeks ago and most of them have leaves to the surface already. We heard a little bit of frog 'chorus' clearing their throats last week, but the choir will be revving up before too long, they get really REALLY loud when they party hardy. They kind of drive our next door neighbor guy guy a little nuts, but it's not like we planted them there and they don't have a mute button. There's a big open area behind our houses that is a retention area for high rains. If the frogs weren't singing in our backyard there are plenty more out there. It's what they are doing everywhere else in daylight hours that occasionally "makes my eyes bleed." It wouldn't be so bad if they limited it to the pond, but they come out on the pathway and 'play' leapfrog out there. Enough babbling about the pond, I need to get something accomplished. Have a lovely day ladies.
HA! I love your description of the frogs! Hubby wants to build a waterfall out in the woods by the cabin he built.....among all the other things he wants to do out there, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning ladies... I am popping in to say :wavinghello: and to let you know that the huge garage sale went ok. They got a lot of stuff sold, but still a lot of stuff went for donation to the Salvation Army and other charities. Some went to the dump it was a bitter sweet day for all of us! The big shop where we had the sale is now empty, don't think i have ever seen it that way. I have sold more furniture over the past few days so that is good too. We are down to the final month of them being on the property and they have both done so very well with purging! It was a huge undertaking!! We are taking a break for a couple of weeks and then will get the last things packed and ready for the move during the last week of May. They are going to be spending a few nights at SIL Linda's and then hopefully the move into the new house will go smoothly! Our weather has been crazy, some days beautiful and sunny but most days rainy and cold. The weather was horrible for the garage sale, it poured all day and it was terribly windy too. It was nice that we could be in the huge shop during the two days of selling. My fingers did not want to warm up (dam raynauds!!). I know you feel my pain @faerywings! I know that all of the new ladies here at the O don't know me, but I hope to get to know you better soon! I have been here at the O since the beginning of time, not quite as long as @faerywings, but almost :giggle4:. I might even get a chance to post a few layouts over the next couple of weeks, then I will be MIA again until sometime in June when we get the In-Laws settled into their new home across the street from us! Seems I have lost my siggie, so I hope to get a new one done today. I am off to shop here at the O for something pretty!! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will try to catch up with all of you over the next few days! :waving3:
YAY! So glad that you are ALMOST done with helping your inlaws get ready for the move!


Love my O Family!
I think you missed the memo that said I am a control freak. Dont ask, you might be sorry! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:dance4dance4:floorlaugh:
It all starts with days. I dont do strict times unless its outside appointments. For me I do laundry Monday and Friday. Kids each have a day Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I dont care when in the day you do it, just do it that day. First Monday of Month, deep clean appliances. Vacuum crumbs from oven, clean dishwasher screens, wipe down back of tv, vacuum dry vents/screens, throw a tablet in (special washing tablet not laundry soap) and wash the washing machine. Vacuum under fridge/freezers. Move couches and vacuum. Wipe down window ledges. Other Mondays of the month are surface clean. Tuesdays is recovery day. I dont do much. I am an all or nothing girl LOL I cant do a little all the time. Body doesn't work that way.
I needed to sit down after reading this! :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Dont do it!!! LOL I have a HUGE wishlist already for the very reason you stated. Its all new and unseen before. :love: I made myself a deal and one kit per month. I already bought two for April :floorlaugh: So I am doing good.

I cant imagine all the work and then having to perform most of the service. I planned my dads too and it was so hard. I didn't have the background you had but at least I could pass off the written eulogy to someone else. I couldn't read it that day. So glad to see you here and jumping in. Hope youre able to relax today.
Can I do a bit of enabling? Gonna anyway ;)
You know ALL of the Color Play "kits" for the month actually make ONE huge, MEGA kit, right?? ;)


Love my O Family!
Whew, I feel post happy. I just went on a roll. Guess the coffee kicked in and my fingers went wild with all the chatty thoughts in my mind. The best part of chatting here is no sound :floorlaugh: I dont like sound while I am drinking coffee. I dont like talking first thing in the morning but yeah know chatting here isn't the same as someone talking at me. I get my quiet coffee time and I get to catch up with my friends. Ugh my fingers aren't working either. I feel like I have hit the delete/backspace key more than anything today. Heavy fingers and sensitive keyboard dont go together. So if you see double letters that aren't meant to be that is why. Can I just say that video watching at loud volume is a pet-peeve and if youre going to do so dont do it before 9 a.m. :floorlaugh: Nothing like walking out of the bedroom and the livingroom is already full of bee video noises. Oh I love hubs but shhhhhhhh its not time for noise.
Well, my poor DH has tinnitus with ringing in his ears all the time, so if he is watching TV it is LOUD! It drives me nuts! So I love my peaceful days while he is at work! And that's one of the reasons I don't mind him going to the woods to "work" after work.......the longer he is NOT in front of the TV, the quieter it is for me! I only watch TV when he does!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening!
I started in here this morning but quickly got side tracked. I've been away from the house all day and just now catching up with everyone.

I went to the holistic doc today for bloodwork. They took 7 vials of blood! I thought they were going to drain me dry! :floorlaugh: The lab lady told me the doc had ordered 12 tests! I know one was for thyroid and one was for vitamin but I have no idea what the other 10 are for!

Afterwards I picked up my friend, Ilene, and took her to pick up her daughter. Then we 3 went to the hospital to see our dear friend, Carolyn. Unfortunately, she has mesothelioma in her right lung. And she has AFIB and fluid on her lung. I was dreading going to see her because I thought the atmosphere would be so sad. But, she was very perky! She said she is not sad at all and is ready to go to her heavenly home whenever the Lord is ready to take her! While we are going to miss her terribly, I was so relieved at her positivity! The tumor (which has doubled in size in 6 months) is in a spot that would be very invasive to try to remove, and she is not interested in chemo or radiation. So they are not going to do anything. The hospital staff taught her daughter how to drain the fluid off of her lung and she may have to have oxygen, but she was talking like she might be released to go back to her daughter's house today. I hope she gets to go. Ilene and I want to go and spend some time with her as soon as possible! Carolyn loves to play Qwirkle, too, so we want to buy her some flowers and play some Qwirkle with her while she is feeling well enough to do so.

When we left the hospital we stopped at Lowe's so Ilene could buy some sealant for her deck and some paint for the railing. Then we finally went to lunch at Chick Fil-a. I had my first half and half sweet tea in 2 months! It didn't even taste that great, LOL! I guess I'll stick to my water! You wouldn't have heard me say that 2 months ago!

After the late lunch I drove Joy (Ilene's daughter) back home and Ilene and I went to her house to play a couple of games of Qwirkle before I came home.

And that was my day! Now I'm resting my back after all of the up and down and walking and etc!

Have a wonderful evening!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi all,

It's beautiful here today It's 82 and sunny. I've been busy today - preparing tomorrow's blog post and wrapping up end of month stuff. I hope everybody has had a good day and I'll try to get my head in the game soon so I can do personals.



Well-Known Member
Well, my poor DH has tinnitus with ringing in his ears all the time, so if he is watching TV it is LOUD! It drives me nuts! So I love my peaceful days while he is at work! And that's one of the reasons I don't mind him going to the woods to "work" after work.......the longer he is NOT in front of the TV, the quieter it is for me! I only watch TV when he does!
Mark has some nice headphones to watch TV with. I can sit here and scrap all evening long in Peace. and. quiet.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone - it's been a busy day here too. This morning was kind of quiet and got caught up on my bible study, then I was kinda glued to Scrap Girls all day - just in case something exciting was to happen. Everyone is wrapping up their good byes. I will miss that place but you all are making it so much easier than it would be had we not found you. Then Mark had his PT and he is doing well. So well he'll possibly be released to go back to work in the next few weeks or so. Then we went for a long walk to get our steps in, then home to finish the trim painting in mom's room. So it's not been super eventful but it's been a nice day. OH!! I almost forgot. Just a few minutes ago there was a Barred Owl vocalizing from the woods behind our house. So amazing and what a privilege to hear that.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
So, like Tracy, I was looking at May challenges, even though, you know, it's not May. I'm such a rule follower, I'm anxious I don't know from the name of the challenge what is expected. I suppose the trick is to see what gets posted and then follow the crowd.

Meanwhile, I was excited to see Aimee Harrison showing up in the shop; I'll be able to use more of my stash for the challenges, yay!


Well-Known Member
So, like Tracy, I was looking at May challenges, even though, you know, it's not May. I'm such a rule follower, I'm anxious I don't know from the name of the challenge what is expected. I suppose the trick is to see what gets posted and then follow the crowd.

Meanwhile, I was excited to see Aimee Harrison showing up in the shop; I'll be able to use more of my stash for the challenges, yay!
WHAT?????? Aimee is gonna be in the shop??!!! Opens up so many doors. WOO HOOO!!!!

And yes, I have since looked three more times to see what May challenges require!! Just a couple more hours!!!! And I looked at the tracker list and thought what does that mean??? LOL Guess we will soon find out.


Well-Known Member
Now I have to go update my spreadsheet cause Aimee Harrison in the shop means I have lots more options and you all wont have to see just snowmen :floorlaugh: But dont get too excited as I still will use lots of snowmen