
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 3


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy Tuesday! How is my O-Fam today? Still recovering from the party? I have been seeing a bunch of winner announcement threads for the Avatar and Baby Match games. That Baby Match was really fun. I think I got a couple of them right (Dumpty, my first guess for Sally *was* the right one :D )but other than that, it was so hard!!

Today is a long day, for me at least. Working, babysitting then after dinner is the All District Music and Arts Fair. Cait has to go for chorus, but I always end up going alone since Gary usually can't make it. She doesn't like chorus any more either so it looks like she stands there, mouthing the words. :sing:

Not much else here going on. Although I just looked at my window and the way the light it hitting it it is *covered* in kitty nose prints. oops!sheep2

Tip on Tuesday
Put a Lojack on your Pen for your tablet. I lose my more than I can count! Where the heck did it go?


The Loopy-O

Laurie- you can do it! I wish I had a good goal like that- I keep telling myself it is crunch time (literally, for my abs) but i blow it off all of the time. Then wait-- in June you'll hear me whine.


what I need is not a "suck it all in bathing suit" but a "squish it up from the butt to the bust!" :rofl:

I am sorry to hear about your dad. How sad to lost him like that. You'd think that would be the best place for him to be. :(
You are going to be in NYC??? So close to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristy- hope the are feeling better and slept better too!

Donna- welcome back, we missed you!

Trudy-- that was an awful prank to pull (but I loved it muhahaah) Can't wait to see the pics from your hike!

Nana-- spring cleaning, whats that? Sounds like that trunk monster thing that Eva was talking about!

Eva- LOL 404: Page not Found, right??

Sandra- me, too, I wish I had a vaca coming up. My BFF was supposed to put me inher suitcase to aruba next week but she decided to bring clothes instead :D

Hi Karen! I wish it was hot here. Where do you live?

Ack!!! Late!! gotta fly...... have a fab day!


Well-Known Member
crap. another Great Big Nosebleed last evening. i am SO done with this!!! :mad2: i have a whole lot to accomplish in the next few days and i don't have time to be sitting around holding my nose.... have to drive to D.C. on Friday, then Grandmen and family coming here for 5 days next week! (YAY!!) which means cook, clean, run around. no time for anything to go wrong!

i'm wingin' it today. doing what i can do and hoping for my nose to cooperate. rats. damn and blast.

hope everyone has a good Tuesday. sorry for no personals....



Well-Known Member


But don't get too carried away and accidentally


Well-Known Member
i took some allergy meds last night...i woke up a couple of times last night....my throat didnt hurt this morning but still scratchy and now im stuffed up and sneezing to no end...im sure the 90 degree to 60 degree temp drop isnt helping any....UGH!!!

but on the upside i am now down 15.3lbs!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Tuesday tip, Chirs. :) I'm not sure what a Lojack is?

So sorry for your nose bleed, Phylis! Hope you feel better today. Sounds like you are going to be busy!

Love your emoticons, Linda!

Kiliki, so sorry your not feeling well, too. But congrats on your weight loss!

I've gotten up to cloudy skies today. Hopefully it's going to cool down a bit. (I'm in Missouri.) Tonight is another evening I get to scrap. Hoping to work on my Project Life tonight.

Have a great day everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning fabulous "O" ladies!! Tuesday my favorite day of the week!! :becky: House all to myself and I can sit here in my jammies all day if I want to!!! :rain: here today, but that's ok, I have nowhere to go today.

Chris - hope your day goes well!! Don't tire yourself out too much, remember to take care of you!! I will try to get some of those hiking photos scrapped today.

Phylis - OHHH NOOO not another nosebleed!! You don't have time for that, not with the Grandmen coming soon!! You must be so happy to see them!! Sending good vibes your way so that darn nose doesn't bleed anymore!! Hope the rest of your day goes well! :hug:

Nana Linda - :pound: on the emoticons!! Especially the ones that are all pooped out from the cleaning!! That's me too!! Once you get in the zone, you can't stop!! Then whew your all worn out!! Hope your cleaning spree is going well!! :hugs: to all those sweet babies of yours!!

Kristy - Sorry you are not feeling well, but yay on the weight loss!! Hopefully the shopping you can do in the "O" will make you feel better. I see you won some prizes!!

Karen - enjoy your nice warm weather!! Its quite cool here still (Vancouver Island Canada) Have fun scrapping this evening!

Well I better get me breakfast so I can keep up my energy to sit here all day :lol: Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi all..

Long time no write. I had a spell of bronchitis and just needed to take time off. It turned out to be a lot of March I believe. :-( Now I'll have to go back and read some of the earlier chatty bits to see what y'all are talking about.

Phylis, I will be in Falls Church Sunday so text me if you aren't bleeding all over the grandmen!

ciao peeps!


Well-Known Member
Maureen, we're just doing a drop the car off and run trip overnight. then they're driving up to our house next week. hope you're feeling better!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning O's! Very tired this morning... Tossed and turned all night... boooo...

Sorry to hear about the nosebleeds Phylis! This weather makes my sinuses act all wacky, but never enough for a full on bleed!

LOL @ the low jacked pen Chris! I need those for my regular pens too! (Not to mention my kitchen scissors!)

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh and here's my "Tuesday tip"....
Tape a little note onto the side of your monitor or mirror that says "10 things to be grateful for". Even if you can't think of ten, you'll think of at least 3 or 4 right off the top of your head and it will totally improve your mood instantly!