
Daily Ooos: Thursday, September 5


The Loopy-O
:holysheep:HOLY MOLY!! :wow:
Something green and sparkly caught my eye as I scrolled up from the last post of yesterday's thread!!!!


Congrats to Ava!! I am so happy for her! Give her a big hug from me!! Did anyone in the family know it was happening that night or did you all think you were just together for the golf dinner? The ring is beautiful and the photo of your hands is so very special ♥

Isn't it refreshing to open the thread to something other than me complaining about the cold or grocery shopping? :rotfl:

It is cold here again but not as bad as it was and I don't have to worry about grocery shopping until next week so you would have been spared that today at least. Even so, it's a heck of a lot nicer to start out with happy news.

I had a good day yesterday myself. No school buses on the road when I went to get my groceries. No swords or axes falling on my toes when I cleaned. Although I did have a close call-- I bumped my hand into one of the swords that the skeleton pirate was holding. It wasn't there the last time I cleaned and when I turned a bit, I didn't realize it was at hand-level. I *finally* got used to seeing the pirate skeleton out of the corner of my eye and how he has a new sword I need to get used to. Hmmmph! (For the newer peeps, my friend collects weapons and skeletons and other oddities. He has a pirate skeleton that sits at the breakfast bar so when I clean the kitchen, I'd see him out of the corner of my eye and wonder who is the house with me. I have accidentally bumped into a sword, knife, or an ax, knocked them off the wall, and had some close calls with my feet. LOL)

All three of the monarch caterpillars are accounted for and were busy munching on the leaves yesterday. My neighbors must think I am bonkers as I stare at the milkweed plants up close and from all angles. Had a good, brisk walk with my friend who caught me up on her end of wedding planning. Her DD (officiant) is flying in next Thursday with her boyfriend and I am so excited to meet him! He is coming to the rehearsal so I can give the Mama Chris stamp of approval. That's what she called me from the beginning, Mama Chris. ♥

Today is some house cleaning and it's finally time to wash the wine glasses. I worked a little more on lesson plans yesterday and hope to finish another 1-2 today. Scrapping would be awesome if I could squeeze that in too. Yardwork... that would also be nice.

What good stuff do you have going on? Whatever it is, make it *great!*


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
My turn to complain @faerywings .
Putting the dishes away from the dishwasher and I couldn't get my utensils drawer open. After tugging a few times it finally came open. The back was gone and stuff had fallen out the back down into the part of the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Cleaners were askew! So I had a message to clean up first thing! I hate it when that happens! But the good thing is that I had no excuse for not cleaning under there since I had to pull everything out! Time to get some of those pull out drawer things!
Going to spend the day with Ilene today.
Got more scrapping done yesterday and a new batch of daily ATC cards posted. I probably won't get anything done today.
I've got $45 in Kohl's cash to spend after buying Mark some smaller church clothes last month! Maybe I'll do that today with Ilene!
Have a good day!


The Loopy-O
I was just out with the dogs and all three caterpillars are busy eating leaves :D

@BoatLady I leave the monarchs alone, the milkweed plants are in my small front garden so I let nature take its course. Which I hate when it goes badly but "circle of life blah blah blah...." We don't have lizards that would eat them but I guess the birds will. How did you make a habitat for them? Do you build a cage or net around the plants?
My mom is very much aware of the people looking in windows and that makes her uncomfortable. Made her crazy when she would come up to my house to visit. We didn't have curtains or blinds on the picture window for years. Friends of ours would walk their dog every night when we were having dinner and we would wave and they would wave. Hehehe!
Whoa! The fossils must be so cool! Was it hard to find them? Your friend is going to love getting one as a gift. :floorlaugh:

@BrightEyes Love the description of the nature in your yard, I bet the plums are attracting them all. My Japanese maple is dropping leaves too. It's usually the first to go.
Poor Gary was so upset about the chocolate, especially since I yelled at him the day before when he squirted some whipped cream on the floor for the dogs to lick up. I had clean carpets and now they are more like ice cream sundaes. :rollingpin1: :lol23:
I sprayed the area with cleaner again, but that's it. No one is going to notice If they do, they won't care.

"fish eyes in glue"
HA!!!! I never could stand tapioca pudding -- it's a texture-thing- and this describes it perfectly to me. :sick:

@taxed4ever I hope you enjoyed the hike, it sounds like it was perfect weather! How did the boys do on the first day of school? Did Heather do the Happy Dance?

. I so didn't feel like going to the gym this morning, but boy when I sweat buckets and then shower it just feels so good!
GOOD for youuuuuu!!! :cheer:
I have decided I'm mentally incapable of weeding pictures of my grandkids, I want every nuanced expression.
That's how my mom is with everything my kids ever gave her :)

Can I come and join in on your lessons? ;). If I lived closer I surely would!
You'd have to pass for a 5-10 yo kid but I'd love to have ya!
Drat about the IBS kicking in, you wanted to see that movie so much. How long will it run in the theaters?
I hope that your back is ok after all of the window cleaning but I bet it looks wonderful!

My BIL was visiting and he did this with salsa!!! All over my pretty mint green carpet :giggle4: We still laugh. He went to give it a very vigorous shake and it flew!
Scott did something similar - but on purpose with spaghetti sauce and Caitlyn did it with a jar of pickles. And who is always the one to clean it up? The moms! :housekeeping:
I hope that the church dinner went well and that everyone helped so you could get off your feet occasionally. Do you have a busy day today? Try to rest when you can!

@Terri M How are you and David feeling after the vaxes? Do you know if they ever developed a combo covid/flu vax? I know it was being talked about recently but I haven't paid enough attention to when it might (or might not) be available.
Great work for the Trails Crew!
LOL-ing at the window-watchers! I know the kind of houses and streets you mean! My area of town is mostly old lake/summer cabins converted to year-round with weird additions slapped on the ends. No two are alike LOL

Kay- I hope that your arm is better this morning!

Terri- my parents' PO is like that -- she was missing bills and Medicare information and was :mad:
We've been lucky that we've always had good mail carriers.
Oh, wait. Nope, there was one that gave us a hassle about packages. He wouldn't get out of the truck but would beep the horn from the road. That would piss me off to no end when Scott was a newborn and was either screaming his head off (colic 24/7 for months) or was nursing. All the others were great. There was one who always had treats for my dogs. We were worried about her, we stopped seeing her during covid and assumed the worst. last year we saw her at Tractor Supply- she had gotten very sick and had to retire from the PO. we're so glad she was ok- at least eventually.

@Cherylndesigns You will always that the cake on the delivery ordeals on the compound LOL!
Congrats again to Ava!!


Love my O Family!
I was just out with the dogs and all three caterpillars are busy eating leaves :D

@BoatLady I leave the monarchs alone, the milkweed plants are in my small front garden so I let nature take its course. Which I hate when it goes badly but "circle of life blah blah blah...." We don't have lizards that would eat them but I guess the birds will. How did you make a habitat for them? Do you build a cage or net around the plants?
My mom is very much aware of the people looking in windows and that makes her uncomfortable. Made her crazy when she would come up to my house to visit. We didn't have curtains or blinds on the picture window for years. Friends of ours would walk their dog every night when we were having dinner and we would wave and they would wave. Hehehe!
Whoa! The fossils must be so cool! Was it hard to find them? Your friend is going to love getting one as a gift. :floorlaugh:

@BrightEyes Love the description of the nature in your yard, I bet the plums are attracting them all. My Japanese maple is dropping leaves too. It's usually the first to go.
Poor Gary was so upset about the chocolate, especially since I yelled at him the day before when he squirted some whipped cream on the floor for the dogs to lick up. I had clean carpets and now they are more like ice cream sundaes. :rollingpin1: :lol23:
I sprayed the area with cleaner again, but that's it. No one is going to notice If they do, they won't care.

HA!!!! I never could stand tapioca pudding -- it's a texture-thing- and this describes it perfectly to me. :sick:

@taxed4ever I hope you enjoyed the hike, it sounds like it was perfect weather! How did the boys do on the first day of school? Did Heather do the Happy Dance?

GOOD for youuuuuu!!! :cheer:

That's how my mom is with everything my kids ever gave her :)

You'd have to pass for a 5-10 yo kid but I'd love to have ya!
Drat about the IBS kicking in, you wanted to see that movie so much. How long will it run in the theaters?
I hope that your back is ok after all of the window cleaning but I bet it looks wonderful!

Scott did something similar - but on purpose with spaghetti sauce and Caitlyn did it with a jar of pickles. And who is always the one to clean it up? The moms! :housekeeping:
I hope that the church dinner went well and that everyone helped so you could get off your feet occasionally. Do you have a busy day today? Try to rest when you can!

@Terri M How are you and David feeling after the vaxes? Do you know if they ever developed a combo covid/flu vax? I know it was being talked about recently but I haven't paid enough attention to when it might (or might not) be available.
Great work for the Trails Crew!
LOL-ing at the window-watchers! I know the kind of houses and streets you mean! My area of town is mostly old lake/summer cabins converted to year-round with weird additions slapped on the ends. No two are alike LOL

Kay- I hope that your arm is better this morning!

Terri- my parents' PO is like that -- she was missing bills and Medicare information and was :mad:
We've been lucky that we've always had good mail carriers.
Oh, wait. Nope, there was one that gave us a hassle about packages. He wouldn't get out of the truck but would beep the horn from the road. That would piss me off to no end when Scott was a newborn and was either screaming his head off (colic 24/7 for months) or was nursing. All the others were great. There was one who always had treats for my dogs. We were worried about her, we stopped seeing her during covid and assumed the worst. last year we saw her at Tractor Supply- she had gotten very sick and had to retire from the PO. we're so glad she was ok- at least eventually.

@Cherylndesigns You will always that the cake on the delivery ordeals on the compound LOL!
Congrats again to Ava!!
Not sure how long the movie is supposed to run. I need to find out.
The IBS is my thorn in the flesh. I never know when it will strike! But I do feel better today...so far!
And after resting yesterday the back is better! Thanks!


Morning, all. Keeping my fingers crossed... no temperature, just a slight achiness, sore arm and feeling a bit tired. I plan on just relaxing today - resting and reading most of the day. Although I might decided to do some digi-scrapping. :spinningchair:

@BrightEyes Love the description of the nature in your yard, I bet the plums are attracting them all. My Japanese maple is dropping leaves too. It's usually the first to go.
Poor Gary was so upset about the chocolate, especially since I yelled at him the day before when he squirted some whipped cream on the floor for the dogs to lick up. I had clean carpets and now they are more like ice cream sundaes. :rollingpin1: :lol23:
I sprayed the area with cleaner again, but that's it. No one is going to notice If they do, they won't care.

HA!!!! I never could stand tapioca pudding -- it's a texture-thing- and this describes it perfectly to me. :sick:

Kay- I hope that your arm is better this morning!
Tapioca pudding has always been my 'go-to' if the tummy is upset. Had to LOL over the comment about the yellow bowl and tapioca pudding... When the kids lived at home, I used to make a double-batch in the big yellow bowl and I was lucky to even get a second helping as all but one of the kids loved it, too.

Have to admit that I have been seeing a lot more wild life in the back yard than usual. The roadrunner bird as out with his family running down the street yesterday. They live in the bushes behind the church on the corner. And yes... the leaves on the plum tree are starting to turn and fall. I really need to get the fallen plums picked up... thank goodness I have a Reacher to use along with a bucket so no bending over or touching the over-ripe/split plums.

@Cherylndesigns Congrats to Ava!!! Love the photo of your ring and hers.. WOW... so beautiful. How wonderful that his family was able to come down for the engagement celebration.

Know I am doing better this time around... my coffee tastes so good and now I need to get another cup. HAGD

@Terri M Wow... the crew is really moving along on getting the trail repaired.

@vickyday so sorry your IBS was acting up again. My aunt had that and never knew when it would hit. Hope it settles down again so you can get together with Ilene.

@taxed4ever Hope your hike was fun... it sounds like a wonderful trail to hike along.

@AK_Tracy wow... your temps sound like fall has hit your area already. Stay warm gal!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is going to be another very warm and sunny day. Seems that summer has made a come back at least for the rest of this week. The Lake is like a mirror this morning, wonder if SIL is feeling up to a paddle today? She has tested negative for the last three days, but might not have the energy to kayak yet. Yesterday's hike was beautiful and the temps were perfect, I wore a very light little jacket for the start, but soon took it off and was happy that I had wore my shorts and t-shirt! We had our lunch down by the river and it was nice to listen to the water over the rocks rushing by. Nice that the water levels are good for this time
of the year.
You can see that the leaves are starting to change and soon everything will be gorgeous Autumn colours. Today I have to go find a small gift for my grand niece Everley, she turned One yesterday, but her birthday party is being held on Saturday. Sent out a little something for my other grand niece, Sophia who also turns one on the 10th of this month. I hope to head out to my fav craft store today and see what is new and might have to buy :giggle4: . My DH is home tomorrow, its his Flex Day, so I would like to get out on my own and shop without knowing that he is waiting for me in the car. Talked with FIL and MIL yesterday they have both been testing negative for the past few days, but MIL is still not feeling well and has the sweats. They of course went out grocery shopping, because that is what you do when you are sick right?? :shakingsense: at 88 and 90 years old, you would think you would know better!! Anyway it took a toll on MIL, was it worth it?? :crazy:. I hope that everyone is having a great Thursday and that you all find something to do today that makes you smile!!

@Cherylndesigns OMG!! Congrats to Ava and her sweetheart on their engagement!! How exciting to have a wedding in the family! @faerywings will have lots to talk to you about when the planning stages are happening! The ring is absolutely gorgeous and how sweet that she designed it after yours!! What a lovely photo of the two hands together!

I had a good day yesterday myself. No school buses on the road when I went to get my groceries. No swords or axes falling on my toes when I cleaned. Although I did have a close call-- I bumped my hand into one of the swords that the skeleton pirate was holding.
Glad you made it through cleaning without cutting off your fingers or toes!! I think having a skeleton watching over me while I clean would freak me out LOL. Glad to hear the monarchs are doing well, we haven't seen a single one around here this year, kind of scary as we always have had many.
Putting the dishes away from the dishwasher and I couldn't get my utensils drawer open. After tugging a few times it finally came open. The back was gone and stuff had fallen out the back down into the part of the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Cleaners were askew! So I had a message to clean up first thing! I hate it when that happens! But the good thing is that I had no excuse for not cleaning under there since I had to pull everything out! Time to get some of those pull out drawer things!
Ugh on the drawer falling apart on you! But hey it made you clean under the sink and now that dirty job is all done and you can spend the day shopping with Ilene!! Hope your IBS is good today and doesn't rear its ugly head on you this afternoon!
Morning, all. Keeping my fingers crossed... no temperature, just a slight achiness, sore arm and feeling a bit tired. I plan on just relaxing today - resting and reading most of the day. Although I might decided to do some digi-scrapping. :spinningchair:
Glad to hear that you do not have a temp from your flu shot! I hate that feeling of the sore arm from the injection, but its better than having the flu!! I hope you get to do some digi scrapping today!

@JeanneMN - LOL love your minions!! Yes it is nice to wake up to good news, but at 4am?? That's not so nice!

Ok I am off to get another cup of joe and wait for Heather to face time with me, we didn't get much of a chat yesterday as I was rushing out the door to my hike when she called. :waving1

Terri M

Well-Known Member
What a beautiful week it's been. I'm sure we'll get back into the 90s one more time before it's really autumn, but for now I'm enjoying the cool nights and low-humidity days. Pretty bike ride this morning. Stopped at the orchard to buy peaches, and they told me these are the last ones of the year. So from now on it will be apples. I notice more of a difference in the apple varieties through the season than I do with the peaches.

How are you and David feeling after the vaxes? Do you know if they ever developed a combo covid/flu vax? I know it was being talked about recently but I haven't paid enough attention to when it might (or might not) be available.
We never really have much reaction from vaccines, a sore arm for a day or two. We're fine. I believe they are targeting next fall for the combined flu/covid shot, but don't bet the farm on my word. I've also read about a nasal spray vaccine for covid going into human trials soon. Researchers are hoping it will be more effective at preventing disease by stopping the virus where it enters the body. I can only hope.

I have done almost no housework this week and today I'm going to be paying for it with laundry, meal planning, and shopping all coming up. Plus an email newsletter to write and send out. And I have got to vacuum and mop the great room - two days ago I walked across the hardwood in damp socks and I can see the line of footprints. So off to the salt mines it is.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!

Congratulations to Ava! So exciting! I love her ring!

HA!!!! I never could stand tapioca pudding -- it's a texture-thing- and this describes it perfectly to me. :sick:
This. Yes, 100% with you. Never could understand why people like tapioca. So gross and slimy and those little gooey balls :sick:
I hope that the church dinner went well and that everyone helped so you could get off your feet occasionally. Do you have a busy day today? Try to rest when you can!
Me? Rest? Who? What? *** I cant hear you***
@AK_Tracy wow... your temps sound like fall has hit your area already. Stay warm gal!!
Yep, falls is right on schedule. Still not cold enough for a coat, just a flannel shirt or sweatshirt. Winds whipping today.

Yesterday went well. I had a great time being in "my kitchen" again. We went through 150 plates. That's how we count LOL People reuse the same plate, they dont get a new one but probably should. We were short a dishwasher or two but after dinner a couple people stepped up and helped. I feel like I am 90 years old today. Have MLD PT and a consult with surgeon today so not a ton of rest and tomorrow is coffee date that wears me out mentally. So maybe Sunday afternoon I can rest. Another kid has gone down with head cold. I hate the start of school season for this reason. While we homeschool, kids are still around others in church, youth group, and 1 sons job sees influx of students so lots of germs flying around. So far hubs and child 3 aren't sick. I feel better but still slight congestion. The body aches though. I should have taken Motrin last night. I forget how much Wednesdays take out of me.

Off to get more coffee. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

Well, I'm still on Cloud 9. :cloud9: What a night! We're just all so thrilled that Drake proposed to Ava and it was also her birthday! Extra special. Drake wanted to surprise everybody, but with this "crew" that can't happen. There are too many moving parts. He told Adrienne and his mom, but they were going to keep it a surprise for me. In the end, Adrienne couldn't stand it, so she broke down and told me. I had to act surprised. I'm sure, by now, that Drake knows Adrienne doesn't like surprises. Haha. We call her "The Micromanager". Everything went so beautifully, though - it was such a happy get together and even Drake's dad, who has been pretty quiet, opened up and had fun. He's a nice man, but hadn't really gotten into our loud and crazy family. Last night was a real turning point for him. I got to finally sit and talk with Drake's grandpa, Levi. He's almost totally deaf and Uncle Mike wrote everything I said on a tablet, and Levi read it. He also speaks mainly Cherokee, but somehow, we had a wonderful conversation. I just loved getting to sit and visit with him. Ava was just completely over the moon with joy! Thank you ALL for your wonderful, good wishes and of course, I'll tell her and tell her Aunt Chris sends big hugs. Drake gave me a big hug and said "I did it, Little Ceesers (that's his nickname for me) - I told you I was going to marry your granddaughter!"


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
:holysheep:HOLY MOLY!! :wow:
Something green and sparkly caught my eye as I scrolled up from the last post of yesterday's thread!!!!


Congrats to Ava!! I am so happy for her! Give her a big hug from me!! Did anyone in the family know it was happening that night or did you all think you were just together for the golf dinner? The ring is beautiful and the photo of your hands is so very special ♥

Isn't it refreshing to open the thread to something other than me complaining about the cold or grocery shopping? :rotfl:

It is cold here again but not as bad as it was and I don't have to worry about grocery shopping until next week so you would have been spared that today at least. Even so, it's a heck of a lot nicer to start out with happy news.

I had a good day yesterday myself. No school buses on the road when I went to get my groceries. No swords or axes falling on my toes when I cleaned. Although I did have a close call-- I bumped my hand into one of the swords that the skeleton pirate was holding. It wasn't there the last time I cleaned and when I turned a bit, I didn't realize it was at hand-level. I *finally* got used to seeing the pirate skeleton out of the corner of my eye and how he has a new sword I need to get used to. Hmmmph! (For the newer peeps, my friend collects weapons and skeletons and other oddities. He has a pirate skeleton that sits at the breakfast bar so when I clean the kitchen, I'd see him out of the corner of my eye and wonder who is the house with me. I have accidentally bumped into a sword, knife, or an ax, knocked them off the wall, and had some close calls with my feet. LOL)

All three of the monarch caterpillars are accounted for and were busy munching on the leaves yesterday. My neighbors must think I am bonkers as I stare at the milkweed plants up close and from all angles. Had a good, brisk walk with my friend who caught me up on her end of wedding planning. Her DD (officiant) is flying in next Thursday with her boyfriend and I am so excited to meet him! He is coming to the rehearsal so I can give the Mama Chris stamp of approval. That's what she called me from the beginning, Mama Chris. ♥

Today is some house cleaning and it's finally time to wash the wine glasses. I worked a little more on lesson plans yesterday and hope to finish another 1-2 today. Scrapping would be awesome if I could squeeze that in too. Yardwork... that would also be nice.

What good stuff do you have going on? Whatever it is, make it *great!*
I knew that picture of the rings would catch your eye this morning, Aunt Chris!! It's a beauty and I could not wait to post a picture! My Little Grasshopper is getting married!!! Drake was grinning from ear to ear too - he was almost as happy as Ava was.

I know you can't wait to put your "stamp of approval" on the boyfriend. The kids all want mine whenever they start dating someone new. I was the first one in the family who really got to know Drake because he came here with Ava to see Chuck and he and Chuck hit it off right away. Chuck was THE ultimate stamp of approval and he liked Drake the first time he met him. I did several things with them and just felt comfortable with him. We even went to that "Bowls Class. where the lady "played" the Tibetan bowls for an hour and we laid on mats and meditated. That was a wonderful experience and really broke the ice for us.

I'm glad you didn't drop any swords or other weapons on your toes - gotta wear those open toed shoes to the wedding. A big bruised tod wouldn't be a good look.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning, all. Keeping my fingers crossed... no temperature, just a slight achiness, sore arm and feeling a bit tired. I plan on just relaxing today - resting and reading most of the day. Although I might decided to do some digi-scrapping. :spinningchair:

Tapioca pudding has always been my 'go-to' if the tummy is upset. Had to LOL over the comment about the yellow bowl and tapioca pudding... When the kids lived at home, I used to make a double-batch in the big yellow bowl and I was lucky to even get a second helping as all but one of the kids loved it, too.

Have to admit that I have been seeing a lot more wild life in the back yard than usual. The roadrunner bird as out with his family running down the street yesterday. They live in the bushes behind the church on the corner. And yes... the leaves on the plum tree are starting to turn and fall. I really need to get the fallen plums picked up... thank goodness I have a Reacher to use along with a bucket so no bending over or touching the over-ripe/split plums.

@Cherylndesigns Congrats to Ava!!! Love the photo of your ring and hers.. WOW... so beautiful. How wonderful that his family was able to come down for the engagement celebration.

Know I am doing better this time around... my coffee tastes so good and now I need to get another cup. HAGD

@Terri M Wow... the crew is really moving along on getting the trail repaired.

@vickyday so sorry your IBS was acting up again. My aunt had that and never knew when it would hit. Hope it settles down again so you can get together with Ilene.

@taxed4ever Hope your hike was fun... it sounds like a wonderful trail to hike along.

@AK_Tracy wow... your temps sound like fall has hit your area already. Stay warm gal!!
Glad your feeling better, Kay. Rest and read today and maybe you'll feel like pushing that mouse around. We had such a wonderful time last night and how exciting to see Ava and Drake so excited. They're too cute together.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning everyone! It is going to be another very warm and sunny day. Seems that summer has made a come back at least for the rest of this week. The Lake is like a mirror this morning, wonder if SIL is feeling up to a paddle today? She has tested negative for the last three days, but might not have the energy to kayak yet. Yesterday's hike was beautiful and the temps were perfect, I wore a very light little jacket for the start, but soon took it off and was happy that I had wore my shorts and t-shirt! We had our lunch down by the river and it was nice to listen to the water over the rocks rushing by. Nice that the water levels are good for this time
of the year.
View attachment 427519
You can see that the leaves are starting to change and soon everything will be gorgeous Autumn colours. Today I have to go find a small gift for my grand niece Everley, she turned One yesterday, but her birthday party is being held on Saturday. Sent out a little something for my other grand niece, Sophia who also turns one on the 10th of this month. I hope to head out to my fav craft store today and see what is new and might have to buy :giggle4: . My DH is home tomorrow, its his Flex Day, so I would like to get out on my own and shop without knowing that he is waiting for me in the car. Talked with FIL and MIL yesterday they have both been testing negative for the past few days, but MIL is still not feeling well and has the sweats. They of course went out grocery shopping, because that is what you do when you are sick right?? :shakingsense: at 88 and 90 years old, you would think you would know better!! Anyway it took a toll on MIL, was it worth it?? :crazy:. I hope that everyone is having a great Thursday and that you all find something to do today that makes you smile!!

@Cherylndesigns OMG!! Congrats to Ava and her sweetheart on their engagement!! How exciting to have a wedding in the family! @faerywings will have lots to talk to you about when the planning stages are happening! The ring is absolutely gorgeous and how sweet that she designed it after yours!! What a lovely photo of the two hands together!

Glad you made it through cleaning without cutting off your fingers or toes!! I think having a skeleton watching over me while I clean would freak me out LOL. Glad to hear the monarchs are doing well, we haven't seen a single one around here this year, kind of scary as we always have had many.

Ugh on the drawer falling apart on you! But hey it made you clean under the sink and now that dirty job is all done and you can spend the day shopping with Ilene!! Hope your IBS is good today and doesn't rear its ugly head on you this afternoon!

Glad to hear that you do not have a temp from your flu shot! I hate that feeling of the sore arm from the injection, but its better than having the flu!! I hope you get to do some digi scrapping today!

@JeanneMN - LOL love your minions!! Yes it is nice to wake up to good news, but at 4am?? That's not so nice!

Ok I am off to get another cup of joe and wait for Heather to face time with me, we didn't get much of a chat yesterday as I was rushing out the door to my hike when she called. :waving1
Thanks, Trudy! Yes, I'm sure Chris and I will have lots to talk about. They've talked about combining a traditional ceremony combined with a Cherokee ceremony, so it will be different.

Glad you got back out on the lake. Sounds to beautiful and restorative.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
What a beautiful week it's been. I'm sure we'll get back into the 90s one more time before it's really autumn, but for now I'm enjoying the cool nights and low-humidity days. Pretty bike ride this morning. Stopped at the orchard to buy peaches, and they told me these are the last ones of the year. So from now on it will be apples. I notice more of a difference in the apple varieties through the season than I do with the peaches.

We never really have much reaction from vaccines, a sore arm for a day or two. We're fine. I believe they are targeting next fall for the combined flu/covid shot, but don't bet the farm on my word. I've also read about a nasal spray vaccine for covid going into human trials soon. Researchers are hoping it will be more effective at preventing disease by stopping the virus where it enters the body. I can only hope.

I have done almost no housework this week and today I'm going to be paying for it with laundry, meal planning, and shopping all coming up. Plus an email newsletter to write and send out. And I have got to vacuum and mop the great room - two days ago I walked across the hardwood in damp socks and I can see the line of footprints. So off to the salt mines it is.
Sounds like you have a busy days or two coming up. I need to clean today because we've been so busy that I've let mine go. Housework is evil.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning Everyone!

Congratulations to Ava! So exciting! I love her ring!

This. Yes, 100% with you. Never could understand why people like tapioca. So gross and slimy and those little gooey balls :sick:

Me? Rest? Who? What? *** I cant hear you***

Yep, falls is right on schedule. Still not cold enough for a coat, just a flannel shirt or sweatshirt. Winds whipping today.

Yesterday went well. I had a great time being in "my kitchen" again. We went through 150 plates. That's how we count LOL People reuse the same plate, they dont get a new one but probably should. We were short a dishwasher or two but after dinner a couple people stepped up and helped. I feel like I am 90 years old today. Have MLD PT and a consult with surgeon today so not a ton of rest and tomorrow is coffee date that wears me out mentally. So maybe Sunday afternoon I can rest. Another kid has gone down with head cold. I hate the start of school season for this reason. While we homeschool, kids are still around others in church, youth group, and 1 sons job sees influx of students so lots of germs flying around. So far hubs and child 3 aren't sick. I feel better but still slight congestion. The body aches though. I should have taken Motrin last night. I forget how much Wednesdays take out of me.

Off to get more coffee. HAGD
Thanks so much, Tracy! It's going to take us a while to settle back down. SO exciting. Glad everything went well yesterday but boo to feeling like you're 90 years old. Sending hugs.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning,
My turn to complain @faerywings .
Putting the dishes away from the dishwasher and I couldn't get my utensils drawer open. After tugging a few times it finally came open. The back was gone and stuff had fallen out the back down into the part of the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Cleaners were askew! So I had a message to clean up first thing! I hate it when that happens! But the good thing is that I had no excuse for not cleaning under there since I had to pull everything out! Time to get some of those pull out drawer things!
Going to spend the day with Ilene today.
Got more scrapping done yesterday and a new batch of daily ATC cards posted. I probably won't get anything done today.
I've got $45 in Kohl's cash to spend after buying Mark some smaller church clothes last month! Maybe I'll do that today with Ilene!
Have a good day!
Sorry your IBS flared up again and what a "surprise" about your drawer. Hope you get that fixed.