
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, September 4


The Loopy-O
Gary just asked me how I was and I whined, "I don't know!" I really don't know if I can handle more crap today. It really never ends. :(

Cait did not have a good first day of school.Schedule still messed up and Guidance, in general, are being very ^%$$#-ish about it.They sent out a Nasty-gram, saying how switching classes is something to be taken seriously, that original scheduling is done through careful consideration, :blah: Except that in Cait's case, this is NOT her original schedule. Not even close. We started filling out the forms that she needs to bring to each teacher of the incorrect class. In the comments section, I wrote that this class was not requested when she did course selection last year. She has to go to each "wrong" class, get the signatures, bring it to guidance who decides if they are acceptable, then figure out if they can now get her into the classes she requested months ago. Until all of that gets worked out, (3-5 days!) she has to stay in the wrong class, and will have to make up all of the work when she gets into the right class. She is not happy, and neither am I. If this doesn't get worked out soon, they are going to have to deal with the Wrath of Mom.

I don't like confrontation, but do not mess with my kids.:whip:

Scott's day went even worse. School seemed to go ok, but we didn't get to hear too much about it. Gary had noticed what he thought was an oil leak from his spot in the driveway. They take it over to the shop-- its not an oil leak, but something with the drive train (???? I am car-clueless). It is apparently rotting out underneath and it was power steering fluid leaking. To fix whatever needed to get fixed would cost over $1K. And he will be needed new brakes soon. The mechanic said that in his opinion, not worth putting the money into a 17 year old car.
Great. Just great. He/we don't have the money to get him a new car. Nor to get it fixed for that matter. My parents started a college fund for him when he was born, so he might have to use that. he was planning on using that when he goes to a 4 year school after he graduates from Community college. But he can't grad from that school if he has no way to drive there.

But there was good news in all of this. My drs appt went well, she said that I am healing nicely and was totally ok with my decision to not do hormone therapy. I have to wait for my mammo until 6 months post radiation so I need to make an appt in Nov. and I see her again in March.

Temptation on Thursday.
Don't get me started!!!

Hope that you all have a terrific day and that my family does too!!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- what a cool dream! Gary used to have dreams of flying and said that it was such an amazing feeling. Me-- I dreamt last night that I got into a car accident and rolled my car. Not so amazing. tee-hee!!!

Trudy- did you get your summer weather? Hope so! I grabbed money from the envelope that I had put aside to pay for Cait's party. It's all good. But I had a Groupon for the health food store and got a ton of stuff for $24, including our favorite rice-- brown basmati. And the best part, when you buy it from the bulk section, it is only $2.49/lb, about half of what I pay in the supermarket.

If any of you like rice/brown rice, you have to try basmati. Cait cooks that up and added steamed broccoli and it it such a good lunch.

Phyllis, don't get me started on the idiocy of our school district. We are losing another superintendent, we have had principals switching out all over the district.No consistency. :mad:
That is too funny about the snow cone syrup. I am finding that while I prefer to shop local when possible (but don't get me started on the lack of business in town hehe!!), it is so often easier and cheaper to get it online.

Trudy- so sorry to hear that Heather's sale didn't go well. I had that happen to me a lot. But like you said, it is a promo for her and hopefully she gave out a lot of cards/flyers.
Fingers crossed to for the nanny!!!!



lOve the O!
Morning O fam- gentle hugs Chris. Phylis- I have always had an active dream life- as I child I had recurring dreams- my favorite was the ones in which I flew- once I flew over my entire bus route! I am continuing to take fearless living classes with Rhonda Britten. Recently there was a mention of lucid dreaming- being aware that you are in a dream and controlling the dream- that is what I was trying to do the other day. When I shared with my co-workers- I think they thought I was having breakdown of some sort. Not you guys- love you guys. Today I am off to work, hopefully off to see a friend after work and I have the dryer repair guys coming- the cost of repair is bound to be less than the cost of my recent electric bills!!


Well-Known Member
The Wrath of Mom!! :pound: :rofl: LOVE IT!!! but, damn. why does it TAKE the Wrath of Mom to get things done? honestly, i think in life, people and institutions just assume that, if they're obtuse and ridiculous enough, you'll just give up. i spent an HOUR on the phone the other day with my credit card company. i tried to sign in online, and it kept telling me it was the wrong password, then it locked me out. so i called Customer Service and got some incompetent guy, who finally decided to just connect me to a manager and tech person. then we got it done. but the reason was that their "new system was having trouble recognizing passwords with special characters in them." like an exclamation point, pound sign, etc. so, because of that, my heretofore OK password was a problem. then we had to cancel my online access, get a new username and password, etc., etc., etc. all of this took almost an hour. explain to me again how this onlone stuff saves time. and explain to me again how a school district and a major credit card company gets away with incompetent nonsense.

Trudy, sorry Heather didn't get any sales. but, as you say, getting "out there" is something valuable, too. is there something like a "Mom's Day Out" program anywhere near her? sometimes churches or community centers do stuff like that. when my kids were little, i used to go to one of those. someone watched the kids for an hour or two while the moms socialized and ate lunch.

Laurie, hope your dryer repair isn't as much as a new drier costs. repair costs are amazing. i needed a replacement of this little plastic part on the handle of my dishwasher, and the whole thing ended up costing $200!!! i freaked out!

today. hmmm. well, just turned on the AC, because it's going up to 87. i made some almond flour zucchini muffins earlier this morning, then went outside to start cutting down my spent perennials. arms itching like mad after about 20 minutes, so back inside. i think i'm allergic to outside. whatever. soon i'm off to Walmart for a few things, then back home to do some iMac figuring-out and some laundry. woot.

Happy Thurs.! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... Ok I am bored :bored: Not sure what to do with myself today? Its too nice to be stuck in the house, but I have no money to go shopping for anything and besides I don't want to be stuck inside a store either. Guess I should wander around the yard and see what needs to be trimmed or if there are any weeds to be pulled. Perhaps a nice long walk? Sometimes I wonder if I should start looking for a part time job, then I laugh....no way am I going back to work!!! I also have been thinking about going to the pool to do laps in the mornings, so I need to check out the cost of that.

Chris - Sure hope things get better with the idiots at your DD's school!! Don't let them get away with that crap!! Seems us Moms need to fight for everything these days, don't they know better than to mess with a pissed off MOM!! Now the problem with your son's car?? It is never ending! But so happy that your dr. appt. went well for you at least! :hug: you need lots of :hug: today!!

Laurie - I think it would be amazing to fly in my dreams, that has never happened for me. I used to have a recurring dream when I was in my 30's . I have always wanted to make a page out of it, so I will not tell you what it was, you will have to wait for the page LOL. I don't think you are having a breakdown, I think that its your very creative mind at work while you sleep. Hope your day goes well!!

Phylis - You really are getting the warm weather these days! Wish I could join you for a muffin and coffee and could help you figure out your iMac! Love mine and I am sure that there are still many things that I don't know how to do yet on it! Have fun playing on it! Enjoy your day!

Ok I am off to the kitchen for more coffee and some breakfast, then perhaps I will get that walk in before it gets too hot. Kind of sad to see that the leaves are starting to change already, the Maple trees have been so stressed because of the lack of rain and now that we had a few days of downpour they seem a bit better, but still the colours are changing fast! I see that Calgary Alberta had snow already yesterday, what a crazy country we live in!! :wave: