
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 4


The Loopy-O
hello my dear O-Fam! And how are you all doing?
Same old, same old over here. This rain is making me ache all over. But my coffee is making me happy!

I only am cleaning two days this week, and I think its a good thing for my body- even if its not a good think for my wallet. Tomorrow I am off and I am hoping to get inthe attic and get the Halloween decorations down. For those of you who weren't here last year, or might not remember--(How could you forget that?? :D) my hubby goes *all out* on Halloween. He has been working on our outdoor display for weeks now. Maybe months. Guess its good for him, he has the time and keeps him from being bored. Well, maybe not too bored. heh. I hate going into the attic though-- its just such a mess. But who has the time/energy to clean it up? I guess I have the time. Not too much energy. Absolutely NO desire!

But anyway-- today is babysitting and cleaning-- then Mom's Taxi Cab riding. Typical day, eh??

Temptation on Thursday:
nada for me today. How about you?


Well-Known Member
Good morning.....I was up a little before 5 this morning..but I went to bed at 9...so that was a good amount of sleep....

We are off to Sam's this morning...and a few quick errands....and I need to finish laundry...As much as I love this time of year...the laundry is a PITA....so many clothes to wash from all that changing because of the drastic weather from morning to afternoon!!!

Can someone find my mojo?? I have lost it and can't seem to scrap anything...it's bugging me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to scrap Josie's birthday photos...but I have nothing going on for me!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris....I have no energy for big messes either...I finally cleaned out the cabinet underneath my stove top (I have the countertop stove) and IIIICK...I usually will clean out a couple of times a year..but with the kids coming to live here and turning everything upside down, I know it's been a good year and a half!!! so those shelves in the back were gross!! not to mention all the junk that just needed to go...I had some kind of contraption to cook with in there I didn't even know WHAT IT WAS :pound: I threw it away...along with a whole bag of other stuff..mostly those big stupid cups you buy because it's a deal when you get a drink...one word for that CAMERAN!!! Boy that child is spoiled!!

So I signed up the boys yesterday to go rock climbing next week. I think they will like it...The rec dept has a camp that has a big rock climbing tower. And I am taking the two to them to see HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA on Saturday.....I so love kids movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay..off to get kiddos up....Jesse has been up since 5:30 he is just watching tv..he had a nightmare...


The Loopy-O
Personals from yesterday :)

please ignore my typing, its worse than usual today and I am getting aggravated with spell check tee-hee!

Phyllis- Doesn't it feel so good to just get it all out? I didn't get to blog yesterday, I was to pooped out after I got home from work, and I decided to scrap instead. Much calmer!
So your MINT floor cleaner is like a Roomba? I keep thinking it is Mint, as in colored, and that you and Eva both have sexy vac's.

Laurie- oooh, so exciting about your basement re-do!

Terry! Men and their warped perspectives! :pound: Maybe the guy wouldn't have minded if you were late, but I would bet that his wife would have been! How was the dinner?

Oh Linda-- that running is too much, makes me tried to just read it! Hope that today is a quieter one for you.

Trudy- yay for your son coming out!!! But yup, I bet you miss your little ones too.
My mom is awesome, I adore her, even when she drives me crazy Seriously, I say it a lot, but never enough-- I am **blessed** with a wonderful family. I truly couldn't do everything I do w/o them.

Eva- If they could give us Rx's for laughing gas and IV caffeine, I would be a happy Faery. I would probably never leave the house again either, but who cares?! I'd be happy and buzzy!! :rofl:
Hope that you feel better-- hugs!

Jen- oh no..... what a bad day! And to be pg and not even be able to have drink- bet that makes you want one even more. Hope that today is stress-free!

Eva!! LOL :cosmo


lOve the O!
morning O fam- hopefully no travel for me- it is my day off and the countertops are being installed! Plus I have a loaner car while they figure out what is going on with my cars dash lights- electrical problems are so much fun!! It is supposed to be warm here this pm- oh maybe grilling for dinner! I am going to plant tulips today, clean, SCRAP, mow lawn, scrap- yup in there twice - perhaps I will put to keystrokes that which is running around my head!


Well-Known Member
is it time for bed yet??? bleh. i've been up since 3:20 a.m. but i fell asleep at 9 last night, so i did get my 6-ish hours. woot.

Chris, you are SO lucky to have an attic! i have a damned cubby hole that i have to empty out my entire closet to get at. i would LOVE to have an attic. as you know, having a basement in the Northeast doesn't help with storage space. everyting would get moldy.

taking myself to the Mall this morning. no particular reason. maybe because i'm checking to see whether Land's End has the fleece tops in yet. then i'll have some lunch in the food court while watching Wallander on my iPad. then come home and make some onion soup and low carb donuts. and see if i can put some grout where it's needed in my kitchen. i didn't do that yesterday. and i have a feeling there will be a short NAP in there somewhere, too.

Laurie, good luck with the workmen. hope everything turns out great!

well. off to start Thursday, part 2.

have a happy!



lOve the O!
Phylis- I am making a layout in your honor today! It is about - well maybe I will keep you guessing till I post it!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

Got up early--have so much to do before I leave for the retreat. I'll be out for four days--don't know what the internet connection will be like from my Ipad. so, I could be missing in action for a few days.

Went to the dinner/party last night. It was nice---only 3 couples showed up. Pitiful! But--two of the guys ( one is my hubby) that showed were his long time golfing buddies. The three of them have been golfing together for almost 30 years.

guess I need to get busy. Need to pack and do a little bit of work before I leave.


Well-Known Member
Sam's Trip Cancelled....waiting til next week :becky: makes me happy!

Laurie....YAY on the new countertops....NEW always feels so good for most everything...except shoes :dance: We are 80's again today...humid too....I hope the electrical problems are simple...I know how expensive they can be...they are labor intensive, parts are usually not the cost issue here...fingers crossed they find a loose wire QUICKLY.

Phylis...sorry I couldn't party with you last night....I slept pretty well....I must be reallly lucky as I have an attic and a basement...but yet little storage..HAHA...we have built in most of our basement and our attic is only good for storing a few things..usually just christmas stuff up there and few really old boxes of "I just am not ready to get rid of this" stuff. Hope you get your nap!!!!! and get the fleece tops..I LOVE THE PULLOVERS!!!

Terry...enjoy the retreat!!! and no worries about the smallish dinner party...I think it's nicer that way..you can chat more with people that way rather than spreading yourself around!!


Well-Known Member
Chris....come decorate for me.....the kids are bugging me about it....I want to do a party this year again for them...but I am just holding back...$$$ and energy!! If I could Sharon motivated, she could help me. I should call her friend Susan..she is awesome with the kids!! Well...I can't wait for photos of your place...they are always so fun!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning my beautiful o ladies!!!!!!!!!!! All I have to say at the
Oment is GIANT PINEAPPLE SIZED BEETS NO LIE!!!!!!! That's what my Dh picked out of the garden last night!!!! Totally going to upload a pic later!!!!!!! What shall I DO WITH THEM?????


Well-Known Member

THOSE ARE BIG BEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#10 can't eat that much I am sure of it!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you could juice them....BEET JUICE....:dizzy:


Well-Known Member


lOve the O!
Nana- the electrical problems are still covered under warranty- at least I believe they are, otherwise, I would live with it! Let us hope I am not unpleasantly surprised.


Well-Known Member
OOH Good to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't want to shell shock you, but when I worked in the service dept 14 years ago, I saw bills up to $1000 to fix it!! YIKES!!!

If you are still under manufacturer warranty..you are good!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning friends... Well I was pleasantly surprised to get a phone call while at work yesterday from my son to say that he would be coming home a day early, the accommodations at the base were atrocious and so he made the drive to our house to spend the night and get up early to get to his course. Hooray for us!! So nice to have him home and share supper and a wonderful visit afterwards. He is an I.T. for the military so he always helps me with my computer issues, he loves my new IMac and helped me with a few things. He also cleaned up my external hard drive for me, so much on it that I had no idea where it came from???? So now it is running faster and only has my scrapbooking goodies on it.

Chris - Looking forward to seeing what your hubby has in store for Halloween! Nice that he has something to occupy his time! Horray for only cleaning a bit this week, not great for the pocket book, but you could probably use the break!!

Nana Linda - Nice that you got some good sleep last night!! But 5am is an ungodly hr to get up isn't it!! I am often awake at that time and by 10 I feel like its time to crawl back into bed. The rock climbing for the boys sounds like it will be fun for them, you are such a great Nana!!

Laurie - New countertops!!! How nice! Hope your car gets fixed quickly and that its still covered on your warranty! Enjoy your day off and happy scrapping! can't wait to see your layout about Phylis!!

Phylis - Those fleece tops sound nice and cozy! I might have to look on line for some, we don't have Land's End here in Canada :sad: I am lucky to have a very large crawl space in the basement of my house, I can even stand up in it in some places, my hubby can't so he does not like going down there, but its a great place to have our wine cellar, perfect temperature and tons of room. No attic though, at least I've never been up there to check it out.

Terryb - I'm with Linda on the small dinner party, much more intimate, nicer to visit your friends that way!

Jen- Tooo funny about the beets!! Let us know what you decide to do with them! I vote for your hubby making that decision!! :becky:

No work for me until at Tuesday, still don't know what the schedule is for next week, so will have to phone sometime this weekend. The store will be closed Monday for our Thanksgiving Holiday here in Canada. So a nice long time off for me :dance: Have a great day everyone :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy :hug: How nice to have the son home for dinner!! and to help with the computer!!! OOOO enjoy that time off sweetie!!! As for being up at 5 am....I actually am getting kind of used to it...peaceful....no noises around...kids still in bed...husband still in bed....yeah....I think I like it!! :D OOh...you should go online for Lands End..they have good stuff. That's how I shop with them...we don't have one close to us. http://www.landsend.com/


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i am SO jealous of your Son Time. i never get that. ENJOY!

Jen, have the best beet soup recipe ever.... and i REELEEE want to see the photo!

Nana, my prob was that i fell asleep at 9. i really almost never get more than 6 or 6 1/2 hours of sleep. so. my challenge is to NOT fall asleep at 9 anymore. BTW. your latest page is beyond amazing!


Well-Known Member
Phylis...I get that about the amount of hours....I stay on my computer until about 10 plus watch TV at the same time..that keeps me awake...otherwise I would be falling out around 8:30 or 9 as well.

and I made that page about a month ago...so NO..my mojo isn't back.....YET....and thank you!!!!


Well-Known Member
Guys, I am alive. Been sick since Sunday and I think Isaac is teething already? Maybe? I don't know. He was doing so well, and now he's fussy all the time and has to be chewing on something. Sigh.

Just popping in to say hello...


Well-Known Member
hi, Kim. hope eveyone will be feeling better soon.

Jen, i'll get that recipe to you ASAP.

Nana, i keep trying to READ in the evening, and i always end up falling asleep....


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
LOL...those are the biggest beets I've ever seen, wonder how much bigger they would have gotten if you'd left them there longer??? You will have beet soup for 2 years :becky:


Well-Known Member
How in the world do you get beets that big! My second year trying to grow some and all I get are tiny roots.