
Daily Ooos: Thursday, October 24


The Loopy-O
We had a little bit of rain last night! :dancingbfly: Nowhere near enough to make any sort of difference in the water table but I am not gonna say no to a few sprinkles. I think yesterday was the last of the freakishly warm temps which I guess is appropriate seeing that we are in the last 8 days of Oct. I made an appt for the dogs next week-- November 1. For real! :thud:
*still not thinking about Thanksgiving*

Yesterday was kind of boring, I think. The afternoon somehow got away from me and looking back, I'm not sure what I did. I started out the day cleaning at my friend's and then cleaned here a little when I got home. I scrapped a page for a Color Play kit and cooked dinner. I got a little lost in lesson plans prep for today and then the Weis Director called to chat. She is interested in having me help out some more with either Girl Scout/Cub Scout Badges or field trips for an HS pod. One of the moms from my HS group asked the other day about it and Anne wants me to help with it too. I love that idea!

I have the morning to putter about here and then work this afternoon. Scott is coming for dinner tonight and I have no idea what I am going to do about actual food. I usually have something easy for Gary to make on the days I am working yet everything on my meal plan is complicated. We do have frozen pizza so I think that's going to be it.

Wishing everyone a lovely day!


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady Sorry about the Cha-ching part of the new doors but your safety is important too. I hope this brings you some extra sense of protection. Ladies' Lunch and Pool Day sounds incredible, especially mimosas! I hope that you made sure you waited 30 minutes to go swimming after the mimosas, you wouldn't want to sink! LOL!

@Terri M How awesome to have a Trails Crew Pizza Party. It is nice to be appreciated :)
I had to laugh at my occupational therapist who suggested I can take my brace off for short period of times for easy things, like folding laundry. I told her that the brace is how I'm getting out of folding laundry, how about for knitting? or for using my computer? She was OK with that, but suggested "folding laundry" again. I don't think she's getting the point.:giggle4:
*whoosh* that went right over her head, didn't it? :rotfl:

@taxed4ever How did you do at your MILs yesterday? Is the house ready for Aunt Betty? I hope that your ILs (thinking about FIL right about now ;) ) didn't make you bonkers.
Sorry that you weren't able to go on your hike but at least you'll have next week too. My hiking buddy somehow convinced me to sign up for a 7-mile hike this Saturday. She said-- the leaves will be worth it! (we'll see how I feel about this on Sunday hahaha!)

What fun memories those kids will have because you gave 200% and put so much thought into making it a blast.
I hope so! I'm trying my best to teach and have fun at the same time. Today's lesson is on Hibernation and Torpor. I made word cards on those topics and the kids are going to write a story using the cards. Each kid will get two random cards and make 1-2 sentences each. They might not remember everything about hibernation but hopefully, they will get enough to make a silly story about it.

What happens if you wake up before your DH?? What happens if he has a day off??? How do you have coffee ready for you the instant you get out of bed?????

YAY! So glad there is no need for cardio followup!!!
My left side is feeling better each day, but the right side is still pretty stiff and hurts. Not to type, but it sure hurts if I try to do anything else with it!
Thank you!
Glad to hear that at least part of you isn't too sore. I think the bubble suit is extremely fashionable, you should get one ;)
Any luck finding the lost photos??

@BrightEyes You have my full sympathy at having to get up and have lab work done.
I don't know if any of you heard, but the waffle recall was expanded to include frozen pancakes as well. :/ Glad that it was easy to get the refund on the frozen meals.
How did DD#3/SIL make out with their vaccinations? *fingers crossed no side effects for them*

@Cherylndesigns OMG, you are going to need Vicky's bubble suit too if you keep going to the softball games! Or a helmet or something. That is wacky that everyone was getting hit. You're right, it could have been worse all around.
Ava yelled "we have people at home waiting for food". It was just the three of us. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
Hugs back atcha!!

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Well-Known Member
@Terri M ---Wow you are in the heart of wine country. I'm glad your wrist is improving so you can knit again...folding laundry is highly over rated!!!

@faerywings ---Wow you are one crazy busy lady --your tarp shelter experience for the kids was pretty cool they will remember that always. You have wonderful creative events for them. So glad your cardio is good scary with a happy ending.

@AK_Tracy I guess you are used to having no power but at least you have an auto coffee maker- LOL-...I should set mine to start automatically because my hubby never gets up before me

@BrightEyes well that 12 hour sleep is what your body needed so I am glad you are better. Happy scrapping now that you are on the mend.

Pool day was fabulous yesterday. The pool heaters finally caught up so it was heavenly temp. there were 12 of us...noon to 4:40 and we didn't want to leave. Eat, drink, swim then repeat. Planning to do it every Thursday. Going to vote today then get cracked corn for the birds. 3 of my 4 Monarch caterpillars are in chrysalis and that last one is a a fat cat so will be going to the top soon...so exciting.

Have an incredible day Ladies.
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Terri M

Well-Known Member
We are definitely in peak color and are having gorgeous days. I had thought that this summer's drought would have affected this fall's colors but maybe that September rain was early enough because it's a beautiful year. We always take a day to drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway at this time, but we didn't get a chance this week and we have learned to stay away from it on weekends in October, so maybe early next week won't be too late.

Its hubs! He gets up early for Stockmarket stuff and so at 6:50 he pushes the button so its done when I get up. Never have set the timer (or time) on my coffee pot.
Back when we were both working, David often had 8:00 or 9:00 classes, so would get up early. I wasn't expected at the church until 10:00, so definitely not an early riser. By the time I got to the coffee it was at least an hour old, ick. That's when we got the Keurig; it may not be the world's best coffee, but at least it's fresh when I get it. On our trip to Europe, I had a hotel room with a Nespresso for a couple days. I'm thinking that I may treat myself to one. I have an inexpensive espresso machine but it's more trouble than I want to deal with first thing out of bed. I'm now in a multi-day argument with myself with decluttering & saving money on one hand and my desire for early morning cappuccino on the other.

@Terri M here's the bubble wrap my pastor's wife sent to me that I will share with you! ;)
I totally need that! Although it won't be too comfortable in Virginia summers!

most of the pictures disappeared!
That's terrible! Not on a memory card someplace? Having been in tech when most of it was being developed, I've retained my conviction that it will all fail eventually, and don't trust any of it. So I over-backup, which can be expensive. Someday I'll be gone and none of this will matter to anyone else, but I'll let the kids work that out.

we're sitting there, minding our own business and a baseball comes whizzing up and hits me in the side of the head.
Whoa! I'm glad it was no worse! Your glasses didn't break - that's so lucky for you. Maybe you need to add a football helmet to your game wardrobe.


Morning, all. Have a doctor's appt this afternoon. The cough is still hanging on and seems to be getting worse again and the throat is sore. I let my primary care doc know yesterday via My Chart... the nurse called with questions then set me up with the Nurse Practitioner as my PC doc is not in this week.

Talked to DD#3 yesterday afternoon and she came down to pick up a couple of things that she needed for a sewing project. She got off lucky from her vaccinations - mainly a sore arm. Her hubby was down for a few days with his but is feeling better now. We kept at least 6' apart during her visit.

Time to get my shower and get dressed. BBL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! Another busy day as the In-Laws want SIL and myself to come over around 10:30 and spend most of the day with them and Aunt Betty. Apparently she wanting to update the family history and for some reason MIL think that I have all that on one of my computers :hahano:. Anyway I supposed to bring over my iPad and work on some of the history with Aunt Betty. I am pretty sure MIL means that it is all on Ancestry.ca and we should be able to update whatever is on there. I spent the entire day in MIL kitchen and made numerous meals, which was ok, but I didn't know that I was going to be doing it all on my own!!! FIL was fretting the whole time about updating his new tv, so I had to stop what I was doing and take care of that, it was easy but sheesh man what you need isn't more important than what everyone else needs. :crazy:. I kept my cool and just dealt with it, the glass of wine at the end of the day was very much needed :wine4:!! Anyway I now have to get my 7 layer salad prepared before going over this morning and then I have a apple pie to cook at some point this afternoon, good thing I only live across the street so I can run back and forth while I am updating family history :bouncing::thud:. I bet I sleep really good tonight!! It will be really great to see Aunt Betty again, she is a total polar opposite of MIL, always happy, always in for an adventure and has travelled the world, where MIL doesn't understand why anyone would want to travel anywhere. Oh well I guess life would be boring if we were all the same right?!!

We had a little bit of rain last night! :dancingbfly: Nowhere near enough to make any sort of difference in the water table but I am not gonna say no to a few sprinkles. I think yesterday was the last of the freakishly warm temps which I guess is appropriate seeing that we are in the last 8 days of Oct.
Glad to hear that you got at least a bit of rain! Heather was telling me that they have had really warm temps there as well, so crazy for the later part of October! Guess it makes up for the crappy weather they had all summer long.
Pool day was fabulous yesterday. The pool heaters finally caught up so it was heavenly temp. there were 12 of us...noon to 4:40 and we didn't want to leave. Eat, drink, swim then repeat. Planning to do it every Thursday.
Your pool day sounds wonderful!! Can I come down on join you on Thursdays??
Morning, all. Have a doctor's appt this afternoon. The cough is still hanging on and seems to be getting worse again and the throat is sore. I let my primary care doc know yesterday via My Chart... the nurse called with questions then set me up with the Nurse Practitioner as my PC doc is not in this week.
Ohhh no Kay, you poor thing having that darn cough come back to pester you again!! Hope the nurse practitioner can get you some answers and relief. Sending you healing hugs :hug1:.

Mark and I did early voting this morning and then stopped at Mickey D's for some egg McMuffins. He likes their greasy hash browns so he ate that on the way home while I ate my egg McMuffin. Then I went to get groceries. Now I'm going to play on the computer the rest of the day, or as long as my wrists can stand it.
OUCH!! Vicky your poor arm looks so very sore!! Really girl you need to wrap yourself in protective gear!! Sorry about the lose of your beautiful photos!! There has to be something out there that can recover them!! I did find this on You Tube but not sure if it will be helpful or not
Hi Ho, Hi Ho off to work I go........ I mean WOOO HOOOO!!!! I'm off to my happy place!! Here I come kitchen!!!!!
:floorlaugh: (might have just confirmed I am as crazy as I appear) :floorlaugh:
Yes you are truly crazy!! :crazy:. Ha, Ha, just kidding I hope you have a great day in the kitchen :giggle4:.

@Cherylndesigns - Yikes you need to wear a helmet and face mask the next time you go to the ballgames!! Glad that you did not get badly hurt! Be careful please !!

Ok I need to get this salad made and then get dressed and ready to go, have a lovely day everyone! :bye2:


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
Its 23* and frosted hard. So beautiful like diamonds all over. I love a good hard frost. Its so pretty. Today will be a bit busy with PT and then bible study but I at least get to sit for most of it.

*still not thinking about Thanksgiving*
Oh what? You're not there yet? You dont have people invited and the meal planned? What???? Just me? I'm the crazy one? Yep, already invited half the people and have a list made for shopping.
What happens if you wake up before your DH?? What happens if he has a day off??? How do you have coffee ready for you the instant you get out of bed?????
What? The early bird up before the lazy bones? Very rarely do I get up first and if I do, I stumble over and push start. Sunday we get up at the same time and he starts the coffee while I shower. Its great. No worries on trying to set the coffee pot time or that it will brew at the wrong time or not at all.
3 of my 4 Monarch caterpillars are in chrysalis and that last one is a a fat cat so will be going to the top soon...so exciting.
This is beautiful! After all the storms and damage and now, caterpillars getting ready to be butterflies. So amazing. Life goes on and the beauty is there to see if we look. I love the description of the last hold out, :heartpumppink:
By the time I got to the coffee it was at least an hour old, ick.
Oh yeah, when hubs worked, he would put it in a thermos for me so it stayed fresh and hot. I was always up two hours after him so we had to make a plan of how I could have good coffee. We did a Keurig for a couple years but after two breaking too easily we decided to go back to a pot. We tried an insulated pot, we are just old school. So we found one that makes 14 cups and its been wonderful.
he cough is still hanging on and seems to be getting worse again
Oh Kay, this doesn't sound good at all. I hope you get some answers at the doc office.

I bet I sleep really good tonight!! It will be really great to see Aunt Betty again, she is a total polar opposite of MIL, always happy, always in for an adventure and has travelled the world, where MIL doesn't understand why anyone would want to travel anywhere. Oh well I guess life would be boring if we were all the same right?!!
Aunt Betty sounds like fun! I bet she has some stories. Sorry you ended up cooking all the food and not just helping like planned. That can be overwhelming.
Yes you are truly crazy!! :crazy:. Ha, Ha, just kidding I hope you have a great day in the kitchen :giggle4:.
What? Me? Nooooooo not me!! :floorlaugh: I proudly wear my crazy, its comfortable. :giggle4::giggle4::giggle4:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I skipped the gym yesterday, all my coughing and sneezing sent Wendell searching for a quiet zone in the downstairs bedroom. I spent most of yesterday on the couch coughing, sneezing and burning thru a box of tissues . I seriously want to shove a toothbrush up my nose to scratch . :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I did a Halloween layout this morning, and now that I've caused you all to run for eye sanitizer, I think I'm going to take a nap.


I am back home... with new meds. Good thing I went back in as there is a lot of congestion/wheezing in the chest and the infection is still going strong. Now I am on an inhaler and a different antibiotic for the next 10 days plus taking a cough suppressant. @JeanneMN sure hope you don't have what I have. Mine has been going on for over 5 weeks. If your continues very long - get into the doctor for some meds. I also found out that I haven't had the latest Pneumonia vaccination. Have to wait for this sick spell to be over then need to get it.

Just ate supper (as I have to take the antibiotic with food) and my first round with the inhaler. I have a CP collection I need to work on and get posted ASAP.


Love my O Family!
We had a little bit of rain last night! :dancingbfly: Nowhere near enough to make any sort of difference in the water table but I am not gonna say no to a few sprinkles. I think yesterday was the last of the freakishly warm temps which I guess is appropriate seeing that we are in the last 8 days of Oct. I made an appt for the dogs next week-- November 1. For real! :thud:
*still not thinking about Thanksgiving*

Yesterday was kind of boring, I think. The afternoon somehow got away from me and looking back, I'm not sure what I did. I started out the day cleaning at my friend's and then cleaned here a little when I got home. I scrapped a page for a Color Play kit and cooked dinner. I got a little lost in lesson plans prep for today and then the Weis Director called to chat. She is interested in having me help out some more with either Girl Scout/Cub Scout Badges or field trips for an HS pod. One of the moms from my HS group asked the other day about it and Anne wants me to help with it too. I love that idea!

I have the morning to putter about here and then work this afternoon. Scott is coming for dinner tonight and I have no idea what I am going to do about actual food. I usually have something easy for Gary to make on the days I am working yet everything on my meal plan is complicated. We do have frozen pizza so I think that's going to be it.

Wishing everyone a lovely day!
Hope you had a great day!


Love my O Family!
@BoatLady Sorry about the Cha-ching part of the new doors but your safety is important too. I hope this brings you some extra sense of protection. Ladies' Lunch and Pool Day sounds incredible, especially mimosas! I hope that you made sure you waited 30 minutes to go swimming after the mimosas, you wouldn't want to sink! LOL!

@Terri M How awesome to have a Trails Crew Pizza Party. It is nice to be appreciated :)

*whoosh* that went right over her head, didn't it? :rotfl:

@taxed4ever How did you do at your MILs yesterday? Is the house ready for Aunt Betty? I hope that your ILs (thinking about FIL right about now ;) ) didn't make you bonkers.
Sorry that you weren't able to go on your hike but at least you'll have next week too. My hiking buddy somehow convinced me to sign up for a 7-mile hike this Saturday. She said-- the leaves will be worth it! (we'll see how I feel about this on Sunday hahaha!)

I hope so! I'm trying my best to teach and have fun at the same time. Today's lesson is on Hibernation and Torpor. I made word cards on those topics and the kids are going to write a story using the cards. Each kid will get two random cards and make 1-2 sentences each. They might not remember everything about hibernation but hopefully, they will get enough to make a silly story about it.

What happens if you wake up before your DH?? What happens if he has a day off??? How do you have coffee ready for you the instant you get out of bed?????

Thank you!
Glad to hear that at least part of you isn't too sore. I think the bubble suit is extremely fashionable, you should get one ;)
Any luck finding the lost photos??

@BrightEyes You have my full sympathy at having to get up and have lab work done.
I don't know if any of you heard, but the waffle recall was expanded to include frozen pancakes as well. :/ Glad that it was easy to get the refund on the frozen meals.
How did DD#3/SIL make out with their vaccinations? *fingers crossed no side effects for them*

@Cherylndesigns OMG, you are going to need Vicky's bubble suit too if you keep going to the softball games! Or a helmet or something. That is wacky that everyone was getting hit. You're right, it could have been worse all around.

Hugs back atcha!!

No luck with the photos from the camera, unfortunately!
My rib has been sore today, unfortunately!


Love my O Family!
We are definitely in peak color and are having gorgeous days. I had thought that this summer's drought would have affected this fall's colors but maybe that September rain was early enough because it's a beautiful year. We always take a day to drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway at this time, but we didn't get a chance this week and we have learned to stay away from it on weekends in October, so maybe early next week won't be too late.

Back when we were both working, David often had 8:00 or 9:00 classes, so would get up early. I wasn't expected at the church until 10:00, so definitely not an early riser. By the time I got to the coffee it was at least an hour old, ick. That's when we got the Keurig; it may not be the world's best coffee, but at least it's fresh when I get it. On our trip to Europe, I had a hotel room with a Nespresso for a couple days. I'm thinking that I may treat myself to one. I have an inexpensive espresso machine but it's more trouble than I want to deal with first thing out of bed. I'm now in a multi-day argument with myself with decluttering & saving money on one hand and my desire for early morning cappuccino on the other.

I totally need that! Although it won't be too comfortable in Virginia summers!

That's terrible! Not on a memory card someplace? Having been in tech when most of it was being developed, I've retained my conviction that it will all fail eventually, and don't trust any of it. So I over-backup, which can be expensive. Someday I'll be gone and none of this will matter to anyone else, but I'll let the kids work that out.

Whoa! I'm glad it was no worse! Your glasses didn't break - that's so lucky for you. Maybe you need to add a football helmet to your game wardrobe.
I had not checked the SD card in the camera, but that is where the photos automatically go and when I just checked the "review," I get "memory contains no images."


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! Another busy day as the In-Laws want SIL and myself to come over around 10:30 and spend most of the day with them and Aunt Betty. Apparently she wanting to update the family history and for some reason MIL think that I have all that on one of my computers :hahano:. Anyway I supposed to bring over my iPad and work on some of the history with Aunt Betty. I am pretty sure MIL means that it is all on Ancestry.ca and we should be able to update whatever is on there. I spent the entire day in MIL kitchen and made numerous meals, which was ok, but I didn't know that I was going to be doing it all on my own!!! FIL was fretting the whole time about updating his new tv, so I had to stop what I was doing and take care of that, it was easy but sheesh man what you need isn't more important than what everyone else needs. :crazy:. I kept my cool and just dealt with it, the glass of wine at the end of the day was very much needed :wine4:!! Anyway I now have to get my 7 layer salad prepared before going over this morning and then I have a apple pie to cook at some point this afternoon, good thing I only live across the street so I can run back and forth while I am updating family history :bouncing::thud:. I bet I sleep really good tonight!! It will be really great to see Aunt Betty again, she is a total polar opposite of MIL, always happy, always in for an adventure and has travelled the world, where MIL doesn't understand why anyone would want to travel anywhere. Oh well I guess life would be boring if we were all the same right?!!

Glad to hear that you got at least a bit of rain! Heather was telling me that they have had really warm temps there as well, so crazy for the later part of October! Guess it makes up for the crappy weather they had all summer long.

Your pool day sounds wonderful!! Can I come down on join you on Thursdays??

Ohhh no Kay, you poor thing having that darn cough come back to pester you again!! Hope the nurse practitioner can get you some answers and relief. Sending you healing hugs :hug1:.

OUCH!! Vicky your poor arm looks so very sore!! Really girl you need to wrap yourself in protective gear!! Sorry about the lose of your beautiful photos!! There has to be something out there that can recover them!! I did find this on You Tube but not sure if it will be helpful or not

Yes you are truly crazy!! :crazy:. Ha, Ha, just kidding I hope you have a great day in the kitchen :giggle4:.

@Cherylndesigns - Yikes you need to wear a helmet and face mask the next time you go to the ballgames!! Glad that you did not get badly hurt! Be careful please !!

Ok I need to get this salad made and then get dressed and ready to go, have a lovely day everyone! :bye2:
Thanks, Trudy, I'll watch the video and see if I can learn anything helpful!


Well-Known Member
We had a little bit of rain last night! :dancingbfly: Nowhere near enough to make any sort of difference in the water table but I am not gonna say no to a few sprinkles. I think yesterday was the last of the freakishly warm temps which I guess is appropriate seeing that we are in the last 8 days of the last 8 days of Oct.
Wow, that's great Chris, no rain here! o_O


Well-Known Member
I seriously want to shove a toothbrush up my nose to scratch . :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: The visual!!! Do you want me to send a new toothbrush???Maybe a baby one thats smaller and softer???
I am back home... with new meds.
I'm glad you went back and were checked. I'm sorry you have to do another round of meds.

Pst........ Chris and Marilyn......... @faerywings @MariJ .............. Guess what???? We have our first few snow flakes falling!!!!! So far its just spitting out of the sky, not really snowing but we shall see what happens as the night goes on.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening to all of you crazy people.

I'm sitting here, reading all of your posts and mostly laughing - we are a crazy crazy bunch.

I went out to dinner with Adrienne tonight (Roger's in Florida). We went to one of our favorite places - Raffa - they have "bowls" and wraps. I got the lettuce base, with brown rice, a little chicken, some cheddar cheese and some non-spicy white sauce. It tasted so good and I only ate half of it so I'll have the rest for lunch tomorrow.

Then, we went to Walmart. It was scarily not busy - that was weird. Adrienne was looking for Halloween decor and they didn't have much. I told her that you have to shop for Halloween on the fourth of July. :rotfl:Anyhoo, I got some adorable pumpkins - they're kind of crocheted, if you can picture it. I got two of them to put on my mantle along with some small ones that I already had.

Chris @faerywings Adrienne found Tex the other day - I KNEW he was up at her house - he's back where he belongs - leaning up against the wall on my bar. Lex is still in the attic (poor Lex) but when Ava comes over, I'm going to have her climb up and get him. I want to put him on the front porch in one of my chairs. They're going to stay here where they belong from now on. All of my Christmas stuff is in the attic too.

I'm going to cut this short. I'm trying to get all of the Color Plays that I have committed to done.

Yes, it was pretty weird last night to get hit by a baseball. I think I need a helmet of a bubblewrap suit like Vicky's.

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.
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Well-Known Member
Pst........ Chris and Marilyn......... @faerywings @MariJ .............. Guess what???? We have our first few snow flakes falling!!!!! So far its just spitting out of the sky, not really snowing but we shall see what happens as the night goes on.
How did you make out Tracy? Oh, my.... I shudder to even think of that 4-letter word! :cold:
(Seriously, is there no snow emojii or can't I find it?!!! :D )


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! Another busy day as the In-Laws want SIL and myself to come over around 10:30 and spend most of the day with them and Aunt Betty. Apparently she wanting to update the family history and for some reason MIL think that I have all that on one of my computers :hahano:. Anyway I supposed to bring over my iPad and work on some of the history with Aunt Betty. I am pretty sure MIL means that it is all on Ancestry.ca and we should be able to update whatever is on there. I spent the entire day in MIL kitchen and made numerous meals, which was ok, but I didn't know that I was going to be doing it all on my own!!! FIL was fretting the whole time about updating his new tv, so I had to stop what I was doing and take care of that, it was easy but sheesh man what you need isn't more important than what everyone else needs. :crazy:. I kept my cool and just dealt with it, the glass of wine at the end of the day was very much needed :wine4:!! Anyway I now have to get my 7 layer salad prepared before going over this morning and then I have a apple pie to cook at some point this afternoon, good thing I only live across the street so I can run back and forth while I am updating family history :bouncing::thud:. I bet I sleep really good tonight!! It will be really great to see Aunt Betty again, she is a total polar opposite of MIL, always happy, always in for an adventure and has travelled the world, where MIL doesn't understand why anyone would want to travel anywhere. Oh well I guess life would be boring if we were all the same right?!!

Glad to hear that you got at least a bit of rain! Heather was telling me that they have had really warm temps there as well, so crazy for the later part of October! Guess it makes up for the crappy weather they had all summer long.

Your pool day sounds wonderful!! Can I come down on join you on Thursdays??

Ohhh no Kay, you poor thing having that darn cough come back to pester you again!! Hope the nurse practitioner can get you some answers and relief. Sending you healing hugs :hug1:.

OUCH!! Vicky your poor arm looks so very sore!! Really girl you need to wrap yourself in protective gear!! Sorry about the lose of your beautiful photos!! There has to be something out there that can recover them!! I did find this on You Tube but not sure if it will be helpful or not

Yes you are truly crazy!! :crazy:. Ha, Ha, just kidding I hope you have a great day in the kitchen :giggle4:.

@Cherylndesigns - Yikes you need to wear a helmet and face mask the next time you go to the ballgames!! Glad that you did not get badly hurt! Be careful please !!

Ok I need to get this salad made and then get dressed and ready to go, have a lovely day everyone! :bye2:
It might only apply to photos deleted.....I always MOVE mine. I have asked him a question about it. Thanks, Trudy!