
Daily Ooos: Thursday, November 9


The Loopy-O

Good morning!
It's cold here this morning but not as bad as yesterday. I am not ready at all for the next few months of late autumn and winter and unfortunately, you are going to be stuck hearing me complain. Feel free to :ignore1:

I don't know if I mentioned but I had been feeling physically as well as mentally crummy the last couple of weeks. To the point I was freaking myself out that I was having a heart attack. A several-week long heart attack LOL My neck has been stiff for months and my jaw and shoulder/arm are also sore. Googling symptoms surprisingly (wink) didn't reassure me. Monday was awful- I felt sick the entire day, aside from the hour at Coloring Crew. I realized yesterday that I have been having low-key panic attacks. Or severe anxiety attacks. Not sure if there is a crossover between the two. The last couple of months have been so stressful and the issues with my parents were the breaking point.
When the lightbulb hit yesterday (took me long enough, better late than never ;) ), I decided that I *have to* put self-care at the top of my priority list. So I am stating it here which will force me to be accountable to myself. Otherwise, I won't survive the next few months in one piece.
One of my goals is to get back into yoga regularly. I don't drink as much water when I am cold so I know being dehydrated is playing into the crummy feeling. I am going to make sure I sit with my therapy light on every morning. And I have to ask for help around the house.

I also know that if I don't take care of myself now -physically/mentally/emotionally- I am going to end up like my mom. I don't want to feel bitter for the rest of my life at things I could have changed right now.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. ♥

Keeping that in mind, today is going to be a little bit of housework, yoga, and a lot of me-time. I have to call the State again. Gary called yesterday and had no luck. Still no luck finding the spider light holders. I did go into the attic and I did open all of the taped boxes even as I had my tantrum. I have no idea where they could be. Tonight I have leftovers so no worry about what to cook.

*deep breath*

I got this.



The Loopy-O
@joyfulheartdesigns I can understand why you don't want to change your avatar, Thissle is a cutie. And what a fab name. Did you have Thissle at the same time as Whisper? Such great names. ♥
I hope that the window covers help with the drafts.

@Cherylndesigns Please tell me you had better sleep last night than the night before. You jinxed yourself with the time change, didn't you? *G*
Black labs sure do shed a lot. I think there is still some of Ravyn's fur floating around my house and she's been gone since 2020.
I don't even want to think about dealing with hospital billing for Chuck. I swear, insurance companies make it so complicated that most people-- especially the elderly- will give up and pay whatever the bills say. :mad:
Oh no! Is Chuck medically stable where you can get him released even -- what's the term.... against medical advice or whatever?
I hope the rehab is just being overly cautious with visitors and that Chuck isn't at risk, well, any more than he is because of his lungs. Good luck and good healthy vibes!

@bcgal00 Happy moving thoughts to you all!

@taxed4ever I hope that the weather cleared up for you to head out on the kayaks yesterday. Much, much nicer to be enjoying the outdoors than it is thinking about Christmas. I decided that I am asking for a new computer chair. The covering has been peeling off for months which didn't bother me but now the material underneath is shredding. I was going to ask for a tablet, the one I have is a hand-me-down and crashes often but I think a decent chair is more important. Gotta be comfortable when I scrap :D
Your Gary is lucky you didn't hit him for asking about the pumpkins :batfight::
At least in the US, we have our Thanksgiving as the kick-off to the "official" holiday season. it's a small but needed buffer.

@BrightEyes Uh-oh! Songs stuck in your head... I have had Eternal Flame in mine for weeks since it was in an episode of Pushing Daisies. I always wondered how they did the special effects for Benjamin Button, that was a good movie.
Thank you for mentioning the Direct Deposit issue. I read a few articles and it doesn't seem like it would have been the issue with mine.

@vickyday How long was the audiobook? It took me weeks to finish reading the book. I had to take it in smaller bits it was so emotionally "dense." Talk about a surprise ending. *nods*

Betetr got going, Jaida is jumping around to go outside. xoxo


Morning, all. Had to upload a couple of CT LOs to the galleries this morning before popping in here.
I forgot to do them yesterday...:eek::thud:Need to work on a couple of CT LOs this morning as they are due at the designer's tomorrow. And... they are going to take a bit of thinking to decide which memories I want to scrap. Clearing the mail off the island and up-dating the DVD inventory will have to wait until the LOs are done.

I realized yesterday that I have been having low-key panic attacks. Or severe anxiety attacks. Not sure if there is a crossover between the two. The last couple of months have been so stressful and the issues with my parents were the breaking point.
When the lightbulb hit yesterday (took me long enough, better late than never ;) ), I decided that I *have to* put self-care at the top of my priority list. So I am stating it here which will force me to be accountable to myself. Otherwise, I won't survive the next few months in one piece.
One of my goals is to get back into yoga regularly. I don't drink as much water when I am cold so I know being dehydrated is playing into the crummy feeling. I am going to make sure I sit with my therapy light on every morning. And I have to ask for help around the house.

I also know that if I don't take care of myself now -physically/mentally/emotionally- I am going to end up like my mom. I don't want to feel bitter for the rest of my life at things I could have changed right now.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. ♥
Chris, so sorry you have been having such problems... but glad you realize what is going on. Yes... SELF CARE needs to be a priority as you can't help others if you are too stressed! :hug1:

@Cherylndesigns sure hope that your DH gets released today. He was right to say no visitors while Covid is going on at the center.

@LSlycord WHERE ARE YOU??? Miss seeing you pop in here. Hope all is well with you and the family. Did they get you set up for your surgery yet??

@vickyday Hope you are feeling better. Sorry that the spine doc's appt is not until mid-December.

I better get busy on scrapping. HAGD


Love my O Family!

Good morning!
It's cold here this morning but not as bad as yesterday. I am not ready at all for the next few months of late autumn and winter and unfortunately, you are going to be stuck hearing me complain. Feel free to :ignore1:

I don't know if I mentioned but I had been feeling physically as well as mentally crummy the last couple of weeks. To the point I was freaking myself out that I was having a heart attack. A several-week long heart attack LOL My neck has been stiff for months and my jaw and shoulder/arm are also sore. Googling symptoms surprisingly (wink) didn't reassure me. Monday was awful- I felt sick the entire day, aside from the hour at Coloring Crew. I realized yesterday that I have been having low-key panic attacks. Or severe anxiety attacks. Not sure if there is a crossover between the two. The last couple of months have been so stressful and the issues with my parents were the breaking point.
When the lightbulb hit yesterday (took me long enough, better late than never ;) ), I decided that I *have to* put self-care at the top of my priority list. So I am stating it here which will force me to be accountable to myself. Otherwise, I won't survive the next few months in one piece.
One of my goals is to get back into yoga regularly. I don't drink as much water when I am cold so I know being dehydrated is playing into the crummy feeling. I am going to make sure I sit with my therapy light on every morning. And I have to ask for help around the house.

I also know that if I don't take care of myself now -physically/mentally/emotionally- I am going to end up like my mom. I don't want to feel bitter for the rest of my life at things I could have changed right now.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. ♥

Keeping that in mind, today is going to be a little bit of housework, yoga, and a lot of me-time. I have to call the State again. Gary called yesterday and had no luck. Still no luck finding the spider light holders. I did go into the attic and I did open all of the taped boxes even as I had my tantrum. I have no idea where they could be. Tonight I have leftovers so no worry about what to cook.

*deep breath*

I got this.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Don't get so caught up in the madness of the holidays that it makes you crazy! Delegate, delegate, delegate! :heartpumpred:


Love my O Family!
@joyfulheartdesigns I can understand why you don't want to change your avatar, Thissle is a cutie. And what a fab name. Did you have Thissle at the same time as Whisper? Such great names. ♥
I hope that the window covers help with the drafts.

@Cherylndesigns Please tell me you had better sleep last night than the night before. You jinxed yourself with the time change, didn't you? *G*
Black labs sure do shed a lot. I think there is still some of Ravyn's fur floating around my house and she's been gone since 2020.
I don't even want to think about dealing with hospital billing for Chuck. I swear, insurance companies make it so complicated that most people-- especially the elderly- will give up and pay whatever the bills say. :mad:
Oh no! Is Chuck medically stable where you can get him released even -- what's the term.... against medical advice or whatever?
I hope the rehab is just being overly cautious with visitors and that Chuck isn't at risk, well, any more than he is because of his lungs. Good luck and good healthy vibes!

@bcgal00 Happy moving thoughts to you all!

@taxed4ever I hope that the weather cleared up for you to head out on the kayaks yesterday. Much, much nicer to be enjoying the outdoors than it is thinking about Christmas. I decided that I am asking for a new computer chair. The covering has been peeling off for months which didn't bother me but now the material underneath is shredding. I was going to ask for a tablet, the one I have is a hand-me-down and crashes often but I think a decent chair is more important. Gotta be comfortable when I scrap :D
Your Gary is lucky you didn't hit him for asking about the pumpkins :batfight::
At least in the US, we have our Thanksgiving as the kick-off to the "official" holiday season. it's a small but needed buffer.

@BrightEyes Uh-oh! Songs stuck in your head... I have had Eternal Flame in mine for weeks since it was in an episode of Pushing Daisies. I always wondered how they did the special effects for Benjamin Button, that was a good movie.
Thank you for mentioning the Direct Deposit issue. I read a few articles and it doesn't seem like it would have been the issue with mine.

@vickyday How long was the audiobook? It took me weeks to finish reading the book. I had to take it in smaller bits it was so emotionally "dense." Talk about a surprise ending. *nods*

Betetr got going, Jaida is jumping around to go outside. xoxo
I think the book was 36 + hours! Yes, I had to listen a little at a time!


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Had to upload a couple of CT LOs to the galleries this morning before popping in here.
I forgot to do them yesterday...:eek::thud:Need to work on a couple of CT LOs this morning as they are due at the designer's tomorrow. And... they are going to take a bit of thinking to decide which memories I want to scrap. Clearing the mail off the island and up-dating the DVD inventory will have to wait until the LOs are done.

Chris, so sorry you have been having such problems... but glad you realize what is going on. Yes... SELF CARE needs to be a priority as you can't help others if you are too stressed! :hug1:

@Cherylndesigns sure hope that your DH gets released today. He was right to say no visitors while Covid is going on at the center.

@LSlycord WHERE ARE YOU??? Miss seeing you pop in here. Hope all is well with you and the family. Did they get you set up for your surgery yet??

@vickyday Hope you are feeling better. Sorry that the spine doc's appt is not until mid-December.

I better get busy on scrapping. HAGD
I'm on the waiting list for cancellations, so I am hoping I will end up with one before December!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
I had a @Cherylndesigns night last night so I am about half dead today! Tossing and turning the night away with my arm hurting and I just could not get comfortable! I took some Tylenol about 6:30 and finally got a few hours of sleep before waking up at 9. With all the flip-flopping last night I'm on the heating pad for my back today. The good news is that Ilene might come for a visit after visiting with Carolyn. Until then I think I will try to work another challenge or two!
HAGD! :waving1:hug4:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is super foggy out there this morning! We did not get out on the Lake yesterday :sad2:, we did however go for a super long walk. I took SIL Linda through the back wood trails to Providence Farm, where DD Heather used to take her riding therapy. She had never been there and was very happy that we went! The walk ended up being almost 6km. Its a lovely place and Heather and I have very fond memories of it! I have a layout somewhere back in time of when she was in riding therapy, I will have to try to find it. Today I have to take my ring in to the jeweller. It has a missing diamond chip, I hate to think what it will cost to replace it :eek2:. I also have to call the Dr. to make an appointment for my Gary, its time to have his hernia dealt with, its been bothering him for far too long now. Goodness knows how long it will take to have it fixed. SIL Linda wants me to go shopping with her today for Christmas lights for her place. She hasn't got any and I would love to see what I can find in the way of Christmas decor, so I guess I am having to deal with Christmas if I like it or not LOL. I got my October calendar page loaded to the gallery, but realized this morning that it is not the right size, so I changed that before I started this post. You can actually see it properly now :giggle4:.

@faerywings - Sorry that you are dealing with anxiety, you have been under a lot of stress lately and the problems with your Mom and Dad are not helping at all!! Yes please take good care of yourself and start delegating some of the work load to others, I am sure that they will be more than willing to help out! Sending you lots of zen vibes :sparkles1::sparkles1: I hope that yoga will help you out with that! Oh and if you don't drink water so much in the cold weather, perhaps some hot water to drink will be more to your liking?? Or some good bone broth, I highly recommend that!!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you will have a busy morning with scrapping! I meant to say yesterday that I own the DVD of Benjamin Button, such a great movie and Brad Pitt was amazing in it!

@vickyday - Ouch!! Sorry that your arm was keeping you from sleeping well last night! Glad that the Tylenol is helping you out though. How nice to hear that Ilene will be stopping in for a visit, I bet you will have a lovely time together chatting away! :groupchat:. Enjoy your scrapping today!

Well I better get ready to go to the store with Linda, hopefully we find what she is looking for and I don't spend too much money on what I really don't need LOL. Have a great Thursday everyone! :cowwaving:


Jenn :)
@joyfulheartdesigns I can understand why you don't want to change your avatar, Thissle is a cutie. And what a fab name. Did you have Thissle at the same time as Whisper? Such great names. ♥
I hope that the window covers help with the drafts.

@Cherylndesigns Please tell me you had better sleep last night than the night before. You jinxed yourself with the time change, didn't you? *G*
Black labs sure do shed a lot. I think there is still some of Ravyn's fur floating around my house and she's been gone since 2020.
I don't even want to think about dealing with hospital billing for Chuck. I swear, insurance companies make it so complicated that most people-- especially the elderly- will give up and pay whatever the bills say. :mad:
Oh no! Is Chuck medically stable where you can get him released even -- what's the term.... against medical advice or whatever?
I hope the rehab is just being overly cautious with visitors and that Chuck isn't at risk, well, any more than he is because of his lungs. Good luck and good healthy vibes!

@bcgal00 Happy moving thoughts to you all!

@taxed4ever I hope that the weather cleared up for you to head out on the kayaks yesterday. Much, much nicer to be enjoying the outdoors than it is thinking about Christmas. I decided that I am asking for a new computer chair. The covering has been peeling off for months which didn't bother me but now the material underneath is shredding. I was going to ask for a tablet, the one I have is a hand-me-down and crashes often but I think a decent chair is more important. Gotta be comfortable when I scrap :D
Your Gary is lucky you didn't hit him for asking about the pumpkins :batfight::
At least in the US, we have our Thanksgiving as the kick-off to the "official" holiday season. it's a small but needed buffer.

@BrightEyes Uh-oh! Songs stuck in your head... I have had Eternal Flame in mine for weeks since it was in an episode of Pushing Daisies. I always wondered how they did the special effects for Benjamin Button, that was a good movie.
Thank you for mentioning the Direct Deposit issue. I read a few articles and it doesn't seem like it would have been the issue with mine.

@vickyday How long was the audiobook? It took me weeks to finish reading the book. I had to take it in smaller bits it was so emotionally "dense." Talk about a surprise ending. *nods*

Betetr got going, Jaida is jumping around to go outside. xoxo
Thanks!! :beatingheart: We have only had Whisper for one year now, this month, actually! It is amazing how much she has grown and calmed down...I love that sweet baby...I wish she liked kisses on her face!! :giggle4: We bought the bearded dragons back in November 2015. My oldest daughter, Abigail, still has Copper, a huge female who pretty much just lays around all day now. Thissle was my youngest daughter, Chloe's, sweet boy...she is the one who named him...I think she originally was thinking of a "thistle" flower, but when she spelled it, she spelled it without the "t", so we just went with it! LOL She was 9 years old when she got him :) He ended up developing a HUGE bump on his back that just got bigger and bigger :( We had it tested a few times, and the vet couldn't figure out what was going on, and it eventually started to open and we could tell he was in pain, so we had him put to sleep in November 2021 :crying1: I hadn't realized until now that it was the same month that we had gotten him as a tiny baby dragon! It really is amazing that the lived as long as he did since he was a runt...he was so small compared to Copper! Chloe named Whisper, as well...Abigail is the one who purchased Whisper from our neighbors across the street, but she ended up giving her to Chloe as a gift, and Chloe put in a LOT of time holding Whisper every day so she would get used to humans, and I try to hold her once a day, myself, so she will be used to me...it is working! :heartpumppink:

Oh! Funny thing that happened here, yesterday afternoon...I was standing by the back door here in my laundry room/office area, vacuuming up those pesky Asian beetles that look like lady bugs (they keep getting inside...grr!), I looked down and saw a snake slithering away from the back door towards the dryer! I called out for Chloe to come and get it, and she just went right up to it (with gloves on) and picked it up! LOL She is so good with snakes...it is amazing! It ended up being a sweet little baby rat snake :lovey3: This is the third rat snake that we have had in the house over the last 4 months! We had one, similar in size, in the hallway that Chloe caught and put outside, and then we had a BIG one in the hallway again that we never were able to catch. It had been up in the attic, we could hear it slithering around through the ceiling, and it ended up coming down the AC closet area. We tried to get it out, but it went back up inside there, and we haven't seen it since, or heard it! lol As long as it is helping with the mice situation here, I am just fine with it living with us! LOL This old 1911 house has so many cracks and holes that we don't even know about, I am sure, so we end up with a variety of things coming in...:rotfl:


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It is super foggy out there this morning! We did not get out on the Lake yesterday :sad2:, we did however go for a super long walk. I took SIL Linda through the back wood trails to Providence Farm, where DD Heather used to take her riding therapy. She had never been there and was very happy that we went! The walk ended up being almost 6km. Its a lovely place and Heather and I have very fond memories of it! I have a layout somewhere back in time of when she was in riding therapy, I will have to try to find it. Today I have to take my ring in to the jeweller. It has a missing diamond chip, I hate to think what it will cost to replace it :eek2:. I also have to call the Dr. to make an appointment for my Gary, its time to have his hernia dealt with, its been bothering him for far too long now. Goodness knows how long it will take to have it fixed. SIL Linda wants me to go shopping with her today for Christmas lights for her place. She hasn't got any and I would love to see what I can find in the way of Christmas decor, so I guess I am having to deal with Christmas if I like it or not LOL. I got my October calendar page loaded to the gallery, but realized this morning that it is not the right size, so I changed that before I started this post. You can actually see it properly now :giggle4:.

@faerywings - Sorry that you are dealing with anxiety, you have been under a lot of stress lately and the problems with your Mom and Dad are not helping at all!! Yes please take good care of yourself and start delegating some of the work load to others, I am sure that they will be more than willing to help out! Sending you lots of zen vibes :sparkles1::sparkles1: I hope that yoga will help you out with that! Oh and if you don't drink water so much in the cold weather, perhaps some hot water to drink will be more to your liking?? Or some good bone broth, I highly recommend that!!

@BrightEyes - Sounds like you will have a busy morning with scrapping! I meant to say yesterday that I own the DVD of Benjamin Button, such a great movie and Brad Pitt was amazing in it!

@vickyday - Ouch!! Sorry that your arm was keeping you from sleeping well last night! Glad that the Tylenol is helping you out though. How nice to hear that Ilene will be stopping in for a visit, I bet you will have a lovely time together chatting away! :groupchat:. Enjoy your scrapping today!

Well I better get ready to go to the store with Linda, hopefully we find what she is looking for and I don't spend too much money on what I really don't need LOL. Have a great Thursday everyone! :cowwaving:
I'm going to have to take some more Tylenol for my tiredness headache now, lol! Good news is that Ilene is on her way soon!
Have a great day with your SIL, even if it is for Christmas, lol!


Love my O Family!
Thanks!! :beatingheart: We have only had Whisper for one year now, this month, actually! It is amazing how much she has grown and calmed down...I love that sweet baby...I wish she liked kisses on her face!! :giggle4: We bought the bearded dragons back in November 2015. My oldest daughter, Abigail, still has Copper, a huge female who pretty much just lays around all day now. Thissle was my youngest daughter, Chloe's, sweet boy...she is the one who named him...I think she originally was thinking of a "thistle" flower, but when she spelled it, she spelled it without the "t", so we just went with it! LOL She was 9 years old when she got him :) He ended up developing a HUGE bump on his back that just got bigger and bigger :( We had it tested a few times, and the vet couldn't figure out what was going on, and it eventually started to open and we could tell he was in pain, so we had him put to sleep in November 2021 :crying1: I hadn't realized until now that it was the same month that we had gotten him as a tiny baby dragon! It really is amazing that the lived as long as he did since he was a runt...he was so small compared to Copper! Chloe named Whisper, as well...Abigail is the one who purchased Whisper from our neighbors across the street, but she ended up giving her to Chloe as a gift, and Chloe put in a LOT of time holding Whisper every day so she would get used to humans, and I try to hold her once a day, myself, so she will be used to me...it is working! :heartpumppink:

Oh! Funny thing that happened here, yesterday afternoon...I was standing by the back door here in my laundry room/office area, vacuuming up those pesky Asian beetles that look like lady bugs (they keep getting inside...grr!), I looked down and saw a snake slithering away from the back door towards the dryer! I called out for Chloe to come and get it, and she just went right up to it (with gloves on) and picked it up! LOL She is so good with snakes...it is amazing! It ended up being a sweet little baby rat snake :lovey3: This is the third rat snake that we have had in the house over the last 4 months! We had one, similar in size, in the hallway that Chloe caught and put outside, and then we had a BIG one in the hallway again that we never were able to catch. It had been up in the attic, we could hear it slithering around through the ceiling, and it ended up coming down the AC closet area. We tried to get it out, but it went back up inside there, and we haven't seen it since, or heard it! lol As long as it is helping with the mice situation here, I am just fine with it living with us! LOL This old 1911 house has so many cracks and holes that we don't even know about, I am sure, so we end up with a variety of things coming in...:rotfl:
It would take a HUGE effort to allow a snake to live with me, no matter what it was keeping at bay, lol! :eek3::hiding2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, all. I slept better last night, thank goodness. I just mopped the kitchen floor - I think Casey is coming tomorrow, but the floor was sticky too, under the cabinet overhang - don't know what that was, so I decided to mop.

Vicky @vickyday I had to laugh at your description of your sleep (or lack of) last night. :floorlaugh: Hope your head is better and you enjoy your visit today.

Chris @faerywings we'll help you stay on track with your self care. :cheer:I'm not setting a very good example today though. :greengrin::giggle4: Thanks for reminding me about our SAD lights - I'm going to get mine out as soon as I post this. That's exactly what I need today - see, you helped me! :yourock: I've been slacking on my workouts too, but started again yesterday and am going to muster up the energy to do them today, as soon as my lunch settles. I DO always feel better when I get done.

Kay @BrightEyes I definitely want Chuck out of there ASAP. They're still "evaluating" when that can happen. The medical wheels grind slowly, as I'm sure you know. :cuffed::banghead: I've always called it "hospital time".

Trudy @taxed4ever hope you don't get "sticker shock" when you take your ring in. Sounds expensive to me. Hope you're pleasantly surprised. "Expect the worst and hope for the best." :giggle4:goofysmile1

Jenn @joyfulheartdesigns good to see you in here and I'm in @vickyday camp about the snakes. However, I must say that I saw a lot more snakes in Florida - I saw one almost every day down there. We always lived on a preserve, so there were snakes and alligators. I've had them swimming in my pool, sunning themselves on the cage over the pool and saw lots of them just slithering along. I DID love the geckoes though and I think I told you that we had "stowaways" when we moved out here. They're surviving, thriving and multiplying. LOL

I'm going to try to stop being a slug - I hope that mopping the kitchen will help. J/K cleaning never makes me less "slugish".

Hugs to all.