
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, May 22


The Loopy-O
Is it Friday yet? It sure feels like it should be. But one more day, then a three day weekend!
Scott's birthday turned out wonderfully! I had totally forgot that we had his Time Capsule in the attic. Gary remembered it right before he came home from school. What a blast it was to open that up. The letters especially were so touching. We had closed it right around his first birthday and everyone wrote similar things about him and the impact he had on them when he was born. There were also some cool magazines and photos we had added and some very funny predictions about how Gary and I thought that there would be flying cars and stuff like that.

Today is my BFF's birthday who is his Godmother. I had hoped that they would share a b-day. His due date was the 20 so when I asked her I said "I hope that the baby and his godmother have the same b-day." It took her a few minutes for that to register and then it hit her. :)

Today I am working this afternoon but I hope I can get some of the stuff that is laying all over my desk to be cleaned up. If I had a quarter for every time I said that..........

Temptation on Thursday:
Eat that last piece of birthday cake that is in the fridge- It came from Gencarelli's of Real Housewives of NJ fame and it was really yummy!


The Loopy-O
Hi Phyllis- we have the thunderstorms coming in today. Yes, a good day for reading. If I ever wrote a book, I would be the Queen of Exclamation Points and Ellipses. LOL
How is the book so far, and what is it about?

T- I must have missed stuff about pests? I hope that the house is back in order. I made shrimp scampi over linguine and spinach salad with apples and walnuts and gorgonzola cheese. Italian bread on the side.
That is probably not good if your dd has allergies b/c of the shellfish.

Hope that everyone is well, and that Trudy and Nancy are enjoying their trips!



Well-Known Member
Just a quick hello. Having an awesome trip. So far over 60 birds and several new ones for me. Have gotten some good pics. Rode around Mackinic island so fun there was even cool fog. Today off to see waterfalls in upper peninsula of Michigan.

Have a great day


Well-Known Member
Nancy, it sounds like a GREAT trip!! isn't Mackinac pretty? i love the view as the water taxi is approaching the island. beautiful.

T, this is So true!
After a while, you feel like you're mentally hyperventilating because there are no pauses!
more often than the hyperventilating, though, i find that, by the end of the sentence, i forget who the pronouns are referring to.... (and there we have not only a lot of commas, but some grammatical errors, too. but i just can't write "i forget to whom the pronouns refer" with a straight face....)

Chris, what a yum dinner you made. except i can't eat shrimp anymore because of the strange Old Person Shellfish Allergy that showed up for me a few years ago. the time capsule sounds so fun! the book my niece's husband wrote is a fictional account of the end of Atlantis, with some time travel of souls involved. i'm only about 40 pages in, and it's not terrible, which is a compliment from me. he did make the Cardinal Sin of writing "a myriad OF...," which sets me off like a crazy person, and there are some grammar errors and editing oversights, but that's expected these days, i guess. the writing so far is not so annoying that i NEEEED to stop reading, so i will press on. the premise seems interesting.

the newspaper delivery person woke me up AGAIN at 4 a.m., so it's going to be a long day, i guess. i'm going out in search of Breyers Low Carb ice cream bars. our local grocery monopoly stopped carrying them, and they were one of my few commercial dessert choices. i'm still working on the refinishing of my kitchen cabinets, so i did some of that this morn. i'm about a third of the way done. this will take FOREVER!!!

off to shower and set out in search of ice cream. Happy Day, guys. :becky:
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lOve the O!
hello all, one day closer to vacation. Bought patriotic tees at the grocery store- remember when they just sold groceries and dry goods?? Hoping for good weather, but if not I will make the best of it, it is not work. Will get to meet up with oldest son as well. Okay off to plant the flowers I bought!!