
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, May 15


The Loopy-O
Good morning! I promise that I will not unload on you today like I did yesterday. Oh man, that was brutal. I was literally ( and yes, I mean that "literally") cycling between the feeling of wanting to rip heads off and wanting to cry and cry and cry. I was feeling pretty damn sorry for myself, eh?
well, I guess everyone deserves a day to do that on occasion. Wish I didn't have those days as often as I do but I guess as long as I pull myself together in the end, it will have to do.

My morning was pretty much crap. Although there were some good spots. I finally got the incentive, for lack of a better word, to make the appt for my Bone density Scan. I have osteopenia and it had been 8 years since my last scan so my Gyn wanted me to have another one. That was before Mammo Hell began. So I called to make the appt, really not wanting to have to drive back down the the hospital, but get this-- the Hospital has a brand spanking new radiology center IN MY TOWN!!!!! Right around the corner from me. In the same building where I have to get my blood drawn every week! And-- she got me in this morning at 9am, which I will do, then walk to the other side of the building to get blood drawn. Wham Bam!!
I told her that she made my day!

:bounce: it's the little things...

Gotta focus on that b/c I spent another 2 hours trying to find a place that in In-Freaking-Network for PICC supplies. 2 hours. The place I was given last time and spent all that time yesterday fighting with the website is contracted with Health Rep. of New York, and I am Health Rep Of New Jersey.*eye roll* But I live a mile away from NYS, can't we just pretend?
My Ins Co had no idea what I needed b/c she was giving me Supply Places that were for orthotics, prosthetics, respiratory supplies. I need saline flushes, sterile dressing changes and PICC Line caps. Its different! Gah!!!

But on the good side, I spent about a half hour outside, then walked with my friend. Made a yummy dinner of grilled veggie and hummus wraps. Got some good hugs from Cait and Gary and my puppy. Well, doggie kisses, not hugs. ;)

I hope today is a good day for me to try and scrap, we have so many new guest designers here and they are all *amazing*!!

Temptation on Thursday:
I guess threatening to blow up my Ins Co HQ's would be a bad, baaaaad idea....:boom:


The Loopy-O
BTW-- thank you all again for putting up with my crankiness BS!

Laurie- Men!! Why do they think they we have a Magic Wand and that everything will fall into place? Be gentle to your arms, you need them, if only to punch YMG in the nose LOL
Just b/c I am having a Crap-Day, doesn't mean that your Crap-Days are any less valid. Where are you off to for vaca?

Phyllis- I always warn the fam when its my Tindamax week and they know to stay clear. I feel like I should make a sign and put it on my fridge. Oh, and it was a full moon, which makes my moods swings worse (My Sun and Moon signs are Cancer, ruled by the Moon, if you follow that sort of stuff) as well as it making Lyme symptoms worse. It is all anecdotal, but lots of Lymies feel more symptomatic during the Full Moon. Weird, eh?
Most of the Lyme orgs help people who don't have any insurance. I can get my oral abx covered so I am disqualified. Last year I was able to get money to help for one of Cait's uber-expensive labs, but that org was specifically for kids.
My llmd gets donations and I am still working off of the abx she gave me last month and I got a few more saline flushes too. But it still all adds up. Oh well, what can you do?

Oh no, not your hubby too? I guess on the bright side that with Gary being disabled, he can't do most of the home repairs. Of course that means one day my house will fall to pieces but again I say, what can you do? :madgrin:
How did the eye appt go?
Good luck today when your start your clean-out. ;)

Nancy- the weather here has been so nice! Awesome news about a good health check. Oh yes, that is my thing too- I write the date, name of person, my question and their response in a notebook so I can keep track of it all. No other way.

Trudy- I really hope you got good sleep last night, you must be exhausted. Did they figure out what is up with YMG's computer?

Sara, omg, what a crazy situation for that class! Is the teacher certified in any way? Flips with no spotters? I guess he has missed the memo about concussions. How is Ben? Sound slike he really got the wind knocked out of him.
Is it all men that make everything into a production? I am the same way as you- make a decision and get it done. WHat's the point of going crazy?

OK time for me to try and get the kids off to the bus...TTYS!


Well-Known Member
yay. it's purge day. snort....

Sara, in SD at Mt. Rushmore, there's a road that goes to the side of the monument where all of a sudden there's a cleft in the rock and you are RIGHT at the head of George Washington. it is so cool. we came upon this as we were driving away from the park. i'll see if i can figure out the name of the road and get it to you. very "photo-worthy." in the meantime, here's this link:

and i would not trust my kiddo to that gym.

Chris, but don't any of these Lyme Orgs have ADVICE for how to deal with the kinds of insurance probs you keep running into? it would seem like that would be something they should do, since no doubt there are tons of people who keep running into these problems. it would be so helpful!

Trudy, are you there?? did the computer guy fix things?

Laurie, hope you're having a better day today.

Nancy, congrats on the good blood pressure. my personality works against me when it comes to blood pressure control.... i had to laugh at your weather forecast.
in upper 60s and grey.
i thought to myself: it sounds like me! except i'm in the lower sixties.

well off to drink a lot, eat almost nothing and spend the afternoon in the bathroom. wish me luck tomorrow!:becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning well today is foggy but I should see sun by the afternoon. Got in a good walk. And did some chores. Watched hockey and sorted out more of my hockey photos - it is so good to be deleting.

Chris glad you are some what better today. Glad you go the Bone density scan done. And glad you got in a walk.

Phylis good luck with the purge today and tomorrow's colonoscopy. I always can't wait to eat breakfast when it is all done.

Sara my son's did gymnastics for many years and they always spotted the kids. That is crazy! And there are never enough hours in a day.

Trudy well that was truly a bad ending to a season sorry for you MG. Right from the get go when the refs called Marchand for a penalty that was not you knew it was going to be a Montreal win. It seems so strange but it is like the Habs are just in the Bruins minds.

Have a great day all.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... another nice day for us today, sending you all the sun and warmth
, computer troubles all fixed. Had to go to future shop and buy a D-Link Powerline CPL which basically makes your computer that is out of range of wireless signals act like it is plugged into your main router and wireless signal is not needed. Who knew. As the Shaw worker was inspecting all of the stuff that is outside the house he must have done something to the phone line and good thing I got a phone call that I could not pick up in the kitchen or he would have had to make a return trip. Got all the wiring fixed up for the phone and ended up being here for over 2hours. But happy to say that everything is working fine and Hubby's new computer (new to him) is working perfectly and is very, very fast!! Hooray! Don't know what he would have done if all of this happened while I was away. Guess it would have waited until I got back home (in a month) and I would have to have dealt with it then. MEN!!!! :mmph:

Chris - Your ongoing saga with health care and supplies is enough to drive anyone batty!! But glad that you are feeling a bit better today! Hoping that you get to spend some more time out in your garden soon! I am all done weeding and now it is up to MG to keep everything weed free and living until I get back. He is really good for the watering and cutting the grass, but we will see if he pulls one weed lol.

Phylis - Good luck with your purge!! Does not sound like much fun!! I did not make it back in here after the computer guy came, ended up having lunch with my SIL and her girlfriend and the girlfriends daughter. The daughter has been battling lung cancer for the past 8 years or so and she is such a sweetheart. She was diagnosed with it the day after giving birth to her son. She has not been doing well these past few months and her last check up says the tumours have grown immensely in her lungs and there is nothing else they can do for her. Sad!! Now she waits to die and her parents and son wait with her. Life is so unfair!! Her hubby is not supportive, he is tired of the cancer and is not helping her deal with it at all. Poor girl she is so young and beautiful, it makes no sense at all. :hurt:

Nancy - What a horrible game last night, but hubby not so upset that his Bruins lost, but that we lost to the Habs!! Hope anyone but the Habs win the cup. We are thinking that there is something foul going on and by the looks of all the fans that filled the Montreal Stadium last night we think that if they stopped watching the hockey series because their team was beaten along with so many other Canadians then the franchise would suffer a lot. Hmmmm do you think I am nuts?? Looking at all the bad officiating especially with this series, it is not hard to think that something is amis! But that's just me. Go Hawks, Go Kings, Go Ducks any team but the Habs!! I know I am bitter LOL. I am taking it worse than my hubby.

Ok enough ranting and raving, I have an appt. to get my eyebrows done today and then I hope to come back here and do some scrapping! Have a great day all :wave: