
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 6


Well-Known Member
Happy Thursday, everyone!

It'll be a busy day with a work mtg (I work from home but for these type of prep mtgs, I actually go to the office so I have to get all dressed up...sigh..) and cooking for today and tomorrow (one of our guests is vegan so I need to do some special meals for him and won't have time tomorrow). Maybe a rice dish and then a quick back-up would be taco salad with vegan toppings.

So I'll be :juggle: but it's ok (as long as a I get a good night's rest). DH is on ZLS duty after work now so that helps (making up for all those nights I had diaper duty years ago).

Chris - you may be right about that bitter apple spray. I spritzed just one chair and ZLS stepped back, cocked her head to the side, looked at me and then the chair and then sniffed and sniffed all over. Now I didn't see her try to bite the chair again so maybe it works but I'm thinking she is secretly laughing - that little miss Diva Dog. :drama: We'll see.

Nancy & Phylis: sounds like a lot of exciting hockey news/adventure!

Phylis: How is your aunt doing? Hope everything is working out for you to go see her.

Laurie W: How was your visit with your friend?

Eva & Andrea: I'm with you. The more books, the better. I thought my book addiction was bad before e-books but now I just have tons of free ones stacked up on my reader just waiting for me...sigh. Oh, if you're into e-books, do you have any fav e-book sites for free books? I'm always looking for new ones to share with my other bookworm friends. :)

Jane: Hawaii! How was the weather/ocean this time of year? We had an unexpected layover there one year (Hono or Japan are the usual connector hubs between the US and Asia) when the flight was too full and they offered us a great deal to give up our seats. So we ended up in a nice hotel with food vouchers and spent the morning doing the underwater tour thing - not a submarine but similar (ooh, can't think of the name of it ...Atlantis?..but it's a popular tourist attraction). Only prob was that the waves were a bit high on the boat ride out there so DD was green and didn't enjoy herself much. Hope you had a chance to eat some fresh pineapple and enjoy just sitting on the beach. :)

Eva - I really admire you because I don't know if I could have been as brave. Hope you have a great time in Manchester!

Sara - It's a challenge to explain those high-level concepts to kids but sounds like you're doing a great job as a mom in both sharing family values and giving them room to grow.

Trudy - Yay for no snow and clean bathrooms! ;)


The Loopy-O
Good morning! I am doing ok, slightly less pain than yesterday, I think. I slept better. I took a trazadone which puts me in a much deeper sleep. I always worry about addictions so I try to only take when absolutely necessary. I slept so much deeper that I had rolled over onto my boob at one point, woke up, said ouch, rolled to the other side. Went back to sleep. heehee!!

I am trying to be a good patient but it is so hard for me.But I am going to finish my coffee and do my IV and them get back into bed. I think. ;)

Love and hugs to all of you. I have read all of your posts and am sorry I havent been up to doing personals yet. I hope to do that soon.


Mistress of Mayhem
You just relax and take care of yourself Chris!

Anyone heard of 5:2? The Fast Diet? http://thefastdiet.co.uk/ I'm trying it (as I've done every diet known to man LOL). Really like it so far. Basically you fast 2 days a week, and eat normal the other 5 days. On the fasting days you eat 500 kcal - and I tell you, if you choose wisely you can eat a lot on the fasting days. I'm fasting today. Mondays and Thursdays are my fasting days. In a weird way I enjoy them. I'd never thought I'd say I like to feel hungry, but in a way I actually do. I drink a lot (mineral water and tea), eat one meal around noon, and one in the evening. It's really cleansing. And the best part - you know when you're on a diet and you just feel you will have to do this forever ... when I go to bed feeling hungry, I know - tomorrow I can eat whatever I want! Usually I think about pizza for breakfast ;) But when the morning comes, I just eat what I normally eat for breakfast. I started on Jan 30th, did miss a couple of fasting days because I was sick (I'm not fasting when I have a fever!), but so far I've lost 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs).

This and tuning my chakras is what I'm up to ... I told you - I've changed my life LOL


Well-Known Member
Chris, this is your daily Mom-Surrogate rant: GET BACK IN BED!! :rant: put down the Swifter, let someone else do the dishes. GET BACK IN BED!! :becky:

T, your life sounds busy, especially now! good luck feeding the Vegan. i had to laugh at your sigh about having to get dressed up for the meeting. i'm so far gone from the Workplace that i don't even HAVE clothes that i could wear to a meeting.

off to visit my Aunt in the hospital. meeting up with my older sister there. i don't like this "getting older" thing. soon MY generation will be the oldest generation alive in the family. freaks me out. then i'm going to stop at the grocery store on the way home to buy a bunch of ATKINS frozen dinners, which i discovered yesterday at this store, where i don't usually shop. i had a beef and broccoli one for lunch . EXCELLENT!! beats eating a bunless burger and 10 french fries. eating low carb is not the easiest thing. LC products keep disappearing from stores. not enough people buying them, i guess. calling all Diabetics!! LOW CARB is the way!!

OK. off i go to do the day. hoping i don't get stuck in a traffic jam as i make my way across the city. have a lovely Thursday, O-zies! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Eva, hope your chakras get tuned up beautifully! i haven't heard of that diet. good luck. i'm not a fan of fasting, but everyone knows their own body best.


Mistress of Mayhem
Well, I wouldn't really call this fasting unless the diet did. 500 kcals can be quite a lot of food really. It's all in the planning. You can get a full plate of lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes for like 70 kcal.

Today I had 1 cup of vegetable soup and a piece of bread for lunch. Haven't planned my dinner properly yet, but it will probably be something like 1 boiled egg - making a salad of it with lettuce and tomatoes. A little olive oil. 1-2 carrots maybe. And some slices of ham and some Feta cheese. Will have to calculate a bit, but I think that's about it. I'm not sure what I have at home.

And tomorrow I'll have a creamy chicken sauce over pasta, cheese doodles and soda + a big bar of chocolate. And whatever I want :)


Well-Known Member
Chris - All I can say is "OW" with you. Hope you're able to get some truly restful sleep. Oh, and what Phylis said ("Go back to bed, please").

Eva - I hadn't heard of this program but the website looks interesting.

Phylis - Hope you had a nice visit with your favorite aunt.


Well-Known Member
good morning I had a nice day yesterday as the temperatures got above freezing and I got in a good walk with my girlfriend who was in mourning as her favorite hockey player was traded to another team. Now don't laugh that is one of the reasons we get along so well - we understand each other's emotions when it comes to our hockey teams. She did not want to hear that the new player would make her team better and if my team had traded Brodeur I would have felt the same way. Had a fun time also going to the Charity hockey game of my Devils alumns and a Russian team in support of a young hockey player. But one of the best was watching Alex Carpenter (silver medalist women's hockey player) play on the team with her father Bobby Carpenter. She was awesome and scored a goal. Tonight have a wonderful girls dinner out. Always fun to catch up with everyone and of course eat good food.

Chris keep getting resting and so glad you are feeling better each day.

Tropt I am just like Phylis retired and loving it and loving not have to dress for meetings. Enjoy your guests. It would be almost impossible to have vegan in my house as my guys are meat and potato eaters.

Phylis hoping your visit with your aunt goes well. It is shocking when you realize you are the older generation. When does that happen. LOL Glad that Martin Brodeur is still a Devil.

Eva I have heard of that diet but not sure I could fast. Good luck!

Andrea I love reading books and could spend my whole day doing that. I have to be careful not to get sucked into to reading or I really will read and do nothing else!

Jane must have been a shock to come from Hawaii to snow! I would not have gone grocery shopping until there was not snow.

Trudy sorry for the rain but it should give beautiful spring flowers.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, a busy day of cleaning today, I haven't really cleaned the house well in quite some time. Just the usual quick

so its time to get down and dirty!! Sorry, but no personals today, I have a few errands to run too and I am already late getting going. Perhaps later today I will pop in, but I also have some CheeryO work to do too, oh so much to do and so little time :becky: See you later! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all! Our snow stopped by lunchtime yesterday and began melting just as quickly as it arrived so I was able to go out and get groceries. We were given last minute tickets to The Rockets (our local junior A hockey team) last night which we loved, especially as they won. When we came home, we were able to squeeze in a quick Skype call with our daughter in NZ who is pretty stressed right now as she's trying to get her master's thesis finished and submitted in the next ten days. I was awake in the night for a couple of hours and ended up sleeping in and missing my yoga class! I need to dust and vacuum this morning, get some bookkeeping done and go to the bank this afternoon, then Skype with our younger daughter. I have to say I love Skype!!!

Tropt - You're a great hostess, I'd have a tough time making two different meals for guests. I'm with Phylis and Nancy, in the retired group, and happy to no longer have to get gussied up for meetings.
I've always hoped to be asked to do a stopover somewhere, but so far no luck. Hawaii would be a great place to have one! We had a great time there, its the first time we've been to the Big Island and it was very different than Maui and Kauai, not as developed. We went out snorkeling/diving one day and were lucky to have calm ocean and get to see lots of humpback whales in the bay!!! We ate so much fish while we were there I should have grown gills!

Chris - Glad to hear you got a good nights sleep, but a definite ouch on the rolling over! Keep on trying to rest!

Eva - I haven't heard of that diet either, but I'm pretty sure I'm no good at fasting. I tried a fruit juice cleansing thing years ago and ended up with a massive migraine. Yours sounds less intense at least.

Phylis - Hope you have a great visit with your aunt and your sister. I'm with you on the getting older thing - my mom and uncle are the last of their generation on both sides of our family now.

Nancy - What a fun hockey game to attend! Enjoy your girls night out.

Laurie - What a great spontaneous day - there's always time to clean.


Well-Known Member
Jane, isn't Skype THE best???? honestly, of it wasn't for Skype, my grandkids wouldn't know me at all. wish we had a minor leagie hockey team around here. we have The Penguins, but watching the hungry guys in the minors is so much fun!!

Trudy, you Cleaning Tornado, you!! send me some energy and inspiration. my house it a dusty mess!! hope you get everything done you want to.

Nancy, glad Brodeur is staying put. i hate it when players who have been with a team for years get traded!! wish i had a walking partner. maybe i'd walk if i did. i just can't get interested in doing it by myself. maybe i'll start Mall Walking. ha. or not....

Eva, that diet actually doesn't sound too bad!

back from visiting my aunt. she looks so old and tiny. it made me sad. but she seems to be getting better. she managed to get herself moved to a private room because her roommate talked 24/7 and was driving her crazy after a few days. and the roomie was hard of hearing, so she talked at the top of her lungs, as well as talking incessantly. and she kept waking my aunt up in the middle of the night to ring for the nurse because SHE couldn't figure out how to ring for the nurse, no matter how many times my aunt or the nurse showed her. mynaunt got 2hours of sleep last night because of The Roomie. TG she's been moved.


lOve the O!
Good afternoon- I had a lovely visit with my friend. I filled my car with ikea and have now put together an expedit 2 by 4 horizontal with casters and an alex cart to hold all my paper punches. Now I am moving everything back down to the basement and trying to figure out how I want the room set up. So many choices with almost everything on casters. This weekend- I am going to shop vac up the cement dust from the sump pump project, so tired of it being tracked all over the house. I promise photos will come once I get everything put away or out of there and given away!