
Daily Ooo's Thursday March 5


The Loopy-O
Totally quickie here from me,

Remember how I said I was feeling sick yesterday? ugh it only got worse...

(C&P-ing from another thread in case it sounds familiar haha!)

I am very sick. I don't know what happened yesterday but I literally collapsed. I napped for an hour or so, got up to get ready for dinner and yup. literally collapsed on the floor. Had to had Gary and kids get me to bed, where I stayed until ... about right now. I am feeling slightly better now, but I have strict orders from MMG to stay in bed (Thank the gods for laptops!)

The dr is also testing me for babesia (Gary is getting tested too) which could be why we aren't getting better.
And she called back last night. She thinks G and I both need to go on IV abx- but we don't know if medicare will cover it.


Anyway, my problems are little compared to other people's and I have to remember it could be worse.

And on that note, my stomach ain't feeling so happy with the bowl of cereal I ate.

Gonna say bye and love you!


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!!

Where's everyone at? It is 8AM here in Olympia so halfway through the day for many of you if not completely through the day for even others. Thursday is a good day. Actually it is a great day. Yesterday I set up and made a deposit on my cruise to the Western Caribbean. It is 359 days out though but I am so excited to have something to look forward too and lots and lots of time to save. I decided that we are going to be taking Ethan with us. I've been on a cruise before and I really think he would enjoy it and I think I would enjoy it more with him there. Plus we will have a good sized group to include grandparents who would love playing with him too. It will be great.

There is still so much heartache making its way through the O's. I'm am so sad that so many of my dear "imaginary friends," as Sally's MG called them, are so sad and hurting right now. I'm praying for all of you and hoping that life starts to look up soon for you.

Chris - Wow!! YOu are having a really rough time. You should not feel bad at all about being frustrated with your life some days. You handle better than I think I would. I really hope that medicaid covers it. I know the hospital I work for has several programs to cover people who can't pay their bills is there anything like that there? If you need the antibiotics I hope you are able to get them. Big hugs for you.

Sara - Oh my!! That picture looks horrible. I'm glad the bruised area doesn't hurt too bad.

To all my other crazy busy ladies...I hope you all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Popping in to say a quick howdy to you all.

Sara, I saw the picture too. Wowzers. You poor thing. Hope you are healing quickly and not feeling too sore.

Clara -- which cruise line? which destinations? Sounds great! We actually booked one too for June out of Miami on Carnival going to COZUMEL and Key West. We are taking Christian with us, and we are really looking forward to it.

Hi Chris -- hope you are feeling better, my friend!!

Tali - that's great news that the twins will be able to begin their speech therapy. Early intervention!! We had Christian's session with his speech therapist today, and we were looking at his word inventory. It's just growing by leaps and bounds. When I first did the inventory in November, he had about 85 words, today, it's over 200! It's amazing how much progress he has made. :) I hope the twins's experience is a positive one.

Love to you all. And HI to everyone else who pops in throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
Hey girls.....

just popping in to say hi! Its naptime and Im hoping to get some scrapping in...ran some errands today...nothing special. Is anyone keeping up w/ American Idol? I think it's a little on the goofy side this season. I havent watched faithfully but ......anyway......

Chris - I'm so sorry you are having a rough time. I hope you guys are feeling better asap

Clara- Hey can you pack me in your suitcase?? lol. so jealous!! thats awesome for you- long term things to look forward to are fun because when it finally gets here it will be so worth it.!!!!!!

ME - um, any room in your suitcase? lol all these trips!! wanna know where im going this summer?? my backyard! lol. Im sure youll have an awesome time and how awesome for C.!!!!

Sara - holy canoli - seriously - that is so insane!!! cant believe it!!!!! I hop eyou are healing woman!!! Here is a funny thing - last night right before I went to bed, I checked my email. So since I was at the puter I quickly checked the forum. Thats when I saw your photo. I dont get grossed out at that stuff at all, but I was like man thats awful looking...I felt bad for you. SO I went to bed and I had this crazy dream, that I had a ginormous blood clot in my right arm and I had to go to the hospital!!! isnt that wierd??? I think its because I saw your photo before bed!! lol....crazzyyy!@!!

anyway girls thats it from me....me and my crazy dreams and all.....lol

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Is anyone keeping up w/ American Idol? I think it's a little on the goofy side this season. I havent watched faithfully but ......anyway......

Yeah, I don't like the way they did it this season, I don't think it was really fair...


Well-Known Member
Chris - Oh honey. I wish I could flip an off switch for all your problems!!

Kelly - I've infiltrated your dreams..hee hee. Cora and Sally have infiltrated mine, but at least in mine we were going to a performance and not having a blood clot.

Thanks for all the sympathy all.

I'm not crazy about how they did AI either. I'm watching Wild Card and I can't believe that Tatianna is there. She's standing like a man too. She's nuts.

I'm going to go watch it. Love you all.


always chatty at the O!!
Yeah, I don't like the way they did it this season, I don't think it was really fair...

I kinda like how they did it this year. It takes it back to how it was the first couple of years. Although the judges did not pick who I wanted them too. They never do.


Well-Known Member
Hiya lovelies!

Chris-Hope tomorrow brings a better day for you and yours, sorry it's been hard on you lately :(.

Clara-I'm sooo jealous 'bout your cruise and hope you have fun and take lots of pics to scrap :). Anticipation's half the fun, isn't it?!

Sara--hope you heal fast, that's gotta hurt something awful!

Tali-I bet the twins will do great, can't wait to hear how they progress along the way!

ME-oooh, another cruiser, have a ball!

Kelly-I'm glad I'm not the only one who has crazy dreams...I can't recall any right this minute tho..I have some dandies tho!