
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 3


The Loopy-O
GooooOd mOrning O-Fam!!!
Man oh man, did the weather change! The sun ended up coming out but I was about to blow away in the form of an icicle!! Same for today and we might get snow tonight and tomorrow. Ick!!!

I had a nice day with my mom, even if the majority of it was her
talking about the carpenter ants in her kitchen. :p My mom is freaked out like holy h*** by any sort of bug. When she saw about 30 big ants the other day she had to leave the house. They called in a pest control guy that said she must have a good sized nest in the walls, and that the weird weather is bringing them out early.She won't eat in the kitchen where they mostly show up. Won't cook in the kitchen. Is willing to cook in the microwave (it is closed, so the ants can't get in there when she is not looking hehe!) is there aren't any on the floor.
My dad being the buster that he is, made a joke about if one gets in his dinner, he will find another for company which practically sent my mom into a swoon. I had to laugh but at the same time it isn't funny at all to her. :sorry: Mom.

Had a successful albeit too expensive trip to the Christmas Tree Shops. They had a memory foam back support that I had to get for Scott. Found some cute journals for Cait. Some seeds/pots for Gary to start some herbs for the garden. Couldn't get stuff for everyone else and not Brendan, so I grabbed Start Wars Light Saber Ice Pops for him :becky:

Mom and I had a nice time at lunch too and I talked to her about how worried I am about her health and how I think a lot about what I would do when I lost her.
Is this normal? I see obits and compare her age to them. I worry b/c she is terrified of drs and would rather stick her head in the sand than have any sort of diagnostic test. She had never had a mammo until I had my first abnormal mammo and I told her that I needed to know if there was any sort of family history. (Ironically, that biopsy came back just as calcifications, her mammo was normal and I figured I was free and clear. Until my next mammo. Oh, Life just has a BLAST with me! :pound: )
But when I broach that subject, she changes the topic. I told her that I have so much other stress that is out of my control that I wish I could have her help me put some of my worries about her out of my mind. She is making small changes and I can't force her to do otherwise. But I feel like I low-key obsess about her dying.

Now *I* have to change the subject or I will be crazy all day. :)

Counting down days and doses of IV! Two more doses this week, and only one more dose next week, and one more dressing change until I see LLMD. :whoo:

Working today, then Caitlyn has an appt with the RD. Making home made black bean burger for dinner so that will be prepped before I go to work. I am looking fwd to tomorrow when I have nothing planned :)

Have a great day!!!



The Loopy-O
Kt- I got more instructions on how to reset the FitBit this morning so I will give it another go, but this is getting ridiculous. Hope that the wind died down a bit yesterday.
Warm coffee drinks are always a great treat!

Nancy- Good luck witht he computer/CC/Lightroom, I am sure you will love it all!

Rae- I feel your puppy-pain! One of the pets (I think it was Ray) had a really bad case of diarrhea in the house over night, and I spent so much time trying to clean the carpet at 5am yesterday. Not something I wanted to do pre-coffee but no choice there. I think it was Ray cuz she got into J's food and she takes two high dose fish oils capsules for her knees, which can do that.
I hope it is not worms, that freaks me out (so I can't blame my mom about the ants LOL)
Hope that today is not as busy as you have been so far this week.

Denise- WTG on the walking and eating!!!! Having health issues inmy house I get how hard it is to make those kinds of changes, but having surgery coming up, it makes sense to get as healthy as you can be beforehand so your recovery goes well. Hugs!
Your diet sounds difficult-- have you tried Yummly.com? You can put in your dietary preferences and it filters recipes for you based on that.

Hi Jean-- hoping that your net comes back soon!

Ugh-Late! xo


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone! Been at the office since 6:30 today :faint2: but it was awesome!!! I know, I know, that sounds strange, but everyone else didn't start showing up until 8:30 or so, so I had TOTAL quiet to catch up on things - just me and the clicking of my keys on the keyboard. I got so.much.done! My HR side-kick said I was blowing up her email! ;) LOL Vacation is just around the corner, so I'm trying to minimize just how much I'll need to be doing work-wise while I'm out.


Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday was fun as I had dinner at one of my favorite Italian restaurants with my girlfriends to celebrate her retirement. It was fun and great food. And I got my first layout done with photoshop and so that made me really happy! I am loving how fast this new computer is! Got out with Luther for a nice walk before the temp plummeted. It was just as Chris said you became an icicle. Today is back to winter.

Chris that is a funny story about your mom. I don't like bugs but with my son and boys if I had ever shown any fear they would have been teasing me for the rest of my life. Sounds like you had a fun shopping trip. Everyone was happy I am sure!

Rae I hear you about your dog and worms. Our puppy had to be treated when we got him and I was so lucky that he just ate the drugs as if they were treats.

Kat I hope things settle down soon at work!

Denise Hi! glad you are walking. Walking is one of the joys of my day. Something new each time I walk. Good luck with finding good recipes. That is hard for me!

Jean hope you are back connected soon!


Well-Known Member
Hi Kat. Loved to be in at work early with no one else there! That quiet time was so good for getting lots done!


Well-Known Member
Nancy, I'd be interested in your thoughts on CC, once you get accustomed to it. I have PS CS5 and keep thinking I should migrate to CC - I've heard good things about it, especially since you don't have to worry about upgrades and patches and such ... oh, and Lightroom - LOVE!


Jean, did your new modem arrive? I'd be lost without the internet and my digi-world!


Rae, just a thought with Taz - and this might be a little gross to non-dog owners ... does he have issues with his ... anal glands? Haddie does and I have to get the vet to *cough* "fix" *cough* them every once in a while. The more "boot scootin' " she does, well, then we know it's time for a trip to the vet! LOL


Denise, yay for taking steps towards a healthier you! I was diagnosed with a fatty liver about 10 years ago, but 2-3 months of a much healthier lifestyle and everything corrected itself. The liver has wonderful self-healing properties. :) Good luck with the gallbladder surgery!


Chris, I'm glad you got to spend some time with your Mom ... yeah, even if you wanted to give her a hard time about the ants. Sounds like your Dad's a bit of a tease ;) Only a few more days until the IV line is out - yay! Just curious ... then you just monitor and see how things go? Does that means your symptoms are close to being in remission, of sorts? I hope so. Good luck with the FitBit! I'm taking mine on vacation, for sure, to see how far we walk.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. Had a great day yesterday with the dogs, the sun came out for a bit so that made the dog walking/play so much better. I've got a few days off from the dog walking as the owners dad is in town and taking Ava out. So now I don't take her out until Sunday. Took Taz into the doggie daycare this morning. I used to take him in every Wed for his play day there but now with my dog walking schedule, I am only putting him in if I have a day off during the week with walking Ava. Taz is a lucky dog with all his walks, play and doggie friends. He's been really calm at night, wanting to snuggle and sleep a lot, after all his daytime exercise. I'll book him with the vet for tomorrow and see what he says about the licking. It could also be an allergy so if its not glands or worms then I'll take him off the bison food and put him back on venison. I only changed his food b/c I heard that if an allergy prone dog such as him is on a protein too long they can develop a new allergy to it. Its so hard to treat dogs b/c of course we can't ask what's wrong and its not always easy to figure out.

Chris - sounds like a fun time of shopping. I can totally relate to your mom's fear, I am terrified of lots of bugs too and will leave the room until my hubs deals with it. For me, it's spiders, beetles and weird flying bugs which we've been getting the last couple of years, like they are mutating or something....ugh.

Kat - yes, I thought of the glands thing too as our poodle used to go in for draining a few times a year. Taz isn't scooting across the floor which is usually a sign but that doesn't mean that's not the problem. Hopefully tomorrow our vet will have some answers.

Nancy - sounds like a fun dinner out with friends. Yay for getting a page done with PS. I really love PS CC and LR. I always used to buy the upgrades and am so happy that now it upgrades automatically.

So where is Trudy??? Probably sleeping, recovering from her trip and enjoying being back home.

Today should be a pretty good work day, not too busy, will get some chores done and maybe some scrapping later. Love days like this.

Have a good day, everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning Ladies... a very long day for me yesterday started by waking up at 4:30am to catch the shuttle bus to Edmonton Airport at 6am. Then almost 4hrs later we arrived, this driver was much slower than the one that brought me to Cold Lake. But I think I grabbed a couple minutes of sleep. Then a long wait until my flight, good thing that the Edmonton Airport had a major update and now they have lots to do once you are past the security gates. My flight did not leave until 2:30 so I had over 4hours to wander around, have lunch and try to stay awake until my flight home. All went well and DH was very happy to have me back home again! A beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for me on the table and he arranged for supper to be delivered from Ban Doos stir fry place here in Duncan. Yum I got spoiled!! It was nice to sleep in my beautiful bed again!! But I am missing my grands already!! Had a teary good bye the night before I left as they were all snug in their beds when I left in the morning.

Chris - I hope that your Mother gets her Ant problem taken care of!! It is normal to worry about your Mother's health, especially when she won't, but you can't obsess over it! Hopefully she will see that she needs to change a few things about her way of life, but that is all you can do and be there for her when she needs you! Patience and love is what she really needs and some good advice from her loving daughter!

Kat - How nice that you got all that time alone at work! It is hard to get things done when everyone is popping in asking advice or emailing you to death! Hope that your new gal is working out good and that she can help you out with things while you are on vacation! You must be getting really excited to go!! Lucky yOu!!

Nancy - I am really going to miss my walks with Storm, she got me out in the cold weather, but it was really great to be out walking everyday! Glad you are having fun with the new Photoshop, I got a trial while at my Son's and even though I only managed one page, it was a great new program, not too different from my CS6 so not a big learning curve thank goodness. However it was not able to show my scrapbook supplies in the large view mode because of the OS Yosemite on the Mac, which gave me all the grief when I upgraded to it on my own Mac. Hopefully they will at some point fix that glitch!!

Jean - Hopefully you will be back to the internet today! I would go crazy without my digi connection also!

Rae - ya sounds like worms to me, but what do I know :noidea: Hopefully it is an easy and inexpensive fix for your poor Taz!! Hope the weather is good for your dog walking today and your mouth was not too sore from the dental cleaning! We are enjoying a bit of sunshine right now, but it will probably change very soon!

Denise - Sorry to hear that you are having health issues! But it sounds like you are on the right track to reverse the symptoms! WTG on the walking!!

Ok ladies I have lots to catch up on here at the O and a challenge to get ready for the Big Birthday Party! Better get my butt in gear and then some grocery shopping to restock the empty fridge :mmph: Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ha, ha Rae... we cross posted again!! No sleeping in for me, but I slept like the dead last night and into bed very early!!


Well-Known Member
Yes!!! We're back. The modem arrived and wasn't difficult to set up, but we were also switching it to a newer computer, so had lots of moving and rearranging to do. Then I went around changing all our devices to the new network and it all worked! Still some issues related to switching out computers, but Internet is all fine.

Now I need to catch up on the March challenges and (I think...) get ready for a party.

Chris, it is pretty weird for me reading of your worries about your mom. I mostly don't read obits as when I do I obsess over ages and lots of them younger than me. I don't think there is much you can do to change her until/unless she really gets sick. Just remember this when Cait worries about you! Hope today goes smoothly and you can enjoy tomorrow.

Kat, can't imagine 6:30, but know the quiet time at work is priceless. Your vacation is going to be so wonderful!

Nancy, sorry you've got winter back. I guess we do too, but I'm looking at next week's forecast that looks like spring. And Tuesday we had our first grackle sighting at home which is usually our guarantee it's coming.

Rae, hope everything doggie is working out. Sounds like you are really enjoying the walking.

Trudy, welcome home! Sorry you have to miss the grands in order to be back.