
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 14


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday!!

You will all be very relieved that I did not have to Ninja my way out of my client's garage. It only took me two tries on the garage door panel to get it to close. Whew!!!
I could have sworn that I had seen some flashes of light and some telephoto lenses peeking out from the bushes.:photo: Which one of you guys came to spy on me? If you sell any photos to TMZ, can I please get a cut?

Gary and are off to our lyme doc today. He is in baad baaad shape. She took him off his abx and kept him on high doses of the anti-malarial to hopefully knock down the babesia. But I can tell his lyme symptoms are through the roof. 2 weeks ago, I suggested that he call her and see if she should restart the abx, even as a low dose to keep the lyme levels under control. And being a MAN, would he call?? of course not. The last two weeks he has gotten worse and worse and now has that much more to deal with. All of the improvement he has while on IV abx, *poof* gone.

Can someone please explain to me why men are so stubborn? And women are so rational??? If it makes sense, they seem to just ignore it all.

Oh well, not much that I can do about that right? I am just trying to raise Scott out of that mold. Hopefully is is not one more issue on that Y chromosome. (There are a lot of issues on that, if you didn't know LOL)

who has fun plans today? Scrapping? Ona has a fun recipe challenge and Diane has a 7 Things challenge. And those crazy ladies are still going strong in Diana's/Dido's coupon thread!! :pound:

Hope everyone has a fab day!!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- Chris good luck at the dr's. I am headed to the dr's for a regularly scheduled appt and as luck would have it am rapidly deteriorating into a sinus infection so this can be a double duty appt! I am working on Ona's challenge while I clean the house before I head to the dr.


back hOme and loving it
Morning ! :)
(well it's almost 11:30 AM here ... still mroning right ? )

Chris - good luck to you an gary for the Dr.'s appointment.

Laurie - hope the doc give you what you need to get out of this sinus infection before you get into terrible headaches because of it


The Loopy-O
From yesterday:

Laurie- more high fives on the workout and congrats on your 10 year work anniversary!

Linda S- wish that life would slow down for you a bit. xoxo

Linda P- snow snow go away!!!!

Phyllis- I really am quite the wacko, aren't it?? :pound:
Have you tried any scrapping, or any of the challenges this week? I hate when my mojo os gone. I did the speed scrap the other night and I was actually really happy with the way my page came out, all in under 30 minutes too! Hope that your mojo comes back soon, you rock the gallery.

Nancy- the blanket and yarn sound lovely! Make sure that you psits pics of the finished project!

Trudy, I would come and dust for you in a heartbeat if I could!! The stay for tea!!!

Sally- you and my MIL would get along great!!! That is how I am when I start tagging digi-kits-- gets me inspired to make stuff!

Eva!!!! :rofl: Yes, I *do* wish that as well.
No. Maybe not.... Normal is boring! How about I wish I could pretend to be normal when that is most appropriate???

Oh Trudy!! Hope that your program behaves!

I loved Erma Bombeck-- she was one funny and wise woman!

Laurie- you got so much done! wow! PS: You bowl like I do!! hahahha!!!!

To everyone who pops in today-- Have a GREAT one!! xoxoox


Well-Known Member
Chris - thinking of you and your hubby today. I pray for a real therapy or cure that will affect positive changes in your lives! As for why men are the way they are - I have no answers for you. My Mr. Wonderful is the same way!

Laurie - good luck with the sinus infection. Those are so nasty and hard to get under control. I had sinus surgery in my 20's because mine were so bad. Made a BIG difference! I hope the rest of your day is a good one!

Dumpty - of course it's still morning! Glad to see you, have a happy day.

Today is my Friday - WooHoo! State boys basketball tourney is this weekend so we have tomorrow off. As if our lives revolved around basketball? (Calendar planned by sports fanatics) The school Thing 1 (oldest daughter) teaches at has their team in the tourney so I'll be watching and cheering for them. They are saying we'll get to 45 today and 48 tomorrow! Bring on the mud! Then rain snow mix for Sunday Monday - Boo! Our contest season is gearing up so I'm going in a million directions trying to help prepare about 14 different contest teams. First contest is Monday. Are they ready - we'll find out!

Have a happy and healthy Thursday everyone!


lOve the O!
Linda- I am hoping a dose of abx will do it for me- I usually get only 1 or 2 per year- now that my son is grown and out of the house- the erms used to fly between us. I am sure you posted and I missed it, what type of contest are you involved in organizing?


Well-Known Member
LindaP, i laughed when i read the Thing 1 comment. that's how i refer to my two kids, too! actually, i should really call The Grandmen Thing1 and Thing 2. they act more like the Seuss characters than my kids ever did!

Chris, good luck to Gary, and therefore to you. here's what a meanie i am: my husband picked at a spot on his temple for years. i kept telling him to get his a%% to the dermatologist to have it checked out. he only complied (and found out he had some treatable skin cancer all over the place) after i screamed at him, "you know WHAT???? i have enough of my own problems to pay attention to. i am NOT going to be your personal nurse and nag. take some responsibility for your OWN health. or not. it's YOUR choice." :rant: see. told you i was mean....

Laurie, good luck with the sinus infection. didn't you just have one of those not too long ago? is it the fabulous MidAtlantic moldy sogginess that gets to your nose?

no fun plans for me today. i started out the morning by phoning up the newsroom of my local Public Radio station to tell them to tell the local host to STOP making snarky comments about the extensive NPR coverage of the new Pope. (he was doing it all morning, in between the NPR reports. when he said "welcome to Papal Radio" in a snotty way, that was it for me. i'm not a practicing Catholic, but enough smartass snooty anti-religion comments is ENOUGH, already!!!) i lent Hubby my car because he has to drive North, into the snow belt, to supervise the office up in Erie for a day. soooooo. i've been dusting and mopping and baking almond flour Linzer cookies. gotta vacuum all over the place, since we're having company tomorrow eve. that always serves as encouragement to finally CLEAN UP! i just bought Paula K's new ocean stuff, hoping that i'll get some inspiration and actually make a PAGE. i have some cool old photos of Hubby's grandparents at the Jersey Shore in the early 1900s. maybe the two will come together. i hope.

Friday Approaches! take heart! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely ladies... I am late getting in here this morning, decided to get the last of my house work done before heading to the computer. So its all finished, bathrooms cleaned, vacuuming done, dusting & dishes all done and now a load of :washing: on the go. Some of this was done yesterday, just so you don't think I am some kind of crazy cleaning lady!! I waited all day for Chris to arrive to help me with the dusting, but figured she must have got stuck in that garage again!! I guess not though :becky: Anyway now I don't have to do anything but be here and scrap. Trouble with my CS6 I can still scrap, but when I go to find my saved work, its there, but no thumbnail to see it?? So weird??? Adobe says its an Apple thing and Apple says its an Adobe thing????? I just want to fix it already, I don't give a s@#t who's fault it is :rant:

Chris - Glad you made your way out of the garage yesterday!! As for the reason why men are what they are?? Well they are from Mars!!! I like Phylis's approach to them taking care of their own health!! You have enough on your plate!!!

Laurie - Hope your check up goes well and you can get something for that darn sinus trouble you are having!! Feel better!!

LindaP - Wish we could get Friday's off to go watch sporting events :becky: you sound like you are going to have a very busy, muddy weekend!! Hope your team that you are cheering for does well!! Have a great time!

Phylis - Ha, Ha love the Dr. Seuss comment!! Now I have this vision in my head of your Grandmen running around like the Cat in the Hat!! or Horton hear a Who!! LOL I got some photos of my Sadie the other day and in each one she is not wearing anything but her underwear..... can't seem to keep any clothes on that girl! Isaac runs around all over the house when we face time saying poop and peepee like a goof, so they are very much like Dr. Seuss characters also!! My son tries so hard to make them behave while they talk to us, but .....oh well!! I love my goofy Character 1 and Character 2 anyways :becky:

Hope everyone can find their mojo today and participate in the birthday challenges, it will be over before you know it!! :sad: Enjoy the day!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning! Had a great talk with my sister. Now that I have gone on daylight saving time we are 3 hours apart so our talks last longer into the morning. Talking to her is one of my highlights of each week. Had a strange dream, went to take photos of birds and rain ruined my camera but I saw a gunman come and say he was going to shoot. So weird. My Devils defeated the Flyers 5-2 so that was super exciting. But because the game was on national TV it did not start until 7:30 so had to catch the 11:08 train home as I was not going to leave early. Luckily my son with me so we had fun talking and drinking hot chocolate while waiting for the train. It is amazing how much of a rivalry there is among Ranger and Devil fans even when they are not playing each other. The conductor of the train as we are pulling into Newark (and the train is full of Devils fans) says into the loud speaker "Lets Go Rangers" - omgosh my son was furious LOL. First of all the conductor should not being trying instigate problems on the train. I talked to one of the other train conductors and he was surprised that people were upset. I said he does not understand how seriously fans support their team. Pretty funny as I never speak up.

Chris I hope the Doctor can give you some thing to help you husband. And I am like Phylis men have to take some action themselves.

Phylis I hope the new kit bring some mojo.

Laurie good luck at the doctor and hope you get rid of that sinus infection!

LindaPete - have fun at the tournament!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i was all impressed, thinking you did all that stuff in a few hours!! you shouldn't have said anything. then we'd think you were Super Wife! i am not getting muchnaccomplished at all. i started out well, but i kind of petered out. gotta go vac the family room.

Nancy,weird dream! isn't it funny how our Dream Brain takes little snippets of what we're thinking of during the day and makes a collage out of them at night sometimes?

ok. i'm going to vacuum. really. i am.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Haaa, Haaa Phylis - I am super Wife !!! Ya sure and your gonna vacuum too :pound:


...loves her some "O"
Morning, girlies!!! Yep, it's still morning here...barely!!!

Today is a going out day! I've been holding up here starting projects like crazy and not really finishing anything! I get stuck at one certain spot. Pinning the quilt layers together. That requires cleaning. So instead of all of that, I just start another project!! HELP!!! Okay, this afternoon when I get home, I'll pin two projects together! Or I'll do my dishes...depending on the time. Eeeeeek! Mr Gorgeous comes home from Denver tonight, so we have to make the house semi-presentable so it doesn't look like I've been starting projects in the craft room all week!! LOL!!!

Love you guys! have a fun Thursday!!!


lOve the O!
Ahh home with meds- I held off on feeling super yucky and got my paperwork finished and now I feel again like I have been hit behind the eyes with a base ball bat. Can't wait to feel better- off to scarf down fluids!!


lOve the O!
Oh and my husband came home and offered to take me out to dinner- can't really refuse since I won't see him this weekend as I am heading out to a conference!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Ok ... it's almost 1am here, and I really should be sleeping ... but I'm so upset (that's a nicer word than p*ssed which is what I really am) I just don't feel like going to bed. My ADHD head is spinning, flipping and twirling. I need to whine a bit and maybe I can get some sleep after that?

You know I told you the other day that my sis is back at the hospital. The drs have seen something on her lungs - maybe the cancer have spread, we don't know. Anyway ... I called my mom today to hear if they needed milk or anything, cuz we were going to the store after dinner. Then she asked me if I had heard anything from my sister (not the sick one, my other sister), and I said something like "No, were she supposed to visit today?". And then mom said that she and my brother had gone to my sister to visit her. This is a 3½ hr drive from here. They never even asked me if I wanted to follow. It's not like we are a lot of siblings either, it's just the four of us. Texted my sister to hear how her tests went today, and she was so happy she had had a surprise visit. Didn't tell her I wasn't invited, don't want to upset her.

It's like the world is turning against me. I've heard (through the grape vine) that there is going to be a reunion this May - 30 years since we left high school. (Yes I graduated when I was like 3 months old ;) ) Guess who hasn't been invited? It's not like I live in Uganda or somewhere so they can't find me. I live in the same town were we once graduated.

Wanna bet how many people will forget my birthday on Saturday?

I need to emigrate ... wonder if I can get a green card? Any need for unwanted idiots in America?

Guess we all know which dwarf I am this night?



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ohh Eva!! Your invite might still be in the mail?? Please know we all love you!! Hope you can turn your Grumpy Dwarf into happy soon!!


Well-Known Member
Laurie - I teach high school agricultural science and advise the local FFA Chapter. We have about 14 different contests that we are preparing for some include ag communications, floriculture, food science, vet science and the more traditional livestock judging and horse judging.