
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 13


Well-Known Member
Happy Thursday, ladies!

I know I'm super early but the day begins early here and I'm so excited about the morning I've had so just had to share. ;)

We have a training session for ZLS (recommended to start early since she will be a BIG dog with bad habits if we wait too long). It was for 7am (yes, we really do have appts at that hour. The day gets too hot so we start life about 5am). BUT the trainer showed up around 6:15 (our directions were too good, I guess, and so he arrived much earlier than he (or we!) expected. But it worked out well since ZLS was not yet sleepy and feeling a little cocky so he could see some of her bad habits.

And, wow! My head is still spinning. I took tons of notes but there is so much to know. This guy is GOOD and had her sitting like a princess, looking him in the eye, waiting at the door with the door open and not moving until he directed with hand signals. DH said, "What did you do with our dog and where did you get THIS one?!!" ;) But before we got to that point, she showed her defiant self (lots of grumbling, barks and whining when she couldn't get her way). So, he showed up what to do about that (wait it out...sigh..). When it was time for him to go, I wanted to offer him a spare bedroom and 3 meals a day if he would just stay and train her for a straight week! ;) He'll be back next week so we have lots of homework but seems like we're on the right track. She didn't try to nip/bite me at all until just before she went to sleep and didn't want me to touch her collar when I removed the leash after being outside. Then I put her in time out like he showed up and she settled right down. Amazing! He said she'd sleep a lot today because the 2 hr session really wore her out..and he is right. There is a sweet, sleeping pup near my feet as I type. :)

Okay...enough about me..well, the dog. ;) LOL! I'm starting to annoy myself with all this writing. ;)

How are all of you?

Chris - Hope you had a better night.

Sara - Slept in, hopefully! Just revel in the thought of spring break. Yay!

Phylis - I didn't realize you had lost someone close to you. I'm so sorry! Sending hugs your way. :)

Trudy - More walking, I presume? I love walking most of the time. Skipped my morning one today but will try to get it in tonight.

Nancy - Yay on your team's win. When hockey season ends, do you have a different fav sport? I have a friend who alternates between basketball, baseball and football but I don't think I could keep up with all the players and teams for 3 sports. :)

Laurie - Did the shop fix your son's car so he can drive and get home? Hope so.


The Loopy-O
Hi T! And good morning/afternoon/evening to you :) How awesome to have the trainer be able to work with ZLS so well. She has it in her, obviously and I know that you will do a great job with her. Dogs need to know that you are the alpha. With Ray-- she is so meek and mellow and that if I use my "Alpha Voice" that I used with my other dog, she would cower and shake for days haha!!

I did sleep better last night. I took a trazadone. I hate taking them but they really help me get into a much deeper sleep and I know I needed that. I was so darn sick yesterday but I feel better so far today.

On an Oscraps note, have you all seen this? 8th Birthday Wishes You have to go and make some wishes!! And also, get some rest when you are done because the Oscraps Eighth Birthday Par-TEA is going to be amazing!

Hugs and love!


The Loopy-O
Hi Sara!! I love you too!
I have always wondered what it would be like to have a practicum/student teacher with me. Doesn't sound like much fun. Happy Spring Break to you!!:champagne
Ours is not until next month-- the week before Easter. But since we have had so many snow days, I am kind of glad they they can be in school with some regularity this month. Your plans sound so fun and I hope that the weather cooperates. It has been crazy.

Nancy- high fives to your DH for letting your son know that he is important to him. I bet the sticky buns mean a lot more than just a favorite dessert. Great news for your Devils!

Phyllis-- thinking of you and your Aunt.

Trudy- flowers? What the heck are flowers? The only ones I have seen lately are the ones in the magazines. We are starting to see patches of mud and grass, so that is a start. Hope that your legs feel better today and props to you for getting some good walking time in.
Nope- not menopause yet, although the meds i will need to be on (tamoxifan, most likely) will put me into fake-menopause. Gary asked me where I will be staying while I am on that. Standard course is for 5 years, which will put me into full-blown "real" menopause after I am done with the fake. Sounds divine, right?? :hurt:

Oh my goodness Laurie! I am glad that your son is all right and I hope that the car will be ok too. But much more relief for your son. Eep.

xoxoxo to all of you who pop in this thread today!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I have a lot to read...typing as I go....

Nancy - What kind of Sticky Buns are we talking? I have an urge...since I am home for six days...to try and bake some. I like to use the bread machine for the dough though.

Trudy - I am glad the weather was nice. It's now nice again here and we are going to do some hiking. If I hiked on my own, I'd throw on an audiobook and hike for hours probably. We did take a quick walk down to the lake and back. It's maybe a mile. Not too bad. But we had to hurry back as I was a bad mom and didn't have been go to the bathroom before we left! LOL I am so far behind on printing pages. I really, really need to spend some time doing that this summer.

T - I hope the puppy gets settled soon. It sounds like the training session was awesome! Though I get up at 6 a.m. for school - I am not a morning person. Do not be bouncy or loud or really try to talk to me until about 8. LOL I can't imagine having an appt. at 6:15. :)

Laurie - I hope the icky weather goes away!

Chris - I'm so glad that you took that to help you sleep and that you feel better. I am sure actual student teachers get a little better because after a bit you can leave them on their own and they don't have to be around you every minute. AND they actually take over your duties and teaching....so that part would be nice. But they are a bit of work as you have to be all responsible and stuff and fill out extra paperwork. LOL Luckily - Mine was only three days. I was relieved when she left as I felt I could go about my "normal" down time routines.

DH has a couple of phone calls today that have interrupted our schedule. :-( But we are still going hiking. We are going to pack a picnic and eat at a nearby park and grab some caches on a trail that's going to be tore down soon to build a sports complex. Then Ben gets to pick what we do after that. My guess is he will ask to go to a toy store! It's sunny and is supposed to be 67, so I'm thrilled!

I hope everyone has a great day!!
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all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Oh I finally had some time to sit down and do some scrapping. Been out and running all week so far. I love feeling good, but it's hard work keeping up with a happy body ;) The sun has returned to Sweden. So GREAT. I've seen sunshine for 5 straight days now. Really welcome since we haven't seen the sun at all since October. It's been the dullest, greyest winter ever.

Yesterday was hard. It was exactly 1 year since I spoke to my sister last time. She was so happy and full of life and made plans for the future. Little did we expect that her future was only 12 days. F**K cancer.

Now I'm just gonna eat something really quick, then I'm off to visit my niece (brother's daughter) and her two kids. I've helped a lady who designs knitting patterns to test knit her newest pattern, and now I need a model to try it out. I'm really happy with the sweater, but I've knitted it in size 4 yo, and Wilma is 5. We'll see if she can wear it. Otherwise I'll at least get a free cup of coffee LOL TTYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... well I did it again!! I lost a huge post that I was typing!! So now that I am all mad at myself :rant: I will just say good morning to everyone and hope that you all have a great day!! I am going to try to do some scrapping today and get outside to clean up some of my garden and then head to Walmart to pick up some more pages for my scrapbook, so I can put my prints into my book. I got 17 pages printed out yesterday and I know that I could have gotten more, but I took my favourites from last year and thought that would cost me enough!! Ouch $2.50 each page. Oh well its done and now I will just get one or two done at a time from now on. That way it won't seem so hard on the pocket! Hopefully tomorrow I won't be so stupid and close out my browser before posting my reply!! Enjoy your day everyone!!! :wave:


lOve the O!
Good afternoon, I am so happy, birds are singing, the sun is shining, I am purging things in my house. My son who ditched the car 2X y'day is home. Will see eventually if it needs to go to the shop. My husband wanted to look at it. I have been trying to capture my friendly female cardinal as she comes to peck on my windows. Next- go to the post office to mail some boxes!