
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 12


The Loopy-O
Happy Birthday to Max- my "other" son LOL He is my friendwholivesacrossthestreet's little guy. I knew about him before she did. She kept denying there was any way she was pg, and here it is, his 6th birthday :lol:

I am having an "off" morning. Not good, not bad, just off..... Had a rough night sleep, the night sweats are back and it is still so cold at night that I just freeze and sweat/freeze and sweat.
And then, I am having a hard time with the latest Firefox update. Anyone else? It not only keeps crashing on me, it isn't lettting me do any formatting when I am typing. So I am now using IE again. I don't really *like* IE. It doesn't have all of my fun add-ons, like FF. And everything looks weird......

If all of my problems could be so inconsequential as this. *she mutters as she thinks back over the 3 phone calls and emails she got from various teachers and admins from Scott's school yesterday*

Today is a new day, and I am working for my MIL yay! Always good to get out of the house for a bit.

Hi Sandra! So glad you are popping in to say hi!

ME- Yay for a happy homecoming! Did he win ya any $$$ from Vegas?

Merkee- so glad to see you are feeling better!

Kat- mmm mmmm coffee- one of my 4 major food groups (bread, choc, ice cream being the other three!)
I totally hear ya on the grocery prices. It is insane. And no I haven't noticed many good sales. I get coupons from my paper, my MIL, my mom and my friend and even with 4 sets of coupons, plus online ones, it seems to rarely make a dent.

Tali- Just think in another month it will all be over - your sis will be married and another person's "problem". :) Not that she is a problem, well, you KWIM! I am so proud of you withthe speech therapy for the twinks. So mcuh better for everyone that yu are on top of it now than when they are older and it is harder/longer to catch up.
Thinking of Eric's aunt as well.

Sally- what a fun fieldtrip- minus the breaking news story. I hate watching tv news too- I read it online, so I KWYM.
I wish you lived closer toooooooo!!

Karen, I am sorry to hear your news. But I am astounded and impressed by your very positive attitude! Good to see you posting again!

Clara- I hope that you are feeling 100% better today! And don't put off that ENT appt- spring is almost here and then your sinuses are going to be even worse-- Take care of you!

Jos- hope you and your family gets and stays healthy!

Yay Kelly- you did it!!! Great goal!!

Kayleigh *pounce* you're back! Missed ya lots and lots!!!!!!

Sara- good to see ya here too :)

Better run, I am really really late!!



Well-Known Member
Morning friends,

I completely missed Wednesday, sorry for that, when I get home today I will try to catch up. Bad migraine yesterday and other than finishing a layout I didn't do anything else.

Be ready, I'll post a massive 3 pager tonight, LOL, just kidding :).

Hugs to all!


Well-Known Member
Morning all! Had dance class last night, fun as usual. I kinda had to push myself to go b/c I had a headache. But, I'm glad I did. I always feel so good about myself when I'm there.

SIL Melissa (not the one getting married) is coming out tonight. We are going to do some practicing on our hair for the wedding. Neither of us like the chick coming with to Vegas and doing the bride's hair, and we don't want to spend an arm and a leg at our hotel for the salon there. So, we'll see what we can work up. I'm making pork tacos tonight. Amazing, amazing! Throw pork roast in the crockpot with some spices, and later tonight I'll have some yummy pork for tacos. Yay!

Chris - big hugs sweetie! Those stupid night sweats! I am no help with the FF - I've been using Google Chrome and I really love it. Happy Birthday to Max! I love that name.

Dawn - Hope you feel better today and the migraine stays far, far away. I haven't had one in a month so I'm kinda waiting for one to hit, kwim? Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
quick hi... not much going on here today... it's cold - I'm soooo sick of cold weather! HOpe everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Hi all - I'm coming down with a cold. Been juicing myself up and took some Airborne yesterday. Went to bed when DS did too! DH slept in DS's room with DS for a while last night. I woke up around 2 a.m. hearing DS gasping for a breath during a coughing fit (in his sleep!). DH just lay there. I can't believe he didn't hear it! Gah! DS went right back to sleep, so I didn't force him to wake up and take his puffer, but I did get some in when he came to my bed around 5 a.m. No wonder I'm tired!

Headed out to dinner with a good friend of mine. We don't see each other as much as we'd like. I'm trying to heed that "friends" email my MIL sent around. The jist was that we women need to keep our women friends close. So so true!

Chris - I hope you have a good day out of the house.

Dawn - I hope your headache is better.

Tali - Have fun playing with your hair!

To all who follow - Orange Juice here. Get it while it's cold!



Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, a quick drive by. DH is home! Yay! :)

Have a great day everyone. I am getting my hair done tonight -- find that so incredibly relaxing!! Ah, a little bit of heaven. And even better, DH will babysit. It's about time! ;)


Well-Known Member
It's almost Friday! Yay! Super busy here. I made chocolate chip cookies last night to put in a finals week care package for Jenno. Mr. Wonderful was not wanting to share his treats:) Jenna has finals next week so thought that some cookies would help, or at least brighten her day! I'm starting to count down to June when she'll be home again for the summer! She's just so far away!
Noelle has spring break this week so lots of sleeping in for her. The rest of us have to get up in these frigid temps and go to work and school.
Sandra - I'm with you and really ready for spring to come and the weather to warm up!
Hi to everyone else!


Well-Known Member
Ohhh ladies....just a fly by hugging for me this morning!! (((hug))) I have such a headache after some school drama yesterday!! I will check back later today :)


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning!!

My toesies are so cold right now. I just walked Ethan to the bus stop and it is soooooo cold. YOu would think I would put on a warm coat and shoes, but nooooo!! I put on one of my too many pairs of converse and a wool sweater. I'm a knucklehead!! So, my head feels so much better today. Now that I can think I will get my ENT appt made and get myself taken care of. You would think that with as long as I have been dealing with it I would jump on the opportunity, but I am just feeling a bit unmotivated.

Tonight is my first night to volunteer at the church for Youth Group. I am excited about it although my dh is not being so darling about it. He resents every minute I spend atthe church and yet the longer I go the more things I want to do there. It is a hard situation. A friend and I were talking yesterday and we narrowed the issue down to jealousy and being passionate about something he refuses to understand and it isn't him. Not that I'm not passionate about him, I am...but ykwim.

Chris - I hate "off" days. But sometimes they turn into regular days eventually. Sorry your computer isn't doing what you tell it to. That is always a pain in the butt. I hope you got everything worked out with Scott's school.

Dawn - I've never had a migraine, but if they are anything like sinus headaches...I can only imagine. I'm glad it is gone.

Tali - Pork Tacos sound super yummy. I need some of those. I actually need to find a recipe for sweet pork for tacos and burritos. It is so yummy. Have fun playing with hair tonight.

Sandra - So great to see you hear. Have a great day.

Karen - Asthma stuff is so hard on me I can't even imagine how it must be for a little one. Isn't it crazy how guys are about waking up?? They sleep like the dead don't they? Have fun at dinner. Time with your girls is always good.

ME - Yay for DH being home. Enjoy having your hair done. Pamperins is so much fun. I had a dream about getting my hair cut last night. Not sure what's up with me and my dreams lately. If I didn't know any better I would think I was preggo but I know I'm not so I'm just having weird dreams.

Well, I have to go do some dishes before heading off to work. I hope all of you have a fantastic day.


always chatty at the O!!
Linda - Chocolate chip cookie care packages are the best. I hope you stay warm. It is so cold everywhere.

Hi Kat!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

Quick one from me...the baby gave me such a hard time going down for a nap today and Im a little wound up! Going to go throw in some laundry and have a snack. Hope everyone is having a great day! Ill be backlater!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

It's certainly cold. And DH is just H right now, so I think I've got the late spring blah's. I have to make cupcakes tonight (red velvet). And I really should do the dishes. But my arms hurt today and I'm tired. I did sit ups and leg lifts for a while and just lost stamina.

Chris - hope the rest of your day wasn't off.
Tali & ME - I'm jealous of dance class and getting hair done! I'm going to go out tomorrow to a friend's with Ben, so hopefully that will shake me out of my funk a little.
Karen - I hate that sound when they are gasping! It's awful.
Kat - Hope things went better.
Clara - Wish we all could warm up.
Hi Sandra, Dawn, Linda, and Kelly!!

O.k. since my arms hurt I'm going to do a quick FB run and get off the puter. TTYL!