
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, March 12


The Loopy-O
Hello and Happy Thursday!:tea:

I am up early with Caitlyn today since Gary is taking Scott down this afternoon for his wisdom teeth extraction. It is tough have two disabled parents, we have had to learn how to Tag Team LOL

Yesterday was an interesting day. It was good to get out of the house and talk to people, even if they were nurses and drs. I love my breast surgeon and her staff. She is an absolute *doll.* And one of her nurses and I were joking about something and she made a small "fongool" gesture (hand swiped under chin) and I had to ask her if she is Italian b/c I recognized that gesture. Hahaha! She was and then were got talking about how food is the Answer to Everything. Everything looked fine with my dr, another mammo in June and see her again in 6 months.

Then, more stupid stuff- bill paying (this is killing me with not working)
and making a b-day card for Max, the boy I babysit. He is 12 today which is freaky! His mom (BFF across the street) and I were talking the other day about how it seems like yesterday that we were sitting at the lake and she said she was feeling funny and I said, you must be pg. She said no way. I said back-- get a test, she did and she was. :D

Then I got a phone call last night. Some of us Old-Timers here might remember that a couple of years ago, Scott and I did a few Roundtable discussions for medical practitioners to help them be aware and better able to treat Lyme Patients. It was being filmed for a documentary too. Scott was pretty much one of the "stars" being that he was a kid, the rest of us were adults, and also that he was so well spoken about how it affected him and a patient as well as part of a Lyme Family Unit. (how else can you describe my family??heheh!!)

Anyway, the phone call was from the the filmmaker. He is following three adults from the group and Scott, so they will be featured prominently in the film. He asked if he could have some photos/video of Scott pre-illness and during the time he was most symptomatic. He asked how I was doing and I laughed and said that I was stuck under my IV pole as we were talking. He would like to come up and tape a bit of me, and get some of the family in it too. We will also get to see a bit of the raw video.

I am really proud of Scott, both then and now and I am really happy to be part of the Lyme Disease Awareness movement. I wish I didn't have to be, but it is what it is, and I am hope to keep on being able to do so.

(Side note: I am an organ donor-- but am not able to donate due to my illnesses. I am donating to Lyme research. A week or so ago I had a :doh: moment. I should have researched if there were any way to have my uterus sent out. I know they had to biopsy it, but after they were done they could have sent it along. I'd say next time, but there can't be that! bwuhahah!!)

Today I have to get blood work. I was supposed to go yesterday but I bailed. Then I have to look for those photos/videos of Scott And I have to figure out how I am going to NOT baby Scott after he gets home from the oral surgeon. I cannot ask him every 5 minutes if he needs anything. I cannot offer him applesauce/pudding/soup every 10 minutes. He is an adult. Yes. He is. (even though he is my baby!!!)

This bus stop BS is cutting into my Personals Time. :eyebrows:
I have to go and I hope to be back soon!



Well-Known Member
Chris, that is pretty great about the movie and Scott and all of you. what's the time frame for the completion of the documentary? what's it going to be used for? super that your visit to the doctor was pleasant. that always makes such a difference. re: the italian/food thing. someone on Facebook today posted this photo of a giant table literally groaning under the weight of dishes of food. the text was something like: "Italians be like: i'll just put out a few little snacks." :rofl:

Trudy, hopefully you're still ASLEEP!!

Astrid, healthcare in the USA is a bit nuts, particularly now. only part of the system used to be chaotic. now nearly ALL of it is.

my iPad died unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. (DH said that it was probably from exhaustion. i literally have the thing doing SOMETHING, 24/7. right now i'm live-streaming radio.) i made a Genius Bar apt. for this morning, but later in the day yesterday, we experienced a Miraculous Healing. no idea what that was about. i have an old iPad 2, so eventually it's going to fall off the twig. then i'll HAVE to get another one. pathetic to think i have a piece of tech i ABSOLUTELY will not do without. anyway, i was going to go to the Apple Store at the Mall, but now i'm trying to decide whether i feel like going over there just for the heck of it, just to get out of the neighborhood. still thinking about it. it IS going to be sunny and in the 50s, so i probably will venture out of the neighborhood. i'm thinkin', stop over at Alladin's and get some kibbe and Loubia B’Zeit for lunch. that's probably going to be the motivating factor in this decision!

hope the sun's shining in your neighborhood. find someplace that makes Loubia B’Zeit and EAT SOME! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - well yesterday was so much fun and busy. Got up early as it was my youngest's birthday. Then my husband and I headed to Brigantine for a day of birding and awesome food. The birding was really fun. The ice and snow was mostly gone. Still lots of the winter birds around. The snow geese are just gorgeous. And two of my favorite the bufflehead and the hooded merganser. The fun thing was that most of the ducks were paired up. Spring is in the air. We then ate lunch at an awesome little cafe just outside the park. They make the best breakfasts. The place is always crowded. Went around again as the sun finally came out from the fog. Then came home and cooked my son's favorite dinner lasagna. My other son and DIL and their two puppies came over for dinner. It was so fun watching the puppies explore the new house and new toys. They ran and played. Good food and fun to have all the family around. Whew was tired when day was done! Today really is a rest day except for a good walk as the temperature such be above freezing. Today started off relaxing. My son headed out the door only to rush right back in to say he had to take my car as his has a flat tire. We switched cars and then I come back to get in only to find he has locked me out of the house. My DH is upstairs in the shower so he can't hear me. I run over to where my son is waiting to pick up his friend. And he cant hear me as he is playing the music so loud. When I get there he yells at me for not taking my key or phone. Really! Well he calls my husband and drives me home which is not out of the way! My husband let me in and then he grills me on why I did not have a phone or my keys. Really! Glad I have the rest of my day for just myself!

Chris so glad the doctor's appt went well. That is awesome about the film just sorry though you have to be part of it. I am sure Scott will be a star!

Phylis hope the visit went well with your Aunts! So sorry about the iPad. Glad it repaired itself.

Trudy hope as Phylis says you are asleep.

Astrid Hi!

Have a great day all.


Well-Known Member
Nancy, you are a saint. please tell the men in your life that they are LUCKY not to have to deal with this bitchy lady you know online. i won't even TELL you what would have come out of my mouth. how did this get to be something YOU did wrong? well, no doubt your blood pressure is a lot lower than mine, so that's a plus for you!

forgot to say above: here's the latest in my missing $700 box i tried sending (insured) to my son. it is apparently TOTALLY gone without trace, so i was advised to file a claim. i have all necessary documents and submitted them with the claim, except for the necklace, which is included in the claim but I also said : I KNOW YOU CAN'T REIMBURSE ME FOR THE NECKLACE SINCE I HAVE NO DOCUMENTATION. guess what i learned yesterday when i checked the USPS site about the status of my claim?? it was denied. yep. you heard me. DENIED. apparently they have sent me a letter telling me why. this should be interesting. if they think i'm done with this, they really have no idea about who i am.

damn. and these are the people who want to run your healthcare. beware.

i hereby proclaim this to be "Give Phylis a Wide Berth for Your Own Protection" Day.

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The Loopy-O
I am back from getting blood done, had a quick b-fast and then I need to get to work on some other things around the house-- sorting some old newspapers and looking for pics of Scott.

Thanks for letting me brag on and on and on about my kids. I love them, they are the best :love:

Phyllis- Too funny!!! a few months ago, Leah posted that photo on Scott's FB, and tagged me too- She said, that is pretty much Grandma (my mom). I posted back that she would also say, if there was something that you were wishing for and it wasn't out, she would cook it up fresh :pound:

I don't know WTH is wrong with the USPS???????!!!!!!!!!

Nancy I hope that the rest of your day gets better! (MEN!!!!)

From yesterday:

Trudy-- please tell me that you got a good night's sleep last night! I really hope you did.
I have been working on a couple of things here and there for the party too!

Phyllis- Ugh, deductible SUCK! And for real!!! Rain is so much nicer than snow. Of course, we are getting water in the basement today, but rain... not snow!
How was the visit with your Aunts?

Astrid- yes we get coverage for Pap smears and mammograms here, thank goodness. No more pap smears for me-eee, cuz I don't got a cer-vix :dance: but I guess what I gain in that is recouped, and then some, by my "every 6 months" of mammograms.
Ohhhhh!! How wonderful for you to see your DD happy!!!! I think one of the things I love most about Leah (Scott's girlfriend of 2 1/2 years) is that she makes him laugh and laugh. After so many years of seeing him sick and unhappy, to listen to them together is just incredible. Bet it is that same feeling you had!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! Yes I was still sleeping!! I actually slept through most of the night for a change!! Hooray!!! I woke up at 4am for a visit to the washroom, then fell right back to sleep again! I am going to be grateful for this small miracle
because I know that it will not last, but oh well it is what it is I guess and I am feeling rested today at least!

Chris - Wow that is great that this guy wants to keep up with Scotts progress and that he wants to to film you also!! You have every right to be proud of your whole family!! With all that you have ALL been through you should never be shouting from the rooftops how great they are!! Glad that you are getting rain instead of snow, but hope that the sun comes out for you soon!!

Phylis - OMG what is the matter with the postal service?? I say you do this to them LOL
after all the trouble with this parcel not getting to where it should have gone and now they are going to deny your claim??? Really??? There would be a lot of screaming and swearing going on for sure!!

I know that they have not heard the last from you!! Make their lives miserable girl!!

Nancy - Nice that your hubby and you had a great day together bird watching and going for lunch! Although the men in your life need a good kick in the pants!! How on earth is this your fault?? MEN!!! Ok now you need to get the voodoo doll out too
!! :becky: Hope you enjoy your time alone for the rest of the day!!

Well I should be getting a Skype call right away, hoping that all is good with my DD and little Mason, it is finally warmer out their way and they are now able to get outside a bit more. Mason is becoming a handful for DD as he is now transitioning into the terrible twos, she has her work cut out for her! Tough enough for someone who can easily get around, but a nightmare for someone who can't!! Better grab some more coffee before they call! Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Wow, such a lot happening with you all - just wish it were all good and voodoo dolls weren't required.

Beautiful sunny day here and in the 40s. I'll be taking my sister to a doctor's appointment and shopping. Still not getting anything done on a much overdue project and I've GOT to get going.

Sorry to be so brief, but hope everyone is doing well - or better -today.