
Daily Ooos: Thursday, June 13


The Loopy-O
GoooOd morning!
How are all of you this morning/afternoon/evening? Ready for the party here? It is going to be another amazing one. I feel like every year the Designers and Cheery Os outdo themselves. I am not putting myself in this category this year, I have been so busy I haven't had much time to prep behind the scenes I plan to scrap as much as I can over the weekend.

I had a super busy day yesterday and some of it was **^$&$$ frustrating! I was paying bills online and for some reason, two of the sites were not accepting the payments. One is an auto-pay so I will let that do its thing. The other site had "technical issues" but is saying that I made a recent payment and won't let me resubmit. It's not showing on my bank statement and it is due tomorrow. :banghead:
I cleaned for my friend- no swords on toes, always a good day. I finally vacuumed out my car. It's been way too long so I did that and hosed off the mats. Does anyone know what will happen after work today? I am going to track in more mud and leaves and dirt. Hopefully, it won't take me another 4 years to vacuum the car again. LOL

I am leading third graders in the stream today and am already figuring out in my head how to present the info to a younger group. Macroinvertabrates~> baby bugs ;)
I'm going to relate the macro larvae to the butterfly life cycle. macro=caterpillar
The intern I am working with doesn't have a ton of experience with the younger kids so he is a little nervous, kinda of how I feel with the 7th graders.

I also get to play with the rats today :lovey3: With Cait and Tom camping, I have full reign over them and will spoil them. In a very safe and healthy manner. Only a few extra Yogi treats but lots of Cheerios and toddler snack puffs. I had them out in the afternoon and got so many kisses from them.

better post this and do some quick personals. I need to leave early this morning and check on the girls/send good morning photos to their Mama before I go. Caitlyn will be worried if I don't.



The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN We are totally deeeeeeee-lightful all of the time!!
Invasives are just awful. Scott did a research project on invasive plant remediation in college and said it was so discouraging.

:lol23: at your knee tats comment!!!!!

@mimes1 My family doesn't think I am funny either. :ignore1: I think you are funny so that has to count for something. (Whether that is a good thing or not might be in the eye of the beholder Ha!!)
Ike is a beautiful soul, I can sense that through your words. Pets are the most wonderful things ever they sure know how to break our hearts. Give him some belly rubs from me ♥
I haven't been to NYC in ages so I don't have any suggestions but hope you and the girls have a blast!

@BrightEyes Stay as cool as possible today.
Hahahahah!! You and Amy are also twins! Turkey babies :rotfl:

@taxed4ever Thank you for joining me on the Slacker Cheery O Bench. I haven't been able to do anything this month. :(
Hope we all get that mojo back soon.
Once the dust settles, it will be a positive thing to have the ILs so close.
That is what I think I did to my hydrangeas- trimmed them back in the fall when I cut back my other plants. *slaps forehead* Doh!
One of the buds has three or four pink petals starting to show :dance2:

@Cherylndesigns Theryl! Helloth!
Good luck getting thse grasses out. MIL is still battling hers.
I cannot wait to see Ava's hummingbird tattoo when it's done.

@vickyday As I was researching the type of snake that we found, it looks similar to an eastern brown snake. Which is found in Australia. And we all know what that means. It can kill you! NJ only has two venomous snakes- timber rattlers and copperhead. We are careful with the kids on the trails but thankfully no sighting of those two.

((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) to you and Ilene and Carolyn's family. I am sure even when it is expected, the loss isn't any less painful. Sending good thoughts to you all~~~~

@Celestine Welcome to the Daily Ooos! I'm sorry that I am running late and can't give you the full faerywings welcome (LOL) but yup, this is the place where the cool/deeee-lightful/annoying/funny kids hang out. Glad to have you join us!
I am at ground zero for ticks and they freak me out more than just anything else in nature. Always a good reminder to be careful and tick-check yourselves every day

@AK_Tracy I prefer annoyingly delightful. What about you? :D

darn, I am so late... gotta fly :dancingbfly:


Love my O Family!
GoooOd morning!
How are all of you this morning/afternoon/evening? Ready for the party here? It is going to be another amazing one. I feel like every year the Designers and Cheery Os outdo themselves. I am not putting myself in this category this year, I have been so busy I haven't had much time to prep behind the scenes I plan to scrap as much as I can over the weekend.

I had a super busy day yesterday and some of it was **^$&$$ frustrating! I was paying bills online and for some reason, two of the sites were not accepting the payments. One is an auto-pay so I will let that do its thing. The other site had "technical issues" but is saying that I made a recent payment and won't let me resubmit. It's not showing on my bank statement and it is due tomorrow. :banghead:
I cleaned for my friend- no swords on toes, always a good day. I finally vacuumed out my car. It's been way too long so I did that and hosed off the mats. Does anyone know what will happen after work today? I am going to track in more mud and leaves and dirt. Hopefully, it won't take me another 4 years to vacuum the car again. LOL

I am leading third graders in the stream today and am already figuring out in my head how to present the info to a younger group. Macroinvertabrates~> baby bugs ;)
I'm going to relate the macro larvae to the butterfly life cycle. macro=caterpillar
The intern I am working with doesn't have a ton of experience with the younger kids so he is a little nervous, kinda of how I feel with the 7th graders.

I also get to play with the rats today :lovey3: With Cait and Tom camping, I have full reign over them and will spoil them. In a very safe and healthy manner. Only a few extra Yogi treats but lots of Cheerios and toddler snack puffs. I had them out in the afternoon and got so many kisses from them.

better post this and do some quick personals. I need to leave early this morning and check on the girls/send good morning photos to their Mama before I go. Caitlyn will be worried if I don't.

You are not alone in the non-car-sweeping! Before Mark and I got married I had Betsy (my car) to the beauty shop once every couple of months or so. I've only been once in the nearly 6 years that Mark and I have been married! I've only washed the mats once unless something got spilled on the one in the trunk while toting food to the woods for our gatherings! And I'm not sure I have ever swept the car out, LOL!


Love my O Family!
@JeanneMN We are totally deeeeeeee-lightful all of the time!!
Invasives are just awful. Scott did a research project on invasive plant remediation in college and said it was so discouraging.

:lol23: at your knee tats comment!!!!!

@mimes1 My family doesn't think I am funny either. :ignore1: I think you are funny so that has to count for something. (Whether that is a good thing or not might be in the eye of the beholder Ha!!)
Ike is a beautiful soul, I can sense that through your words. Pets are the most wonderful things ever they sure know how to break our hearts. Give him some belly rubs from me ♥
I haven't been to NYC in ages so I don't have any suggestions but hope you and the girls have a blast!

@BrightEyes Stay as cool as possible today.
Hahahahah!! You and Amy are also twins! Turkey babies :rotfl:

@taxed4ever Thank you for joining me on the Slacker Cheery O Bench. I haven't been able to do anything this month. :(
Hope we all get that mojo back soon.
Once the dust settles, it will be a positive thing to have the ILs so close.
That is what I think I did to my hydrangeas- trimmed them back in the fall when I cut back my other plants. *slaps forehead* Doh!
One of the buds has three or four pink petals starting to show :dance2:

@Cherylndesigns Theryl! Helloth!
Good luck getting thse grasses out. MIL is still battling hers.
I cannot wait to see Ava's hummingbird tattoo when it's done.

@vickyday As I was researching the type of snake that we found, it looks similar to an eastern brown snake. Which is found in Australia. And we all know what that means. It can kill you! NJ only has two venomous snakes- timber rattlers and copperhead. We are careful with the kids on the trails but thankfully no sighting of those two.

((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) to you and Ilene and Carolyn's family. I am sure even when it is expected, the loss isn't any less painful. Sending good thoughts to you all~~~~

@Celestine Welcome to the Daily Ooos! I'm sorry that I am running late and can't give you the full faerywings welcome (LOL) but yup, this is the place where the cool/deeee-lightful/annoying/funny kids hang out. Glad to have you join us!
I am at ground zero for ticks and they freak me out more than just anything else in nature. Always a good reminder to be careful and tick-check yourselves every day

@AK_Tracy I prefer annoyingly delightful. What about you? :D

darn, I am so late... gotta fly :dancingbfly:
We have copperheads here, too. I don't know about other poisonous snakes, though, but I'm sure there are! I am like you, since I know of your lyme in your family, I am paranoid of ticks! Mark got one under his belt at his waist and the head came off when Mark pulled him off. I'm the one that had to dig that sucker out and it was not easy. We applied Neosporin afterwards but it freaked me out until he showed me the next day or so that it was all healed up! WHEW!!! Since my husband died of cancer, anxiety hits me immediately when Mark gets the least little bit sick!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning Oozies!
Popping in here early today before my walk. I'm heading to my daughter's today. I want to take a run to Kohl's with her along, at least I'm hoping she wants to go with me. If not I will wait until tomorrow to go by myself. And we will most likely play Qwirkle and play Rummikub on the app when my back gets tired of sitting at her bench table.
I did get a hit on my Bible Journaling Bundle on Facebook, but the girl only wanted the Washi tape! I told her the washi included with the bundle was staying with the bundle but that I had a ton more if she was interested. So I sent her pictures and gave her a price. Fingers crossed she takes it!
No news yet on the services for Carolyn. Ilene and I cried together yesterday morning for the loss of our friend. But we know she is now in no pain and is in a better place along with her DH and our DHs!
OK, gotta get dressed and get going. Mark found evidence of a mouse in Asher's bowl this morning so I also want to pick up the scrapbook stuff that I've got strung out all over the floor so the mouse doesn't do any chewing while I'm gone!
Have a great day to all!


Well-Known Member
@vickyday I sit with my friend Tammy and my cousin Sandy in my garden. I use a potty mouth word that Tammy used all the time. I think of how brave and positive my cousin was, no one can take what is in our hearts
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@JeanneMN This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this very meaningful take on friendship. Tomorrow I will be attending the funeral of a friend. He and his wife have been my friends since elementary school. We will certainly miss his gentle, caring ways and how together he and his wife were such a wonderful couple.


Been up since 5:30AM... had a great night's sleep and wonderful dream about Bill (hubby) and I going to a formal dinner dance! Woke up with a smile on my face and so happy I dreamed about us together. :cloud9::heartpumppink:

And the :partyhorn: party is off to a great start!! I ended up scrapping the Day 1 Scraplift Challenge already this morning... and uploaded it to the galleries! We are going to have so much fun this week/weekend!!! :birthday2::birthdaygreet::cake2::party1::pillowtalk:
The big sales go into the shop at 9PM EST tonight. So many wonderful bargains and fantastic collections!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning everyone!!!

Quick flyby hi as I run to work. Packing my laptop and EHD so I can scrap for the party.

I laughed at cleaning the car. I have a van, total mom car. I usually take the vacuum out and just use that. Put the seats down so its a full floor and vacuum LOL Nothing like trying to fit the upright vacuum in the back of the van.

More later! Have a wonderful day!


Cleaning the car... I like when I take my car to the dealership for service and they also wash it and clean the inside for free! Of course, since I don't drive it alot that only happens once a year!!! :cool::floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:


Been playing around here and still in PJs.... time to go get dressed. It is already 87*F... going to be 100 to 102 today!!! Yes, momma Chris, I am planning on staying inside with the A/C running. Looking through my books for 1 or 2 to read as I relax and veg the day away. Forgot to mention that DSis called yesterday afternoon. We must have talked for over an hour. Her son has talked her into going east to spend Thanksgiving with all the family. He wants her to stay until after Christmas but hasn't made that decision yet. I am encouraging her to go and enjoy it since all her kids and family are out there.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out to the dog park in a minute, before lunch and then mahjong, followed by a snack in the late afternoon before heading out to pub night with the group where we always have dinner.

The deck is coming along nicely and I hope to have stairs in a week or so. Baby robins are doing great, they are getting stronger every day and should be out of the nest in the next week.

Tomorrow morning I leave early for the lake and hope to see baby Grebes to photograph. I think we have rain on the wkend which I don't mind b/c I want to hang out at the party here.

@faerywings have fun teaching the young ones today.

@vickyday I miss Kohl's (and Trader Joes). For about 12 yrs I shopped there all the time but now we are too far from the US border so probably won't go more than once a year if that.

I'd better get going. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning,

Theryl here. I'm trying to gear up for my day The birthday party is in full swing and the scraplift challenge looks like fun. I finally picked the lo I want to lift.

I need to do so much that my head is spinning. What do I do when I'm in this state of mind? Usually just scrap. I don't have to think when I'm scrapping. I've always said it's my best therapy.

Kay @BrightEyes what a wonderful dream about you and Bill all dressed up and attending a formal affair. I'll bet you did wake up with a smile on your face. Sending you hugs that you keep that "glow" all day. :hug3::hug4:

The words aren't flowing from my brain to my fingers at the moment, so I think I'll stop and try to come back later.

Hugs to all and sending special hugs to you Vicky @vickyday. What a wonderful poem from Jeanne @JeanneMN .

Welcome Celestine @Celestine - I also missed your joining the chat, but welcome!!

Chris @faerywings hope your day is going well and the kids are behaving. I will certainly let you know when Ava gets her new tattoo.


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out to the dog park in a minute, before lunch and then mahjong, followed by a snack in the late afternoon before heading out to pub night with the group where we always have dinner.

The deck is coming along nicely and I hope to have stairs in a week or so. Baby robins are doing great, they are getting stronger every day and should be out of the nest in the next week.

Tomorrow morning I leave early for the lake and hope to see baby Grebes to photograph. I think we have rain on the wkend which I don't mind b/c I want to hang out at the party here.

@faerywings have fun teaching the young ones today.

@vickyday I miss Kohl's (and Trader Joes). For about 12 yrs I shopped there all the time but now we are too far from the US border so probably won't go more than once a year if that.

I'd better get going. HAGD everyone.
I only look at the clearance racks at Kohl's. Trader Joe's isn't that close to me so I rarely ever go!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,

Theryl here. I'm trying to gear up for my day The birthday party is in full swing and the scraplift challenge looks like fun. I finally picked the lo I want to lift.

I need to do so much that my head is spinning. What do I do when I'm in this state of mind? Usually just scrap. I don't have to think when I'm scrapping. I've always said it's my best therapy.

Kay @BrightEyes what a wonderful dream about you and Bill all dressed up and attending a formal affair. I'll bet you did wake up with a smile on your face. Sending you hugs that you keep that "glow" all day. :hug3::hug4:

The words aren't flowing from my brain to my fingers at the moment, so I think I'll stop and try to come back later.

Hugs to all and sending special hugs to you Vicky @vickyday. What a wonderful poem from Jeanne @JeanneMN .

Welcome Celestine @Celestine - I also missed your joining the chat, but welcome!!

Chris @faerywings hope your day is going well and the kids are behaving. I will certainly let you know when Ava gets her new tattoo.
Thank you, Cheryl!:heartpumplove:


Love my O Family!
Been playing around here and still in PJs.... time to go get dressed. It is already 87*F... going to be 100 to 102 today!!! Yes, momma Chris, I am planning on staying inside with the A/C running. Looking through my books for 1 or 2 to read as I relax and veg the day away. Forgot to mention that DSis called yesterday afternoon. We must have talked for over an hour. Her son has talked her into going east to spend Thanksgiving with all the family. He wants her to stay until after Christmas but hasn't made that decision yet. I am encouraging her to go and enjoy it since all her kids and family are out there.
YIKES! We are going to reach the 90's this week but you can keep the 100's! I'm hoping the humidity stays low so the 90's don't seem so 100ish! ;)


Love my O Family!
Back from visiting with my daughter. We did go to Kohl's, Dollar Tree, and a new-to-me place called Save a Buck.
I made a great purchase of the Pacific Organic Bone Broth, chicken flavor, no salt.....$0.99 per 32 oz. container! CHA-CHING!!! I bought all 9 of them! They are $5.79 at Walmart! Worth the whole trip and more!
Tonight I want to start partying by first finding a birthday avatar!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I did my bike ride this morning - there is a small group of us who go out twice a week. We go past the local orchard, and the early peaches are ripe! They are so good. I never liked to buy peaches in the supermarket since half the time they were mealy, but since we've moved here and the orchard is just a few miles away, summer has become all peaches, all the time.

David (my husband) was sick yesterday evening and last night. He says he doesn't know why but I'm sure it's because he worked out in the heat too long. He has diabetes and takes insulin, so sometimes his blood sugar gets too low. Last night, despite several drinks of OJ, that number was just not getting out of the 70s. In the 60s it's considered dangerous. Finally it started rising, and he was better this morning. So I said, skip the bike ride and take it easy. I came home to find him mowing the lawn. Sigh. At least he stayed inside for the afternoon, it's starting to get into hot summer weather in Virginia.

So, Day 1 of the party and I've managed to keep up so far :yesss:
But we're half way through the month and I've still got almost all of those challenges to do. I guess I'm staying up late to look at what's on sale, right?


Well-Known Member
I did my bike ride this morning - there is a small group of us who go out twice a week. We go past the local orchard, and the early peaches are ripe! They are so good. I never liked to buy peaches in the supermarket since half the time they were mealy, but since we've moved here and the orchard is just a few miles away, summer has become all peaches, all the time.

David (my husband) was sick yesterday evening and last night. He says he doesn't know why but I'm sure it's because he worked out in the heat too long. He has diabetes and takes insulin, so sometimes his blood sugar gets too low. Last night, despite several drinks of OJ, that number was just not getting out of the 70s. In the 60s it's considered dangerous. Finally it started rising, and he was better this morning. So I said, skip the bike ride and take it easy. I came home to find him mowing the lawn. Sigh. At least he stayed inside for the afternoon, it's starting to get into hot summer weather in Virginia.

So, Day 1 of the party and I've managed to keep up so far :yesss:
But we're half way through the month and I've still got almost all of those challenges to do. I guess I'm staying up late to look at what's on sale, right?
Oh those darn husbands. They just dont know how to take it easy do they!!!

The peaches sound amazing. We found a local guy who grows stuff in a greenhouse and oh its amazing vs grocery store.

Dont stay up too late with the sales. :giggle4: There's no restraint after dark and sale prices.


Well-Known Member
HI Everyone! A funny car wash story - we never washed our car. We drove all the way across country and still never washed it. Until last summer, I got new tires (that's another story! hah!) and across the street was a car wash. I decide to go through. They wanted 24$ for the top wash, which I got, but then they tried to sell me a monthly subscription which would allow me unlimited washes per month for 40$. Well being that we never washed the car once in three years, that didn't seem like a good value. So, I take the car home, all clean, Mark heads out to see the girls 5 hours away and I'm home with mom. He's gone for 10 days, and comes home and says "Uh honey? There's some spots on the windshield. Can you go wash the car again?" Seriously????? So I went back, paid another 24$, but that time got the upgrade. So now, we go through the car wash as often as possible, and once every couple weeks we stop after church and do all the vacuuming. I still give Mark a hard time about that.

It's been a busy day and am just now getting in here so Heading out to leave some love and see how the party is going!
@JeanneMN and @faerywings I agree you two are deeeeelightful! You crack me up everyday and Mark doesn't ask anymore why I'm laughing at the screen! And I'm so happy to have a twin in @BrightEyes! Seriously we have so many commonalities but both of us calling our kid Turkey baby is definitely the clincher!

@Cherylndesigns I couldn't figure out why you became Theryl all of a sudden - and today in a random moment it dawned on me that's its because of your Avatar. Duh... :floorlaugh:

Tomorrow I probably won't be here much till evening. I have a doctor appt, then I'm serving at church to help with a funeral, then I pick up Mark from work. Maybe we'll go out to dinner, and then I can get home and scrap and check in for the party! Hope you all have fun tomorrow!
Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
HI Everyone! A funny car wash story - we never washed our car. We drove all the way across country and still never washed it. Until last summer, I got new tires (that's another story! hah!) and across the street was a car wash. I decide to go through. They wanted 24$ for the top wash, which I got, but then they tried to sell me a monthly subscription which would allow me unlimited washes per month for 40$. Well being that we never washed the car once in three years, that didn't seem like a good value. So, I take the car home, all clean, Mark heads out to see the girls 5 hours away and I'm home with mom. He's gone for 10 days, and comes home and says "Uh honey? There's some spots on the windshield. Can you go wash the car again?" Seriously????? So I went back, paid another 24$, but that time got the upgrade. So now, we go through the car wash as often as possible, and once every couple weeks we stop after church and do all the vacuuming. I still give Mark a hard time about that.

It's been a busy day and am just now getting in here so Heading out to leave some love and see how the party is going!
@JeanneMN and @faerywings I agree you two are deeeeelightful! You crack me up everyday and Mark doesn't ask anymore why I'm laughing at the screen! And I'm so happy to have a twin in @BrightEyes! Seriously we have so many commonalities but both of us calling our kid Turkey baby is definitely the clincher!

@Cherylndesigns I couldn't figure out why you became Theryl all of a sudden - and today in a random moment it dawned on me that's its because of your Avatar. Duh... :floorlaugh:

Tomorrow I probably won't be here much till evening. I have a doctor appt, then I'm serving at church to help with a funeral, then I pick up Mark from work. Maybe we'll go out to dinner, and then I can get home and scrap and check in for the party! Hope you all have fun tomorrow!
I'm glad you figured out the lisp. Theryl. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I've been so scattered today - I scrap for a bit, then jump up and clean, then have to rest - check the board. I'm kind of a mess today. Not sure what my problem is - I did manage to get one load of wash in the washer and now it needs to be put in the dryer.

Adrienne just called and said they're bringing food - food is good - I had a big zero last night. I decided to make donuts (I think from a post in the forum, I don't know). Anyway, I had some Pillsbury biscuits in the fridge that were nearing their expiration date. So, I decided to make donuts - except they didn't get as done as I remembered. SO, what next? The air fryer. NO - I left them in too long and they were fried like rocks. I got busy and forgot to check on them. Major fail!!


Well, it has been a horribly hot day... Got to 107*F on the back patio at 5PM... it is now 7:30PM and is still 102*F out there!!! I have stayed inside all day except for taking the trash bin out to the curb early this morning. A nice neighbor put it back on the side of the house. I have such great neighbors!!! :claphands:

I did manage to get a couple more LOs uploaded to the galleries this afternoon. Now I am beat and heading for PJs and bed.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, it has been a horribly hot day... Got to 107*F on the back patio at 5PM... it is now 7:30PM and is still 102*F out there!!! I have stayed inside all day except for taking the trash bin out to the curb early this morning. A nice neighbor put it back on the side of the house. I have such great neighbors!!! :claphands:

I did manage to get a couple more LOs uploaded to the galleries this afternoon. Now I am beat and heading for PJs and bed.
Oh geeze 107????? :fan:


Well-Known Member
Well, it has been a horribly hot day... Got to 107*F on the back patio at 5PM... it is now 7:30PM and is still 102*F out there!!! I have stayed inside all day except for taking the trash bin out to the curb early this morning. A nice neighbor put it back on the side of the house. I have such great neighbors!!! :claphands:

I did manage to get a couple more LOs uploaded to the galleries this afternoon. Now I am beat and heading for PJs and bed.
Nope nope nope! That's way toooo hot. Nope. Just stay inside!!!