
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 31


The Loopy-O
Gosh darn it! My poor brain has no concept of time or numbers or anything at this point. For the last several days/weeks, I kept thinking that yesterday was the last day of July. Such a mess of my brain. I bet it looks more like spaghetti in there...

The appt went well. The dr said what I was hoping to hear. He agreed that going "by the book" that I should take tamoxifen for 5 years. However, he agreed with me that because of all of the Lyme issues, both with medications and that the side effects of the Tamoxifen would aggravate my physical condition (biggest SE is joint pain, like I need more of *that*!!!LOL), the cons outweighed the pros.
His suggestions were to be aware of risk factors and to try to minimize them through diet, exercise, environment (limiting exposure to any hormone disrupters) , as well as careful monitoring through mammos etc. That is what my gut was telling me and I am so relieved to hear a dr agree. He did say that there is no guarantee that it won't come back and then I might not have a choice in the matter, but there is no guarantee on anything, right? :D

I am running really late this morning. I was hoping to clean out my car really good before work. But Scott asked me yesterday if I would go down to the college to speak with the financial aid people face to face since email and voice mail isn't getting him anywhere. I don't have to be at work until 12 but my morning is now officially FUBAR'd heh

Love and hugs to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, so glad you got some good advice that you can hang your hat on. hey, joint pain?? we laugh in the face of joint pain!! we fart in its general direction!! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA
i know you can handle what you need to handle. just remember to be REEELEEE good to yourself. that will help.

Sara, i got tired just thinking of all those bulletin boards to decorate!! not to mention all that other stuff you have to do! just thinking of all you're doing will help me get through the housework. i'll just keep thinking about all those bulletin boards!

more zucchini bread-baking this morn. then lots of house cleaning and car-cleaning, i think. thrilling.

have a Happy" :becky:


Well-Known Member
I am going to miss my mornings that let me read the news, Facebook, and Oscraps on my couch while sipping my coffee. :)

Good morning. No bulletin boards for me today!! Running a hedge trimmer over to my FIL (since it's his and he wants it back now). And then the pool with my friend this afternoon. Good day!!

Phylis - I am assuming it's you with all your zucchini, but did you make the parmesan cheese zucchini sticks? I am thinking of doing that with dinner tonight with some that I bought and wondered about it. Did you just do butter, parm cheese, and garlic? Baked in the oven? That's what I had in my head that I would do.

Chris - I'm glad the doctor confirmed things for you. It is a good thing that you won't have to take it for five years. That's an overwhelming thought. I totally need to clean my car too. Add that to the list of things I didn't do over the summer!

Nancy - HI!!! Hope all is well...

And everyone else who might pop in. Have a good day!


Well-Known Member
Sara, no. i didn't make the zucchini sticks. is there a recipe somewhere or what? today i'm going to try this:


mostly i've just been making zucchini bread to freeze or give away and my almond flour zucchini muffins. i always like the idea of "stuffed zucchini." but every recipe i read just doesn't appeal to me much. i like the sound of what you're going to do. garlic makes everything good!


Well-Known Member
Good morning well almost lunch! Been a busy two days. Yesterday I was up early to go and have blood drawn for my yearly physical next week, then came home ate and got ready to go with my DIL to Brigantine for some birdwatching. It is a little over two hours to get there and then we took a good two hours to driver around the refuge and photo and see the birds. It was so much fun. We saw so many birds, that is what I love about this park is that the birds are out no matter the time of day. The birds are big so you can get some great photos. We saw glossy ibis, ospreys, terns, egrets, great blue herons, oystercatcher and my favorite bird the skimmer. Then we went and ate at Shea's cafe which is another great reason to go to Brigantine. Awesome food! Then back to the park for a short hike and more photos and then home. Then I had a fun night out with the girls at a local Asian restaurant. Now this morning was a great talk with my sister. We laugh so much. I am going back in a month so excited about that. Then had errands to complete and after lunch it is pay bills day.

Chris hope the financial aid talk goes well. They can be really helpful because they know there stuff!

Phylis hope the cleaning goes well.

Sara - Hi sounds like you are busy getting ready for school while still trying to enjoying your vacation! Enjoy the pool.

Have a great day all!