
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 3


The Loopy-O
Ahhhhh!! Confusion sets in today!!! I hate confusion! I live in a constant state of inner-confusion, so when I have to deal with external-confusion, Gah!!!!

So my plan for today was this:

Pick up Scott's GF at 9 am to get her back up to my house.
Go to Kohls to return the sandals Gary ordered but hurt his feet. Use my Kohls cash to buy a new blender b/c the one I have is from before I got married.
Hit a couple of other stores on the way back up the highway.
Start packing to head out this afternoon to my parents lake house.
Go to work at 12.30.
Come home, shower, finish packing and be on the road by 4pm.

Now, I don't know what, if any of this is going to happen.
I still don't have my car back. Gary finally called yesterday afternoon to ask what was up. B/c Saturn no longer exists, the part they need can't be found (yippee, we have 2 Saturns in this household ugh). They are going to to try to modify a part to get it to work. NO freaking idea when I am going to get my car back.

New tentative plan- have my mom come up today, get our luggage and then try to squeeze the 5 humans into Scott's car. He has a CRV, and it much narrower than mine, so to get three teens in the back will be tight but that is what they want to do.

Now, I am watching the weather-- crazy storms coming through this afternoon- 12pm-7pm. Flash flooding, 60mph winds, hail. Looks like it might not be good weather to be driving in. Maybe I will have to get them all up early first thing tomorrow and deal with traffic. That is safer than the storms.

I really have a hard time dealing with all of this. And I want my car back!!!!!! I hate Gary's car and I feel bad about using Soctt's car, if he needs it too.

But I do have good news! My friend's hubby came home from the hospital yesterday! I bet she is very happy and the kids are even happier.

So that is my drama and bitchin' and moanin' for the day. Or the morning. Or maybe even just the next 5 minutes. LOL

Temptation on Thursday
Pout and stamp my feet like a 2 yo!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- wow, it was humid yesterday! Did you get bad storms by you too? I was trying to work on a Grad. crad for Leah when they got bad here but I had to shut my computer down instead. Power flickered a few times but it stayed on.

Cait and I are doing the fitness challenges together. The monday's in July even have chair massages after the walk and yoga. We each already have 10 points, for going to the kickoff and then to the Farmer's market, where we got kale, squash and homemade dog treats.

Trudy-- hugs to you and to Mason! Are you getting lots of pictures to scrap?

Sally! Hey darlin'!!! sooo proud of you for getting your mammo. My lyme dr had been way overdue for hers and she told me that I "inspired" her to go get it done as well.

Ouch Phyllis-- bite it back! :becky: Try some apple cider vinegar on them- helps take the itch away.

Sara, glad you didn't get stuck all day with the kid. But that was a good ethic for the dad to make him work off the book.
Orajel? That is cool-- Phyllis, let me know if you try it!

Ok, I have got to get rollin.............


Well-Known Member
good morning and wow did we have thunder and lightning storms go through last night. We had flash flood warnings but it did cool it off for a while. Now today with the sun it should get even more hot and humid and of course more then more storms. I have to go for my yearly skin check. After years of baking in the sun I now am being proactive to make sure everything is okay. Not much else going on. Which is good LOL

Chris I think cars breaking down must be contagious. My son was driving and his car powered down. We got a recall so he has to take that in. Bummed but at least it does not cost us anything.

Phylis so sorry you got bitten. Is your daughter's car fixed?

Sally so glad you went for your mamo.

Trudy glad you have such fun with Mason.

Sara glad to hear that the parents were not letting their child off the hook for the lost book. Glad you only had to spend a couple of hours.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone!

Chris - that just stinks to not have your car. And all the different to do list items you had planned! That makes it stressful. Try not to worry too much. Kohl's will still have blenders a few days from now. But the car issue kind of stinks. I almost bought a Saturn. I loved the Saturn people when I went with my friend and she bought one. I liked their philosophy and how they treated people. Of course, the nice ones go out of business. I hope everything works out and the car people become more talkative. I mean...why didn't they call you and explain?! Geesh! And perhaps I'm just a nervous nellie after the crazy storms a month ago, but don't go driving in wind and hail please. :)

Good morning Nancy! We had the storms last week, but not at all this week. In fact, it was gray and cloudy yesterday and 68 degrees! Bizzaro! Good for you on being proactive.

Phyllis - How are the bites.

Hi Sally!!!!

Trudy - I'm so glad you are having a great time with Mason. Who cares what the house looks like! A clean house doesn't make memories!

We have the internet guy (or gal) coming in a while. We've been having the connection drop quite a bit and when DH called, they said the sent/received packets showed "critical"...whatever that means. So I need to pick up a little and get dressed! No one wants to see me in my pajamas! Then we are going to make salad, cinnamon honey butter, and chocolate dipped marshmallows. The marshmallows were supposed to be rolled in red, white, and blue sprinkles and end up being "sparklers", but everyone is out of red, white, and blue sprinkles now. Oh well. They are still yummy. I also think that I might start cleaning out Ben's toys downstairs. We have such a huge amount of space downstairs that we never really get rid of things....but we really need to.

Tonight we are going to the College Home Run Derby and huge fireworks show. I hope Ben thinks it's fun. I grabbed some safety ear phones from school to help him feel better about the noise. He can get scared pretty easily sometimes. The teachers use these ear phones all the time to help the kids block out noise while they are trying to work or for kids who get scared of the fire alarms. Hopefully, it's more fun tonight than scary! :)

Ok. Off to get dressed and pick up. Have a fun day!!


Well-Known Member
yawn.... well, here's me, car-less for yet ANOTHER day. Chris, sorry about all your car confusion. at least my parts are still available and i don't have to BE anywhere. do be careful out there on the road. and remember to just STOP and take a few deep breaths during all this confusion. scream if it makes you feel any better, too! :becky: i was looking for the Orajel reference, couldn't find it, but i'm assuming it has to do wih my bites. the stuff probably has a "caine" of some sort in it, and i'm allergic. i was thinking about the cider vinegar approach yesterday, too. right now, though, it's a dab of Cortaid.

Nancy, do take care with the sun. Hubby is having a bit of his scalp dug out next week because of some basal cell. we both go get yearly skin exams these days. so many weird things start happening to skin as we get older.

Sara, hope your "critical packets" get taken care of! :rofl: what a good idea about the earphones. i think my son would have liked that when he was young.

Hi, Sally!

Hi, Trudy!

i think Hubby is getting out of work early today, so maybe we can have dinner early. honestly, in over 30 years of marriage, i have not gotten used to eating dinner a 6:15-ish. i grew up eating dinner at 4:30! i picked some of my green beans this morning, so looks like out side dish will be Cracker Beans, one of my mom's staples. i put a roast in early this morning, so dinner should be easy today. just add a bottle of cheap champagne, and all will be well.

Happy 4th weekend! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
afternoon all, hope everyone's day turns out better than expected. Pretty quiet here. Storms seem to have passed us by and DH out cutting grass as no excuse to put it off.


Well-Known Member
Phylis - Yes - Orajel for your bites. It probably has some kind of "cane" in it, you're right. I also heard that toothpaste will help, but that one doesn't make as much sense to me. LOL What's the firecracker beans recipe? I love me a good green bean!

Critical packets taken care of I hope. He updated a bunch of connections on the outside as it hadn't been done since the original install years ago before we even bought the house. Hopefully, that solves it.

So...house picked up, critical packets taken care of, lunch done, child off and about with a friend, some "wrap-up" from my conference taken care of, wine and cheese ingested...Now I suppose I better work on my food for tomorrow!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good afternoon ladies... I have about two minutes to myself and thought I should pop in and say hello. I have been trying to post some layouts but keep getting interrupted. Today is a stay at home day and just try to catch up on some laundry and vacuuming. Mason is asleep for now so the vacuum will have to stay put for now.

Chris - Glad to hear that the neighbour got out of the hospital and hopefully will be well on the mend! Sorry that you are having car issues and that it is playing havoc with your day! Stay calm and all will go well my friend!

Sara - Hope your internet woes are fixed soon, it is so frustrating when you pay so much for internet and it does not work well!! Good idea about the ear plugs!! Wish I would have had them for my kids when they were younger, they did not like the loud bang of the fireworks, now they both just love it lol. No fireworks for us though, they do not do them here in Duncan for some reason??? Wish they did, I love them too! Enjoy your 4th of July!!

Nancy - Glad to hear that you are taking care of your skin! I have never been able to stay out in the sun for too long, I just burn so badly, but hubby's side are all sun lovers and are all having to get checked out on a regular basis! Youngest SIL is a worshiper of the the sun and her skin looks like an old leather handbag!! Yuck!! She does not take very good care of herself and is the only one left of all the relatives that still smokes too!! Double yuck!!

Phylis - Too bad that you are still car less!! Hope you get yours back soon! What was it that bit you? Hopefully not a spider, they can be terrible!! Enjoy your early supper tonight, I too have a problem with late suppers, we always ate right at 5pm on the dot. Dad got home at 4:30 and by the time he washed and changed supper was on the table!! A great feat for my mother with 7 children to take care of lol!! I still think of her as a saint!!

Jean - Hope the storms stay away for a while now! Enjoy the freshly cut grass smell!!

Have a wonderful day everyone! :wave: