
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, July 24


The Loopy-O
GoooOd morning my lOvlies!!
How are all of you today? I am sadly Tindamax-ing, and I still have 2 more days to go. :fear: I am off to the Lyme dr this morning, so I guess she will get to see me in all of my icky "glory."

Yesterday, I made it to the beach for an hour or so and man, I did *not* want to leave. I struggled with the housework, struggled with the parenting work- Scott needs help with Financial Aid stuff with his college and they are not responding to emails/voice mails yet. Cait's school schedule is messed up and needs help getting that straightened out. The lake is the only place I can sort of stick my nose in a meaningless book (Scotland/bride-stealing/1500's) and not have to be present.

Bunny still has thats skin infection. B/c she is so big, she can't clean herself well after she pees and then poop get stuck and its just a smelly mess. Thankfully, nothing more major than that, no bladder infection or stones. Poor Cait- she is such a mess when Bunny has to go to the vet. The vet needed to clip her fur and Bunny was not liking it. I thought that Cait was going to cry. She asked me how I did it when she and Scott were babies and had to go to the drs. Told her was rough. Still is!

So today, I am off to Lyme dr, then to MIL's on the way home to pick up some stuff she has for me. Scott is off to Leah's for a couple of days so I have to see what Cait is willing to eat for dinners. We didn't make the bean-burgers last night since I was out so late. Cait made pancakes instead. yum!

Temptation on Thursday
Run away.


The Loopy-O
Hey nancy!!! Welcome back to NJ!!!! So, you flew back into Newark? How depressing is that? Whenever we came back from any vacation, flying into Newark is horrendous. You leave Orlando Airport which is beautiful and you walk out of Newark and its dirty and stinky. The kids said once-- "why is the sky brown?"
But I bet it feels great to be back home.
You have very interesting dinners.
yes, in both food and conversations LOL

TRUDY!!!!!!!!!! Look at that adorable face!!! He is sooooo cute!!!! Did you save a bit of his hair?

Phyllis- seriously!! Mason looks like Trudy so much! I am scrolling up from the picture to Trudy's avatar and wow!! Identical!
I am blessed beyond belief that my dad can help me paint. Gary is god-awful at it. Cait asked my dad why he helps me, why Gary can't. He burst out laughing and said that he saw Gary paint once when we first moved into the house and said that he probably would ave done a better job if he just threw paint on the walls. Gary can rip apart a computer and put it back together with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back, but give him a paintbrush- and it is not good. hahahaha!!!

Hope that the derm can figure out what to do about your skin.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
baking zucchini bread again. i think i'm on the tail end of this. looks like only a few more zucchinis out there. i should have about 20 loaves in the freezer for Hubby to eat during the Long Cold Dark Winter. i should probably try to freeze some of my almond flour zucchini muffins, too, to see how that works.

Chris, wish you could spend a few hours every day at the beach, doing nothing in particular, but doing anything you want. good luck at the Lyme doctor's today. i wish THAT would just go away. ha. i'm double sure you wish it would, too. chronic is the pits. i laughed at the "why is the sky brown?" question. being from the Northeast, i totally get that. i've never been to Newark, but it just makes me think: yuck!

i'm gonna try to get going on some vacuuming and dusting today. i keep putting it off. i think you could deal with the dust in my living room with a trowel! i'd better invite some company over so i'll be forced to clean, or i'll just keep putting off all this cleaning stuff....

Merry Thursday! hope it's a pleasant one for you all. we've got sunshine and going up to the mid 70s. my FAVORITE weather! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - had a loud thunderstorm last night. Woke this am to cloudy but cooler weather. Spent yesterday getting my photos in order to start my vacation book. It is always fun to see them again. Today is really back to reality. Must go grocery shopping. Need to do laundry. And I am angry that my husband can not manage to keep things nice. He has been grilling and has not been putting the cover on so last night it was drenched as I did not notice until this morning that it was not covered. Really how hard is it to put on the cover. I also had taken my bike in for maintenance and it was not ready when I left so I asked my son to get it for me. Well my husband went down and got it and called me while on vacation asking if I paid for everything and I had not not so he had to pay for the bike rack. Well he took my bike when it was not ready. I am so irritated that I have to take it back. But on the good side I made my flight reservations for my next vacation to Arizona and Utah. Because of my miles I only paid $100. Loving it.

Chris so glad you got some me time at the Lake! How nice of Cait to make pancakes. I love breakfast for dinner. Hope visit to Dr goes well.

Phylis I hope Dr. figures out if that skin can be removed. My last visit to my dermatologist had him removing two patches of skin.

Trudy - that photo of Mason is adorable! And as others have said he looks so much like you.

Have a great day all!