
Daily Ooos: Thursday, July 18


The Loopy-O
Guess what????
It is 68* here!!! The humidity is low(er) and the windows are open. Gary must have turned the ACs off last night because I slept so much better. The racket they make wakes me up more than I usually do. It will only be in the mid-80s. Hopefully, the humidity will be in the normal NJ range. Perfect day for me to visit with my BFF and float in her pool.

Nothing to report from yesterday. Basically, another dull day. The highlight is the MoB shoes I ordered came in yesterday. I grabbed three pairs from Amazon and two are def. going back. The third looked the nicest and felt the most comfortable. It's a three-inch heel so my body will need to practice walking and balancing in them. They are a little big but I think if I put inserts in they'll be ok. Probably better to have them slightly loose because my feet will swell by the end of the day.

It's a darn good thing they came in because the bridal shop where I am getting the alterations done is closed from mid-Aug to mid-September. My mom and I have an appt this Saturday. *gulps*

Scott and Sam left NJ at 2 am to go to Ohio for a music festival. I hope they are having decent weather for driving and camping. Good thoughts for them, please :praying2:

I need to get my head outta my butt and get crackin' -- life is whizzing by and it's making me a little dizzy when I think about it.:duckdown:



The Loopy-O
@Nonni F I loooooove the pics you shared of the babies. Their tails are AWE-some. They look utterly adorable and sweet and deserve even more pets and scritches.

@JeanneMN The b-ball game sounds exciting, a nail-biter for sure. Sorry that they didn't win, but congrats to DGS about the triple! My nephew is prepping for a Cooperstown trip next week with this team. Some nationwide tournament is going on. I'm not sure who is most excited, my brother, my sis in law or my nephew :D
I would have crashed and burned at the hour you got home, the movie must have been engaging to stay awake.
Did you :mowing: your legs? :rotfl:

@vickyday The knee/leg is better a little every day just not enough to where I want it. Thank you!
How nice to make a new friend and one that enjoys Quirkle!
How is Mark feeling? Did he take a test? Good healthy thoughts to both of you~~~~

I didn't have rice wine so I threw in a little extra of the rice wine vinegar. I also used a little more fresh ginger- I love that stuff.
I made a ton of white rice but I think brown would have been excellent too.
OMG! Don't ever tease me like that!! Ketchup on banana bread!? :notinfrontofthekids:
Here is the recipe I use- instead of shortening I use a mix of coconut oil and margarine and I'll swap low-fat sour cream for the mayo to "save calories." :giggle4: I add way more walnuts and chic chips too. I'll mix semi-sweet, dark, and white choc chips if I have them.
This is dense and moist not dry or fluffy.
Whine away about menopause, I'll be more than happy to join you. I hope the heartburn goes away so you can drink coffee again.

@Terri M What is Neon Highway about?
Is your weather any cooler today like it is here? Hope so! Enjoy trying a new restaurant!

@BrightEyes Ooooh what a bad run of luck with your family. I always tell my sis in law that her family needs permanent bubble wrap. I think you all need some too. Good luck to DSIL#2, he must be so discouraged :(

@taxed4ever Ugh, you finally have time to go on a hike and it is canceled because of the heat. That stinks! At least you had the day to visit with your brother. Hope the swim was as lovely as it sounds.
That's a good point about the crows and hawks. I've been listening to one for the last hour and I haven't heard a crow at all today. I've seen several hawks in the area recently but I'll have to keep my eyes open.

@bcgal00 How exciting planning the cruise and excursions. You should see some nice color in Boston.
Caitlyn booked two excursions for her honeymoon- one is a pontoon trip to see manatees and the other is to feel sea lions. She and Tom are extremely excited! (Me- I'm jealous LOL)

@AK_Tracy Good idea about the thermos! As long as I remember to turn the coffee pot back on, it will stay warm for the four hours. The tricky part is remembering to do that. *taps forehead where non-caffeinated brain resides*
OMG, your purple and blue hair is awesome! I love how it peeks from underneath. You have a room lighting smile too!
sooooo darn sorry that the massages have to hurt. to make it better. Is there anything you can take for that or maybe use heat packs?

@Nonni F That cartoon-- I feel it, 100% I feel it.



Love my O Family!
Guess what????
It is 68* here!!! The humidity is low(er) and the windows are open. Gary must have turned the ACs off last night because I slept so much better. The racket they make wakes me up more than I usually do. It will only be in the mid-80s. Hopefully, the humidity will be in the normal NJ range. Perfect day for me to visit with my BFF and float in her pool.

Nothing to report from yesterday. Basically, another dull day. The highlight is the MoB shoes I ordered came in yesterday. I grabbed three pairs from Amazon and two are def. going back. The third looked the nicest and felt the most comfortable. It's a three-inch heel so my body will need to practice walking and balancing in them. They are a little big but I think if I put inserts in they'll be ok. Probably better to have them slightly loose because my feet will swell by the end of the day.

It's a darn good thing they came in because the bridal shop where I am getting the alterations done is closed from mid-Aug to mid-September. My mom and I have an appt this Saturday. *gulps*

Scott and Sam left NJ at 2 am to go to Ohio for a music festival. I hope they are having decent weather for driving and camping. Good thoughts for them, please :praying2:

I need to get my head outta my butt and get crackin' -- life is whizzing by and it's making me a little dizzy when I think about it.:duckdown:

LOVE the shoes!
Prayers for Scott and Sam to have decent weather, safe travels, and a great time!


Love my O Family!
@Nonni F I loooooove the pics you shared of the babies. Their tails are AWE-some. They look utterly adorable and sweet and deserve even more pets and scritches.

@JeanneMN The b-ball game sounds exciting, a nail-biter for sure. Sorry that they didn't win, but congrats to DGS about the triple! My nephew is prepping for a Cooperstown trip next week with this team. Some nationwide tournament is going on. I'm not sure who is most excited, my brother, my sis in law or my nephew :D
I would have crashed and burned at the hour you got home, the movie must have been engaging to stay awake.
Did you :mowing: your legs? :rotfl:

@vickyday The knee/leg is better a little every day just not enough to where I want it. Thank you!
How nice to make a new friend and one that enjoys Quirkle!
How is Mark feeling? Did he take a test? Good healthy thoughts to both of you~~~~

I didn't have rice wine so I threw in a little extra of the rice wine vinegar. I also used a little more fresh ginger- I love that stuff.
I made a ton of white rice but I think brown would have been excellent too.
OMG! Don't ever tease me like that!! Ketchup on banana bread!? :notinfrontofthekids:
Here is the recipe I use- instead of shortening I use a mix of coconut oil and margarine and I'll swap low-fat sour cream for the mayo to "save calories." :giggle4: I add way more walnuts and chic chips too. I'll mix semi-sweet, dark, and white choc chips if I have them.
This is dense and moist not dry or fluffy.
Whine away about menopause, I'll be more than happy to join you. I hope the heartburn goes away so you can drink coffee again.

@Terri M What is Neon Highway about?
Is your weather any cooler today like it is here? Hope so! Enjoy trying a new restaurant!

@BrightEyes Ooooh what a bad run of luck with your family. I always tell my sis in law that her family needs permanent bubble wrap. I think you all need some too. Good luck to DSIL#2, he must be so discouraged :(

@taxed4ever Ugh, you finally have time to go on a hike and it is canceled because of the heat. That stinks! At least you had the day to visit with your brother. Hope the swim was as lovely as it sounds.
That's a good point about the crows and hawks. I've been listening to one for the last hour and I haven't heard a crow at all today. I've seen several hawks in the area recently but I'll have to keep my eyes open.

@bcgal00 How exciting planning the cruise and excursions. You should see some nice color in Boston.
Caitlyn booked two excursions for her honeymoon- one is a pontoon trip to see manatees and the other is to feel sea lions. She and Tom are extremely excited! (Me- I'm jealous LOL)

@AK_Tracy Good idea about the thermos! As long as I remember to turn the coffee pot back on, it will stay warm for the four hours. The tricky part is remembering to do that. *taps forehead where non-caffeinated brain resides*
OMG, your purple and blue hair is awesome! I love how it peeks from underneath. You have a room lighting smile too!
sooooo darn sorry that the massages have to hurt. to make it better. Is there anything you can take for that or maybe use heat packs?

@Nonni F That cartoon-- I feel it, 100% I feel it.

Mark is NON-COVID! Woohoo! And he is feeling somewhat better!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Quick in and out as I am heading to the Save-a-Buck store. I need some broth to soak Asher's dog food in to make it softer for him. His old teeth can't handle the hard stuff as well, especially since he had to have one of his canine's removed.
Working on catching up on my ATC cards today. I'm a month+ behind! YIKES!
Mark is feeling better and is NON-COVID! Thank You, Lord!
OK. I'm still in my pj's and need to get off of here and get my butt in gear!
Have a great day!